This article was co-authored by Susana Jones, C-IAYT. Based in San Diego, Susana Jones is a Yoga Therapist and Educator with 12 years of experience serving groups, individuals and organizations. She is certified with the International Association of Yoga Therapists, registered as an E-RYT 500 with Yoga Alliance and holds a Bachelor’s degree from the University of Colorado. Susana offers therapeutic yoga to private clients through Shakti Urbana and mentors students of the internationally accredited Soul of Yoga. Susana dedicates her work to peaceful living on a healthy planet.
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Superbrain Yoga is a simple beneficial exercise that does not involve any complicated body twists or turns. It is designed to help improve aspects of your mental health such as concentration. Superbrain yoga is a simple activity that involves touching the ears and doing squats. With a little effort, you can easily gain the benefits of superbrain yoga.
Getting into the Position
1Face the correct direction based on age. Those who practice superbrain yoga believe the direction you face can influence your energy and concentration. Most people who engage in superbrain yoga should face the east. However, if you are elderly, face the north.[1]
- If you're unsure of direction, invest in a compass to engage in superbrain yoga. Some smartphones come with a compass application. You can also download a compass application.
2Remove all jewelry. Superbrain yoga requires a high level of mental concentration. Before engaging in superbrain yoga, remove any jewelry you are wearing.
- Some people may be hesitant to remove wedding or engagement rings. Although superbrain yoga is most effective with no jewelry, rings are usually not as distracting as other types of jewelry. If you prefer, you can keep rings on.
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3Stand up straight. Superbrain yoga is most effective if you practice good posture. To begin the routine, stand in a quiet room as straight as possible.
- To stand up straight, lift your head and back upward slightly. Allow your torso, front, back, and spine to lengthen. Widen your shoulders and keep your feet flat on the ground.[2]
Doing Your Routine
1Place your tongue on the roof of your mouth. To start your routine, position your tongue correctly. During superbrain yoga, your tongue should be just behind your teeth on the roof of your mouth. It's the same place your tongue would be if you were about to say "La." Keep your tongue there for the whole exercise.
2Touch your right earlobe with your left hand. Cross your left hand over your upper body. Use your thumb and forefinger to hold onto your right earlobe. Keep your thumb in the front.[3]
3Touch your left earlobe with your right hand. Now, cross your right hand over your upper body. Use your thumb and forefinger to hold your left earlobe. Just like with your left hand, your thumb should be in front.[4]
4Inhale and exhale while bending your knees. Bend your knees to lower your body towards the ground. As you do so, inhale through your nose. Then, lift your body as you exhale.[5]
5Repeat 15 to 21 times. After doing one squat, repeat the exercise 15 to 21 more times. Find a number of repetitions within that frame that is comfortable to you. Remember to keep your back straight and your tongue on the roof of your mouth.[6]
Practicing Superbrain Yoga Regularly
1Practice most days. The more regularly you do superbrain yoga, the better. The first few times you try the routine, you may not notice a marked difference in your thinking and concentration. However, if you strive to practice every day, you may eventually notice improved concentration and overall cognitive functioning.[7]
- Keep in mind, the benefits of superbrain yoga are not proven. Not everyone will notice an improvement in mental functioning by using superbrain yoga.
2Establish a space in your home to practice. If you want to engage in any kind of yoga routine regularly, it's important to have the space to practice. Find a quiet place in your home free from distractions, such as your bedroom or a living room without a television. As many people enjoy practicing yoga in the morning, it can be helpful to choose an area that gets a lot of sunlight.[8]EXPERT TIPCertified Yoga Therapist & EducatorSusana Jones, C-IAYT
Certified Yoga Therapist & EducatorOur Expert Agrees: Choose a space that is removed from the stresses of daily life. This could be your phone or computer, the television, or other people. Find a space that lets you feel completely calm and relaxed.
3Give yourself an occasional break. Yoga should ideally be relaxing. If you find yourself stressing out about your superbrain yoga routine, take a day off. Superbrain yoga should make you feel better mentally. If it's causing stress, a break can help you recharge.[9]
How Do You Reduce Distractions During Yoga?
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About This Article
To do superbrain yoga, remove all of your jewelry, stand up straight, and place your tongue on the roof of your mouth. Touch your right earlobe with your left hand and your left earlobe with your right hand. Inhale through your nose as you bend your knees into a squat position, then lift your body back to a standing position as you exhale. Repeat this 15 to 21 times while keeping your back straight and your tongue on the roof of your mouth! To learn about the benefits of regular practice, read on!