List of MeSH codes (D12.776.124)

The following is a partial list of the "D" codes for Medical Subject Headings (MeSH), as defined by the United States National Library of Medicine (NLM).

This list covers blood proteins. For other protein-related codes, see List of MeSH codes (D12.776).

Codes before these are found at List of MeSH codes (D12.776.097). Codes following these are found at List of MeSH codes (D12.776.157). For other MeSH codes, see List of MeSH codes.

The source for this content is the set of 2006 MeSH Trees from the NLM.

MeSH D12.776.124blood proteins

MeSH D12.776.124.050.250fibrinogen

MeSH D12.776.124.125.300factor v

MeSH D12.776.124.125.325factor vii

MeSH D12.776.124.125.350factor viii

MeSH D12.776.124.125.375factor ix

MeSH D12.776.124.125.400factor x

MeSH D12.776.124.125.425factor xi

MeSH D12.776.124.125.450factor xii

MeSH D12.776.124.125.475factor xiii

MeSH D12.776.124.125.500fibrinogen

MeSH D12.776.124.125.597kallikreins

MeSH D12.776.124.125.635kininogens

MeSH D12.776.124.125.662plasminogen activators

MeSH D12.776.124.400.405hemoglobin a

MeSH D12.776.124.400.463hemoglobins, abnormal

MeSH D12.776.124.486.274complement system proteins

MeSH D12.776.124.486.379eosinophil granule proteins

MeSH D12.776.124.486.485immunoglobulins

MeSH D12.776.124.790.106alpha-globulins

MeSH D12.776.124.790.223beta-globulins

MeSH D12.776.124.790.651.114antibodies
MeSH D12.776.124.790.651.397gamma-globulins
MeSH D12.776.124.790.651.538immunoglobulin constant regions
MeSH D12.776.124.790.651.680immunoglobulin fragments
MeSH D12.776.124.790.651.705immunoglobulin subunits
MeSH D12.776.124.790.651.797immunoglobulin variable region
MeSH D12.776.124.790.651.900paraproteins
MeSH D12.776.124.790.651.950receptors, antigen, b-cell

MeSH D12.776.124.790.720macroglobulins

MeSH D12.776.124.920vitronectin

The list continues at List of MeSH codes (D12.776.157).

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