Have you been thinking about teaching your rabbit some new tricks? You may not realize it, but rabbits are trainable! They are very intelligent and inquisitive animals,[1] and will enjoy the mental and physical challenge of learning something new. Teaching your rabbit to jump over something will take some time and patience, but both you and he will benefit from the training experience.

Part 1
Part 1 of 3:

Training Your Rabbit to Follow a Target

  1. 1
    Purchase a metal clicker. Clicker training is a very effective and popular way to train rabbits. Throughout your training sessions with your rabbit, you will use the clicker to let your rabbit know immediately when he has done the right thing. The clicker is even more effective when used in combination with positive reinforcement (e.g., treat, verbal praise, extra petting).[2] [3]
    • Clickers are available at your local pet store.
    • For rabbits, the sound of the clicker is more consistent and less confusing than human words.
    • A click is a more immediate reward than verbal praise or treats.
    • You could also use a pen as a clicker.
  2. 2
    Make a target stick. Although some rabbits will jump over something without needing a lure, other rabbits may need some motivation. A target stick is a popular training tool to use with rabbits. The target stick is commonly made of a jingle bell tied to the end of a stick.[4]
    • Visit your local home decoration store to find the jingle bell and a stick.
    • The purpose of the stick is to lure your rabbit into performing a certain task.
  3. 3
    Hold the target stick in front of your rabbit’s nose. Before you can start training your rabbit to jump, he first needs to learn how to follow the target stick. With a few treats in one hand, hold the stick about one inch in front of his nose. When he turns his head to look at the stick, immediately click and give him a treat.[5]
    • Repeat this about 15 times.[6]
  4. 4
    Move the target stick in different directions. When your rabbit can pay attention to the stick when you hold it still in front of his nose, start moving the stick in different directions: right, left, up, and down. Each time he moves his head to follow the stick, immediately click and reward him. Repeat this 15 times.[7]
  5. 5
    Reward your rabbit when he touches the target stick. The ultimate goal for target training is for your rabbit to reach out and touch the target sick. The first time he does this, immediately click and give him six treats to reward him generously. To challenge him after this first time, gradually start moving the target stick farther away from his nose.[8]
    • As you move the target stick further away, your rabbit should start to follow and try to touch it. If he doesn’t follow, shorten your distance and try again.[9]
    • To challenge him even further, do not click immediately after he touches the target stick. Instead, wait for a second or two. This will teach him to be patient before he earns the reward.[10]
    • You may find that your rabbit enjoys the extra challenge.[11]
  6. 6
    Practice target training each day. Daily practice will help your rabbit become comfortable with the target stick. Rather than doing one long training session, schedule several training sessions throughout the day: early morning, early evening, and late at night before your rabbit’s bedtime.
    • Your rabbit will be hungry in the morning, which should make him more receptive to getting a food reward.
    • Your rabbit may get bored with a lot of repetitions. If your rabbit starts to lose interest, end the training session and work with him again later in the day or the next day.
  7. Advertisement
Part 2
Part 2 of 3:

Training Your Rabbit to Jump Over Something

  1. 1
    Train your rabbit on a non-slip surface. Now that your rabbit knows how to follow a target stick, it’s time to get to the really fun part of the training. First, put some thought into where you are going to train him. Pick an area of your home where the floor isn’t slippery[12] —a slippery surface could cause your rabbit to lose his footing and possibly injure himself when he lands.
    • Choose a carpeted area of your home. Hardwood floors or tiles would be too slippery.
  2. 2
    Select an object for your rabbit to jump over. To start out the training, you may want to choose something that your rabbit could easily jump over, such as a pole.[13] You could also train him to jump over a basket, or even through a hula hoop!
    • Whichever item you choose, make sure it is light enough for you to hold above the ground during training sessions.
    • Visit your local pet store to pick up a pole or other small object for your rabbit to jump over.
  3. 3
    Allow your rabbit to sniff the object. Before going straight to the training, give your rabbit some time to run around and investigate the object over which you want him to jump. Getting your rabbit to jump over the object may be a little easier if he is already comfortable with it. Also, if he has some pent up energy, letting him run around will let him release some of that extra energy.
    • Do not rush him while he investigates the object.
  4. 4
    Hold the object close to the ground. Although your rabbit can jump high, start your training by holding the object low—about five centimeters (two inches) above the floor. This height is high enough that your rabbit will have to jump over the object (rather than step over it), but not so high that he will have trouble doing so.
  5. 5
    Use the target stick to get your rabbit to jump over the object. Hold the target stick a short distance from your rabbit’s nose. When he jumps to follow the target, click immediately when you see his back feet clear the top of the object.[14]
    • Your rabbit may surprise you and jump over the object without you needing to use the target stick. If he does this, click when he is at the height of his jump.[15]
    • Whether he jumps with or without the target stick, reward him with positive reinforcement after you use the clicker.
    • If your rabbit decides to run to the side of the object, or maybe run away from it, simply pick him up and place him in front of the object again. You may need to do this a few times until your rabbit understands that he is supposed to stay in front of the object and jump over it.
    • Keep on practicing until your rabbit can consistently jump over the object at a low height.
  6. 6
    Raise the object higher. Challenge your rabbit by raising the object higher off the ground.[16] How high you hold the object off the ground is up to you. Continue using the target stick to lure your rabbit to jump.
    • Immediately click and reward your rabbit when his back feet clear the object.
    • Do not hold the object so high that your rabbit is not able to jump over it or risks injury trying to do so.
  7. 7
    Give your rabbit a verbal cue. The goal of training is for your rabbit to jump on command without you using the target stick. Choose a simple command, like ‘Jump.’ Say the command clearly and confidently, show your rabbit the target stick, and click and reward him immediately when he jumps over the object.
    • Say the verbal cue softly. If you say the cue in a loud voice, your rabbit may become frightened and run away from you.
    • With practice, you should say the cue only once.
    • Initially, you may need to say the command several times before your rabbit understands what it means. Make sure your voice does not sound threatening or emotional if you have to say the cue multiple times.
  8. 8
    Stop using the target stick. To start phasing out the target stick, say the command without showing your rabbit the stick. Click and reward him immediately when he jumps over the object.[17] Gradually use the stick less and less until you are not using it at all.
  9. 9
    Challenge your rabbit. In addition to raising the object higher off the ground, you can also challenge your rabbit by moving him further away from the jump. When he is further away, say ‘Jump’ and click and reward him immediately when he jumps over the object.[18]
    • Eventually, you should also start phasing out the treats —you don’t want your rabbit becoming overweight while teaching him to jump!
  10. Advertisement
Part 3
Part 3 of 3:

Learning General Rabbit Training Tips

  1. 1
    Determine if your rabbit should jump. Jumping may be difficult and more dangerous for certain rabbits. For example, large breed rabbits could injure themselves when jumping. In addition, rabbits that are overweight or out of shape could hurt themselves when trying to jump.[19]
    • Large breed rabbits include English Lops, French Lops, and Americans.[20]
    • Although younger rabbits are easily trainable, their bones and joints are still developing. They could injure themselves and develop orthopedic problems with too much jumping.[21]
    • Before you teach your rabbit to jump over something, take him to your veterinarian for a physical exam. Your veterinarian can let you know if your rabbit’s physical condition is ideal for jumping.[22]
  2. 2
    Use positive reinforcement when training your rabbit. Positive reinforcement, which comes in many forms, is very effective for pet training. However, positive reinforcement for a rabbit is not necessarily the same as that for a dog. This is partially because rabbits are not naturally obedient—they are not inclined to follow a leader (you) as a dog would.[23]
    • Although rabbits are social animals, they are not pack animals and thus do not have an ‘alpha’ rabbit.[24] Your rabbit is unlikely to see you and respond to you as his ‘alpha.’
    • In addition, a rabbit’s appetite is smaller than that of a dog. Therefore, treats may not be very enticing to your rabbit as a reward (unless he’s hungry).[25]
    • If treats are not enticing to your rabbit, offer him other forms of reward, such as head scratches.[26]
  3. 3
    Do not punish your rabbit. Training your rabbit should focus on rewarding good behavior, not punishing bad behavior. Do not ever shout at or physically punish your rabbit.[27] If you do so, he will likely see you as the enemy and remember how you punished him.[28]
    • Punishing your rabbit can also make him more aggressive, fearful, and maybe even vindictive.[29]
  4. Advertisement


  • Jumping can cause injuries in large breed rabbits, as well as rabbits that are young, overweight and/or out of shape.[33]
  • Punishing your rabbit can make your rabbit aggressive and make him fear you.[34]

About This Article

Pippa Elliott, MRCVS
Co-authored by:
This article was co-authored by Pippa Elliott, MRCVS. Dr. Elliott, BVMS, MRCVS is a veterinarian with over 30 years of experience in veterinary surgery and companion animal practice. She graduated from the University of Glasgow in 1987 with a degree in veterinary medicine and surgery. She has worked at the same animal clinic in her hometown for over 20 years. This article has been viewed 45,394 times.
16 votes - 83%
Co-authors: 12
Updated: February 14, 2022
Views: 45,394
Categories: Training Rabbits
Article SummaryX

To teach your rabbit to jump over something, make a target stick by fixing a jingle bell to a stick so you can use the stick to lure your rabbit to jump. You should also get a clicker from a pet store, so you can use it to make a clicking sound when your rabbit does the right thing. When you’re ready to start the training, move the target stick in different directions in front of your rabbit and use the clicker every time your rabbit moves its head to watch the stick. Once your rabbit is good at following this target, hold the object you want it to jump over about 2 inches off the floor. Then, move the stick over the object so your rabbit jumps over to follow the stick. For more tips from our Veterinary co-author, including how to phase out the target stick and introduce verbal cues, read on!

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