List of fault zones

This list covers all faults and fault-systems that are either geologically important or connected to prominent seismic activity. It is not intended to list every notable fault, but only major fault zones.

Fault NameLength [km]LocationSense of MovementTime of movementAssociated EarthquakesSources
Aedipsos-Kandili Fault60North Euboean Gulf, GreeceNormalActive
Alaska-Aleutian Megathrust4000Kamchatka, Russia to Gulf of AlaskaSubduction zoneActive1964 Prince William Sound (M9.2), 1965 Rat Islands (M8.7), 1957 Andreanof Islands (M8.6)[1]
Alpine Fault1717 alpine fault rupture magnitude 8.1 South Island, New ZealandDextral strike-slip (Transform)Active[2]
Altyn Tagh Fault2000Tibetan Plateau/Tarim BasinSinistral strike-slipActive[3]
Amfilochia Fault60Western GreeceSinistral strike-slipActive
Amorgos Fault>100Greece, South Aegean SeaNormalActive1956 Amorgos (M7.4)[4]
Arkitsa – Agios Konstantinos Fault zone25Central GreeceNormal
Aspy Fault40Nova ScotiaStrike-slip
Atacama Fault800Atacama desert, ChileStrike-slipActive
Atalanti Fault50Central GreeceNormal FaultActive1894 Atalanti (M6.4, M6.9)
Atotsugawa FaultJapanDextral strike-slipActive1858 Hietsu earthquake (M~7)
Awatere Fault200South Island, New ZealandDextral strike-slipActive1848 Marlborough (M7.5)
Azores–Gibraltar Transform Fault2250Azores to Strait of GibraltarDextral strike-slipActive1755 Lisbon earthquake (est. M7.5–8.0), 1969 Cape St. Vincent (M7.9), 1941 Gloria Fault (M8.0)
Baikal Rift ZoneLake BaikalRift zoneActive
Balcones FaultTexas, United StatesNormalInactivethe subsidence of the Texas Coastal Plain during the Neogene period
Ballenas FaultGulf of California, United StatesTransformActive
Baribis Fault100Java, IndonesiaThrustActive1834 Java earthquake (M 7.0)
Brothers Fault ZoneOregon, United States
Bulnay Fault370MongoliaSinistralActive1905 Bolnai (M8.3)
Calaveras Fault120San Francisco Bay Area, California, United StatesDextralActive1911 Morgan Hill (M6.5), 1984 Morgan Hill (M6.2)
Cascadia megathrust1000West coast of United States – Oregon & Washington Vancouver Island, CanadaSubduction zoneActive1700 Cascadia (M9.0)
Central African Shear Zone4000Central AfricaRift zone
Cerro Prieto FaultGulf of California, United StatesTransformActive
Chino FaultCalifornia, United StatesDextralActive
Chixoy-Polochic FaultGuatemalaTransformActive1816 Guatemala (M7.5)[5]
Christchurch FaultSouth Island, New ZealandActive
Chile subduction megathrust3000West coast of ChileSubduction zoneActive1960 Valdivia (M9.5); 1906 Valparaiso (M8.2); 2010 Maule (M8.8); 2014 Iquique (M8.2)
Clarence Fault210South Island, New ZealandDextral strike-slipActive
Clarendon-Linden fault systemNew York, United States
Clayton-Marsh Creek-Greenville FaultCalifornia, United States
Cochabamba Fault ZoneBoliviaSinistral strike-slip
Concord Fault18California, United StatesDextralActive
Corinth Rift110GreeceRift zoneActive1995 Aigio (M6.2); 1981 Alkyonides (M6.4-6.7); 1861 Helike (M6.6-6.7); 373 BC Helike
Craven Fault SystemPenninesNormal FaultCarboniferous
Darling Fault950-1500Western Australia, AustraliaProterozoic
Dead Sea Transform~1000Sinai PeninsulaSinistral transformActive1138 Aleppo earthquake
Delfi Fault Zone25Central GreeceNormal to strike-slip
Denali Fault>500British Columbia, Canada to Alaska, United StatesDextral strike-slipActive2002 Denali (M7.9)
East African Rift~5,000East AfricaRift zoneActive
East Anatolian Fault~700TurkeySinistral strike-slipActive2003 Bingöl (M6.4), 2010 Elâzığ (M6.1), 2020 Elâzığ (M6.7), 2023 Turkey (M7.8)
Eastern Tennessee Seismic ZoneAlabama to Virginia, United StatesActive2003 Alabama (M4.6)
Elsinore Fault Zone180California, United StatesDextral strike-slipActive
Eltanin Fault SystemSouthern OceanDextral transformActive1600 km offset
