The English language is chock-full of unique, exciting words to describe a person's voice. Whether you're discussing someone real or writing a fictional character, there's one word that perfectly describes the way they speak—and you'll find it listed below! We've also included definitions and examples to help you get started; so what are you waiting for? Enjoy our complete list of adjectives that describe a person's voice!

Things You Should Know

  • Voices can be described by their volume. For example, "booming" and "feathery" are ways to describe loud and quiet voices.
  • Some adjectives help describe a voice's tone and pitch; "monotone" and "shrill," for instance.
  • You can also describe how someone's voice affects others. "Soporific" voices put people to sleep, and "hypnotic" voices hold them in a trance.


  1. Animated voices are lively and clearly show the speaker's feelings. Select this adjective when you’re describing someone excitable or in an engaging or intense conversation.[3]
    • Example: “Listening to her animated voice, I knew she was really passionate about the topic at hand.”
  2. Advertisement

About This Article

Caroline Heiderscheit
Co-authored by:
wikiHow Staff Writer
This article was co-authored by wikiHow staff writer, Caroline Heiderscheit. Caroline Heiderscheit is a Staff Writer for wikiHow living in Santa Monica, CA. She has two years of experience working in content, including a year of editing work for first-time novelists. Caroline graduated from Stanford University in 2018 with degrees in American Studies and Creative Writing. This article has been viewed 35,849 times.
8 votes - 85%
Co-authors: 3
Updated: October 25, 2022
Views: 35,849
Categories: Communication Skills