Algebraic notation (chess)
Algebraic notation is the standard method for recording and describing the moves in a game of chess. It is based on a system of coordinates to uniquely identify each square on the board.[1] It is used by most books, magazines, and newspapers.

An early form of algebraic notation was invented by the Syrian player Philip Stamma in the 18th century. In the 19th century, it came into general use in German chess literature, and was subsequently adopted in Russian chess literature. In English-speaking countries, the parallel method of descriptive notation was generally used in chess publications until the 1980s. A few players still use descriptive notation, but it is no longer recognized by FIDE, the international chess governing body.
The term "algebraic notation" may be considered a misnomer, as the system is unrelated to algebra.[1]
Naming the squares
Each square of the board is identified by a unique coordinate pair—a letter and a number—from White's point of view. The vertical columns of squares, called files, are labeled a through h from White's left (the queenside) to right (the kingside). The horizontal rows of squares, called ranks, are numbered 1 to 8 starting from White's side of the board. Thus each square has a unique identification of file letter followed by rank number. For example, the initial square of White's king is designated as "e1".
Naming the pieces
Each piece type (other than pawns) is identified by an uppercase letter. English-speaking players use the letters K for king, Q for queen, R for rook, B for bishop, and N for knight. Different initial letters are used by other languages.
In chess literature, especially that intended for an international audience, the language-specific letters are often replaced by universally recognized piece symbols; for example, ♞c6 in place of Nc6. This style is known as figurine algebraic notation. The Unicode Miscellaneous Symbols set includes all the symbols necessary for figurine algebraic notation.[2]
Notation for moves
In standard (or short form) algebraic notation, each move of a piece is indicated by the piece's uppercase letter, plus the coordinates of the destination square. For example, Be5 (bishop moves to e5), Nf3 (knight moves to f3). For pawn moves, a letter indicating pawn is not used, only the destination square is given. For example, c5 (pawn moves to c5).
When a piece makes a capture, an "x" is inserted immediately before the destination square. For example, Bxe5 (bishop captures the piece on e5). When a pawn makes a capture, the file from which the pawn departed is used to identify the pawn. For example, exd5 (pawn on the e-file captures the piece on d5).
En passant captures are indicated by specifying the capturing pawn's file of departure, the "x", the destination square (not the square of the captured pawn), and (optionally) the suffix "e.p." indicating the capture was en passant.[4] For example, exd6 e.p.
Sometimes a multiplication sign (×) or a colon (:) is used instead of "x", either in the middle (B:e5) or at the end (Be5:). Some publications, such as the Encyclopaedia of Chess Openings (ECO), omit any indication that a capture has been made; for example, Be5 instead of Bxe5; ed6 instead of exd6 or exd6 e.p.
When it is unambiguous to do so, a pawn capture is sometimes described by specifying only the files involved (exd or even ed). These shortened forms are sometimes called abbreviated algebraic notation or minimal algebraic notation.
Disambiguating moves
a | b | c | d | e | f | g | h | ||
8 | ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() | 8 | |||||||
7 | 7 | ||||||||
6 | 6 | ||||||||
5 | 5 | ||||||||
4 | 4 | ||||||||
3 | 3 | ||||||||
2 | 2 | ||||||||
1 | 1 | ||||||||
a | b | c | d | e | f | g | h |
When two (or more) identical pieces can move to the same square, the moving piece is uniquely identified by specifying the piece's letter, followed by (in descending order of preference):
- the file of departure (if they differ)
- the rank of departure (if the files are the same but the ranks differ)
If neither file nor rank alone is sufficient to identify the piece, then both are specified.
In the diagram, both black rooks could legally move to f8, so the move of the d8-rook to f8 is disambiguated as Rdf8. For the white rooks on the a-file which could both move to a3, it is necessary to provide the rank of the moving piece, i.e., R1a3.
In the case of the white queen on h4 moving to e1, neither the rank nor file alone are sufficient to disambiguate from the other white queens. As such, this move is written Qh4e1.
As above, an "x" can be inserted to indicate a capture; for example, if the final case were a capture, it would be written as Qh4xe1.
Pawn promotion
When a pawn promotes, the piece promoted to is indicated at the end. For example, a pawn on e7 promoting to a queen on e8 may be variously rendered as e8Q, e8=Q, e8(Q), e8/Q etc.
Draw offer
FIDE specifies draw offers to be recorded by an equals sign with parentheses "(=)" after the move on the score sheet.[5] This is not usually included in published game scores.
