Rafting excursions are offered at travel destinations worldwide and can last for a few hours or an entire week. Whether riding the rapids on the Colorado River in the Grand Canyon, the Zambezi River in Zimbabwe, or floating downstream in Alaska, you can arrive prepared for a great adventure with the proper pre-raft workout plan, attire, and raft-and-paddle know-how.

Part 1
Part 1 of 3:

Building a Pre-Raft Workout

  1. 1
    Warm up by stretching. Shoulder strain is a common whitewater rafting injury, and proper stretching will keep you loose.[1] Spend five minutes before every pre-rafting workout stretching your muscles. To keep your shoulders loose, stretch your arms up and then across your body, holding each stretch for 60 seconds.[2]
  2. 2
    Build upper body muscles with push ups, pull ups, and chest presses. You will need a lot of upper body strength to navigate your way through Class III to V rapids. With push ups, your form is crucial. When down on the ground, set your hands at a distance slightly wider than shoulder-width apart and imagine your body as a straight line.
    • If push-ups are too difficult, do four sets of wall push ups with two-minute rests between sets. Keep this up every other day, with the same form. Once you can do 4 sets of 20 repetitions of wall push ups, you can progress to the inclined floor position. [3]
  3. 3
    Strengthen your core with planks. Planks and side planks are common core exercises that help develop muscles that stabilize your body when leaning into your paddle. Plant your hands directly under your shoulders like you’re about to do a push-up. Alternatively, place your weight on your elbows and forearms. Ground the toes into the floor, and hold for 20 seconds. [4]
    • As an additional core strengthening exercise, lay on your back and touch each elbow with the opposite knee then straighten each leg.
  4. 4
    Build leg muscles with lunges and squats. These exercises will strengthen your most powerful paddling base---your legs. When lunging, keep your upper body straight, your shoulders back and relaxed, and your chin up. Step forward with one leg, bringing your hips toward the ground until both knees bend at a 90-degree angle. Hold dumbbells while doing lunges for maximum resistance. [5]
    • For squats, stand with your head facing forward and your feet shoulder-width apart. Sit back and down like you're sitting into an imaginary chair, with your thighs parallel to the floor. Hold for 15 seconds and repeat, doing three sets of ten.
  5. 5
    Build your endurance by biking, running, or swimming. You will not be huffing and puffing in the middle of your river trip if you have several weeks of cardio training under your belt. Take an extended bike, run, or swim to build your cardiovascular health. Include sprints, hills, and obstacles.
    • Break it up with some high intensity interval training. Do intense work with intermittent rests using either jump rope, burpees, stationary cycle, elliptical machine, or even boxing to build up your cardiovascular health. [6]
  6. 6
    Stretch five more minutes at the end of your workout. This will help you cool down and stay limber. Be sure to stretch your back, arms, hamstrings, and glutes. Make sure to hold each stretch 30 seconds, and breathe deeply.[7]
  7. 7
    Eat a post-workout snack. Consuming protein and carbs within 45 min after your workout will help rebuild your body. Choose a ratio of 3 carbs to 1 protein. A protein shake with banana, hummus and pita, or tuna on whole wheat are good examples.[8]
  8. Advertisement
Part 2
Part 2 of 3:

Packing for Your Trip

  1. 1
    Bring a swimsuit. It is recommended that women wear one-piece swimsuits and men wear swim trunks. In addition to getting wet during the raft excursion, many whitewater rafting trips include an opportunity to take a dip at some point during the trip. Wet suits are also often available to rent at the outfitter’s in cooler weather.[9]
  2. 2
    Pack waterproof layers. Over your swimsuit, wear a lightweight shirt with an Ultraviolet Protection Factor (UPF) rating of 30 or higher. When packing, choose loose, woven materials such as wool, polypro, fleece, micro fleece, polyester or any other outdoor material that dries quickly.
    • Avoid any cotton clothing, especially in cooler weather. It will weigh you down and increase the release of body heat.
    • Do not wear anything with a hood, including ponchos and rain jackets. These are unsafe on the river.
    • In cooler weather, opt for a synthetic base layer, such as Capilene or polypropylene, a middle layer of fleece, and an outer waterproof jacket. If the weather is very cold, add wool socks and fleece hat that can be worn under a helmet.
  3. 3
    Leave jewelry, watches and accessories at home. It's not worth the risk of losing them in the water. Cash, wallets and phones can also be left in the car.
  4. 4
    Wear sunglasses. Seasoned guides will tell you sunglasses are absolutely necessary to protect your eyes from the continuous glare on the water. Bring or buy a strap for your sunglasses to keep them snugly fitted.[10]
  5. 5
    Wear old tennis shoes or close-toed heel-strap sandals. Comfortable, well-broken-in sneakers are the best choice for your river trip. Velcro-strap sandals with a thick, rigid sole may also be worn with or without socks, however, socks are recommended as they prevent your feet from getting a sunburn.[11] Do not pack a new pair of shoes, which will leave you sore and cause blisters. Waterproof hiking boots are also not recommended, since they fill with water and weigh you down. Water shoes are often too thin and slippery.
    • Avoid crocs and flip flops, which are easily lost.
    • If a rafter shows up wearing only flip flops, a guide might offer to secure them with duct tape.
  6. 6
    Pack dry clothes and a towel. Even if you do not swim, you will be very wet at the end of the day and will welcome a change of clothing. Be sure to leave your dry clothes in the car when you arrive.
  7. 7
    Pack a wide-brimmed sun hat. For longer trips, a wide-brimmed hat is necessary to keep from getting a sunburn. The wider, the better. A hat with a built-in Sun Protection Factor (SPF) is best. [12]
  8. 8
    Buy a large 32-oz water bottle---or even two. Many rafts are equipped with d-rings to hook your water bottle to, so bring a carabiner for your water bottle. A carabiner will allow you to attach the bottle to the raft so it’s secure and easily within reach. With your water bottle in view, you can better stay hydrated.[13]
  9. 9
    Bring sunscreen. When rafting, you will be applying 50 SPF continually---when you wake up, before you board the boat, when your raft docks for a quick break, after rapids, and after you swim. The Federal Food and Drug Administration (FDA), recommends reapplying any sunscreen every two hours, regardless of its SPF. [14]
    • Even "waterproof" sunscreen is only water resistant for 40-80 minutes. Make sure to apply a heavy layer of sunscreen to the tops of your thighs, over your kneecaps, and to the back and front of your neck.
  10. Advertisement
Part 3
Part 3 of 3:

Enjoying the Day

  1. 1
    Choose a professional outfitter. To ensure your safety, go with a well-known commercial outfitter with professional guides and quality equipment. Read online reviews or call the local Parks and Recreation service to ask about the reputation of the rafting company.
    • Find out how long the company has been in business under the current ownership. Ask, "What kind of training do your guides have?" and "What government entity manages the outfitter’s permit and training practices?"[15]
  2. 2
    Make reservations in advance. Depending on the time of year you plan to hit the water, reservations may be necessary. The summer season is the busiest time of year, so you definitely want to secure your spot in advance.
    • When choosing a time to go, note that late spring and early summer usually feature more aggressive rapids, while late summer tends to have tamer rapids.[16]
  3. 3
    Be friendly and open. When arriving, introduce yourself and your friends to the guide and fellow rafters and make conversation. You will be working together in the same boat for several hours and a positive attitude will help you row together and make new friends.
  4. 4
    Wear your personal floatation device and helmet. Your life jacket is your most important piece of equipment. It should lie snug to your body---loose enough to breathe, but unable to go over your head. Helmets will be provided above Class I & II rapids, but it is good to wear one no matter what level you are rafting in.[17]
  5. 5
    Listen to your guide. Your guide will be alert, giving commands, watching out for upcoming obstacles and narrow passageways. When they tell you to row, row! Your guide has plenty of experience and is there to keep you safe.
    • Sync your paddling and listen for commands. When the waves get harder, paddling harder helps keep you safely planted in the boat.
  6. 6
    Grip the paddle "T". Your guide will show you how to keep one hand at the base of the paddle on the shaft, and the other over the “T” grip. This prevents black eyes and knocked-out teeth. Keeping your paddle in the water---unless your guide says otherwise---also provides an extra bracing point. [18]
  7. 7
    Don't panic if you fall in the water. Your guide will call out directions and toss you a throw bag with a rope, if necessary. Hold your arms out to your sides, feet pointing downstream, knees bent and rear up, to push off rocks and prevent unwanted bruises.
  8. Advertisement


  • Check with your physician before white water rafting if you have medical conditions or disabilities.

Things You’ll Need

  • Water shorts and t-shirt
  • Sunblock and lip balm
  • Sunglasses with plastic lenses and a strap
  • Contacts instead of eyeglasses, preferably
  • Water shoes or old sport shoes
  • Waterproof Camera
  • Drinking Water
  • Small Bag for personal items
  • Towel
  • Plastic Bag for wet clothes
  • Change of dry clothes
  • Identification

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21 votes - 95%
Co-authors: 12
Updated: January 21, 2021
Views: 73,655
Categories: Outdoor Recreation