Master the proper paddle grip to safely control your kayak

This article is all about holding and using a kayak paddle. The way you hold the paddle can affect how well you navigate the kayak and how much energy you use.


  1. 1
    Know the structure of the kayak paddle. Unlike a canoe paddle, a kayak paddle has 2 blades attached to the shaft of the paddle. The shaft is the part of the paddle that you hold and the blades are the part that you use to pull yourself and the kayak through the water.[1]
  2. 2
    Hold the paddle with two hands on the paddle (about 40cm apart).[2]
  3. 3
    Have your paddle face the right direction. It's a common mistake for beginners to hold their paddles backwards the first time they start kayaking. As a beginner, it may not seem to make a difference which way your paddle is facing, but it does have a big change on your power of stroking. Have the part of the paddle blade that is concave or smooth facing you, the face of the paddle is the part you want to pull through the water.[3]
  4. 4
    Have your paddle right-side up. Many kayak paddles are asymmetrical meaning there is a top and a bottom to the paddle blade. It is important that you hold the paddle as it is designed, The top of the paddle is more horizontal than the bottom and the bottom has more of a tapered effect. Sometimes there is even horizontal writing on the paddle, keep the writing upright and not upside down and this will help you remember to hold your paddle correctly.[4]
  5. 5
    Make sure that your knuckles are in line with the blade.
  6. 6
    Hold the paddle about 30 centimeter (11.8 in) away from your body.
  7. 7
    Know your control grip. If you are right handed, your control grip will be with your right hand and if you are left handed your control grip will be with your left hand. When taking a kayaking stroke, allow the paddle to rotate and reposition in your "loose hand" to make sure that each paddle always enters the water smoothly. The control grip does not change positions once it is on the paddle.[5]
  8. 8
    When you are Kayaking push really hard with your paddle so you go faster. Make sure it goes deep.
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wikiHow is a “wiki,” similar to Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-written by multiple authors. To create this article, volunteer authors worked to edit and improve it over time. This article has been viewed 103,932 times.
109 votes - 82%
Co-authors: 7
Updated: May 23, 2022
Views: 103,932
Categories: Canoeing and Kayaking