It’s always fun hanging out with your friends, but sometimes you might have a hard time thinking up fun things to do together. If it’s a rainy day or you feel like having a chill night, you and your friends can play video games, watch TV, or play board games inside. If you feel like getting some fresh air, head outside and play some sports or head to the beach. Alternatively, if you feel like going out, hit up your local movies, pools, or take-out.


Watch TV together if you want to chill out.

  1. Pick a favourite movie or TV show and put it on the TV. This is a great way to relax together and bond over the same show. If you can’t agree on what to watch, try watching something that nobody has seen before.[2]
    • Watch movies or TV shows that you used to love when you were a little kid. This is a great way to reminisce about your childhood and have a laugh at all of the things you used to think were scary or funny.
    • Make some popcorn, order some pizza, and have sodas while you and your friends relax.
    • If there’s a famous catchphrase in one of the movies or shows, you can all find something to do every time you hear it, like doing a push up.

Play your favourite board games for some old-school fun.

  1. Board games never get old, no matter how old you are. If you feel like having a night in with your friends, bring out the Monopoly, Risk, Jenga, Settlers of Catan, or your personal favourite. This is a great way to have some good-hearted competition and banter with the boys.[3]
    • If you want to make the games more competitive, make a prize for the winner. Snacks, like lollies or chips, are great prizes that will amp up the competition between the lads.
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Host a poker night if you’re in the mood for a classic boys night.


Watch sports on TV if there’s a game on.

  1. Invite the boys over to watch the game with you. If your friends support different teams, tell them to come dressed up in their team colours. To make the game extra intense, take guesses about the final score before the game begins.[5]
    • If you get bored, mute the sound and pretend to be the commentator. Have fun making completely irrelevant or ridiculous comments about the game with your friends. This can be a goofy way to mix up the usual sports-watching experience, and you’ll all be cracking up in no time.
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Prank call your friends if you want to be silly.

  1. Prank calls are an age-old joke that can be fun, no matter what age you are. Practice what you’re going to say before you make the call so that it looks natural. You could pretend to be a neighbor complaining about noise, act like a salesman, or pretend to be from their internet company and tell them that you’re cancelling their wifi. After a few minutes of silliness, reveal your true identity so that you can all have a laugh about it.[6]
    • Pick someone who won’t be offended by your joke. Never say anything unkind and avoid pretending to be an officer of the law.
    • Place your phone on speakerphone so that all your friends can hear the call.
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Head to a take-out joint if you’re hungry.

  1. Nothing boosts the spirit of a group like having some food! Decide on somewhere to eat and then head out together. If you don’t know where to eat, throw out a few ideas to your friends. Burgers, curries, steak and chips, and Mexican are all delicious options.[8]
    • If you and your friends have a favourite place to eat, make it a weekly tradition. For example, you could have a Mexican Monday and go to a taco restaurant, or on Thai Tuesday you could grab a Pad Thai together.
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Hit up the gym together if you’re in the mood for a workout.

  1. Doing everyday activities together is a great way to bond with your friends. Catch a ride with your friend to your local gym and workout together. This is a great way to push yourself further during your workout. If you’re doing weights, take turns spotting each other.[9]
    • You’ll need to find a friend that goes to the same gym as you, otherwise, they won’t be allowed in. Alternatively, ask your gym if your friend can have a free trial.
    • You can always go for a walk if you don't have a gym membership.
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Play dodgeball if you want to let off some steam.

  1. Find a big open field and bring some balls that aren’t too heavy. Mark out the boundaries and begin the game. To win you simply need to hit all the opposing players with balls and avoid getting hit yourself. Invite as many friends as you like - the more the merrier!
    • Choose someone to be a referee. This will help to stop arguments about the rules.
    • A good way to help keep people safe is to tell everyone that headshots don’t count as kills.
    • If you don’t like dodgeball, play soccer or basketball instead.
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Hit up the playground if you feel like reminiscing old times.

  1. Who says you have to be a kid to go to the playground? Hanging out at the playground can be a fun and goofy way for you and your guy friends to pass the time, especially if you haven’t been there in a while. Wait until most of the younger kids have left and then have fun going on the swings, slides, or playing lava tag.[11]
    • Lava tag is just like regular tag except that the ground is lava and the only safe places to run are the playground equipment.

Head outside and play manhunt if you want some exercise.

  1. Manhunt puts an exciting spin on ordinary hide and seek. Wait until the sun starts to set and designate one person to be “it.” Then, have the rest of the people hide and have “it” count to 20 before they start looking for everyone. Once you get tagged you join the person who is in on the manhunt. Keep playing until everyone has been tagged.
    • The winner is the last person to be tagged.
    • Decide what the boundaries are before you start playing the game.
    • Play in your backyard or at a local park.
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Community Q&A

  • Question
    How can people that are only 14 and 15 years old find fun things to do so that they can hang out?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    It depends on if you have a parent that is willing to drive. If so, you can go to see a movie, go to the mall, go to a park, go to a nearby city, go to a museum, or go to a restaurant. If you don't have access to a car, you can bike around town, go to local stores and restaurants, learn card games, have movie nights, or go to a local park.
  • Question
    I'm a girl who wants to do this, can I?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Yes, these activities are for anyone who is interested. I think the article's author said "for guys" because some of these activities are more likely to be enjoyed by boys and men, but you should feel free to do them if you want.
  • Question
    I have a group of friends 14 - 17 years old. What can we do for fun, and what kind of photos can we take? No parents or money.
    Tom De Backer
    Tom De Backer
    Top Answerer
    I do parkour. Have you looked into that? It's outdoors, active, and costs no money. Plus, you'll learn a few physical skills. It also makes for some awesome pictures and videos. If that is not your thing, find lists of hobbies and activities to do with friends - there's thousands upon thousands. Condense them into a shortlist of things you think you all may be interested in, and suggest some of those to the others.

About This Article

Desiree Panlilio
Co-authored by:
Teen Life Coach
This article was co-authored by Desiree Panlilio. Desiree Panlilio is a Teen Life Coach and the Owner of Encouraging Teens, LLC. With over three years of experience, she specializes in helping teens and young adults define roles, set goals, develop healthy academic and personal habits, grow in leadership potential, and create their life paths. Desiree holds a BSN in Nursing from The University of Victoria and an MA in Human Services Counseling with a concentration in Life Coaching from Liberty University. This article has been viewed 166,953 times.
13 votes - 32%
Co-authors: 22
Updated: March 5, 2023
Views: 166,953
Categories: Enjoying Friendship
Article SummaryX

To have fun with your guy friends, try inviting them over for a video game competition. Or, you could host a poker night and serve snacks and drinks. Alternatively, if you'd prefer to go out, consider going to the movies or stopping into your favorite restaurant. If it's nice outside, try organizing a sports game, like dodgeball, baseball, or soccer. You could also take a trip to the beach, where you could go swimming, play frisbee, and have a barbecue. No matter what you choose to do, let yourself be silly and try to go with the flow, since some of your best memories will be spontaneous decisions! Does your friend want to dress up in silly costumes and go to dinner? Well, why not! For more suggestions, like how to play Manhunt with your guy friends, scroll down!

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