List of MeSH codes (E02)

The following is a partial list of the "E" codes for Medical Subject Headings (MeSH), as defined by the United States National Library of Medicine (NLM).

This list continues the information at List of MeSH codes (E01). Codes following these are found at List of MeSH codes (E03). For other MeSH codes, see List of MeSH codes.

The source for this content is the set of 2006 MeSH Trees from the NLM.

MeSH E02therapeutics

MeSH E02.095.135blood transfusion

MeSH E02.095.160cytapheresis

MeSH E02.095.520immunotherapy

MeSH E02.095.682organotherapy

MeSH E02.120.285cytapheresis

MeSH E02.120.527leukocyte reduction procedures

MeSH E02.148.050angioplasty

MeSH E02.148.102balloon dilatation

MeSH E02.148.224catheterization, peripheral

MeSH E02.148.442heart catheterization

MeSH E02.154.402electrocoagulation

MeSH E02.183.750antineoplastic protocols

MeSH E02.190.044acupuncture therapy

MeSH E02.190.488medicine, traditional

MeSH E02.190.525mind-body and relaxation techniques

MeSH E02.190.599musculoskeletal manipulations

MeSH E02.190.701 – organotherapy

MeSH E02.190.755phytotherapy

MeSH E02.190.888sensory art therapies

MeSH E02.190.901 – spiritual therapies

MeSH E02.218.085body modification, non-therapeutic

MeSH E02.218.565mammaplasty

MeSH E02.258.750hypothermia, induced

MeSH E02.319.077antineoplastic protocols

MeSH E02.319.162chemoprevention

MeSH E02.319.300drug delivery systems

MeSH E02.319.310drug therapy, combination

MeSH E02.319.452hormone replacement therapy

MeSH E02.319.703premedication

MeSH E02.319.913thrombolytic therapy

MeSH E02.365.647resuscitation

MeSH E02.421.505parenteral nutrition

MeSH E02.520.360embolization, therapeutic

MeSH E02.565.280diathermy

MeSH E02.642.249diet therapy

MeSH E02.642.500nutritional support

MeSH E02.695.199exercise therapy

MeSH E02.695.466manipulation, spinal

MeSH E02.695.522massage

MeSH E02.760.106ambulatory care

MeSH E02.760.190critical care

MeSH E02.760.400hospitalization

MeSH E02.760.415institutionalization

MeSH E02.760.611nursing care

MeSH E02.760.722perioperative care

MeSH E02.760.905terminal care

MeSH E02.760.952withholding treatment

MeSH E02.774.722photochemotherapy

MeSH E02.774.945ultraviolet therapy

MeSH E02.779.249balneology

MeSH E02.779.468electric stimulation therapy

MeSH E02.779.480exercise therapy

MeSH E02.779.496hyperthermia, induced

MeSH E02.779.735musculoskeletal manipulations

MeSH E02.800.550paracentesis

MeSH E02.800.558phlebotomy

MeSH E02.815.190cranial irradiation

MeSH E02.815.635radiotherapy, computer-assisted

MeSH E02.815.639radiotherapy dosage

MeSH E02.815.722radiotherapy, high-energy

MeSH E02.831.387exercise therapy

MeSH E02.831.671rehabilitation of hearing impaired

MeSH E02.831.727rehabilitation of speech and language disorders

MeSH E02.870.300renal dialysis

MeSH E02.870.350hemofiltration

MeSH E02.875.194contraception

MeSH E02.875.540insemination, artificial

MeSH E02.875.800reproductive techniques, assisted

MeSH E02.880.690oxygen inhalation therapy

MeSH E02.880.820respiration, artificial

MeSH E02.912.400hemofiltration

MeSH E02.912.800renal dialysis

MeSH E02.950.875surgery, computer-assisted

The list continues at List of MeSH codes (E03).

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