Castling is indicated by the special notations 0-0 (for kingside castling) and 0-0-0 (queenside castling). O-O and O-O-O (letter O rather than digit 0) are also commonly used.[lower-alpha 1]
A move that places the opponent's king in check usually has the symbol "+" appended. Alternatively, sometimes a dagger (†) or the abbreviation "ch" is used. Some publications indicate a discovered check with an abbreviation such as "dis ch", or with a specific symbol. Double check is usually indicated the same as check, but is sometimes represented specifically as "dbl ch" or "++", particularly in older chess literature. Some publications such as ECO omit any indication of check.
Checkmate at the completion of moves is represented by the symbol "#" in standard FIDE notation and PGN. The word mate is commonly used instead; occasionally a double dagger (‡) or a double plus sign (++) is used, although the double plus sign is also used to represent "double check" when a king is under attack by two enemy pieces simultaneously. A checkmate is represented by "≠" (the not equal sign) in the macOS chess application. In Russian and ex-USSR publications, where captures are indicated by ":", checkmate can also be represented by "X" or "x".
End of game
The notation 1–0 at the completion of moves indicates that White won, 0–1 indicates that Black won, and ½–½ indicates a draw. In case of forfeit, the scores 0–0, ½–0, and 0–½ are also possible.[7][8] If player(s) lost by default, results are +/−, −/+, or −/−.
Often there is no indication regarding how a player won or lost (other than checkmate, see above), so simply 1–0 or 0–1 may be written to show that one player resigned or lost due to time control or forfeit. Similarly, there is more than one way for a game to end in a draw. Sometimes direct information is given by the words "White resigns" or "Black resigns", though this is not considered part of the notation but rather a return to the surrounding narrative text.
Similar notations
Besides the standard (or short) algebraic notation already described, several similar systems have been used.
Long algebraic notation
In long algebraic notation, also known as fully expanded algebraic notation, both the starting and ending squares are specified, for example: e2e4. Sometimes these are separated by a hyphen, e.g. Nb1-c3, while captures are indicated by an "x", e.g. Rd3xd7. Long algebraic notation takes more space and is no longer commonly used in print; however, it has the advantage of clarity. Both short and long algebraic notation are acceptable for keeping a record of the moves on a scoresheet, as is required in FIDE rated games.
A form of long algebraic notation (without piece names) is also used by the Universal Chess Interface (UCI) standard, which is a common way for graphical chess programs to communicate with chess engines (e.g., for AI): e.g. e2e4, e1g1 (castling), e7e8q (promotion).[9]
ICCF numeric notation
In international correspondence chess the use of algebraic notation may cause confusion, since different languages employ different names (and therefore different initial letters) for the pieces, and some players may be unfamiliar with the Latin alphabet. Hence, the standard for transmitting moves by post or email is ICCF numeric notation, which identifies squares using numerical coordinates, and identifies both the departure and destination squares. For example, the move 1.e4 is rendered as 1.5254. In recent years, the majority of correspondence games have been played on on-line servers rather than by email or post, leading to a decline in the use of ICCF numeric notation.
Portable Game Notation (PGN) is a text-based file format for storing chess games, which uses standard English algebraic notation and a small amount of markup.[10] PGN can be processed by almost all chess software, as well as being easily readable by humans. For example, the Game of the Century could be represented as follows in PGN:
[Event "Third Rosenwald Trophy"]
[Site "New York, NY USA"]
[Date "1956.10.17"]
[EventDate "1956.10.07"]
[Round "8"]
[Result "0-1"]
[White "Donald Byrne"]
[Black "Robert James Fischer"]
[ECO "D92"]
[WhiteElo "?"]
[BlackElo "?"]