Enriquillo-Plantain Garden fault zoneHispaniolaSinistral strike-slipActive2010 Haiti (M7.0), 2021 Haiti (M7.2)
European Cenozoic Rift System1,100France, Switzerland, Germany, NetherlandsRift zoneActive1992 Roermond (M5.3), 1356 Basel (M6.0-7.1)
Flores Back-arc ThrustJava and Banda Sea, IndonesiaThrustActiveJuly–August 2018 Lombok (M6.4-6.9)
Garlock Fault250California, United StatesSinistralActive
Glarus thrustSwitzerlandThrust faultCenozoic
Great Glen FaultScotlandStrike-slipSilurian to Cenozoic
Great Lakes Tectonic Zone (GLTZ)1400Great Lakes, United StatesTectonic zoneNeoarchean
Great Sumatran Fault1650-1900Sumatra, IndonesiaStrike-slipActive1943 Alahan Panjang (M7.2), 1994 Liwa (M7.0)
Greendale Fault>20South Island, New ZealandDextral strike-slipActive2010 Canterbury (M7.1)
Guaymas Fault325California, United StatesDextral strike-slipActive
Gulf of California Rift Zone1300MexicoRift zoneActive2010 Mexicali (M7.2)
Gulf of Suez Rift>250EgyptRift zoneLate Oligocene - end Miocene
Haiyuan Fault1000Tibet, ChinaSinistralActive1920, 1927
Hayward Fault Zone119San Francisco Bay, California, United StatesStrike-slipActive1868 Hayward (M6.3–6.7)
Hellenic Arc1000East Mediterranean SeaThrust/Strike-slip365 AD (M8.5+); 1303 AD (~8)
Honey Lake Fault ZoneNevada and California, United StatesDextral strike-slipActive
Hope Fault130South Island, New ZealandDextral strike-slipActive1888 North Canterbury (M7.3), 2016 North Canterbury Mw7.8
Humboldt Fault ZoneNebraska to Kansas, United StatesNormal faultActive1867 Manhattan, Kansas (M5.1)
Hurricane Fault250Utah to Arizona, United StatesNormal1992 Utah (M5.9)
Imperial Fault ZoneCalifornia, United StatesDextral strike-slipActive1940 El Centro (M6.9), 1979 Imperial Valley (M6.4)
Ierapetra Fault40CreteNormal fault
Independence Valley fault systemNevada, United StatesNormal faultActive2008 Wells earthquake (M6.0)
Japan Trench1400Off the coast of HonshuSubduction zoneActivesee Seismicity of the Sanriku coast
Kabaw Fault>300MyanmarOblique-thrustActive1792 Rakhine (M8.8)
Kameni-Kolumbo Fault zone>60Greece, South Aegean SeaDextral (?) Strike-slip
Kandi Fault ZoneWest Africa
Karakoram Fault1000TibetOblique-slip
Karsdorf FaultGermany
Kefalonia Transform Fault180Greece, Ionian SeaDextral strike SlipActive1953 Kephalonia (M7.2)
Kego FaultJapanActive2005 Fukuoka (M7.0)
Kekerengu FaultSouth Island, New ZealandDextralActive2016 - See Hope Fault M7.8
Kermadec-Tonga Subduction Zone3000New ZealandSubduction zoneActive
Kern Canyon FaultSierra Nevada, California, United StatesThrust fault
Kunlun fault1500TibetSinistral strike-slipActive2001 Kunlun (M7.8)
Kuril–Kamchatka Trench2900From the Kuril Islands to the Kamchatka PeninsulaSubduction zoneActive
Kyaukkyan Fault500MyanmarDextralActive1912 Shan state (M7.7)
Laguna Salada Fault64–80United States and MexicoStrike-slipActive2010 Mexicali M7.2)
Laptev Sea RiftArctic OceanRift zone
Lewis OverthrustMontana, United StatesThrustLate Cretaceous to Early Paleocene
Liquiñe-Ofqui Fault1000Andes, ChileStrike-slip
Long Point–Eureka Heights Fault SystemTexas, United StatesNormal fault
Longmen Shan FaultSichuan, ChinaThrust faultActive2008 Sichuan (M8.0)
Lost River FaultIdaho, United StatesNormalActive1983 Borah Peak (M6.9)
Lusatian FaultGermanyThrust fault
Macquarie Fault Zone>400South Pacific OceanFault (geology)#Strike-slip faultsActive1989 Maquarie Isl. (8.2), 2008 Macquarie Island earthquake (M7.1)
Mae Chan Fault120Thailand and LaosSinstralActive2007 Laos (M6.3)
Magallanes–Fagnano FaultSouth AmericaTransform
Main Boundary Thrust2000HimalayaThrustActive (although not uniformly)
Main Central Thrust2200HimalayaThrustActive (although not uniformly)1991 Uttarkashi (M6.8)
