Philz is a coffee shop native to Northern California, and their dedication to quality coffee has gotten them a devoted and rabid fan base. Founded by Phil Jaber, Philz prides itself on hand crafting every cup to every customer's specifications. They have some very unique custom blends that often overwhelm first-time visitors and regulars alike, so if you've ever been tempted by Philz but discouraged by the menu or the ordering process, this article will tell you how it's done.


  1. 1
    Find a Philz near you. Unfortunately for you non-Californians out there, Philz only has locations in San Francisco and East Bay areas.
  2. 2
    Locate the order line. At Philz, you order first and pay second, which is opposite most traditional coffee shops. There will usually be a big sign directing you to the proper place.
  3. 3
    Wait to be called up. Your coffee is made-to-order by the baristas, and they can only handle 4 cups at a time. Wait in line until you hear someone say they can take the next person.
  4. 4
    Choose your drink. If you're new to Philz, ask the barista for a recommendation. They'll figure out what kinds of flavors you prefer and find you the perfect blend. If you're feeling a bit more adventurous, you can also experiment with their extensive menu:
    • Dark roasts
      • Jacob's Wonderbar Brew: Nutty and chocolatey, without bitterness
      • Tantalizing Turkish: Rich and dark, with a touch of cardamom
      • Ether: Dark and oily, with a hint of charcoal
      • Julie's Ultimate: Classy and floral
      • Aromatic Arabic: A full-bodied Arabian coffee
      • Code 33: Strong, rich, and oily
    • Medium roasts
      • Tesora: The classic Philz blend, and strongly recommended for beginners
      • Philharmonic: Warm, with a hint of cardamom
      • Ambrosia Coffee of God: Warm and sweet, with nutty undertones
      • Anesthesia to the Upside: Oaky and sharp, with a caramel finish
      • Silken Splendor: Warm nutty tones
      • Filtered Soul: Sweet and chocolatey, with traces of hazelnut
      • It's the Best: Soft and smooth
      • Dancing Water: Smooth and delicate
      • Half-Caff: Half Tesora, half decaf Sumatra
    • Light roasts
      • Sooo Good: Smoky and sweet
      • Greater Alarm: Strong, sweet, and highly caffeinated
      • Canopy of Heaven: Complex flavors
      • New Manhattan: Earthy and distinctive
    • Decaf
      • Decaf Dark French: Bittersweet and full-bodied
      • Decaf Ethiopian: Rich and silky smooth
      • Decaf Sumatra: Sweet and earthy
      • Decaf Organic Swiss Water Peru: Sweet, silky, and decaffeinated using the Swiss water method
    • Specialty drinks
      • Ecstatic Iced Coffee
      • Mint Mojito Iced Coffee
      • Gingersnap Iced Coffee
      • Mocha Tesora: A chocolate lover's dream
      • Jamaican Blue Mountain: Full-bodied and smooth
      • Hot chocolate
    • Teas
      • Black Tea: Strong, but not too acidic
      • Green Tea: Floral and nutty notes
      • Chamomile Tea
      • Yerba Mate Tea: Smoky
      • Istanbul Treat
      • Mint Tea
      • Herbal Mint Tea
      • Chai
  5. 5
    Pick a size. You have two options: small or large.
  6. 6
    Decide whether you'd like your drink hot or iced.
  7. 7
    Pick a sweetener. Your options are sugar, Splenda, Equal, Sweet'n Low, stevia, or honey.
    • Tell the barista how sweet you want your drink: not sweet, light, medium, or extra.
  8. 8
    Pick your cream or milk. Your options are cream, whole milk, 2% milk, 1% milk, low-fat milk, almond milk, non-fat milk, soy milk, or vanilla soy milk.
    • Tell the barista how creamy you'd like your drink: light, medium, or extra.
  9. 9
    Pay for your coffee. Let the person at the register know what blend you ordered and what size. Most blends range from $3 to $4 a cup.
  10. 10
    Wait for your order to be called. It's important to remember which barista you ordered from and what you got because they'll call out your order and not your name.
  11. 11
    Give it a taste. Most baristas will ask you to taste your drink while you're at their station—just so they can make sure they got everything perfect.
    • Don't hesitate to ask your barista if your drink isn't quite to your liking. They can tweak your drink until it's just right.
  12. Advertisement

Philz Drink List

Community Q&A

  • Question
    Someone recommended to order "Philz way", what is that?
    Victor Willey
    Victor Willey
    Community Answer
    Philz Way or Jacob's Way: Phil and Jacob are particular about the way their coffee is made. If you want your drink the way Phil likes it, order it "Philz Way" (medium cream, medium sugar). You can also order it "Jacob's Way" (medium cream, medium honey). A new calling: Phil wasn't always in the coffee business.

About This Article

wikiHow is a “wiki,” similar to Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-written by multiple authors. To create this article, 10 people, some anonymous, worked to edit and improve it over time. This article has been viewed 167,800 times.
91 votes - 88%
Co-authors: 10
Updated: April 2, 2021
Views: 167,800
Article SummaryX

Philz is a coffee shop native to Northern California. They have some very unique custom blends that can overwhelm visitors, but learning how to order isn’t as hard as it seems. If you’re new to Philz, choose a drink from their extensive menu. For example, if you like dark roast coffee, try a Tantalizing Turkish, which is a rich and dark brew that has a touch of cardamon. If you prefer a light roast, order a Greater Alarm, which is strong, sweet, and highly caffeinated. You can also go for one of their specialty drinks, like a Gingersnap Iced Coffee. Or, opt for tea instead, like a smoky Yerba Mate. You’ll also want to pick a size, if you want your drink hot or cold, and what kind of sweetener or creamer you’d like added. When your order is ready, the barista will call it out, so make sure to listen for your drink’s name. To learn how to order your drink ahead online, keep reading!

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