[PlyCount "82"]
1. Nf3 Nf6 2. c4 g6 3. Nc3 Bg7 4. d4 O-O 5. Bf4 d5 6. Qb3 dxc4 7. Qxc4 c6 8. e4 Nbd7 9. Rd1 Nb6 10. Qc5 Bg4 11. Bg5 Na4 12. Qa3 Nxc3 13. bxc3 Nxe4 14. Bxe7 Qb6 15. Bc4 Nxc3 16. Bc5 Rfe8+ 17. Kf1 Be6 18. Bxb6 Bxc4+ 19. Kg1 Ne2+ 20. Kf1 Nxd4+ 21. Kg1 Ne2+ 22. Kf1 Nc3+ 23. Kg1 axb6 24. Qb4 Ra4 25. Qxb6 Nxd1 26. h3 Rxa2 27. Kh2 Nxf2 28. Re1 Rxe1 29. Qd8+ Bf8 30. Nxe1 Bd5 31. Nf3 Ne4 32. Qb8 b5 33. h4 h5 34. Ne5 Kg7 35. Kg1 Bc5+ 36. Kf1 Ng3+ 37. Ke1 Bb4+ 38. Kd1 Bb3+ 39. Kc1 Ne2+ 40. Kb1 Nc3+ 41. Kc1 Rc2# 0-1
a | b | c | d | e | f | g | h | ||
8 | ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() | 8 | |||||||
7 | 7 | ||||||||
6 | 6 | ||||||||
5 | 5 | ||||||||
4 | 4 | ||||||||
3 | 3 | ||||||||
2 | 2 | ||||||||
1 | 1 | ||||||||
a | b | c | d | e | f | g | h |
A game or series of moves is generally written in one of two ways; in two columns, as White/Black pairs, preceded by the move number and a period:
- 1. e4 e5
- 2. Nf3 Nc6
- 3. Bb5 a6
or horizontally:
- 1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Bb5 a6
Moves may be interspersed with commentary, called annotations. When the game score resumes with a Black move, an ellipsis (...) fills the position of the White move, for example:
- 1. e4 e5 2. Nf3
- White attacks the black e-pawn.
- 2... Nc6
- Black defends and develops simultaneously.
- 3. Bb5
- White plays the Ruy Lopez.
- 3... a6
- Black elects Morphy's Defence.
Annotation symbols
Though not technically a part of algebraic notation, the following are some symbols commonly used by annotators, for example in publications Chess Informant and Encyclopaedia of Chess Openings, to give editorial comment on a move or position.
The symbol chosen is simply appended to the end of the move notation, for example, in the Soller Gambit: 1.d4 e5?! 2.dxe5 f6 3.e4! Nc6 4.Bc4+/−
Symbol | Meaning |
!! | A brilliant—and usually surprising—move |
! | A very good move |
!? | An interesting move that may not be the best |
?! | A dubious move that is not easily refutable |
? | A bad move; a mistake |
?? | A blunder |
⌓ | A better move than the one played |
□ | A forced move; the only reasonable move, or the only move available |
TN or N | A theoretical novelty |
Symbol | Meaning |
= | Both players have equal chances. |
+/= or ⩲ | White has a slight plus. |
=/+ or ⩱ | Black has a slight plus. |
+/− or ± | White has a clear plus. |
−/+ or ∓ | Black has a clear plus. |
+− | White has a winning advantage. |
−+ | Black has a winning advantage. |
∞ | It is unclear whether either side has an advantage; a "toss-up". |
=/∞ or ⯹ | Whoever is down in material has compensation for it. |
Descriptive notation was usual in the Middle Ages in Europe. A form of algebraic chess notation that seems to have been borrowed from Muslim chess, however, appeared in Europe in a 12th century manuscript referred to as "MS. Paris Fr. 1173 (PP.)". The files run from a to h, just as they do in the current standard algebraic notation. The ranks, however, are also designated by letters, with the exception of the 8th rank which is distinct because it has no letter. The ranks are lettered in reverse – from the 7th to the 1st: k, l, m, n, o, p, q.[11]
Another system of notation using only letters appears in a book of Mediaeval chess, Rechenmeister Jacob Köbel's Schachzabel Spiel of 1520.[11]
Algebraic notation exists in various forms and languages and is based on a system developed by Philipp Stamma in the 1730s. Stamma used the modern names of the squares (and may have been the first to number the ranks), but he used p for pawn moves and the capital original file of a piece (A through H) instead of the initial letter of the piece name as used now.[12] Piece letters were introduced in the 1780s by Moses Hirschel, and Johann Allgaier with Aaron Alexandre developed the modern castling notation in the 1810s.[13]
Algebraic notation was described in 1847 by Howard Staunton in his book The Chess-Player's Handbook. Staunton credits the idea to German authors, and in particular to "Alexandre, Jaenisch, and the Handbuch [des Schachspiels]."[14] While algebraic notation has been used in German and Russian chess literature since the 19th century, the Anglosphere was slow to adopt it, using descriptive notation for much of the 20th century. Beginning in the 1970s, algebraic notation gradually became more common in English language publications, and by 1980 it had become the prevalent notation. In 1981, FIDE stopped recognizing descriptive notation, and algebraic notation became the accepted international standard.
