With climate change becoming an ever-critical environmental issue, it's important to look out for your loved ones, including your pets! Climate change is bringing about a series of conditions in the environment that are affecting people globally - but how about our pets? Animals are impacted by changes in our climate just as we are, so we're eager to keep them protected from the conditions of climate change while taking action to lower our own pets' carbon "pawprint". Read on to answer your questions on how climate change and global warming have affected our pets.

Question 1 of 6:

Are pets environmentally friendly?

Question 2 of 6:

What is the most eco-friendly pet?

  1. Studies show that tortoises are good pets for the environment. Tortoises have a slow metabolism and don’t require a great deal of exercise. They also drink little water, and most have a herbivorous diet, making them more environmentally friendly than other pets.[3]
    • Generally, low-maintenance pets, such as fish, snakes, and birds, are also more sustainable than others.[4] Spiders, small rodents, and other small-sized pets are among the most sustainable of pets as well.[5]
Question 3 of 6:

Do pets have a carbon footprint?

  1. Owning a pet increases your carbon footprint. While different pets have different carbon footprints, each pet releases carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, increasing the carbon footprint of your household. Having fewer pets results in a lower pet-related carbon footprint.[6]
    • Rescuing pets from shelters, while still producing a carbon footprint, would in many cases cause less environmental harm than purchasing one from a breeder, as breeders may wish to continue breeding more pets, in turn increasing their carbon footprint.[7]
    • As more pets are born, carbon emissions are bound to increase. Another way to take action against both climate change and pet overpopulation is to have your pets spayed or neutered to prevent unwanted pregnancies.[8]
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Question 4 of 6:

How can pet owners reduce their carbon footprint?

  1. 1
    Look into eco-friendly pet foods. Stray away from excessive packaging and pet food made mainly from beef products, as beef ranching produces high carbon emissions. Instead, try feeding your pets fish-, chicken-, or even insect-based food, or make your pet's food yourself. Check which brands of pet food are more environmentally sustainable than others, and purchase food locally to reduce carbon emissions from national or international transportation.[9]
    • Be cautious of vegetarian and vegan pet food options if you were not instructed by a veterinarian to use them. If the use of these pet foods is not properly monitored, they could potentially cause health issues in pets from a lack of nutrients or protein.[10]
    • Additionally, cut back on treats, which also contribute to unhealthy levels of pet obesity.[11]
  2. 2
    Avoid plastic products for pets. Plastic is a common material used to make pet toys, grooming tools, litter, and other products used by pets on a daily basis. Create your own pet toys from old household items or aim to purchase pet products made locally. Where possible, opt for products made of eco-friendly materials.[12]
    • Some examples of products made from eco-friendly materials include biodegradable doggie bags and bamboo kitty litter.[13]
  3. 3
    Consider leaving your pets at home when traveling far. Airplane and car emissions produce a high carbon footprint, and bringing your pets along would only increase it. Give thought to leaving a pet at a kennel or with a trusted pet-sitter while away from home, or go to locations that are nearer to home if you must bring your pet with you.[14]
    • If you're traveling a shorter distance, especially when staying relatively nearby your home, walk or jog (if the place is particularly close) with your pet or cycle to your location rather than driving with them.[15]
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Question 5 of 6:

How are pets affected by the environment?

  1. Intense climate conditions can potentially harm pets physically. It’s important to be aware of excessive heat or cold warnings in your area to protect your pet from extreme weather. With climate change bringing about an increase in temperatures, it is especially critical to understand and guard your pet against heatstroke. When it is excessively hot in your area, keep your pets inside the house and not near windows whenever possible, and make sure to leave out plenty of water for them. Take them on walks earlier in the day or during the late evening to keep away from times where the temperatures rise the most.[16]
    • It is equally important to shelter your pets from harsh weather in the colder seasons. Provide blankets and clothing for pets in cold weather, and be aware of the risks of taking pets out in the snow, including slipping on ice or, in extreme cases, frostbite or hypothermia.

    Warning: Leaving a pet in the heat for even a short period of time can cause heatstroke. Watch out for symptoms including excessive amounts of panting, shaking, lethargic behaviors, restlessness, breathing rapidly, and appetite loss to recognize developing heatstroke in pets.[17]

Question 6 of 6:

How can animal shelters be more sustainable?

  1. Shelters and sanctuaries can utilize eco-friendly supplies and methods. Some ways in which an animal shelter can improve their sustainability is by opting for environmentally friendly materials and supplies, through ways such as using paper that has been recycled, reusing older materials for pet care and building, and cleaning with sustainable chemical solutions when needed. They should dispose of waste products properly and consider keeping water fresh and healthy by using filters or bottled water. They may also consider operating from solar energy or other efficient light sources.[18]
    • Ask staff members to carpool or ride bicycles to work to help reduce carbon emissions from vehicles.[19]
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Updated: June 10, 2022
Views: 12,124