List of MeSH codes (A11)

The following is a partial list of the "A" codes for Medical Subject Headings (MeSH), as defined by the United States National Library of Medicine (NLM).

This list continues the information at List of MeSH codes (A10). Codes following these are found at List of MeSH codes (A12). For other MeSH codes, see List of MeSH codes.

The source for this content is the set of 2006 MeSH Trees from the NLM.

MeSH A11cells

MeSH A11.063.438b-lymphocytes

MeSH A11.066.270dendritic cells

MeSH A11.118.290erythrocytes

MeSH A11.118.637leukocytes

MeSH A11.148.350 – granulocytes

MeSH A11.148.378hematopoietic stem cells

MeSH A11.251.210cell line

MeSH A11.251.353clone cells

MeSH A11.251.600 – hybrid cells

MeSH A11.251.860tumor cells, cultured

MeSH A11.284.149cell membrane

MeSH A11.284.180 – cell surface extensions

MeSH A11.284.183cell wall

MeSH A11.284.187chromosomes

MeSH A11.284.295extracellular space

MeSH A11.284.420inclusion bodies

MeSH A11.284.430intracellular space

MeSH A11.284.835subcellular fractions

MeSH A11.329.228fibroblasts

MeSH A11.329.372macrophages

MeSH A11.329.629osteoblasts

MeSH A11.436.265chromatophores

MeSH A11.436.270 – dendritic cells

MeSH A11.436.294enteroendocrine cells

MeSH A11.436.340 – hela cells

MeSH A11.436.613melanocytes

MeSH A11.436.690neuroepithelial cells

MeSH A11.443.240 – erythrocytes

MeSH A11.443.250 – erythroid progenitor cells

MeSH A11.497.497ovum

MeSH A11.497.760spermatozoa

MeSH A11.620.249muscle fibers

MeSH A11.627.340 – granulocytes

MeSH A11.627.624 – monocytes

MeSH A11.627.635 – myeloid progenitor cells

MeSH A11.635.500myoblasts, skeletal

MeSH A11.650.500neuropil

MeSH A11.650.600oligodendroglia

MeSH A11.650.800schwann cells

MeSH A11.671.078autonomic fibers, postganglionic

MeSH A11.671.137 – axons

MeSH A11.671.240 – dendrites

MeSH A11.671.358interneurons

MeSH A11.671.514 – nerve fibers, myelinated

MeSH A11.671.573 – neurofibrils

MeSH A11.671.650neurons, afferent

MeSH A11.671.655neurons, efferent

MeSH A11.671.685 – neuropil

MeSH A11.733.397 – macrophages

MeSH A11.733.547 – monocytes

MeSH A11.872.378 – hematopoietic stem cells

MeSH A11.872.645 – myoblasts

MeSH A11.936trophoblasts

The list continues at List of MeSH codes (A12).

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