- Chess diagram found in a French manuscript (1173)
- Chess diagram from Jacob Köbel's German book about Mediaeval chess, Schachzabel Spiel (1520)
- Chess diagram showing algebraic notation in Howard Staunton's The Chess-Player's Handbook (1866)
Piece names in various languages
The table contains names for all the pieces as well as the words for chess, check, and checkmate in several languages.[15] Several languages use the Arabic loanword alfil for the piece called bishop in English; in this context it is a chess-specific term which no longer has its original meaning of "elephant".
Language | King | Queen | Rook | Bishop | Knight | Pawn | Chess | Check | Checkmate/Mate |
figure | ♔ ♚ | ♕ ♛ | ♖ ♜ | ♗ ♝ | ♘ ♞ | ♙ ♟ | n/a | + or † | # or ++ or ‡ |
Afrikaans | K Koning king |
D Dame lady |
T Toring tower |
L Loper runner |
R Ruiter rider |
(P) Pion |
Skaak | Skaak | Skaakmat |
Albanian | M Mbreti king |
D Dama / Mbretëresha lady / queen |
T Torra tower |
F Fili / Oficeri elephant / officer |
K Kali horse |
(U) Ushtari soldier |
Shahu | Shah | Shah mat |
Arabic | م مَلِك (malik) king |
و وزير (wazïr) vizier |
ر رخ / طابية (rukhkh / ṭābiya) fortress / castle |
ف فيل (fīl) elephant |
ح حصان (ħiṣān) horse |
ب بيدق / عسكري (baidaq / `askarī) pawn / soldier |
شطرنج (shaṭranj) | كِش مَلِك (kish malik) | كِش مات (kish māt) |
Azerbaijani | Ş Şah shah |
V Vəzir vizier |
T Top cannon |
F Fil elephant |
A At horse |
P Piyada foot soldier |
Şahmat | şah shah |
mat mat |
Armenian | Ա Արքա (Ark῾a) king |
Թ Թագուհի (T῾agowhi) queen |
Ն Նավակ (Navak) ship |
Փ Փիղ (P῾ił) elephant |
Ձ Ձի (Dzi) horse |
Զ Զինվոր (Zinvor) soldier |
Շախմատ (Šaxmat) Ճատրակ (Čatrak) |
Շախ (Šax) | Մատ (Mat) |
Basque | E Erregea king |
D Dama lady |
G Gaztelua castle |
A Alfila |
Z Zalduna knight |
(P) Peoia pawn |
Xake | Xake | Xake mate |
Belarusian (Taraškievica) | К кароль king |
Вз візыр vizier |
Лд ладзьдзя boat |
А афіцэр officer |
В вершнік rider |
(Л) латнік pawn |
Шахматы | Шах | Мат |
Bengali | R রাজা (rājā) King |
M মন্ত্রী (montri) Minister |
N নৌকা (noukā) Boat |
H গজ / হাতি (gôj / hāti) Elephant |
G ঘোড়া (ghoṛā) Horse |
B বোড়ে / সৈন্য (boṛe / śoinno) Walker / Troop |
দাবা (dābā) | কিস্তি (kisti) Check |
কিস্তিমাত (kistimāt) Checkmate |
Bulgarian | Ц цар tsar |
Д царица / дама empress / lady |
Т топ cannon |
О офицер officer |
К кон horse |
(П) пешка foot soldier |
Шахмат / Шах | Шах | (Шах и) мат |
Catalan | R rei |
D dama / reina lady / queen |
T torre tower |
A alfil |
C cavall horse |
(P) peó |
Escacs | Escac / Xec | Escac i mat |
Chinese | K 王 (wáng) king |
Q 后 (hòu) queen |
R 車 (jū) chariot |
B 象 (xiàng) elephant |
N 馬 (mǎ) horse |
(P) 兵 (bīng) soldier |
國際象棋 (guójì xiàngqí) international chess |
將軍 (jiāngjūn) |
將死 (jiāng sǐ) |
Czech | K král king |
D dáma lady |
V věž tower |
S střelec shooter |
J jezdec rider |
(P) pěšec foot soldier |
Šachy | Šach | Mat |
Danish | K konge king |
D dronning queen |
T tårn tower |
L løber runner |
S springer jumper |
(B) bonde peasant |
Skak | Skak | Skakmat |
Dutch | K koning king |
D dame / koningin lady / queen |
T toren / kasteel tower / castle |
L loper / raadsheer runner / counsellor |
