Genuine, premium leather—that’s how you know if something is fine-quality. And when it comes to leather, Italian leather is among the finest in the world. It’s actually a misnomer, because “Italian leather” doesn’t necessarily have to be made in Italy. It actually refers more to the quality of the hides and the process used to produce the leather. If you're trying to figure out if something is made with genuine Italian leather, there are a few things you can keep an eye out for.


Examine the surface of the leather.[1]


Check for a certificate of authenticity.[7]

  1. Genuine Italian leather will come with a certificate tag so you know it's the real deal. The tag should say something like “100% Italian leather” or “certified Italian leather.” A reputable company that stands by their product will include a tag like this.
    • No certificate of authenticity is a red flag. Any quality manufacturer will include one.
    • Check online to see if the seller or company that made the leather is legit. If they have bad reviews (or no reviews at all) or they don't have a website, they're probably not trustworthy.

Be wary of suspiciously-low prices.[8]

  1. Real Italian leather isn't cheap. Compare the price of the item to other similar items made with Italian leather. If the price seems too good to be true, it probably is. You could be looking at fake leather.
    • For reference, an Italian leather handbag can cost between $170-$300 USD.
    • Sometimes you can get lucky and find something made with real Italian leather at a thrift store. In that case, it very well could be underpriced!
    • You don’t necessarily have to go with name-brand Italian leather. There are lots of smaller and lesser-known manufacturers that produce great, authentic Italian leather.
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Co-authors: 6
Updated: February 14, 2022
Views: 17,509
Categories: Clothes by Type