Are you looking for ways to celebrate Earth Day on April 22? You've come to the right place. We've compiled a comprehensive list of fun and environmentally-conscious things you can do on Earth Day to help raise awareness and make a difference. If you're ready to learn more about joining the global celebration, initiating real change, and doing your part to save our planet, read on!


Plant a tree.

  1. This simple act will benefit the environment for decades. Planting a tree only takes a few minutes, but it can make a huge impact. Trees are crucial because they help to save energy, clean pollution, prevent erosion, and provide homes for many birds, insects, and other local wildlife.[2]
    • Pick a tree species that’s native to where you live. If you're unsure, ask an employee at your local nursery or garden department.
    • Choose the best planting spot to meet the tree’s needs, dig a properly-sized hole, and water the tree well to give it a good start.
    • Earth Day roughly coincides with U.S. Arbor Day, so see if your community is holding a tree-planting event and join up.
    • If physically planting a tree is unrealistic for you, there are other options! Try donating to a reputable environmental non-profit that will plant trees on your behalf instead.[3]
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Scatter wildflower seeds.

  1. Be sure to choose flowers that are native to your area. Restoring local plant life will help attract native bird life, pollinators, and local mammals. Wildflowers are extra easy to grow—many wildflower seeds can be scattered freely since they’ll take root on their own and require no tending. Be sure to check the seed packet for instructions, though! Scatter or plant seeds in your garden, backyard, or along nature strips and roadways.[5]
    • To attract Monarch butterflies, plant milkweed and brightly colored wildflowers.[6]
    • Bees are attracted to white, yellow, blue, and purple blooms.[7]
    • To attract hummingbirds, plant foxglove, honeysuckle, or lilies.[8]
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Make a bird feeder.

  1. This is a fun project for kids of all ages. You can do a lot for the creatures of the earth starting in your own backyard or neighborhood. Adding bird feeders and birdhouses are simple ways to attract more wildlife to your area. Try simple simple projects like making a bird feeder with milk jugs or using recycled materials.[9] Here are some other ideas you can try:
    • Attract wildlife by providing a birdbath or small pond
    • Leave sections of your yard unmowed to attract bees and butterflies
    • Install feeders for bats, squirrels, hummingbirds, or other local critters

Post a call-to-action on social media.


Attend a local Earth Day event.

  1. See if your community is holding an environmental fair. If your community doesn't have one planned, consider starting one yourself. It's the perfect day to get together for a fun and educational celebration of the earth. Any money raised can go towards a local environmental restoration project or group. Here are some ideas to get you started:
    • Demonstrations of environmentally-friendly products
    • Stalls for recycling appliances and books
    • Local organizations presenting educational information
    • Local farmers setting up booths to sell fresh produce
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Switch to non-toxic cleaning products.

  1. Look for the Safer Choice label on the product packaging. The government's Safer Choice program makes it easy for you to identify which cleaning products are environmentally-friendly and low in toxicity. Just look for the Safer Choice logo, which will be on the cleaning product’s label.[15]
    • You can also make simple homemade cleaning products. For example, a solution made of equal parts water and white vinegar effectively clean floors, bathrooms, cabinets, and counters.
    • Look for manufacturers that have achieved Carbonfree® Product Certification. This means that their carbon footprint has been measured and neutralized.[16]
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Sell or donate used items.

  1. Avoid trashing items that can still be useful to other people. Landfills are already overflowing, so try to avoid adding to that situation. If you have clothing, appliances, and other items that are still in good shape, consider hosting a garage sale, donating to people in need, or finding unique ways to upcycle and reuse the items.[17]
    • Instead of tossing out an old T-shirt, use a sewing machine to turn it into a reusable shopping bag.
    • Make upcycled planters with colanders, old tires, or milk jugs.

Start a compost bin.

  1. Turn your food scraps into nutrient-rich soil for your garden. Instead of putting your banana peels, egg shells, carrot tops, and avocado skins in the trash (where they'll just end up in a landfill), start composting instead! Collect your food scraps (except for meat and dairy products) in a closed compost bin and add leaves, sticks, grass clippings, and other organic yard trash to the mix.[18]
    • Remember to turn the compost mixture every few days using a pitchfork. After several months of turning, the compost will break down into a rich, brown soil for your garden.
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Commit to one green act per day.

  1. You can keep reducing your carbon footprint once Earth Day is over. Earth Day can be every day! While small changes at the individual level may not seem like a big deal, they add up over time and can have a major impact. Moving forward, make it your goal to do one small thing every day to support the environment.[19] For example:

Community Q&A

  • Question
    Can I talk to my congressman/woman to make laws about keeping greenhouse gas emissions safe?
    wikiHow Staff Editor
    wikiHow Staff Editor
    Staff Answer
    This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.
    wikiHow Staff Editor
    wikiHow Staff Editor
    Staff Answer
    Definitely! It's not easy to talk to government officials one-on-one, so your best bet is to contact their office. For example, you can write them a letter about your concerns or send them an email.
  • Question
    How do I organize an Earth Day 🌎 event?
    wikiHow Staff Editor
    wikiHow Staff Editor
    Staff Answer
    This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.
    wikiHow Staff Editor
    wikiHow Staff Editor
    Staff Answer
    Start by deciding what kind of event you'd like to organize and what your goals are for the event. Then, create a game plan and enlist friends/family/classmates to help you roll it out. If you want to organize something at your school, be sure to get permission from school officials first.
  • Question
    How can I stop pollution in society?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    You can help stop pollution by not littering, and pick up trash when you can. Take alternative forms of transportation when possible (carpool, buses, bikes). Plant trees in your yard to help filter the air, and avoid using pesticides. Use paper wisely, and reduce, reuse, recycle. Don't leave the water running or waste electricity, and ask your friends and family to follow your examples.

About This Article
Co-authored by:
Carbon Offset & Environmental Education Organization
This article was co-authored by and by wikiHow staff writer, Amber Crain. is a Carbon Offset and Environmental Education Organization based in New York. is leading the fight against climate change, making it easy and affordable for any individual, business, or organization to reduce and offset their climate impact and hasten the transition to a clean energy future. achieves its goals through climate change education, carbon offsets and reductions, and public outreach. This article has been viewed 752,602 times.
11 votes - 69%
Co-authors: 124
Updated: January 31, 2023
Views: 752,602
Article SummaryX

If you want to celebrate Earth Day at home, invite your friends and family over for an environmentally friendly meal. Try to use as many locally grown, organic fruits and vegetables as possible since they take less resources to grow than meat does. While everyone is there, consider starting a conversation on ways you can all make better choices in the future. For example, you could show them how to compost with worms using the waste from your meal. For more tips on celebrating Earth Day, including ones you could do at school, scroll down!

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