P paard horse |
(pi) pion |
Schaken | Schaak | Mat / Schaakmat |
English | K king |
Q queen |
R rook, castle |
B bishop |
N knight |
(P) pawn |
Chess | Check | Checkmate / Mate |
Esperanto | R reĝo king |
D damo lady |
T turo tower |
K kuriero courier |
Ĉ ĉevalo horse |
(P) peono |
Ŝako | Ŝak | Ŝakmato |
Estonian[16] | K kuningas king |
L lipp flag |
V vanker chariot / carriage |
O oda spear |
R ratsu riding horse |
(E) ettur forwarder |
Male after malev |
Tuli / Šahh fire |
Matt |
Finnish | K kuningas king |
D daami / kuningatar lady / queen |
T torni tower |
L lähetti messenger |
R ratsu ride |
(S) sotilas soldier |
Shakki | Shakki | Matti / Shakkimatti |
French | R roi king |
D dame lady |
T tour tower |
F fou jester |
C cavalier rider |
(P) pion |
Échecs | Échec | Échec et mat |
Galician | R rei king |
D dama / raíña lady / queen |
T torre tower |
B bispo bishop |
C cabalo horse |
(P) peón foot soldier |
Xadrez | Xaque | Xaque mate |
Georgian | მფ მეფე (mep'e) king |
ლ ლაზიერი (lazieri) queen |
ე ეტლი (etli) chariot |
კ კუ (ku) tortoise |
მ მხედარი (mkhedari) rider |
პ პაიკი (paiki) pawn |
ჭადრაკი (Čadraki) | ქიში (K'ishi) | შამათი (Shamat'i) |
German[17] | K König king |
D Dame lady / queen |
T Turm tower |
L Läufer runner |
S Springer jumper |
(B) Bauer peasant / farmer |
Schach | Schach | Matt / Schachmatt |
Greek | Ρ βασιλιάς (vasiliás) king |
Β βασίλισσα (vasílissa) queen |
Π πύργος (pýrgos) tower |
Α αξιωματικός (axiomatikós) officer |
Ι ίππος (íppos) horse |
(Σ) πιόνι (pióni) pawn |
Σκάκι (Skáki) | Σαχ (Sach) / Ρουά (Rouá) | Mατ (Mat) |
Hindi | R राजा (rājā) king |
V वज़ीर / रानी (vazīr / rānī) vizier / queen |
H हाथी (hāthī) elephant |
O ऊँट (ūṁṭ) camel |
G घोड़ा (ghoṛā) horse |
(P) प्यादा (pyādā) infantryman |
शतरंज (śatrañj) | शह (Shah) | शहमात (Shahmāt) |
Hebrew | מ מלך (Melech) king |
מה מלכה (Malka) queen |
צ צריח (Tzariach) tower |
ר רץ (Ratz) runner |
פ פרש (Parash) horseman |
רגלי (Regli) foot soldier |
שחמט (Shakhmat) | שח (Shakh) | מט (Mat) |
Hausa | S sarki king |
Q sarauniya queen |
R sansanin fortress |
G giwa elephant |
J jarumi mounted warrior |
(P) soja soldier |
ces | ceki | ceki mat |
Hungarian | K király king |
V vezér / királynő leader / queen |
B bástya bastion |
F futó runner |
H huszár / ló hussar / horse |
(Gy) gyalog / paraszt footman / peasant |
Sakk | Sakk | Matt |
Icelandic | K kóngur king |
D drottning queen |
H hrókur rook |
B biskup bishop |
R riddari knight |
(P) peð pawn |
Skák | Skák | Skák og mát |
Ido | R rejo king |
D damo lady |
T turmo tower |
E episkopo bishop |
K kavalo horse |
(P) piono |
Shakoludo | Shako | Shakmato |
Indonesian | R raja king |
M menteri minister / vizier |
B benteng castle / fortress |
G gajah elephant |
K kuda horse |
(P) pion |
Catur | Sekak / Ster | Sekakmat |
Interslavic | K kralj king |
C carica / dama empress / lady |
Z zamok / věža castle / tower |
L lovec hunter |
J jezdec / konj rider / horse |
(P) pěšak infantryman |
Šahy | Šah | Mat |
Irish | R rí king |
B banríon queen |
C caiseal bulwark |
E easpag bishop |
D ridire knight |
(F) fichillín / ceithearnach little chess piece / kern |
Ficheall | Sáinn | Marbhsháinn |
