This article was co-authored by Ollie George Cigliano. Ollie George Cigliano is a Private Chef, Food Educator, and Owner of Ollie George Cooks, based in Long Beach, California. With over 20 years of experience, she specializes in utilizing fresh, fun ingredients and mixing traditional and innovative cooking techniques. Ollie George holds a BA in Comparative Literature from The University of California, Berkeley, and a Nutrition and Healthy Living Certificate from eCornell University.
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Cooking perfect chicken is an art form, and getting it prepped for cooking can be an art form in itself. Some recipes specifically call for you to flatten your chicken, and sometimes it's simply easier to flatten it before cooking. Whether you're flattening an individual chicken breast or flattening an entire chicken, there are a few tips and tricks that will help you out, and make the entire process easier.
Flattening Chicken Breasts
1Cut thick chicken breasts. If you are working with especially thick breasts, it will make your job easier if you cut them before flattening them. Using a sharp knife, cut them horizontally. You can cut it all the way through, leaving you with two separate pieces, or you can cut it almost all the way through and then open it like a book.
2Place the thawed chicken breast between wax paper or plastic wrap. Lay down one layer of wax paper or plastic wrap on top of a large cutting board. Place the chicken breast on the wax paper. Then, cover it with another layer of wax paper or plastic wrap.
- Alternatively, you can place the chicken in a plastic bag, as long as you ensure that there is no air in the bag, and there is enough extra space for the chicken to flatten out.
- Many chefs prefer moistening their wax paper or plastic wrap with water to ensure that the chicken doesn't stick too much.[1]
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3Pound the chicken with a meat mallet. Pound lightly in the center, making sure to use enough force to flatten the chicken. Then, move out to the sides of the breast, making sure the entire breast is even.[2]
- If you don’t have a meat mallet, you can pound the breast with a rolling pin or a small skillet.
4Remove the top layer of wax paper. Once your chicken feels flat enough for whatever recipe you are following, or whatever dish you are preparing, remove the top layer of paper or plastic wrap. Double check that it is even. Then, you can begin spreading filling on the top, transfer it to a dish with a spatula, or whatever else your recipe calls for.
- If your chicken breast is uneven or not flat enough, simply place the wax paper or plastic wrap back on it and pound out the uneven spots.
Flattening a Whole Chicken
1Lay the whole chicken on your cutting board. Place it breast side down. If possible, choose a plastic cutting board over a wooden cutting board. Plastic cutting boards are preferable to wooden cutting boards, because they can be washed at high temperatures in a dishwasher to remove bacteria.
2Remove the backbone. First, locate the backbone, which runs straight down the chicken. Then, you can use either a sharp knife or kitchen shears to begin cutting it. Cut parallel to the backbone on both sides. Cut along the length of the backbone from the next to the tail, until you can remove the backbone entirely.[3]
3Spread open the chicken. This part can be a bit tricky, and don't be afraid to really get messy, and get in there. Pull the two sides of the chicken apart, so that you can see underneath the breast of the chicken. Look for a small white piece of gristle at the top portion of the chicken. Cut through it, and then cut gently down that line to the tail of the chicken.
4Remove the keel bone. Insert your index and middle finger until you find can feel it between your fingers, between the two breasts. Dig your fingers down each side of the keel bone and pull it away from the skin. Remove the keel bone. [4]
5Open the chicken. Once you've removed the keel bone, you can bend that chicken and flatten it out for baking, grilling, or whatever else you have in mind. If you desire, you can cut the chicken in half, or cook it whole[5]
Spatchcocking a Chicken
1Place your chicken on a cutting board. You need to place your whole chicken breast side down, with its legs towards you. Spatchcocking is an alternate method to flatten a whole chicken, making it simple for barbecuing a chicken or baking it in the oven quickly.[6]
2Cut along either side of the parson's nose. The parson's nose is the fleshy bit that pokes out of the end of the chicken, between the legs facing you. Using your kitchen shears, cut down the chicken in two lines on either side. It's important to use sharp shears, because you will be cutting through rib bones as you do this. Go down either side of the parson's nose, until you reach the other side of the chicken. Remove the strip you've just cut.[7]
3Flip your chicken over and flatten it with your hand. Now that you've removed that strip, you can open your chicken up. Lay it flat on your cutting board, and use the heel of your hand to press down. By doing this, you'll ensure the chicken cooks more evenly. There is no exact science to this – simply press down firmly on all parts of the chicken until it's relatively the same thickness throughout.[8]
4Pierce your chicken with skewers to hold its shape. By poking skewers through your flattened chicken, you will help keep it flat throughout the cooking process. Use two skewers, threading them through breast and thigh meat. When you're finished, they should form an "X" shape, piercing enough meat to hold that flattened shape.[9] Now, you're ready to cook your chicken.
Community Q&A
QuestionWhat should I do if the breast won't stay together when I'm pounding it?Jo BriggsCommunity AnswerUsually, when that happens, you're probably pounding the chicken a little too hard. Try using lighter hits, and take your time; make sure that only the flat part of the mallet is hitting the meat. If the mallet is tilted and the edge of it is hitting the chicken, it will tear into it.
- Beware that cooking a whole flattened chicken will take much longer than cooking the pieces separately. Ensure you cook chicken to an internal temperature of 165 °F (74 °C). Use a meat thermometer inserted in to the breasts to be safe.[10]⧼thumbs_response⧽
Things You'll Need
- Meat mallet
- Chicken (whole or breasts)
- Wax paper, plastic wrap, or a plastic bag
- Plastic cutting board
- Chef’s knife
- Kitchen shears
- Meat thermometer
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About This Article
To flatten a whole chicken, lay the chicken breast-side down on a cutting board. Use a sharp knife or kitchen shears to cut out the backbone, moving from the tail end to the neck end, and set it aside. Spread open the chicken on the cutting board and pull out the keel, or breastbone. Flip the chicken over so the breast faces up and flatten it down with the heel of your hand. If you’re working with a boneless cut of chicken, such as a deboned breast or thigh, place the meat between two sheets of wax paper or plastic wrap. Use a meat mallet to gently pound the chicken flat, starting at the center and working your way out to the edges. Remove the wax paper or plastic wrap before cooking the chicken. Read on to learn how to flatten a whole chicken!