In the game Clash of Clans, builders are essential in building and upgrading your base. Generally, the maximum numbers of builders you can have is five, although it is possible to get a sixth builder through the builder base (technically the Master Builder) to help with your upgrades.


  1. 1
    Upgrade your Builder Base to builder hall 9.
    • If you enjoy playing the builder base, be sure to take your time to fully max it out before upgrading. Otherwise, you can rush your builder hall to get the Master Builder as soon as possible.
  2. 2
    Upgrade your Town Hall to level 10. This is a prerequisite for Gearing Up the Mortar in your home village, which you'll need to do later.
  3. 3
    Build the O.T.T.O Hut in your Builder Base. This will become available as soon as you reach builder hall 9, although it won't do anything until upgraded and merely serves as a distraction defense-wise.
    • Upgrading the O.T.T.O Hut doesn't take any time or resources, but there are various prerequisites that must be met.
  4. 4
    Complete the prerequisites for the level 2 O.T.T.O Hut. For this you'll need to Gear Up a Cannon, Archer Tower and Mortar in the Home Village. Additionally, in the Builder Base, you'll need to get your Double Cannon to level 4, your Archer Tower to level 6, and your Multi Mortar to level 8.
    • Cannon: To Gear Up a Cannon in the Home Village, it'll need to be at least Level 7, and your Double Cannon in the Builder Base needs to be at least Level 4. It costs 1.5 million gold.
    • Archer Tower: To Gear Up an Archer Tower in the Home Village, it'll need to be at least Level 10, and your Archer Tower in the Builder Base needs to be at least Level 6. It costs 4 million gold.
    • Mortar: To Gear Up a Mortar in the Home Village, it'll need to be at least Level 8, and your Multi Mortar in the Builder Base needs to be at least Level 8. It costs 8 million gold.
  5. 5
    Complete the level 3 requirements. To do this, you'll need to Upgrade the Cannon Cart troop to level 18. This is achieved through the Star Laboratory.
  6. 6
    Upgrade your O.T.T.O Hut to level 4. A level 9 Mega Tesla is needed for this level.
    • This tower costs 3 million Builder Gold.
  7. 7
    Achieve a level 5 O.T.T.O Hut. You'll need to get your Battle Machine to level 30 for this step.
    • This is one of the hardest parts of achieving a sixth builder. The sheer amount of Builder Elixir is what makes it challenging, as well as the amount of levels that need to be obtained, and the time the upgrades will take.
  8. 8
    Build the Master Builder Hut in the Home Village. Once you upgrade the O.T.T.O hut to level 5, you'll have two builders available in the Builder Base. To send one to the Home Village to make up your sixth builder, you'll need to go back to the Home Village where you'll be prompted to place the Master Builder Hut.
  9. 9
    Return to your Builder Base, select the O.T.T.O Hut, and choose Travel. This will send your Master Builder over to the Home Village, where he will now act as your sixth builder.
    • If you'd like, you can keep this builder at the Builder Base and use him for upgrades there. There's always the option to send him back and forth between the bases, depending on what your goals are.
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Updated: February 4, 2023
Views: 65,475
Categories: Clash of Clans