Italian | R re king |
D donna / regina lady / queen |
T torre tower |
A alfiere standard-bearer |
C cavallo horse |
(P) pedone foot soldier |
Scacchi | Scacco | Scacco matto |
Japanese | K キング (kingu) |
Q クイーン (kuīn) |
R ルーク (rūku) |
B ビショップ (bishoppu) |
N ナイト (naito) |
(P) ポーン (pōn) |
チェス (chesu) | 王手 (ōte) / チェック (chekku) |
詰み (tsumi) / チェックメイト (chekkumeito) |
Javanese | R raja king |
Q ratu / perdhana mentri queen / prime minister |
B bèntèng fortress |
M mentri minister |
K jaran horse |
(P) pion |
sekak | ||
Kannada | ರಾ ರಾಜ (raaja) king |
ಮ ಮಂತ್ರಿ (mantri) minister |
ಆ ಆನೆ (aane) elephant |
ರ ರಥ (ratha) chariot |
ಕು ಕುದುರೆ (kudure) horse |
ಪಾ ಪದಾತಿ (padaati) foot soldier |
ಚದುರಂಗ (caduraṅga) | ||
Kazakh | Кр патша (patsha) king |
У уәзір (wazir) vizier |
Т тура (tura) tower |
П піл (pil) elephant |
А ат (at) horse |
(П) пешка (peshka) / (С) сарбаз (sarbaz) foot soldier / warrior |
шахмат (shakhmat) | шах (shakh) | мат (mat) |
Korean | K 킹 (king) |
Q 퀸 (kwin) |
R 룩 (rug) |
B 비숍 (bi syob) |
N 나이트 (na i teu) |
(P) 폰 (pon) |
체스 (che seu) | 체크 (che keu) | 체크메이트 (che keu me i teu) |
Latin | R rex king |
M regina queen |
T turris / elephas tower / elephant[18] |
A signifer / cursor / stultus / alphinus standard-bearer / messenger / fool[18] |
E eques knight |
(P) pedes / pedo foot soldier |
Scacci | Scaccus | Mattus |
Latvian | K karalis king |
D dāma lady |
T tornis tower |
L laidnis |
Z zirgs horse |
(B) bandinieks peasant |
Šahs | Šahs | Šahs un mats |
Lithuanian | K karalius king |
V valdovė queen |
B bokštas tower |
R rikis Lithuanian military commander |
Ž žirgas horse |
(P) pėstininkas pawn |
Šachmatai | Šach | Matas |
Lojban | Na noltrunau king |
Ni noltruni'u queen |
S slanydi'u castle |
X xanto elephant |
Xi xirma horse |
(S) sonci soldier |
caxmati | gunta attack |
lo nolraitru cu morsi the king is dead |
Luxembourgish | K Kinnek king |
D Damm lady |
T Tuerm tower |
L Leefer runner |
P Päerd horse |
(B) Bauer farmer |
Schach | Schach | Schachmatt |
Macedonian | K крал king |
D кралица / дама queen / lady |
T топ cannon |
L ловец hunter |
S коњ / скокач horse / jumper |
P пешак / пион infantryman / pawn |
шах | шах | мат |
Malayalam | K രാജാവ് (raajavu) king |
Q മന്ത്രി (manthri) minister |
R തേര് (therú) chariot |
B ആന (aana) elephant |
N/Kt കുതിര (kuthira) horse |
(P) കാലാള് / പടയാളി (kaalal / padayaali) foot soldier |
ചതുരംഗം (chathurangam) | ചെക്ക് |
ചെക്ക് മേറ്റ് |
Marathi | R राजा (rājā) king |
V वजीर (vajīr) vizier |
H हत्ती (hātti) elephant |
O उंट (Unṭ) camel |
G घोडा (ghoḍā) horse |
(P) प्यादे (pyāde) foot soldier |
बुद्धिबळ (buddhibal) | शह (shah) | शहमात (shahmāt) |
Mongolian | Н ноён noyan |
Б бэрс (fers) vizier |
т тэрэг (tereg) chariot |
Т тэмээ (temee) camel |
М морь (mor) horse |
(Х) хүү (hüü) boy |
Шатар | шаг / дуг / цод | мад |
Norwegian Bokmål | K konge king |
D dronning queen |
T tårn tower |
L løper runner |
S springer jumper |
(B) bonde peasant |
Sjakk | Sjakk | Sjakkmatt |
Norwegian Nynorsk | K konge king |
D dronning queen |
T tårn tower |
L løpar runner |
S springar jumper |
(B) bonde peasant |
Sjakk | Sjakk | Sjakkmatt |
Odia | K ରଜା (rôja) king |
Q ରାଣୀ (raṇi) queen |
