List of faculty and alumni of the Académie Julian

This list includes notable professors and students of the Académie Julian, a private art school in Paris founded by Rodolphe Julian[1][2] that was active from 1867 to 1968.[3]

Académie Julian
Rodolphe Julian (1839–1907)

Notable professors

Name Dates Image References
Marcel Baschet 1862–1941
Jean-Joseph Benjamin-Constant 1845–1902
Jean Bouchaud 1891–1977 [6]
William-Adolphe Bouguereau 1825–1905
Gustave Boulanger 1824–1888
Alfred-Henri Bramtot 1852–1894
Jules Cavaillès 1901–1977 [9]
Edgar Chahine 1874–1947
Henri Chapu 1833–1891
Gustave-Henri Colin 1828–1910 [13]
André Del Debbio 1908–2010 [14][15]
Adolphe Déchenaud 1868–1926
Constant Detré 1891–1945 [17]
Louis-Théodore Devilly 1818–1886 [18]
Étienne Dinet 1861–1929
Henri Lucien Doucet 1865–1895 [20]
Gabriel Ferrier 1847–1914
François Flameng 1856–1923
Marcel Gimond 1846–1961 [24]
William Laparra 1873–1920 [25]
Jean-Paul Laurens 1838–1921
Jean-Pierre Laurens 1875–1932
Paul Albert Laurens 1870–1934
Jules Joseph Lefebvre 1834–1912
Roger Limouse 1884–1990 [30]
Jules Eugene Pages 1867-1946 [31]
Robert Poughéon 1886–1955 [32]
Tony Robert-Fleury 1837–1911
Henri Royer 1869–1938 [33]
Émile Sabouraud 1900-1996 [34][35][36]
François Schommer 1850–1935 [37]
Édouard Toudouze 1848–1907
Raoul Verlet 1857–1923
Henri-Achille Zo 1873–1933

