The biggest competitive advantage in freestyle swimming is the flip turn. Performing a proper flip turn can make or break a race. By using flip turns one can increase fitness an overall athleticism.


  1. 1
    Start by being very comfortable swimming the freestyle stroke.
  2. 2
    Begin swimming until the correct distance from the wall is reached. This distance is indicated by the "T" or "cross" formation at the bottom of the pool. Accelerate into the wall.
  3. 3
    Begin turn by pulling with one last stroke followed by placing hands at waist.
  4. 4
    Just before the full flip rotation, execute a strong dolphin kick to propel body into the turn.
  5. 5
    To execute the flip, dive torso area down by trying to make nose contact knee area (body should presume a seat-like position).
  6. 6
    Continue flip rotation until forward momentum brings feet to contact the wall.
  7. 7
    At the point of wall contact, spring off immediately and powerfully. Bring arms above head and squeeze head in biceps. Maintain a straight position known as the streamline.
  8. 8
    While in the streamline position, focus on decreasing drag by keeping very straight.
  9. 9
    Break surface at desired distance and continue to swim.
  10. Advertisement

Community Q&A

  • Question
    When I try to flip, I get dizzy. What can I do to prevent this?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Perform some flips on a barre, outside of the pool. As soon as you can control your dizziness there, take a friend into the pool to help you out.
  • Question
    For me, whenever I turn, I find that it is hard to "right" myself in the water. I find I'm often turned on my side, then I run out of air. Also, do I take a breath before turning (i.e raising my head out of the water)?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    If you are swimming competitively, it is recommended that you hold your breath through the entire flip turn and streamline off the wall (do dolphin kicks underwater). You can breathe into the wall, but it is best to take a breath to the side instead of lifting your head to conserve energy. When you push off the wall, you should be sideways or on your back. It's best to roll onto your stomach slowly.
  • Question
    I am struggling to rotate my body directly straight to the front. I always end up rotating to the right side of my body. Any advice on how to correct this?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Think about throwing your legs over your head, and make sure that you are not taking a breath right before you flip.

About This Article

Hayley Church
Co-authored by:
Aquatic Manager
This article was co-authored by Hayley Church. Hayley Church is an owner at Cooksey's Lifeguard & Swim Academy, LLC in Southern California. Hayley has been a lifeguard and swim instructor since 2007 and has dedicated her time to teaching people of all ages how to swim. Hayley and her team offer lifeguards and programming such as swim camp counselors, swim lessons, and water aerobics classes to clients of all sizes from large organizations to private homes. She received her Master’s degree in Recreation Management. This article has been viewed 23,674 times.
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Co-authors: 7
Updated: December 22, 2022
Views: 23,674
Categories: Swimming