Bass strings are tuned to E, A, D, G, with E as the lowest, thickest string. Over time, the strings of your bass guitar will fall out of tune with each other. These slightly off strings can make even perfect performances sound awful. To prevent your bass guitar playing from clashing with itself and other instruments, you should tune your bass before every performance. For the most common kind of bass, the four string, you can tune it to another instrument, make use of relative tuning, or use an electronic tuner.

Method 1
Method 1 of 3:

Tuning with an Electronic Tuner

  1. 1
    Turn on your tuner. Depending on the brand of tuner available, you may need to press a button, flip a switch, or simple open your tuner to turn it on. As there are many different models of tuner, you'll have to follow your tuner's direction for best results.
    • Desktop tuners are small devices that can be set up on flat surfaces, like a desk or music stand, while tuning. These frequently have ¼" input/output to connect to both bass and amp.
    • Clip on tuners are generally very convenient for practice, though these can be unsightly if left on during a performance. You should clip these onto your headstock when tuning.[1]
  2. 2
    Set or check your tuning note. Some simple tuners may only tune to a single note, but you might be able to set other tuners to whatever note you please.[2] This information should be displayed clearly and prominently on the screen of your tuner.
    • Most electronic tuners these days comes with a LED screen color coded red and green. Red generally implies that you are off pitch, while green implies you are nearing it.
    • You may find that your tuner has an "auto-tune" function to help beginners tune open (unfretted) strings.
  3. 3
    Tune to your tuner. This might require you to set your tuner first before playing a string and adjusting its tuning peg to tune your bass. After the tuner is set, play strings one at a time and follow the tuner screen indicators to tune each string by adjusting each corresponding tuning peg.[3]
    • You won't have to alternate between strings like with the interval method or hold a pitch in your head like when tuning to another instrument when using a tuner.
    • Be careful not to accidentally mismatch strings and tuning pegs. Doing so will mean you'll have to re-tune.
  4. 4
    Make use of online tools when a tuner is unavailable. When you're in a pinch and you don't have a tuner on hand, you could always look up a free bass guitar tuner online on your phone or computer. There are even guitar tuning apps you can download to your phone so you're never without one.
    • Depending on your phone and the quality of the app/website tuning service, some of these online tuners may be low quality.
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Method 2
Method 2 of 3:

Tuning to an Instrument

  1. 1
    Play the E note on an instrument. You'll want to make sure that the instrument you are tuning to is in tune before tuning to it. Some instruments, like the piano, stay in tune for long periods of time and are excellent tools for tuning your bass.
    • The E note on a keyboard can be found by locating the white key immediately after a series of two black keys in a row. Any key immediately after a series of two black keys is E.
    • Other instruments that have recently been tuned, like a guitar or trumpet, can also be used to tune the E string of your bass.
    • When you play your reference E note on an instrument, clear your head and try to hold onto the E note's pitch as clearly as possible. This is the first note you'll be tuning to.
  2. 2
    Tune the thickest string on your bass. This string is also known as the E string.[4] As you play this note, hold on to the reference E note you just played on an instrument in your head. You should notice that the notes aren't exactly the same. To tune your E string, you should:
    • Locate the tuning pegs at the top of the neck of your bass. Each peg should correspond to one of the strings. Find the peg that corresponds to your E string. It should be the peg nearest the body of the guitar.
    • Turn the E peg to change the pitch of your string to match the reference E note. In most cases, instruments go flat (low) over time, so you'll likely have to turn the peg counterclockwise.
    • When the reference E note and the pitch made by playing the E string are the same, your E string is tuned.
  3. 3
    Tune the string neighboring the E string. This is also known as the A string.[5] The A string corresponds to the white keyboard note that immediately precedes the farthest right black key in a three black key series. Play your reference note and hold it in your head, then play the A string. Tune the string by:
    • Adjusting the A string tuning peg. In most cases, the A tuning peg will be the second closest peg to the body of the guitar. Turn this peg to change the pitch made by the A string.
    • In most cases, instruments go flat over time, so it's most likely that you'll have to turn your A tuning peg counterclockwise to make its sound sharper/higher.
    • If you are new to tuning a stringed instrument, it's not uncommon to turn your tuning peg to far and have to go the opposite direction. Be patient, and match the reference note carefully.
    • When the reference A note and the A string of your bass are exactly the same, the A string is tuned.
  4. 4
    Tune the neighboring, un-tuned string next to A. This is the D string of your bass guitar.[6] You're going to have to tune it to D on your reference instrument. On a keyboard, you can find D by locating the key directly in between two black keys. Play your reference note and hold it firmly in your mind, then:
    • Play your D string. You should notice that the sound of your bass's D string doesn't match perfectly with your reference note.
    • Adjust the D string tuning peg. This peg is usually the peg third closest to the body of the guitar. Turn the tuning peg until your D string matches your reference note perfectly.
  5. 5
    Tune the final string of your bass. This is the G string.[7] To tune this string, you'll need to play a G on a reference instrument, like a keyboard. On a keyboard, G can be found by locating the white note immediately after the farthest left black note in a series of three black notes. To tune the string, you should:
    • Play your G string. Compare the note to your reference note. It's likely going to be flat, so you'll have to change the sound of the string with its tuning peg.
    • Find and adjust the G string tuning peg. This should be the peg farthest away from the body of the guitar. Turn the peg until it matches the pitch of your reference note. Your bass is tuned.
  6. Advertisement
Method 3
Method 3 of 3:

