If you're really tired, it might sound tempting to snooze for more than nine hours. However, oversleeping can disturb your body’s natural rhythms, and it can actually make you feel more tired and groggy the next day. Additionally, if you’ve overslept, you may be late for something or rushing to get somewhere, which means you may be stressed or anxious. Fortunately, if you get good hydration and nutrition, engage in some physical activity, and stimulate your senses, you can help yourself feel better after oversleeping.

Method 1
Method 1 of 3:

Nourishing and Hydrating Your Body

  1. 1
    Drink a large glass of water. While you were sleeping, your body was continuing to perform its normal functions, which use up a lot of water. Since you’ve slept longer than normal, and you haven’t been taking in any additional water, you’re probably suffering from a little bit of dehydration. Give your body what it needs by downing a large glass of water.[1]
    • Additionally, if you’ve overslept because you drank alcohol the night before, you may be even more dehydrated than you realize.
  2. 2
    Eat some fresh fruit if you don’t have an appetite. When you wake up normally, you’re in a “fasted” state because you haven’t taken in any food for a long period of time. Oversleeping can exacerbate the effects and cause a major drop in blood sugar because you’ve gone even longer than usual since your last meal. A quick and easy way you can give your metabolism a jump start by eating some fresh fruit.[2]
    • Even if you don’t feel hungry, you still need to eat to get your body’s metabolism going. Fruit is a light and tasty snack for when you don’t have a large appetite.
  3. 3
    Eat a full breakfast. If you have the time, try to eat a full and balanced breakfast with carbohydrates like bread, sugars like fruit or pastry, and protein like eggs or bacon. When you sleep, your body uses the nutrients from your last meal to keep your body running, oxygen flowing, and blood pumping. Because you’ve overslept, your body hasn’t ingested food for a longer period than it may be used to. If you skip breakfast, you’ll feel fatigue and sluggishness because you’re low on nutrients.[3]
    • Try pairing fruits high in Vitamin C, like citrus and berries, with foods high in iron, like eggs. This will improve your iron absorption, preventing the sluggish, irritable, weak feeling that results from low iron (which can occur if it's been a long time since your last meal.)
  4. 4
    Grab a cup of strong coffee. The caffeine in a cup of coffee can provide a quick burst of energy to help you shake off the fatigue caused by oversleeping.[4] Though this jolt of the caffeine may lead to an eventual crash, coffee will likely help you if you consume it in moderation.[5] But be sure to eat some food during or after you drink your coffee so you have some good nutrition to provide long-term energy throughout the day.
    • Do not consume coffee or caffeine throughout the day. Because oversleeping can throw off your natural sleep pattern, you’ll want to try to reset your sleep clock when you go to sleep next time, and caffeine can keep you up even after the stimulating effects have worn off![6]
  5. 5
    Eat a strong mint to help perk yourself up after oversleeping. Mint can make you feel more alert and help you focus on the day ahead of you.[7] The stimulation of your tastebuds and the strong sensations caused by the menthol on your nasal passages are a potent boost you can give yourself after oversleeping.
    • A cup of mint tea can also help to focus your mind and make you feel alert and doesn’t contain any caffeine.
  6. Advertisement
Method 2
Method 2 of 3:

