Chemistry, like other math-heavy fields in the sciences, is a subject which requires hard work and effort to master. Chemistry entails equations, formulas, and diagrams; some of these may have to be memorized, while others require a complex understanding of chemical structures and math equations. To excel in chemistry, you’ll need to practice good study habits and pay attention during the lecture, lab, and while doing homework. Chemistry demands a lot of patience, enthusiasm and most importantly, a good relationship with the subject.

Part 1
Part 1 of 3:

Learning in Class

  1. 1
    Grasp the category of chemistry you’re studying. The study of chemistry is generally divided into five broad categories, each with its own sub-disciplines and unique methods of study.[1] If you understand what broad field of chemistry you’re studying and what that means, you’ll be grounded and ready to learn particularities within the field. The five categories are:
    • Inorganic chemistry: the study of structures and compounds of substances made from all elements, except carbon.
    • Organic chemistry: the study of the compound of carbon.
    • Physical (or theoretical) chemistry: the application of mathematical methods to chemical problems.
    • Analytical chemistry: quantitatively and qualitatively analyzes chemical compounds.
    • Biochemistry (or physiological chemistry): the study of chemical reactions within living cells and the chemical structures of living material.
  2. 2
    Read the assigned chemistry material before going to class. This will increase your familiarity with the material, and class itself will clarify questions that came up when you read the material, rather than raising questions. Reading material—such as book chapters and reading that will be covered in class— will familiarize you with the topic ahead of time.[2]
    • This technique is known as a “Flipped” or “Reversed” classroom, and has proven useful in multiple fields.
  3. 3
    Listen to your chemistry teacher in class. This should help make learning easier, since the instructor is there to clarify and explain information. Don’t take this time for granted, but actively focus on apprehending every point your teacher makes.[3]
    • Attend class regularly. As mundane as this can feel, regular attendance will ensure that you don’t miss the explanation of new topics. It’s easier to keep up with the class lessons than to catch up.
  4. 4
    Ask questions. Don’t hesitate to bring up your concerns in class if you are confused about any points, equations, or topics. No question is too small to ask; if you’re confused about a point in the lecture, it’s likely that other students are too.
    • Discuss with your teacher or with your classmates if you have any problems with the chemistry topic.
    • If you’re struggling to understand a concept, ask your instructor for study guides or worksheets.
  5. 5
    Take plenty of notes. You can think of this as writing a “summary” of class: what did the teacher lecture about; what new topics or equations were introduced; what relevant questions were asked and how where they answered?[4]
    • This is especially important in the chemistry classroom. New concepts and equations will be built on those that you’ve covered earlier in the semester (or quarter), so it’s important that you understand ideas of chemistry. Having these written in your notes will help you remember.
    • Pinning down the important points that your instructor has presented in a class period will help you to understand key topics and ideas.
  6. 6
    Review your notes from class. You can also review notes while working on your homework after a chemistry lecture. It’s best if you review your notes shortly after the class; if you wait until the weekend, you may have forgotten some of the material already.[5]
    • Take advantage of your school’s study-hall period to review notes from chemistry. [6]
    • You may find it easier to retain concepts when reading them from your own notes rather than from a textbook, since you will have already written the concepts in terms you understand.
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Part 2
Part 2 of 3:

Productive Homework Habits

  1. 1
    Re-read the text. Before you jump into solving homework problems, re-read the textbook chapters that were covered in class. This will solidify your understanding of the material, and save you time when you go to solve problems.[7]
    • When working problems, avoid referring to the answer key unless you’re utterly confused. Work problems on your own as much as possible.
    • Study chemistry every day so that you retain as much of the information as possible. You will learn more and be more productive if you study chemistry for two hours each day, rather than 10 hours on Saturday.
  2. 2
    Work to comprehend the homework problems. Comprehension will take time, but it’s more important than taking shortcuts to get the right answer. Give special care to the math problems, chemical formulas, and chemical equations.[8]
    • Many students consider the chemical formulas and math equations to be the most challenging aspects of a chemistry course, so these are where you should focus your time. If you need to, brush up on: logarithms and simple algebra, fractions, percentages, and exponential numbers.[9]
    • Try to make your chemistry homework as visual and concrete as possible. If you try to keep it all in your head, it'll be trickier to understand.[10]
  3. 3
    Have the latest version of the modern periodic table. Usually teachers will provide a copy for you, but if they don't, ask for it or obtain it. It is crucial. It will help you a lot, as you will get many important resources in it. The periodic table is a complex way of presenting a great deal of helpful chemical information. Learn how to read it, and keep it with your chemistry text and notebook.[11] [12]
  4. 4
    Work through every problem step-by-step. Many students skip certain chemistry problems and math equations, as the equations can be time consuming. However, they are also one of the most important parts of succeeding at chemistry. Learn from the mistakes you’ve made in previous problems, and don’t move on to the next until you can solve each problem correctly.[14]
    • Practice drawing any diagrams in your lectures, then label them. Although it may feel repetitive at first, this can help you understand the structure of chemicals. This may also help you memorize information that will come up on a test.
  5. Advertisement
Part 3
Part 3 of 3:


  1. 1
    Study the material that will be on the test. At the end of every month (or every section of your chemistry course) you should study the topics taught during that time. If it helps, you can study together with your friends, and together discuss how to answer the questions.
    • Be attentive to your studying. Work in an environment with as few distractions as possible. Shut off the TV, put away food and snacks, and work in quiet, distraction-free space.
  2. 2
    Make sure you understand the basics. To do well on any test or exam, you’ll need to have mastered the basics of chemistry, so you can solve more complex problems when they’re presented.[15] Before a test, make sure you have a solid understanding of significant numbers, the periodic table of elements, and chemical names and symbols.
    • Solve sample tests or chemistry questions. This will make you more comfortable with tackling genuine test questions, and will also increase your chemistry confidence. Ask your instructor for sample tests, or search online for “sample chemistry test questions,” and specify your grade level.
  3. 3
    Write and memorize chemistry symbols and terminology. Like many of the sciences, certain aspects of academic chemistry must be memorized, especially before taking an exam. Write down terminology definitions, chemical symbols, and the names and properties of the 30 or 40 most common elements.[16]
    • Flashcards are a helpful way to commit these symbols and terms to memory. Review these flashcards multiple times throughout a week, and a few times a day when a test is upcoming.[17]
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Community Q&A

  • Question
    What are the best online sites to study chemistry on your own?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Khan academy is very helpful. They test you on what you have learned and also motivate you with badges.
  • Question
    How can I memorize the content?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    First of all, gather everything you need to know. It helps when you can do it with all of the information. Break it up into small sections or paragraphs. Even if your notes are 500 pages long. Start simple. Once broken up, read it, highlight maybe a few keywords. Re-read it again to be sure. Find your pet. A wall. An invisible friend -- doesn't matter who -- and explain the paragraph concepts. Let there be lots of "ums" and "uhs". It's off the top of your head. Once you get it do the rest until finished a concept, and if you are like me create a diagram. Visualize movements and objects with the 5 senses in clear detail -- do this for an experiment and reactions, ask why is this happening?
  • Question
    How can I remember derivations in chemistry?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Try to write the derivations again and again to help you memorize and also understand.

About This Article

Chris Hasegawa, PhD
Co-authored by:
Retired Science Professor & Dean
This article was co-authored by Chris Hasegawa, PhD. Dr. Chris Hasegawa was a Science Professor and the Dean at California State University Monterey Bay. Dr. Hasegawa specializes in teaching complex scientific concepts to students. He holds a BS in Biochemistry, a Master’s in Education, and his teaching credential from The University of California, Davis. He earned his PhD in Curriculum and Instruction from The University of Oregon. Before becoming a professor, Dr. Hasegawa conducted biochemical research in Neuropharmacology at the National Institute of Health. He also taught physical and life sciences and served as a teacher and administrator at public schools in California, Oregon, and Arizona. This article has been viewed 181,545 times.
25 votes - 92%
Co-authors: 25
Updated: January 31, 2023
Views: 181,545
Article SummaryX

To get good grades in chemistry, start by reading the assigned materials before class so you’ll be familiar with the topic ahead of time. Then, take good notes during class, since your teacher may cover topics that aren’t in the book. Additionally, work on mastering the basics, like significant numbers and the periodic table of elements, so you can solve more complex problems. You should also make flashcards and study them several times a week to memorize terminology definitions and chemical symbols. To learn how to focus on chemical formulas and math equations to help improve your grades, read on!

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