Main Frontal Thrust2000HimalayaThrustActive1505 Lo Mustang (M8.9), 1934 Bihar (M8.0)
Main Himalayan Thrust2000HimalayaSubduction zone (continental collision)Active1505 Lo Mustang (M8.9), 1950 Assam-Tibet (M8.6) 2015 Gorkha (M7.8), 2015 Nepal (M7.3)
Main Uralian Fault (MUF)2000+UralsSubduction zone
Marianna FaultArkansas, United States
Marikina Valley Fault SystemPhilippinesDextral strike-slipActive
Marlborough Fault SystemSouth Island, New ZealandDextral strike-slipActive1843 Wanganui (M~7.5)
Meers FaultOklahoma, United StatesOblique slipeActiveHolocene
Medvednica Fault ZoneZagreb, CroatiaStrike-slipActive1880 (M6.3), 2020 (M5.3)
Mendocino Fracture ZoneCalifornia, United StatesTransformActive
Moab FaultUtah, United StatesNormal faultActive
Mocha Fracture ZoneMocha Island, ChileTransformActive
Motagua FaultGuatemalaTransformActive1717, 1773, 1902, 1976, 1980, 2009
Mount Diablo Thrust25Contra Costa County, California, United StatesBlind thrustActive
Mygdonia GrabenNorth GreeceNormal to strike-slipActive1978 Thessaloniki (M6.4)
Nankai Trough900South of Honshū, JapanSubduction zoneActivesee Nankai megathrust earthquakes
Neodani FaultJapanOblique-slipActive1891 Mino–Owari (M8.0)
New Madrid Fault ZoneMissouri, United StatesNormal faultActive1811–1812 three (M7-8)
Nootka FaultBritish Columbia, CanadaTransformActive
North Aegean Trough>250North Aegean Sea, Greece, TurkeyDextral strike-slipActive1912 (M7.6); 1982 (M6.7); 2014 (M6.9)
North Anatolian FaultTurkeyDextral strike-slipActive1939 Erzincan (M7.8), 1912 Ganos (M7.4), 1999 Izmit (M7.4), 1999 Düzce (M7.2), 2022 Düzce (M6.1)
North Ikaria Fault>80Central Aegean Sea, GreeceDextral strike slip
North Island Fault System500North Island, New ZealandDextral strike slipActive
Northridge Blind ThrustSan Fernando Valley, United StatesBlind thrustActive1994 Northridge (M6.7)
Palu-Koro Fault500Palu, Sigi, Donggala, IndonesiaSinistral strike-slipActive2005 Bora, Sigi earthquake (M6.2), 2018 Sulawesi earthquake (M7.5)
Periadriatic Seam1000Alps, EuropeDextral strike-slip
Pichilemu Fault40ChileActive2010 Pichilemu (Libertador O'Higgins) (M6.9)
Piquiang Fault>70ChinaSinistral strike-slip
Pliny Trench300Eastern Mediterranean Sea, Hellenic TrenchSinistral strike-slip
Port Hills FaultSouth Island, New ZealandOblique-thrustActive2011 Christchurch (M6.3)
Puente Hills Thrust40San Gabriel Valley, United StatesBlind thrustActive1987 Whittier Narrows (M5.9)
Queen Charlotte-Fairweather Fault800Canada and AlaskaDextralActive1949 Graham Island (M8.1), 1958 Lituya Bay (M7.8), 2012 Haida Gwaii (M7.8)
Pyramid Lake Fault ZoneNevada, United StatesDextral strike-slip
Ramapo Fault300New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, United StatesNormal faultTriassic to Early Jurassic
Rawat FaultPakistan
Raymond FaultCalifornia, United States
Red River Fault900China, VietnamDextral strike-slipActive1970 Tonghai (M7.1), 1925 Dali (M6.9-7.0), 2021 Dali (M6.1)
Red Sea RiftRed SeaRift zone
Reigolil-Pirihueico FaultAndes
Rhine Rift ValleyGermany and FranceRift zoneActive1356 Basel (M6 to 7)
Rio Grande RiftRio Grande Valley, United States and MexicoRift zone
Romeral Fault System700ColombiaThrust and strike-slipActive1983 (M5.5), 1999 (M6.2)
Sagami Trough340Off the coast of HonshūSubduction zoneActivesee Kantō earthquakes
Sagaing Fault1500MyanmarDextralActive1839, May 1930, Dec 1930, 1946, 1956, 2012
Salzach-Ennstal-Mariazell-Puchberg Fault System (SEMP)400[6]AustriaSinistral strike-slip
San Andreas Fault System (Banning fault, Mission Creek fault, South Pass fault, San Jacinto fault, Elsinore fault)1300California, United StatesDextral strike-slipActive1906 San Francisco (M7.7 to 8.25), 1989 Loma Prieta (M6.9)
San Ramón FaultChileThrust fault
Sawtooth FaultIdaho, United StatesNormal fault
