List of MeSH codes (C21)

The following is a partial list of the "C" codes for Medical Subject Headings (MeSH), as defined by the United States National Library of Medicine (NLM).

This list continues the information at List of MeSH codes (C20). Codes following these are found at List of MeSH codes (C22). For other MeSH codes, see List of MeSH codes.

The source for this content is the set of 2006 MeSH Trees from the NLM.

MeSH C21disorders of environmental origin

MeSH C21.447.080agricultural workers' diseases

MeSH C21.447.800pneumoconiosis

MeSH C21.613.127bites and stings

MeSH C21.613.276drug toxicity

MeSH C21.613.415food poisoning

MeSH C21.613.455gas poisoning

MeSH C21.613.512hepatitis, toxic

MeSH C21.613.589lead poisoning

MeSH C21.613.647mercury poisoning

MeSH C21.613.680mycotoxicosis

MeSH C21.613.705neurotoxicity syndromes

MeSH C21.613.756plant poisoning

MeSH C21.613.809psychoses, substance-induced

MeSH C21.739.835substance withdrawal syndrome

MeSH C21.866.017abdominal injuries

MeSH C21.866.088arm injuries

MeSH C21.866.117back injuries

MeSH C21.866.120barotrauma

MeSH C21.866.141birth injuries

MeSH C21.866.153bites and stings

MeSH C21.866.200burns

MeSH C21.866.260craniocerebral trauma

MeSH C21.866.289dislocations

MeSH C21.866.304drowning

MeSH C21.866.324electric injuries

MeSH C21.866.392foreign bodies

MeSH C21.866.404fractures, bone

MeSH C21.866.417frostbite

MeSH C21.866.448hand injuries

MeSH C21.866.522heat stress disorders

MeSH C21.866.531hip injuries

MeSH C21.866.558leg injuries

MeSH C21.866.700neck injuries

MeSH C21.866.733radiation injuries

MeSH C21.866.761 – rupture

MeSH C21.866.797shock, traumatic

MeSH C21.866.819spinal cord injuries

MeSH C21.866.831spinal injuries

MeSH C21.866.844sprains and strains

MeSH C21.866.874tendon injuries

MeSH C21.866.891thoracic injuries

MeSH C21.866.900tooth injuries

MeSH C21.866.915trauma, nervous system

MeSH C21.866.974wounds, nonpenetrating

MeSH C21.866.986wounds, penetrating

The list continues at List of MeSH codes (C22).

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