Preparing a rabbit for a show is necessary to make sure it does the best it can. "Conditioning" generally refers to feeding your rabbit a supplement so it looks its best at the show. However, you also need to make sure your rabbit is healthy and well-groomed for the show.

Part 1
Part 1 of 3:

Choosing a Supplemental Conditioner

  1. 1
    Buy a conditioner. Conditioners are available commercially for your rabbit. The common ones are Doc's Rabbit Enhancer[1] , Calf-Manna,[2] and ShowBloom.[3]
    • Some owners use these in addition to their own ingredients, so don't think you're restricted to just one of these if you buy one.
  2. 2
    Make your own conditioner. You can make your own additions to your rabbit's food to help increase its conditions. For instance, oatmeal, barley, and wheat germ are a couple of grain options.[4] You can also use black oil or wheat germ oil.[5]
    • Another option is sunflower seeds--the kind you use for birds.[6]
    • For instance, one owner mixes equal parts of Doc's Enhancer, black sunflower seeds, crimped barley, and wheat germ. To hold it together, he uses a third of a part of wheat germ oil. In other words, if you use 3 cups each of the first ingredients, you'll need a cup of wheat germ oil. Leftovers should be frozen.[7]
  3. 3
    Use salt or molasses instead. According to some breeders, adding a tiny bit of molasses or salt to your rabbit's normal food can condition it in place of commercial or homemade conditioners. Basically, you just sprinkle it lightly on top of the food or pour a bit of molasses.[8]
    • The reason this may work is because it will encourage it to increase its water intake. In turn, that helps with its condition overall.[9]
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Part 2
Part 2 of 3:

Feeding Your Rabbit the Supplement

  1. 1
    Follow commercial instructions. If you buy a commercial product, it will have instructions about how much of the product you should feed your rabbit. Generally, it is not very much, as your rabbit will still be on regular food.[10]
    • For instance, ShowBloom recommends 1/2 an ounce for dwarf rabbits per day, 1 ounce for regular rabbits per day, and 1 1/2 ounces for giant rabbits per day. Calf-Manna recommends a tablespoon for large rabbits (or ones producing milk) or a teaspoon for smaller rabbits, including adolescents, per day.[11]
    • For conditioning, start feeding commercial products like ShowBloom 90 days ahead, but always read the manufacturer's instructions first.
  2. 2
    Use a small amount of homemade. If you're feeding your own supplement, try a very small handful at first. As you feed your rabbit the supplement, you should reduce what it's eating otherwise. Try to reduce the normal food in the same amount that you're feeding the supplement.[12]
    • Other owners recommend as little as a teaspoon for small rabbits. Take into account the size of your rabbit when feeding special food.[13]
    • Start feeding a homemade product about a month to a month and a half ahead of time. If you're constantly doing shows, you can feed a small amount all year, though you can also just focus on a couple of shows for conditioning.[14]
  3. 3
    Feed separately if necessary. Sometimes, rabbits will dig for the special feed. That's because it's a treat, and they may like it better than their regular food. If your rabbits are leaving too much regular food behind, you might trying feeding their supplement at a separate time. That way, they can focus on their regular food when you give it to them.[15]
  4. 4
    Provide ample water. Your rabbit needs plenty of water to be healthy. Change the water daily, and make sure to not let its water run dry. Water can also help condition your rabbit.[16]
  5. 5
    Take your rabbit off the feed. After the show, it's important to take your rabbit off the conditioner. If you leave it on it, it can cause it to gain weight over time. In fact, it can work against you because then your rabbits will be out of condition for showing because they'll be too large.[17]
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Part 3
Part 3 of 3:

Ensuring Your Rabbit Is Ready

  1. 1
    Make sure your rabbits are healthy first. A conditioner will not work properly if your rabbits are not healthy in the first place. You need to check for certain diseases, listed in the bullet points. If you're not sure how to do it, check with your vet.[18]
    • Look for loose feces or a runny nose, as those can be signs of problems with your rabbit. Also, if you notice mites, that will get you disqualified at a show.[19]
    • A runny nose could be a sign of Pasteurellosis, also known as snuffles. It can be treated, but your bunny will not likely be able to show.[20] Coccidiosis, abscesses, and pinworms can also be problems.[21]
    • If you notice any of these symptoms, take your rabbit to the vet for treatment.
  2. 2
    Skip any "foreign substances." "Foreign substances" are things you use to make your rabbit look healthier than it is. That does not include conditioners, but it can include things like polishes and other silicone-based products meant for rabbits.[22]
    • It can also mean things like colors to help your rabbit's toenails look healthier than they are.[23]
  3. 3
    Skip a bath. Most of the time, your rabbit isn't going to need a bath. They keep themselves clean and generally do not like water much.[24]
    • If your rabbit is stained from the hutch or from feces, you can use a spray-in dry shampoo, available at the pet store. However, you must make sure all of it is out before the show, as it counts as a "foreign substance" if left in.[25]
    • You can also use rubbing alcohol or peroxide to try to get a stain out.[26]
  4. 4
    Get your rabbit's fur ready. Getting your rabbit's fur ready is a simple process. Wet your hands, and run them down the length of your rabbit's body, pulling off any extra fur you find. You can also go against the grain of the fur once and a while, but doing so too often can damage the fur.[27]
    • On some fiber-producing breeds, such as American Fuzzy Lop or Jersey Wool, you can use a wide-toothed comb, going in the direction of their fur.[28]
    • While you normally may need to brush your rabbit, for a show, you only need to make sure all the dead fur is gone. Plus, you should ensure your rabbit doesn't have mats, as that will get it disqualified. If you find a mat right before a show, you may not be able to fix it, as mats can be a sign of a runny nose. Otherwise, use a mat rake or splitter to get the mat out.[29]
  5. 5
    Trim the toenails. If a judge is scratched by your bunny, that will likely get you disqualified. Therefore, you need to make sure your rabbit's nails are trimmed. In addition, missing toenails can also get you disqualified.[30] Cat nail trimmers are good for this process.[31]
    • You can lay the bunny on its back, stand it on a table, or cuddle it with one arm. You might want to have another person around to help you corral the rabbit. Bring one leg up at a time to trim its nails. Remember to also get the "thumb" nail on the front foot.[32]
    • In some rabbits, you'll be able to see the quick without assistance. If you can't see the quick, trying shining a flashlight behind the nails. Try not to get below the quick, as the rabbit will bleed. If it does bleed, you can use flour, cornstarch, or styptic powder to stench the flow.[33]
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About This Article

Pippa Elliott, MRCVS
Co-authored by:
This article was co-authored by Pippa Elliott, MRCVS. Dr. Elliott, BVMS, MRCVS is a veterinarian with over 30 years of experience in veterinary surgery and companion animal practice. She graduated from the University of Glasgow in 1987 with a degree in veterinary medicine and surgery. She has worked at the same animal clinic in her hometown for over 20 years. This article has been viewed 27,549 times.
14 votes - 87%
Co-authors: 8
Updated: June 15, 2021
Views: 27,549
Article SummaryX

To condition your rabbit for a show, you can buy a commercial conditioner, like Doc’s Rabbit Enhancer, Calf-Manna, or ShowBloom, which you add to your rabbit’s normal food. Alternatively, make your own conditioner from ingredients like oatmeal, barley, wheat germ, and black oil. You should start feeding your rabbit conditioner about a month to a month and a half before the show. Start by feeding your rabbit a small amount, such as a teaspoon. Then, slowly increase the feed over the month before its show. As you increase the conditioner food, make sure you decrease the same amount of its normal food so you don’t overfeed your rabbit. In addition to food, you should also provide plenty of water for your rabbit, which can also help condition it for a show. For more tips form our Veterinary co-author, including how to know when your rabbit’s ready for a show, read on!

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