R ଡଙ୍ଗା (ḍôṅga) boat |
B ହାତୀ (hati) elephant |
N ଘୋଡ଼ା (ghoṛa) horse |
P ସୈନିକ (sôinikô) soldier |
ଚେସ୍/ଶତରଞ୍ଜ (chess/śôtôrôñjô) | ଚେକ୍ (check) | ଚେକମେଟ୍ (checkmate) |
Oromo | M Mootii |
Mt Mootittii |
G Gidaara, masaraa |
A abuunii |
N namkabajaa |
Cheezii | Mirkaneeffannaa | Waayila / Mate | |
Persian | ش شاه king |
و وزیر vizier / minister |
ق/ر قلعه/رخ castle |
ف فیل elephant |
ا اسب horse |
س/پ سرباز/پیاده soldier |
شطرنج (shatranj) | کیش (kish) | مات (mat) |
Polish | K król king |
H królowa / hetman queen / general (hist.) |
W wieża tower |
G goniec / laufer courier / (ger. derived) |
S koń / skoczek horse / jumper |
(P) pionek / pion pawn |
Szachy | szach | mat / szach-mat |
Portuguese | R rei king |
D dama / rainha lady / queen |
T torre tower |
B bispo bishop |
C cavalo horse |
(P) peão foot soldier |
Xadrez | Xeque | Xeque-mate |
Romanian | R rege king |
D damă / regină lady / queen |
T turn / tură tower |
N nebun fool |
C cal horse |
(P) pion |
Șah | Șah | Mat / Șah mat |
Russian | Кр король (korol') king |
Ф ферзь / королева (ferz' / koroleva) vizier / queen |
Л ладья (ladya) boat |
С слон (slon) elephant |
К конь (kon') horse |
(П) пешка (peshka) |
шахматы (shakhmaty) | шах (shakh) | мат (mat) |
Scottish Gaelic | R righ king |
B bànrigh queen |
T tùr tower |
E easbaig bishop |
D ridir knight |
(P) pàn pawn |
feòirne | casg | tul-chasg |
Serbo-Croatian | K kralj (К краљ) king |
D kraljica / dama (Д краљицa / дама) queen / lady |
T top / kula (Т топ / кула) cannon / tower |
L lovac / strijelac / laufer (Л ловац / стрелац / лауфер) hunter / archer / runner |
S skakač / konj (С скaкaч / коњ) jumper / horse |
(P) pješak / pion / pijun ((П) пешак / пион / пијун) footman / pawn |
Šah (Шах) | Šah (Шах) | Mat (Мат) |
Northern Sotho | К Kgoši |
Kg Kgošigadi |
N Ntlosebô / Moshate |
Mp Mopišopo |
M Mogale |
S Seitšhireletšo |
Tšhêšê | Check | Checkmate |
Sicilian | R re king |
D riggina queen |
T turru tower |
A alferu |
S scecc[h]u donkey |
(P) pidinu foot soldier |
Scacchi | ||
Slovak | K kráľ king |
D dáma lady |
V veža tower |
S strelec shooter |
J jazdec rider |
(P) pešiak infantryman / pawn |
Šach | Šach | Mat / Šachmat |
Slovene | K kralj king |
D dama lady |
T trdnjava castle |
L lovec hunter |
S skakač jumper |
(P) kmet farmer |
Šah | Šah | Mat / Šahmat |
Spanish | R rey king |
D dama / reina lady / queen |
T torre tower |
A alfil |
C caballo horse |
(P) peón foot soldier |
Ajedrez | Jaque | Jaque mate |
Swedish | K kung king |
D dam / drottning lady / queen |
T torn tower |
L löpare runner |
H springare / riddare horse/knight |
(B) bonde peasant |
Schack | Schack | Schack matt |
Tamil | K அரசன் (arasaṉ) king |
Q அரசி (araci) queen |
R கோட்டை (kōṭṭai) castle |
B அமைச்சர் / மந்திரி (amaicchar / manthiri) minister |
N/Kt குதிரை (kutirai) horse |
(P) காலாள் / சிப்பாய் (kālāḷ / cippāy) foot soldier / sepoy |
சதுரங்கம் (sathurankam) | முற்றுகை (muṟṟukai) | இறுதி முற்றுகை (iṟuti muṟṟukai) |
Telugu | రాజు (rāju) king |
మంత్రి (maṃtri) minister |
ఏనుగు (ēnugu) elephant |
శకటు (śakaţu) |
గుర్రం (gurraṃ) horse |
బంటు (baṃţu) soldier |
చదరంగం (cadaraṃgaṃ) | దాడి (dāḍi) | కట్టు (kaţţu) |
Thai | ข ขุน (khun) king |
