Guys, you have it made in the shade when it comes to dressing for a rave. Pretty much anything goes for you, so that should take some of the pressure off. Before you jet though, consider a few minor things like the location. Is it a beach rave or will you be in a dirt field? Will the craziness be confined to the indoors or outdoors? With these questions in mind, coupled with comfort, you’ll be winning before you even arrive to the party!

Part 1
Part 1 of 4:

Picking a Top

  1. 1
    Choose a t-shirt. You can never go wrong with a simple t-shirt as they will work for any rave whether indoor or outdoor, day or night. They have a relaxed feel which is what raves are all about. Find one that suits the occasion and your personality. Perhaps one with a funny saying like “Keep Calm and Rave On” would work or “Eat, Sleep, Rave.”
    • Try to stay away from an all-white tee. It will probably be 3 shades of brown before the night is over due to sweating and accidental spills.
    • T-shirts made of breathable material are the best way to go. Something like pure cotton will allow you to stay cool and comfy.
  2. 2
    Wear a tank. Tank tops are great as they allow you to stay cool while still being shielded from the sun. Plus, if you've been spending countless hours in the gym and want to show off those guns, a basic tank top is the best choice for you.
    • There are lots of options out there so pick a crazy, stand-out color like neon green, yellow or orange.
    • You and your buddies can even get similar tanks. This is a good way to spot each other in the crowd.
  3. 3
    Go shirtless. Try going shirtless if you'll be in the sun the majority of the time. If you're going to a beachside rave, for example, or if you'll be in direct sunlight at an outdoor venue, consider ditching the shirt altogether.
    • Don’t forget the sunscreen if you dare to bare.
    • Bring a small towel along to wipe off some sweat.
  4. 4
    Wear a hoodie. Raves taking place during cooler months or in colder climates call for a hooded sweatshirt. While you may be warm in the middle of the day or while dancing, evenings may be a little chilly. This is especially true for parties taking place in the desert.
    • Avoid a plain, boring one that’s gray or black. Find one that still speaks to your personality and is covered in LED lights or a wild animal image.[1]
    • Don't put anything important in your hoodie pockets unless they're on the inside of the jacket. Losing a glow stick is one thing but losing your ID would be a nightmare.
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Part 2
Part 2 of 4:

Choosing Pants

  1. 1
    Opt for shorts. Wear a pair of shorts if you plan to show off your crazy dancing footwork. Shorts are also a good choice if you're concerned about staying cool. There’s no need to go conventional here. Pick something outrageous like disco ball patterned shorts.
    • Cargo shorts are always a good option. All the extra pockets will come in handy for carrying a cell phone and wallet.
  2. 2
    Wear jeans. Jeans are made from a pretty durable material and can usually take a beating. Stick with this option if planning to hang out at a rave for several days without bringing a bunch of extra clothes. Jeans are also the classic option for events like these.
    • If you decide to go this route, remember to wear a pair that are wide-legged and loose-fitting so you can still move around easily. Anything snug will just get uncomfortable after a while.
    • Be sure to wear a ratty pair you won't mind getting dirty or torn. This is definitely not the time to wear the designer pair you just bought. They will be ruined before the sun sets.
  3. 3
    Think about a costume. Whether you're a rave veteran or a first-timer, certain events like Coachella, for example, call for a costume. In general, raves are about embracing who you are and indulging in the quirky and outrageous. Showcase this side of yourself and do absolutely anything you want! Whether it’s a costume of a giant owl or a robot, there’s no right or wrong answer. Go with what you feel inspired by.[2]
    • Consider the particular rave you’re going to. For instance, if it’s around election time, make a political statement with your get-up.
    • It’s a ton of fun to coordinate costumes with friends. You guys could pick something like video game characters.
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Part 3
Part 3 of 4:

Choosing Footwear

  1. 1
    Don sneakers. You’ll be on your feet the vast majority of the time while at a rave. Wandering around for hours, sometimes even days can wreck havoc on your feet. To keep them from aching, wear a comfortable pair of sneakers. Make sure that they are really broken in, loose fitting and light weight.
    • Keep in mind that they don’t have to look good. No one will be looking at your feet.
    • If you want them to coordinate with your ensemble, jazz them up with brightly colored or LED shoelaces.
    • Remember to bring an extra pair of socks or two. You will be glad you did if yours become soggy from sweat.
  2. 2
    Skip the flip flops. Flip flops are great for most occasions but this is not one of them. They don’t offer any support for your feet and your toes will get trampled by partiers.
    • This is true even if you’re on the beach in Miami or Ibiza.
  3. 3
    Never go barefoot. People drop all sorts of things on the ground, spill things and who knows what else. You will regret going barefoot immediately. Since there is no way to do so safely, stick with shoes at all times. You could step on something really dangerous and ruin your entire trip. Plus, the blistering sand or concrete will be unbearable.
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Part 4
Part 4 of 4:

Thinking about Accessories

  1. 1
    Take a backpack. You will want to keep some crucial items with you at all times as it's not really convenient to run back and forth to the car or tent (if you have one). You can keep your hands free to snap pictures and items safe while dancing by carrying a backpack. You won’t need a huge one, just something small for the essentials.
    • Bring along an extra cell phone battery and/or charger, chapstick, water canister and ID.[3]
  2. 2
    Wear a hat. If you'll be attending a daytime rave, it would be a good idea to put a hat on to protect your dome from harsh sun rays. As long as it’s cool and helps shield your face and head from the sun, you're in good shape. Even if it's a nighttime rave a sweet baseball cap will be fashionable.
    • Cowboy or trucker hats will do the trick as well.
    • Think outside the box here as well. This is the perfect time to wear that wild wig you’ve had in the closet.
  3. 3
    Don’t forget sunglasses. Just imagine partying all night long and waking up without sunglasses. Ouch. Not only will they protect your eyes from the blinding sun, they are cool. Choose inexpensive ones in case you lose them.
    • You don’t have to save them for the following morning. These can really set your outfit off during the day too so pick ones with a fun colored frame and reflective lenses.[4]
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    How do I get a girlfriend?
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This article was co-authored by wikiHow Staff. Our trained team of editors and researchers validate articles for accuracy and comprehensiveness. wikiHow's Content Management Team carefully monitors the work from our editorial staff to ensure that each article is backed by trusted research and meets our high quality standards. This article has been viewed 165,513 times.
65 votes - 59%
Co-authors: 17
Updated: March 3, 2023
Views: 165,513
Categories: Clothes by Type
Article SummaryX

If you’re dressing to go to a rave, anything goes, but you'll want to wear something that embraces the mood of the event. Pick crazy, stand-out colors like neon green, yellow, or orange. Hoodies are another great choice for cooler weather. Go for something that speaks to your personality, like one that’s covered in LED lights or a wild animal image. You can even wear a costume to a rave, or coordinate a costume with your friends, like everyone going as a video game character. Consider accessorizing your outfit with a cowboy or trucker hat or sunglasses with colorful frames or reflective lenses. To learn how to pick the best footwear for a rave, keep reading!

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