Seattle FaultWashington, United StatesThrust faultActive
Septentrional-Orient fault zoneCaribbeanSinistral strike-slipActive1842 Cap-Haïtien (M8.1), 2020 (M7.7)
Shanxi Rift System≥900northern ChinaRift zoneActive1303 Hongdong (M7.2-7.6), 1556 Shaanxi (M8.0), 1626 Lingqiu (M7.0), 1695 Linfen (M7.8), 1815 Pinglu (M6.8)
Sierra Nevada FaultCalifornia, United StatesNormal faultActive1872 Lone Pine (M7.4–8.3)
Skyros-Edremit Fault zone>150Aegean Sea, Greece, TurkeyDextral Strike-slipActive1967, 1981
Sobral FaultBrazilStrike-slip
Sorong faultOceaniaSinistral strike-slipActive2009 Kepulauan Talaud (M7.2)
South Tibetan Detachment2000HimalayaDetachment (normal)Paleogene
Southeast Bathurst Fault ZoneBathurst Island, Nunavut, CanadaRift zoneLate Cretaceous to Eocene
Sparta Fault65Peloponnese, GreeceNormal faultActive464 BC Sparta (M7.2)
Spili Fault20Crete, GreeceNormal faultActive
Strabo Trench300Eastern Mediterranean Sea, Hellenic TrenchSinistral strike-slipActive
Sunda subduction megathrust5500South East AsiaSubduction zoneActive2004 Banda Aceh (M9.1), 2005 Nias (M8.6), 2007 Bengkulu (M8.4)
Tacoma Fault56Washington, United StatesThrust faultActive
Tatsuda FaultJapanActive1889 Kumamoto (M6.3)
Tintina FaultBritish Columbia, Canada to Alaska, United StatesStrike-slipLate Cretaceous to Oligocene
Ulakhan FaultSiberia to Aleutian TrenchSinistral strike-slipActive
Ungava Fault ZoneDavis StraitStrike-slipPaleogene
Virginia Seismic ZoneVirginia, United StatesActive2011 Virginia (M5.8)
Wabash Valley Seismic ZoneIllinois, Indiana, United StatesNormal faultActive2008 Illinois (M5.4)
Wasatch FaultUtah, United StatesNormal faultActive2020 Salt Lake City (M5.7)
Wellington Fault>100North Island, New ZealandDextral strike-slipActive
West Napa Fault60California, United StatesDextralActive2000 Yountville, 2014 South Napa
Wairarapa Fault>100North Island, New ZealandDextral strike-slipActive1855 Wairarapa (M8.2)
Wairau Fault180South Island, New ZealandDextral strike-slipActive
White Wolf FaultSan Joaquin Valley, California, United StatesOblique-reverse (sinstral)Active1952 Kern County (M7.5)
Whittier FaultCalifornia, United StatesStrike-slipActive
Wilzetta Fault89Oklahoma, United StatesStrike-slipActive2011 Oklahoma (M5.6)
Xianshuihe fault system350ChinaSinistral strike-slipActive1973 Luhuo (M7.6), 1981 Dawu (M6.8), 2010 Yushu (M6.9), 2022 Luding (M6.7)
Yorba Linda TrendCalifornia, United StatesOblique-slipActive2008 Chino Hills (M5.5)

See also


  1. Yeats, R. (2012), Active Faults of the World, Cambridge University Press, p. 23, ISBN 978-0521190855
  2. "GNS Science, Alpine Fault". Institute of Geological and Nuclear Sciences Ltd.
  3. Bendick, R.; Bilham, R.; Freymueller, J.; Larson, K.; andYin, G. (2000). "Geodetic evidence for a low slip rate in the Altyn Tagh fault system". Nature. 404 (6773): 69–72. Bibcode:2000Natur.404...69B. doi:10.1038/35003555. PMID 10716442. S2CID 4340488.
  4. Okal, EA (2009). "The 1956 earthquake and tsunami in Amorgos, Greece". Geophysical Journal International. 178 (3): 1533–1554. Bibcode:2009GeoJI.178.1533O. doi:10.1111/j.1365-246X.2009.04237.x.
  5. White, RA (1985). "The Guatemala earthquake of 1816 on the Chixoy-Polochic fault". Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America. 75 (2): 455–73.
  6. Frost, Erik; Dolan, James; Sammis, Charles; Hacker, Brad; Cole, Joshua; Ratschbacher, Lothar (15 April 2009). "Progressive strain localization in a major strike‐slip fault exhumed from midseismogenic depths: Structural observations from the Salzach‐Ennstal‐Mariazell‐Puchberg fault system, Austria". Journal of Geophysical Research. 114 (B4): 1–14. Bibcode:2009JGRB..114.4406F. doi:10.1029/2008JB005763.
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