ต เม็ด / ตรี / มนตรี (met / tri / montri) counselor |
ร เรือ (ruea) ship |
ค โคน (khon) |
ม ม้า (ma) horse |
(บ) เบี้ย (bia) menial |
หมากรุก (makruk) | รุก (ruk) | จน (chon) |
Turkish | Ş/K şah / kral shah / king |
V vezir vizier |
K kale castle |
F fil elephant |
A at horse |
(P) er / piyon soldier / pawn |
Satranç | Şah | Mat |
Ukrainian | Kр король (korol) king |
Ф ферзь (ferz) vizier |
T тура (tura) tower |
C слон (slon) elephant |
K кінь (kin) horse |
(П) пішак / пішка (pishak / pishka) foot soldier |
Шахи (shakhi) | Шах (shakh) | Мат (mat) |
Urdu | بادشاہ (bādshāh) |
وزیر (vazīr) |
رخ (rukh) |
فيلہ (fiyalah) |
گھوڑا (ghōṛā) |
پیادہ (pyādah) |
شطرنج (šaṭranj) | شہ (sheh) | شہمات (shehmāt) |
Vietnamese | V vua king |
H hậu queen |
X xe chariot |
T tượng / tịnh / voi elephant |
M mã / ngựa horse |
tốt / chốt / binh soldier |
Cờ vua | Chiếu / Chiếu tướng | Chiếu bí / Chiếu hết / Sát cục / Tuyệt sát |
Welsh | T teyrn / brenin lord / king |
B brenhines queen |
C castell castle |
E esgob bishop |
M marchog rider |
(G) gwerinwr peasant |
Gwyddbwyll | Siach | Siachmat |
See also
- The main differences from standard Algebraic are that there is both a dot and a space after each move number, and an upper case "O" is used, instead of a zero, in the notation for castling. Presumably these were initially just one individual's personal foible (or error) in the early days of chess on the Internet, but the standard is now established. — Burgess (1997)[6]
- Hooper, David; Whyld, Kenneth (1996) [First pub. 1992]. "standard notation". The Oxford Companion to Chess (2nd ed.). Oxford University Press. p. 389. ISBN 0-19-280049-3.
- "Test for Unicode support in Web browsers".
- "FIDE Laws of Chess taking effect from 1 January 2018". FIDE. 2018-01-01. Retrieved 12 July 2020.
- see FIDE Laws of Chess[3]: Apdx C.9.3 .
- Article in FIDE Laws of Chess[3]
- Burgess, Graham (2000) [1997]. The Mammoth Book of Chess. Carroll & Graph. p. 517. ISBN 0-7867-0725-9.
- User's Manual for Vega Chess Pairing Software (FIDE-approved), p. 16.
- Geurt Gijssen, An Arbiter's Notebook, no. 164.
- "UCI protocol". Retrieved 2018-06-14.
- "Standard: Portable Game Notation Specification and Implementation Guide".
- Murray, Harold James Ruthven (1913). A History of Chess. Oxford, UK: Clarendon Press. pp. 469–470.
- Davidson, Henry (1981). A Short History of Chess. David McKay. pp. 152–153. ISBN 978-0679145509.
- Wall, Bill. "Chess Notation".
- Staunton, Howard (1866). The Chess-Player's Handbook (Second, revised ed.). London, UK: Bell & Daldy. p. 501 – via Google Books.
A popular and scientific introduction to the game of chess, exemplified in games actually played by the greatest masters, and illustrated by numerous diagrams of original and remarkable positions.
- Sources for this section include Wikipedia articles in various languages. Archived 2009-10-25.
- The Estonian chess terms were coined by Ado Grenzstein.
- "Handbook". Retrieved 22 March 2019.
The pieces bear the names: Koenig, Dame, Turm, Laeufer, Springer, Bauer
- H. J. R. Murray, A History of Chess, ch. 11.
External links

- FIDE Laws of Chess (see Appendix C. Algebraic Notation)