Falling down stairs injures thousands of people a year, and when seniors fall, the consequences can be painful. Most of these accidents can be easily prevented by following a few simple safety tips. Learning more about the reasons people fall, and making some changes in your own habits can be effective in preventing falling down stairs.

Part 1
Part 1 of 3:

Reducing Slips on Stairs

  1. 1
    Pay attention. Going down stairs is done so frequently that many accidents are caused by not paying attention to the stairway environment. Research suggests that people tend to look only at the first three steps of a stairway, rather than at each step. When walking down unfamiliar stairs, be careful to attend to each step.[1]
    • On older stairways, stair depth may vary. This is a significant cause of falling. Be aware of the possibility of variance, and walk carefully.
    • If you're nearsighted, you'll also want to wear your glasses when you walk down stairs. If your feet are out of focus, your risk for falling down stairs increases.
    • If the stairs are not well-lit, such as at night, consider installing a night light or strip lighting so you can see every step.
  2. 2
    Take your time. Don't hurry or run down stairs, especially on steep, curved or cramped stairways. If you are in a rush, take a breath before descending stairs.
    • Never take stairs more than one at a time.
    • Keep your eyes on the stairs, particularly at the base of the stairway. Many falls occur when people assume they've reached the bottom of the stairs, and take a step out into air.
  3. 3
    Use handrails and stair rails. Stair rails are the railings built around landings, while handrails are designed to be used when walking down stairs. Make sure that all railings are at a consistent height from the stair, 34-38 inches above the stair.[2]
    • If existing handrails are decorative, but not useful, replace them with appropriate handrails.
    • A handrail should allow for an adult person's hand to wrap around it. The handrail should be free of splinters or rough areas that might injure the hand.
    • The handrail should allow for free passage from beginning to end, without interruptions.
    • At the bottom of the handrail, the handrail should extend at least the length of one stair. This will allow for stability upon reaching the end of the stairs.
  4. 4
    Educate people on the importance of handrails. Handrails can be effective tools in avoiding falling down stairs, only if they are used. Teach those who use the stairs, whether in your home or workplace, the importance of holding a handrail when walking down stairs.[3]
    • Handrails should be provided on both sides of the stairs. A person walking up and a person walking down stairs should both be able to hold a handrail without interruption.
    • Never walk down stairs without holding one hand to the handrail.
  5. 5
    Prevent vulnerable people from accessing stairs. Small children and older adults who cannot safely access stairs, such as those with dementia, should be prevented from accessing stairs by using a safety gate. Make sure that the stairs are secure, both at the top and the bottom of the stairway.
    • Attach the safety gate securely to the wall on one side. The other side of the gate will be attached to the stair banister.
    • Make sure that the latch on the gate is properly closed at all times you need the gate to be effective.
    • Pressure gates are designed to fit between a door frame. Never use a pressure gate to block a stairway, as it will not be secure.
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Part 2
Part 2 of 3:

Increasing Safety of Stairs

  1. 1
    Remove clutter. Items left on stairways are a common cause of falls on stairs. Make sure stairs are free of items before walking up or down.[4]
    • Nothing should be loose or sticking out of stairs, such as loose boards, nails or other building debris.
    • Clean up any liquids that have spilled, or anything sticky that might affect passage down the stairs.
    • Don't place loose rugs at the top or bottom of stairs. These may slip and result in falling down stairs.
  2. 2
    Improve visibility of stairs. Many falls are caused by improper judging of distance in a stairway. If stairs are more visible, these judgments are easier. You can improve visibility of stairs in your home or workplace by adding definition to each stair.[5]
    • Use lighting or paint to emphasize the outline of each stair. A common strategy in commercial stairways is to paint a bright strip along the end of each stair, or to light it with a string of small lights.
    • Use matte paint - not glossy - to avoid any glare from lights which may impair ability to gauge depth.
    • Don't use patterned carpets on stairs, as these may obscure depths.
  3. 3
    Provide adequate lighting. The amount of lighting recommended for safe access of stairs is 50 lux, which is about the minimum amount of light that people require to read. Make sure that lighting is well-designed for good visibility of stairs at all times. It should be easy to turn the lights on from either end of your stairway.[6]
    • Stair lighting can be placed on the wall, about 5-6 inches above stairs.
    • Lights can also be placed within each stair, lighting the stair below, or lit from underneath. Stair lighting is an opportunity to be creative.
    • If you find yourself around stairs without adequate lighting, use a flashlight.
  4. 4
    Maintain stair tread. Allowing stairs to become worn, smooth, and slippery encourages falls. Reduce risk of falls by installing non-slip surfaces on the stair. These can be rubber, metal, or slip-resistant paint.[7]
    • These can be applied to the full stair, or just the leading edge.
    • Carpets should be kept in good condition. Keep stairs free of any loose threads, and replace when carpet treads are worn.
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Part 3
Part 3 of 3:

Dressing for Safety

  1. 1
    Wear footwear when walking down stairs. Shoes with good treads will help support your feet as you walk down stairs. Wearing high heels, slippers with soft soles or socks are more likely to allow for slips down stairs.[8]
    • If your ankles are weak, make sure you also include ankle support when walking down stairs. A turned ankle may result in a fall.
    • Keep your feet turned slightly out for better stability.
  2. 2
    Avoid clothing that drags on the floor. It's easy to step on long, flowing skirts or pants when walking up and down stairs. This will usually result in a fall. For best outcome, avoid wearing clothes of this nature when walking on stairs.[9]
    • If you find yourself wearing these clothes in a situation where walking down stairs can't be avoided, be careful to gather the excess material in one hand as you walk. Hold carefully to the stair rail with your other hand.
    • Wearing clothes that are overly long prevents you from seeing your feet. Not visually knowing where your feet are on the stairs raises the risk of falling.
  3. 3
    Don't wear tight skirts. Skirts which don't allow for free movement of the knees and legs can also be a hazard. When skirts are too tight, people can't properly walk from stair to stair.
    • If you must wear tight skirts, walk up and down stairs by putting both feet on each stair, rather than alternating stairs.
    • Another way to navigate stairs in a very tight skirt is to push the skirt as far up the thigh as you politely can. This allows your knees more leeway, and aids in walking up and down stairs more safely.
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About This Article

wikiHow is a “wiki,” similar to Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-written by multiple authors. To create this article, 36 people, some anonymous, worked to edit and improve it over time. This article has been viewed 185,899 times.
59 votes - 58%
Co-authors: 36
Updated: May 23, 2022
Views: 185,899
Categories: Posture
Article SummaryX

If you’re trying not to fall down stairs, keep them free from clutter and be sure there’s adequate lighting. You should be able to turn lights on from both the top and the bottom of the stairs! Maintain the stair tread by installing non-slip surfaces or keeping the carpet in good condition. Make a habit of wearing shoes with good treads when you’re up and down, and avoid clothing that drags on the floor. When you take the stairs, pay attention to each step, use the handrail, and take your time. If you want to learn how to gate your stairs to prevent falls, keep reading the article!

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