If you are beginning your career as a lawyer, or you need to present a professional appearance for any reason, it’s important that you dress appropriately. For men, a well-cut suit will generally do the job. Women can opt for a suit, or combine a blazer with a skirt or dress. Be fairly conservative to start with, and pay attention to how your colleagues dress.

Method 1
Method 1 of 3:

Understanding Wardrobe Expectations

  1. 1
    Think about where you live. There are big differences in dress codes and expectations depending on where you live. Different regions of the United States have different expectations and dress codes. Before you go to work on day one, try to understand the norms where you are and follow them. If you are not sure, be cautious and dress formally and conservatively. If you are making a court appearance, always wear a suit or other professional business attire.
    • In places where the weather is warm and/or where the culture is more laid back, you may find that it is appropriate to dress casually. For example, in San Diego, lawyers often dress more casually because of the warm weather and laid back atmosphere.
    • If you live in an area that is colder or where the weather is more unpredictable, you may dress in layers and maybe even more formally. For example, in Washington D.C., the weather can be unpredictable and cold so more people may wear a suit and jacket.
    • In places where a suit and tie are the norm, you may be expected to follow along. For example, in New York City, most people always wear a suit and tie to work. In all likelihood, you will be expected to do the same.
    • Think about the culture of where you work and live. In some places, lawyers may have a reputation for dressing formally and luxuriously. In other places, lawyers may be expected to dress conservatively. For example, in New York City, many lawyers dress extremely formally and wear very nice clothes. You may even see lawyers walking around with expensive suits and bags. However, in a place like rural Iowa, you may be more likely to dress professionally but conservatively. While you may wear a suit, it may not be a name brand and you may not want to be flashy.
  2. 2
    Know who your clients are. Apart from making wardrobe decisions based on the climate, attorneys also make wardrobe decisions based on their clients. For example, in big law firms in New York City where clients are often wealthy business people, you may be expected to dress formally in order to match the attire of your clientele. In contrast, if you work in Silicon Valley and represent young tech executives, you may be expected to dress casually and comfortably (there are even jokes that tech people do not trust someone wearing a tie).
  3. 3
    Understand who you work for. Different work environments have different dress codes. Know what your employer expects before you go to work. For example, if you work in a big corporate law firm, you are likely going to be expected to wear a suit and tie to work every day. However, if you work for a nonprofit organization, you may dress more casually and comfortably. Even better, if you work for yourself, you may be able to wear whatever you like.
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Method 2
Method 2 of 3:

Dressing like a Lawyer for Women

  1. 1
    Wear a suit. For appearances in court, and important meetings and consultations, you will generally be expected to wear a suit. This could be a trouser-suit, or you could wear a smart skirt with a blazer. If you opt for a skirt, be sure that you understand if there are any particular expectations in your office. In some instances, skirts should fall within two or three inches of the knee.
    • Bare legs might be a problem, so pay attention to those around you and just wear some tights if necessary.[1]
    • A dark suit with a light shirt is a fool-proof option for a professional look.
  2. 2
    Opt for a smart dress. Instead of wearing a suit, you could choose a smart dress. It’s important to maintain a conservative and professional look, but a sheath dress combined with a blazer is perfectly acceptable in most cases. If you are wearing a sleeveless dress, be sure to have a blazer or at least a cardigan handy to cover your arms and avoid exposed straps.[2]
    • As with skirts, there will often be an expectation that dresses are around knee-length and are not overly tight.
    • Stick with dark colours to start with while you get a handle on the culture and expectations of your office.
  3. 3
    Always have a blazer at hand. For women, just adding a blazer will immediately make you look more professional. You can wear a blazer over a skirt, dress, or with trousers. Having a dark blazer hung up in your office is a good way to be sure that you can smarten up quickly if you have an unexpected meeting or a client comes in for a consultation.[3]
    • Black, charcoal, dark grey, and navy are all good options for an all-purpose dark blazer.
  4. 4
    Consider one luxury item. Smart and somewhat conservative clothes will help you look professional and reliable, but you can add a luxury item to help you look successful. Consider one expensive designer bag, scarf, or something else, from a recognisable luxury brand. Research suggests that when people see somebody wearing a luxury brand they tend to think of them as successful and well-suited to a job.[4]
    • Maintain balance and don't gratuitously cover yourself in designer logos.
    • Try to tie one luxury item in with the rest of your outfit, so it looks natural and not deliberate.
  5. 5
    Wear smart but practical shoes. You might think wearing big heels will help you look confident and powerful, but if you can’t move freely or you are putting yourself in pain, then the benefits are lost. Opt for shoes that are smart and professional, but also practical. Kitten heels, wedges, and flats are all perfectly good choices for a lawyer.
    • If you want to wear high heels for a meeting or consultation, but not throughout the day, just keep a smart pair of flats under the desk that you can subtly change into.[5]
  6. 6
    Lean towards being conservative. A lawyer spends a lot of time meeting clients and prospective clients, so it’s important that you make a good first impression. For this reason it’s advisable to lean more towards conservative dress if you are in any doubt. This is especially true if you are at the beginning of our career and are still trying develop your reputation.
    • You want people to remember you for your talent and competence, not for your clothes.
    • Doing something simple like slipping on a cardigan if you are wearing a sleeveless dress before meeting a client can make a difference.
    • Once you gain more experience, confidence and greater understanding of the culture of your workplace you can begin to branch out a little.[6]
  7. 7
    Don’t overdo the make-up. How you present yourself professionally extends beyond your clothes, so you should try to be consistent and use make-up sparingly. You will have to use your judgement and learn from your colleagues as you go, but as with clothes, try to avoid anything that will distract from your professionalism.
    • For example, if you opt for red lipstick, make sure the rest of your make-up is subtle.[7]
    • Find the right balance and talk to colleagues that you trust if you are in any doubt.
  8. 8
    Consider shorter hair. Your hairstyle is another factor that can influence how people respond to you. Just as you aim for clothes that give you a professional, smart and somewhat conservative appearance, your hair should do the same. Although you will have to judge what suits you, one basic rule is to keep your hair shoulder-length or a little shorter.
    • Excessively long hair may prompt clients to think of you as inexperienced and potentially unreliable.
    • A shoulder-length cut kept tidy with hair spray might be your best option.[8]
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Method 3
Method 3 of 3:

Dressing like a Lawyer for Men

  1. 1
    Wear a suit. Dressing like a lawyer for men is relatively simple. If you’re going to court, meeting a client, or going to an event, you should be wearing a well-cut suit. Generally dark suits in black, navy or grey will be the staples of your lawyering wardrobe. Combine a dark suit with a lighter shirt for a smart look. You can’t go wrong with a classic dark suit teamed with a white shirt and a plain coloured tie.[9]
  2. 2
    Don’t forget the tie. You are not completely dressed until you have put on your tie. Although the requirement to wear a tie in the office might be diminishing in other areas, for lawyers it is still an important part of dressing appropriately. The tie does give you the possibility to add a little colour or pattern to your outfit, but avoid jokey or comedy ties at all times.
  3. 3
    Shine your shoes. The basic rule for footwear is to have well-polished smart leather shoes. People do notice what’s on your feet, and anything other than properly looked after leather shoes will simply not do. Brown and black are the basic colours that you should stick to in most instances.[10]
    • You can opt for matte leather if you don’t like especially shiny shoes.
    • If you take care of good quality shoes they will last a long time.
  4. 4
    Create a strong overall impression. You should think about how to present yourself beyond what clothes you wear. Law is an incredibly competitive industry, so the first impression you make is crucial. People will be judging you, and even if you have a sharp suit and immaculately polished shoes, an unhealthy and unkempt appearance could put people off.[11]
    • An un-ironed shirt, a two-day beard or an extravagant haircut will not necessarily make you appear as professional as you would like.
    • Make sure you are well groomed as well as well dressed.
  5. 5
    Keep facial hair in check. There’s no problem with a well-kept beard, but avoid stubble and soul-patches. You don’t have to make yourself look identical to every other lawyer, but you do have a responsibility to conform to certain standards of presentation. Always pay attention to how your colleagues dress and present themselves.[12]
  6. 6
    Take out any facial piercings. Piercings and tattoos are becoming much more common than they were even a few years ago, but it's still advisable to opt for a more conservative look at work. For male lawyers, facial piercings are in most instances still considered inappropriate.[13]
    • Respond to the culture in your office, and respect staff who think a nose ring presents an unprofessional image.
    • If you have to remove facial piercings, just think of it as part of getting dressed for work.
  7. Advertisement

About This Article

Clinton M. Sandvick, JD, PhD
Co-authored by:
Doctor of Law, University of Wisconsin-Madison
This article was co-authored by Clinton M. Sandvick, JD, PhD. Clinton M. Sandvick worked as a civil litigator in California for over 7 years. He received his JD from the University of Wisconsin-Madison in 1998 and his PhD in American History from the University of Oregon in 2013. This article has been viewed 69,821 times.
112 votes - 73%
Co-authors: 15
Updated: October 28, 2022
Views: 69,821
Categories: Clothes by Type