Say goodbye to the never-ending chirps for good

After a long, hectic day, nothing is better than crawling into your cozy bed, resting your head on a soft pillow, and closing your eyes until…chirp chirp. The crickets are back, and they’re loud. Like really loud. Not to worry—we’ve got 13 effective ways to get rid of cricket noise at night, whether it's coming from inside or outside your home. Follow these tips, and the only chirping you’ll be hearing is from the birds in the morning after a great night’s sleep.


Trap the crickets.

  1. Cricket traps are an effective solution for catching your culprits. Make your own cricket traps at home by emptying an aluminum soda can until only a few drops remain. Set the can on its side in the area you think the crickets are hiding and wait for them to crawl in overnight.[1]
    • Crickets can smell the soda, drawing them inside the can. Once inside, they’ll be unable to see the exit, trapping them inside.
    • Set traps in any areas in or around your house where you think the crickets might be hiding. Some ideas include bathrooms, garages, and kitchens.
    • Cricket traps can fill up fast, so make sure to check them often and release the crickets or dispose of them if necessary.
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Clean up your yard.


Turn off your lights.

  1. Like people, crickets love ambiance, so turn off your outside lights. Although crickets are nocturnal, they are attracted to light as a potential heat source since they enjoy warm temperatures.[5] If you have any outdoor lighting, such as flood lights or a lantern over the garage, turning them off at night might be the solution you're looking for to stop the chirping that’s keeping you up.
    • The light from inside your house could be attracting crickets, too, so make sure to turn off all your indoor lights before bed to ensure a restful sleep.
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Try soundproof curtains.


Use earplugs.

  1. Earplugs are an excellent way to block noise with little effort or expense. Crickets can chirp at an astonishing 100 decibels![9] For context, most industrial noise comes in at 95 decibels or less. Earplugs provide at least 10-15 decibels worth of sound reduction, so you can rest easy when you get that sound exposure back down to the recommended 85 decibels.[10]
    • There are many types of earplugs designed to block out sounds, such as multi-size foam earplugs and earmuffs. Experiment with different varieties to find what works best for you, and block out those crickets for good!
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Try a white noise machine.

  1. Swap chirping for peaceful static. If earplugs aren’t your thing, white noise machines are an effective and relaxing way to mask the chirping outside. White noise machines are unique because they produce a noise that contains all frequencies across the spectrum of sound perceivable to the ear in equal measure.[11] These machines work great to distract your brain from the annoying sounds around you, so you’ll be sleeping peacefully in no time.
    • Try a multi-purpose sound machine that offers both white noises and fun sleep sounds like rain or lapping waves on the beach.

About This Article

Samuel Ramsey, PhD
Co-authored by:
This article was co-authored by Samuel Ramsey, PhD and by wikiHow staff writer, Savannah Vold. Dr. Samuel Ramsey is an Entomologist and a researcher with the United States Department of Agriculture. Dr. Ramsey has extensive knowledge of symbiosis and specializes in insect disease spread, parasite behavior, mutualism development, biological control, invasive species ecology, pollinator health, and insect pest control. He holds a Bachelor’s degree in Entomology from Cornell University and a Ph.D. in Entomology from the University of Maryland. Dr. Ramsey’s research on bees has enabled researchers to develop targeted control techniques to restore honey bee populations worldwide. He also hosts a YouTube series called “Dr. Buggs.” This article has been viewed 9,648 times.
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Co-authors: 3
Updated: January 20, 2023
Views: 9,648
Categories: Camping