Exercising Your Body and Mind

  1. 1
    Take deep breaths to calm your mind and oxygenate your blood. While you are sleeping, your body is operating at a lower level of activity and a lower amount of oxygen. When you oversleep, it means your body is even less oxygenated than normal when you wake up. You can give your energy levels a quick boost by focusing on your breathing.[8]
    • Taking deep breaths and slowly exhaling them can help to oxygenate your body, calm your mind, and lower your stress levels that may have increased because you’ve overslept and may be late for something.
    • Try inhaling for a count of 4 seconds, pausing at the top of the breath, then exhaling for 6 seconds. Repeat this pattern a few times.
  2. 2
    Meditate to focus your mind and lower your stress level.[9] Meditation is a great tool to calm and focus your mind. Because you’ve overslept, you may be worried about the tasks and challenges the day may bring. Meditation will allow you to calm your mind, improve your concentration, boost your energy levels, and prepare you to take on the day.[10]
    • Guided meditation is a form of meditation that focuses on mental images of places or situations you find relaxing. Rather than focus on what you need to do when you get to work, meditate on calming images to lower the stress you may feel after oversleeping.
  3. 3
    Do yoga to stretch your muscles and focus your mind. Some deep stretches and meditative breathing can help to lower your stress levels and shake off the fatigue and stiffness from oversleeping.[11] The increased blood flow and cardiovascular work will also release endorphins that will help to make you feel better.[12]
    • Be sure take deep breaths to oxygenate your tissues.
    • Even if you can’t catch an entire yoga class, a few minutes of yoga can reduce anxiety caused by oversleeping and oxygenate your body after a long period of low oxygen levels.
  4. 4
    Go for a run to get your body active after oversleeping. Even if it may be the last thing you feel like doing, a nice run can help to shake you out of your rut and reduce your anxiety. Running will also increase your blood flow and boost energy levels. A light jog for 10-15 minutes after oversleeping may be just what you need.[13]
    • Even if you can’t run, a nice walk will still get your muscles working and help to settle your mind.
  5. 5
    Lift weights to get your muscles pumping. If running isn’t your thing or you’re not able to do so easily, try lifting weights to get your blood flowing.[14] Weight lifting also releases endorphins that will make you feel better after you’ve overslept. The increased blood flow will oxygenate your muscles, and the strain and challenge of lifting weights can help to reduce your stress and anxiety. You can use barbells, kettlebells, or any other type of weights, just be safe![15]
    • Write down a plan of what exercises you want to do before lifting weights so you can focus your time and energy.
    • Oversleeping can make you feel groggy and weak, so don’t try to lift really heavy weights. Instead, go for a lighter weight with more repetitions.
  6. 6
    Walk to work to activate your body and settle your mind. If you have the time and are able to walk to work, do it. The light cardiovascular work and time to think about what you need to do when you get in will help focus your energy and make you more productive once you arrive. You don’t need to work up a serious sweat to get your blood pumping and your oxygen flowing.[16]
    • If you plan to walk to work, be sure to check weather conditions. If you’ve overslept, the last thing you need is to get caught in the rain!
  7. Advertisement
Method 3
Method 3 of 3:

Stimulating Your Senses

  1. 1
    Expose yourself to direct sunlight when you wake up after oversleeping. Take a moment to step outside and let your skin feel the sun. Breathe the fresh air and take in the outside world.[17] Break yourself out of the bubble of your bedroom. Your body’s sleep cycle is often centered around daylight, and the bright sunlight will help to make you feel more alert.[18]
    • If you’re worried about oversleeping the night before, you can leave your blinds open so the sunlight can enter your room in the morning and help to wake you up.
  2. 2
    Listen to energetic music that you enjoy. Oversleeping can make you feel drowsy and increase your stress levels. Music has been proven to improve brain function and lower cortisol levels. Find some upbeat music that you like to help pull yourself out of the oversleeping funk (maybe even some funk music). It doesn’t necessarily have to be fast-tempo, but you do want to avoid moody or depressing music.[19]
    • Really jam out to some music and get your body moving, too.
    • It’s not necessary to sing along, but it can’t hurt!
  3. 3
    Splash cold water on your face. It may be a classic trope in movies, but splashing some cold water on your face actually does help to wake you up and focus your mind. Cold hydrotherapy has been used for thousands of years to rejuvenate the body and mind. A spritz of cold water can make you feel more alert and actually lower stress levels.[20]
    • Studies show that exposure to cold water can help to battle depression and improve blood circulation.
  4. 4
    Use scented oils to stimulate your sense of smell and make you feel better. You can use different scents to help you recover from the effects of oversleeping. Citrus smells can boost serotonin and make you feel happier, peppermint can make you feel more alert and stimulated, and scents like rosemary and eucalyptus can help to wake up your brain and give you more focus. Try a dab of scented oil in a diffuser or on a napkin or cotton pad to activate your senses.[21]
    • Don’t combine too many scents at once or you may overwhelm your nose!
    • For scents like rosemary or sage, consider adding them as seasonings to your breakfast.
  5. Advertisement

About This Article

Alex Dimitriu, MD
Co-authored by:
Sleep Medicine & Psychiatry Professional
This article was co-authored by Alex Dimitriu, MD. Alex Dimitriu, MD is the Owner of Menlo Park Psychiatry and Sleep Medicine, a clinic based in the San Francisco Bay Area with expertise in psychiatry, sleep, and transformational therapy. Alex earned his Doctor of Medicine from Stony Brook University in 2005 and graduated from the Stanford University School of Medicine's Sleep Medicine Residency Program in 2010. Professionally, Alex has dual board certification in psychiatry and sleep medicine. This article has been viewed 63,949 times.
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Co-authors: 4
Updated: December 3, 2022
Views: 63,949
Categories: Better Sleeping

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The content of this article is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, examination, diagnosis, or treatment. You should always contact your doctor or other qualified healthcare professional before starting, changing, or stopping any kind of health treatment.
