If you ever want to play a fun basketball game with friends bump is a great option. There is a minimum requirement of 2 players and two basketballs. It is a super quick and intense game with some friendly competition. However, the game is more enjoyable when you have more than 2 players.


  1. 1
    Choose the order of play. At least two players are needed to play this game and you must decide on an order to play in. There will be a line of players and deciding the order is truly up to you. Usually, the player that won the most recent game gets to pick the order.
    • If you cannot decide, try seeing which person makes a basket first or play rock, paper, scissors.
  2. 2
    Line up at the top of the three-point line. In the order that was decided, the first person will start the line at the top of the three-point line facing the basket. The line will then continue with people facing the back of the person in front of them. This allows the game to run smoothly and keeps the order from getting mixed up.
    • If you are playing with newer shooters feel free to change the first shooting spot to the free throw line.
  3. 3
    Grab two basketballs and give them to the first two people in line. Both the first and second person will have a basketball in their hand so that they will be ready to shoot. If you have two basketballs that are similar try to use those so that the feel of the ball can stay consistent.
  4. 4
    Start with the first player taking one shot from the top of the three-point line. Everyone will have to take their first shot from the same spot to make the game fair. If you miss your first shot, you are able to shoot the rest of your balls on that turn from wherever you would like to. Most people will go for a layup since it is the safest shot.
    • If the player makes the shot they get to move to the back of the line.
    • If the player misses the shot they have to keep shooting until they get it in or until someone behind them makes it.
  5. 5
    Let the second player shoot the ball as soon as the first player attempted their first shot. The second player will have to shoot their first shot from the top of the three-point line but the other shots can be from anywhere.
  6. 6
    Eliminate a player in front of you by making a basket before them. If the player behind you makes a shot before you then you are out.
  7. 7
    Bump your opponent's basketball using your ball once you have completed your first shot. If both players are trying to shoot a basketball from anywhere, you are able to bump their ball so they have to take the time to run after it. This gives you more time to make a basket since they will be running after theirs.
    • You cannot use your hands and throw your opponent's basketball, you must use your ball to bump it.
    • You are only allowed to bump it after you completed your first shot.
  8. 8
    Rebound the ball if you complete your shot or got knocked out. Once you score or get knocked out you must immediately grab the ball. This way it does not go flying somewhere far and you are able to keep the game moving.
  9. 9
    Pass the ball to the next person in line. Once you make your shot or get knocked out you must pass it to the next player. The faster you pass the balls the quicker and more intense the game becomes. This is done so that the people in line keep the order and the game can move faster.
  10. 10
    Keep playing through the line. Once everyone has attempted their shot and the line starts repeating just keep playing with the same rules. A player must always shoot their first basketball of every turn at the top of the three-point line.
  11. 11
    Play until there is one person left. The line will start to get smaller as people get out. The winner of the game will be the one person that is left in line. Then the person who came second is the second last person to get out and etc.
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Updated: March 21, 2023
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