Tuning by Interval

  1. 1
    Avoid interval tuning when playing with other instruments. Interval tuning will make sure your strings are in tune with each other, but will not tune your bass to the actual pitch. Interval tuning is perfect for solo playing or for situations where you have no other method of tuning.
    • If you are playing with a group and nobody has a tuner, you could interval tune your bass and then have other players tune their instruments to yours. As long as everyone tunes to the same root, the players should sound in tune.[8]
  2. 2
    Play your thickest string fretted on the fifth fret. This is also known as the E string. Playing the E string fretted at the fifth fret will produce a similar sound to that of its neighbor, the A string, when played unfretted (open). These notes should be the same. To achieve this:
    • Alternate between playing your fifth fretted E string and your open A string. Hold the two tones in your head as best you can.
    • Adjust the A tuning peg to change the A string to match the fifth fretted E string note. The A tuning peg, in most cases, will be the second from the body of the guitar.
  3. 3
    Tune the un-tuned string next to A. This is the D string. Now that A has been tuned to the E string, you can use A to tune D. Play A string while holding the fifth fret, then alternate and play the D string open. These tones should be the same. To tune your D string:
    • Play both notes and try to hold each in your head. The D string note will be tuned to the fifth fretted A string by adjusting its tuning peg.
    • The D string tuning peg should be the third closest to the body of your guitar. Turn the peg until the tone made by your D string matches that of your fifth fretted A string.[9]
  4. 4
    Finish with your final string. This is also known as the G string. Since D has been tuned relative to A, you can use D to tune G. Fret D again while holding the fifth fret and play the note. Then play the G string open. Both these should be the same, so you'll need to:
    • Alternate between notes and try to hold both in your head. The G string pitch will need to be adjusted through its tuning peg.
    • The G string tuning peg is usually the farthest peg from the body of your guitar. Turn this peg while alternating between fifth fretted D and open G until the notes match. Your bass is
  5. Advertisement

Community Q&A

  • Question
    Hello, I would like some to clear something out which I don't know; my tuner has an option of choosing the key in which the instrument will be tuned.
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Many guitarists and bassists tune to D-natural or E-flat instead of E-natural. This tuner simply works to make sure you can tune to whomever or whatever you're playing along with.
  • Question
    How should I place my hand when playing the bass guitar?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    When in first position, your pointer finger (the first finger) goes on the first fret, the second finger on the second fret, the third finger on the third fret, and so on.


  • You may snap a string, either through your own eagerness or faulty manufacture. Always have an extra set of strings on hand so there are no interruptions to your playing.
  • Bass strings can be expensive. You may be able to make them last longer by boiling them from time to time to revitalize them.


  2. Carlos Alonzo Rivera, MA. Professional Guitarist. Expert Interview. 27 August 2019.
  4. Carlos Alonzo Rivera, MA. Professional Guitarist. Expert Interview. 27 August 2019.
  5. Carlos Alonzo Rivera, MA. Professional Guitarist. Expert Interview. 27 August 2019.
  6. Carlos Alonzo Rivera, MA. Professional Guitarist. Expert Interview. 27 August 2019.
  7. Carlos Alonzo Rivera, MA. Professional Guitarist. Expert Interview. 27 August 2019.

About This Article

Carlos Alonzo Rivera, MA
Co-authored by:
Professional Guitarist
This article was co-authored by Carlos Alonzo Rivera, MA. Carlos Alonzo Rivera is a guitarist, composer, and educator based in San Francisco, California. He holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Music from California State University, Chico, as well as a Master of Music degree in Classical Guitar Performance from the San Francisco Conservatory of Music. Carlos specializes in the following genres: classical, jazz. rock, metal and blues. This article has been viewed 139,219 times.
2 votes - 60%
Co-authors: 19
Updated: October 4, 2021
Views: 139,219
Article SummaryX

To tune a bass guitar with a tuner, turn the tuner on and play the first string on your guitar. If the tuner lights up red, turn the corresponding tuning peg and try playing the string again. Keep doing this until the tuner lights up green and then repeat with the rest of the strings on your guitar. If you don't have a tuner, find another instrument that's in tune, like a keyboard or a different guitar. Then, play the notes on that instrument that correspond with the strings on your guitar. Adjust your guitar strings with the tuning pegs until the notes match the other instrument. If you want to learn how to interval tune your bass, keep reading the article!

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