Call ducks are the smallest domestic breeds of ducks, making them perfect beginner pets for those who are just starting out. Due to their small size, they require less resources and are generally a lot more economical to keep compared to your average sized duck. If you want to know how to raise call ducks from hatch, continue reading below.

Method 1
Method 1 of 3:

Purchasing Eggs or Ducklings

  1. 1
    Check with your local land laws and regulations. Call ducks come under the livestock and poultry act, which may result in strict regulations, especially in suburban towns. Keeping ducks in your area may be banned all-together, or you may have to abide by certain limitations, such as the amount of ducks you can keep, and the size requirement of your land.
    • Spend some time researching regulations in your area to avoid a getting fined by your council. You can find out your local laws online, or dialling out.
    • Before you make the decision to keep call ducks, make sure to let your neighbours know!
  2. 2
    Create a budget. Keeping call ducks can become expensive if you do not manage your resources sufficiently. Not only do you need to spend a couple hundred outright on an enclosure, there will also be monthly expenditures for feed, supplements, bedding, and cleaning supplies.
    • If you want to spend less, maintain a smaller flock. Remember, Call ducks do not require as much resources as other breeds of ducks due to their small size.
    • These breeds of ducks, of course, also come with their cons. Hens are said to be loud and quite vocal, they're messy (like most breeds) and are capable of flying a distance. If you have easily disturbed neighbours and can't cope with a mess these breeds probably aren't best for you.
    • You will need a substantial sized backyard that is secure with high, protective fencing to keep your call ducks, especially if they are free-range.
  3. 3
    Plan on a healthy flock of call ducks. All animals benefit in pairs, especially ducks. You'll be looking at buying at least two. However, a healthy flock benefits in a group of at least four.
  4. 4
    Organize your time to fit your ducks inside your schedule. Despite their small size, call ducks are not low maintenance pets. Poultry have a lot of risk factors when it comes to hygiene and feeding them a well balanced diet. You will need to clean their housing regularly, and supervise them each day if you plan on keeping free-range ducks. Don't forget, there will also be vet bills for when or if one of your duck gets sick.
    • If you have a family, split your time up with your partner and children. Perhaps you could take turns feeding or cleaning after the flock.
  5. 5
    Find a breeder. If you're looking for call ducks specifically then you will need to find a farmer who breeds purebreds. But because call ducks are fairly common, they're easy to find and buy.
    • Check Craigslist, Gumtree or newspaper advertisements for either fertile eggs or day old ducklings.
    • If you are inexperienced and do not have enough free-time or income to be able to raise ducks from day old ducklings, consider buying adult hens. This will save you a lot of time and effort.
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Method 2
Method 2 of 3:

Setting Up Shelter

  1. 1
    Acquire a small to medium sized coop or pen. Call ducks need a minimum of 12 square feet of floor space each per duck in their run, and half that inside their pen. However, a little more space won't go unappreciated if necessary. You can purchase a specifically designed duck house, or chicken coop with an attached run. A mobile run or tractor is suggested to create easy maneuver to different patches of grass.[1]
    • If you cannot acquire a coop with a run, you can also house your ducks in a shed with backyard access.
    • Call ducks can free-range, but due to their small size they are quite fragile and will need constant supervision during the day. Shelter that is innovatively built to keep predators and vermin at bay is recommended.[2]
  2. 2
    Set up an artificial water pond. Your call ducks will need a medium sized tub of water to swim in. You do not need to go great lengths by building a pond. You can use a plastic baby bath or tin tub and build it into the ground.[3] Otherwise a childrens sand pool will work fine. The size of your artificial pond will depend on the size of your flock.
    • Keep in mind that in-ground ponds will require less cleaning, whilst a tub of water will need cleaning and refilling every day.
    • If the water bath is above ground, use a brick or ramp to help your ducks access it with ease.
  3. 3
    Purchase a food dish and drinker. A small to medium sized food dish will suffice, depending on the size of your flock. Avoid bowls of water, as your ducks may feel compelled to tip over or play inside their water bowl. Invest in a drinker instead, as these will get dirty less often and can't be tipped over when full.
  4. 4
    Supply fresh bedding and hay inside the pen. Wood shavings or chips is the leading material used for bedding, as it provides absorbency and comfort. Add an additional bundle of fresh hay as well, as ducks will use this to build their nests on the ground.
    • Avoid accessorizing the enclosure with roosts and nesting boxes, as ducks will not use these. Instead, they will build their nests on the ground using hay and other materials found on the ground.
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Method 3
Method 3 of 3:

Caring for Call Ducks

  1. 1
    Provide some form of shelter. Even though ducks are good at weathering cold and wet climates, they need shelter from storms and persistent cold. Provide a duck house, chicken coop or similar place for them to shelter in, as they wish. If they are penned in, include this feature within the pen. If they are roaming free, place their housing where it is easy for them to reach it. Always put ducks away at night, to protect them from predators such as foxes, feral cats/dogs or coyotes.
  2. 2
    Feed your call ducks a daily pellet diet. Adult duck pellets can be purchased from farm stores or livestock feed outlets. However, if duck pellets cannot be obtained, you can feed your flock on chicken pellets as well.[4]
    • Whole wheat and mixed grains are also a vital part of their diet.
    • Supply an all-round access to grit. Grit will assist your call ducks to grind down food in their gizzard. Purchase grit that has small enough particles for your flock to digest.
    • Provide a calcium supplement during summer months to stimulate egg production. Oyster shells are a great source of calcium, otherwise baked egg shells.
    • Dispense fresh water every day in a drinker. Your call ducks may tip over or play inside a water dish, thus it's important to refill it each day with clean water.
  3. 3
    Give your call ducks vegetables and table scraps. You can feed them pasta, noodles, rice, fruits, vegetables, greens, grains, cooked eggs, etc. However, do not feed them spoiled or mouldy foods.
    • Avoid avocados, citrus fruits, uncooked potato, iceberg lettuce, crackers, salt, sugar, nuts, large seeds, popcorn, chocolate etc.[5]
    • Bread is commonly fed to local ducks at a public lake or park, however, it's not good for them and can cause a sour crop.[6]
    • Of course, table scraps are considered treats, which should be limited.
  4. 4
    Clean the enclosure on a daily basis. A deep clean is required only at least one every one or two weeks, however, you will still need to do a spot clean around the pen and clean their artificial pond and feeding station every day. Hygiene is important when caring for call ducks, as water and humidity will attract bacteria and pests such as mites.
  5. 5
    Check on your call ducks from time to time. Enter the pen at the minimum of each morning and afternoon to let them out, feed them, replenish their water resources, and to give them extra TLC. While you're spending time with your flock, take the chance to observe them for any changes in appearance or behaviour. Sudden changes can be a sign of an underlying illness.
  6. Advertisement


  • Beware the nips of a broody duck. If a duck does nip you or scratch you, clean the affected area with disinfectant or rubbing alcohol, to kill any possible bacterial germs or viruses.
  • Always wash your hands with warm water and soap after handling ducks.

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wikiHow is a “wiki,” similar to Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-written by multiple authors. To create this article, 9 people, some anonymous, worked to edit and improve it over time. This article has been viewed 25,983 times.
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Co-authors: 9
Updated: February 20, 2022
Views: 25,983
Categories: Ducks