For a large number of people, leaving the house isn't as simple as it seems. Sure, you could grab your wallet or handbag, the car keys or bus pass, and simply go. However, for most people, there is an array of things to think about and do before leaving. For some people, anxiety or fear could prevent them from leaving home with ease, even for such daily routines like work and study. If you're feeling that leaving the house presents a hardship, use the suggested organization and preparation activities outlined to help you manage a smoother exit each time.

Part 1
Part 1 of 3:

Making Sure You Have Everything

  1. 1
    Avoid anxiety by being prepared. If you typically worry that you're leaving important things behind, from keys to documents, then pack such items well ahead of time. This might be the night before, or it could mean getting up extra early; go with the time that suits you best.
    • Have a decent carry bag for all of your items. Make use of pockets, divisions, etc. The inside of the bag can act as a reminder of what needs to go where helping you to remember when something is missing.
  2. 2
    Make use of lists. Have permanent lists typed up on your computer or digital device? Place these lists in their own folder, for ease of retrieval. Check the relevant list each time you leave the house, to ensure that you've taken what you need. It is important to vary the lists by day, task or action. For example:
    • Have a list for your routine work or studies
    • Have a list for sports and hobby activities
    • Keep a list for your pets, such as what you need to grab when taking the dog to the beach or local hiking trail, etc.
    • Have a special list for weekends away, vacations, and other travel (see below for more on vacation lists)
    • Have a list for special visits, such as going to see a loved one in the hospital or a caring facility, attending a party, going to a work function, etc.
  3. 3
    Keep important things near the front door. If you tend to forget things such as keys, your phone, your wallet, etc., make a special area for them near the front area, keeping them in one place so that they're easy to access. Always return the items to this place so that you never have to worry about where they are before leaving the house.
  4. 4
    Have a mirror at the front entrance area. This allows you to do a final check of how you're dressed and groomed. If you spot anything that doesn't look right, you can make a note of it and return to remedy it quickly. Have all family members get used to doing this as a matter of course.
  5. 5
    Enlist the help of others. Ensure that everyone knows they have the responsibility to ensure that they take what they need. This takes the pressure off any person who feels responsible for everyone else's belongings and needs as well.
    • Remind all family members that when they forget something, it's a learning experience rather than an excuse to have someone else chase it up for them (with exceptions for vital items and genuine mistakes, of course).
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Part 2
Part 2 of 3:

Checking Your House

  1. 1
    Get into a habitual routine of checking the house before leaving. Depending on what your house has, and on the particular requirements for the home, here are some of the questions you might need to ask yourself each time you leave the house:
    • Is the stove/oven off?
    • Are the pets fed for the day and put away where they are meant to be?
    • Are all the windows closed/locked/semi-open, etc.?
    • Are all of the external doors locked?
    • Are the electrical items, that must be off, turned off?
    • Are notes for the kids, heat-up meals, or other necessities being placed where they should be?
  2. 2
    Keep a checklist of things to check for before leaving. Using a checklist is recommended if you're forgetful or fretful. Check off each action as you perform it; this will help to direct your actions to do the things you know need to be done, freeing you up to get on with leaving the house without worrying.
  3. 3
    Lock the exit door. Unless someone is at home, always remember to lock the door as you leave. If you don't lock the door when no one else is home, you are potentially leaving it open to intruders.
    • It can be helpful to have a bag stand next to the front door, on the outside, to allow you to put down whatever you're carrying and lock the door without weights hanging off your arms.
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Part 3
Part 3 of 3:

Getting Ready Before a Vacation Stay

  1. 1
    Resort to using lists again. These are very important, especially if you suffer from travel anxiety, tend to rush at the last minute, or get easily distracted by other people's needs when packing, etc.
    • Have a list of things that have to be packed. Ask other family members to make their own; if they tend to forget things, do a read-over of their list early on and make any suggestions that are missing.
    • Have a list of last-minute to-dos, with a check-off column.
    • Have a list of things that need to be checked around the house, again with a check-off column. See the previous section for the sorts of things to look for and check.
  2. 2
    Pack well in advance of leaving. This gives you plenty of time to focus on the things that matter, such as checking travel documents, tidying up the house, ensuring that the house is locked up securely, etc.
  3. 3
    Go around the house methodically to check how secure it is. This will provide you with peace of mind, and helps you to get out of the house on time. Check to make sure that windows and doors are locked, valuables are out of sight and away, faucets are turned off, unneeded electrical items are turned off, etc.
    • Make sure that the safe has been closed properly.
    • Make sure that all of your appliances are either switched off or working properly.
  4. 4
    Leave instructions with trusted neighbors about what to do, and how to contact you in the case of an emergency. Give someone you trust a key to your place, and ask them to go in and check things are okay if something happens, such as the power going off or seeing something that's amiss.
  5. 5
    Check your outside/yard space as well. Check the security of your perimeter fencing, gates, etc. and put away garden tools and other items. All of this will help to secure your house and get out of the house smoothly.
  6. 6
    Keep your travel documents in a travel wallet. This will ensure that everything is in one place and that you can find all the things that you need with ease. Be sure to pack this before you leave.
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  • If you suffer from debilitating anxiety or stress about leaving your house, it might be a good idea to see a therapist or counselor to get help. If your anxiety is preventing you from leaving the house altogether, it is very important to get some compassionate help.

Things You'll Need

  • List notepads
  • Marker or pen
  • Digital device/app for lists
  • A routine space for important items you must take with you

About This Article

wikiHow is a “wiki,” similar to Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-written by multiple authors. To create this article, 12 people, some anonymous, worked to edit and improve it over time. This article has been viewed 44,036 times.
39 votes - 66%
Co-authors: 12
Updated: October 11, 2022
Views: 44,036
Categories: Personal Organization