Notable students

Name Dates Nationality Image References
Louis Abel-Truchet 1857–1918  France [41]
Jules Adler 1865–1952  France
Marella Agnelli 1927–2019  Italy
George Charles Aid 1872–1938  United States [45][46]
Gustave Alaux 1887–1965  France [47][48]
Georgina de Albuquerque 1855–1962  Brazil
Lucílio de Albuquerque 1877–1939  Brazil [50]
Abigail May Alcott Nieriker 1840–1879  United States
Mirra Alfassa 1878–1973  France
Eugène Alluaud 1866–1947  France [58][59]
Joseph Allworthy 1892–1991  United States [60]
Mathias Alten 1871–1938  United States [61][62]
Tarsila do Amaral 1886–1973  Brazil
Ernest Amas 1869–1959  France [64][65]
Cuno Amiet 1868-1961   Switzerland [66]
Mary Ammirato-Collins 1908–  United States [67]
Rodolfo Amoedo 1857–1941  Brazil
Albert André 1869–1954  France [69][70]
Ion Andreescu 1850–1882  Romania
Boris Anrep 1883–1969  Russia [73][74]
Thomas Pollock Anshutz 1851–1912  United States
Athanase Apartis 1899–1972  Greece [77][78]
Caroline Helena Armington 1875–1939  Canada [79]
Frank Armington 1876–1941  Canada [80]
Jean Arp (Hans Arp) 1886-1966  Germany
Will Ashton 1881–1963  Australia
Jane Atché 1872–1937  France
Ioan Bărbulescu Aluta 1860–1944  Romania [86]
Léon Bakst 1866–1924  Russia
 Belarus[note 1]
Edith Ella Baldwin 1848–1920  United States
Ernst Barlach 1870-1938  Germany
John Noble Barlow 1861–1917  United Kingdom
 United States
William Barr 1867–1933  United Kingdom [92]
Raoul Barré 1874–1932  Canada
William Barribal 1874–1952  United Kingdom [95][96]
Paul Basilius Barth 1881–1955   Switzerland [97][98]
Charles W. Bartlett 1860–1940  United Kingdom
Marcel Baschet 1862–1941  France
Marie Bashkirtseff 1858–1884  Russia
 Ukraine[note 2]
Henry Bataille 1872–1922  France
Paul Baudier 1881–1962  France [103][104]
Jean René Bazaine 1904–2001  France
John William Beatty 1869–1941  Canada [106]
Henri Beau 1863–1949  Canada
Amélie Beaury-Saurel 1848 - 1924  France
Émile Beaussier 1874-1943  France
Cecilia Beaux 1855-1942  United States
Eugène Béjot 1867–1931  France [110]
Octave Bélanger 1886–1972  Canada
Rebeca Matte Bello 1875–1929  Chile
Shmuel Ben David 1884–1927  Bulgaria [113]
Enella Benedict 1858–1942  United States [114]
Frank Weston Benson 1862–1951  United States
Thomas Hart Benton 1889–1975  United States
Róbert Berény 1887–1953  Hungary [115][116][117]
Marguerite Bermond 1911–1991  France [118]
Ricardo Acevedo Bernal 1867–1930  Colombia
Émile Bernard 1868–1941  France
Albert Bertalan 1899–1957  Hungary [121]
Robert Bevan 1865–1925  United Kingdom
George Biddle 1885–1973  United States
Ernest Biéler 1863–1948   Switzerland [126]
Anna Bilińska-Bohdanowicz 1857–1893  Poland
Edmond Bille 1878–1959   Switzerland [127][128]
Henri Biva 1848–1929  France [129][130]
Ernest L. Blumenschein 1874–1960  United States [131]
Emilio Boggio 1857-1920  Venezuela
Georges A. L. Boisselier 1876-1943  France
Pierre Bonnard 1867-1947  France
Gutzon Borglum 1867-1941  United States
Étienne Bouchaud 1898-1989  France [136]
Jean Bouchaud 1891-1977  France [137]
Jean Boucher 1870-1939  France [138]
Joseph-Félix Bouchor 1853-1937  France
Louise Bourgeois 1911-2010  France [140]
Camille Bourget 1866-1931  France [141]
André Boursier-Mougenot 1892-1971  France [142]
Louise Catherine Breslau 1856-1927   Switzerland
Artus Van Briggle 1869-1904  United States
Frederick Brown 1851–1941  United Kingdom
Franklin Brownell 1857–1946  Canada [145][146]
Hiram Brülhart 1878-1949   Switzerland
Clément Brun 1867-1920  France [147]
Frank Budgen 1882–1971  United Kingdom
Étienne Buffet 1866-1948  France
Francis Cadell 1883–1937  United Kingdom
Hermenegildo Anglada Camarasa 1871-1959  Spain [151]
Francisco Antonio Cano 1865–1935  Colombia [152][153][154][155]
Joseph Carlier 1849–1927  France
George Francis Carline 1855–1920  United Kingdom [156]
Mary Helen Carlisle 1869 - 1925  United Kingdom
Florence Carlyle 1864–1923  Canada [158]
Cassandre 1901–1968  Ukraine[note 2] [159]
Jean-Edouard de Castella 1881–1966   Switzerland
Edmond Ceria 1884–1955  France [160]
Maurice Chabas 1862–1947  France [161]
Auguste Chabaud 1882–1955  France [162]
Oliver Newberry Chaffee 1881–1944  United States [163][164]
Edgar Chahine 1874–1947  France
 Armenia[note 3]
Jefferson David Chalfant 1856-1931  United States
Rene Paul Chambellan 1893-1955  United States [167]
Robert W. Chambers 1865-1933  United States
Gabriel Charlopeau 1889-1967  France [169]
Roger Chastel 1897-1981  France [170][171]
Olivier Chéron 1854-1935  France [172]
Benjamen Chinn 1921-2009  United States
Aurel Ciupe 1900-1985  Romania
Alson S. Clark 1876-1949  United States
George Clausen 1852–1944  United Kingdom
Pierre Clayette 1930-2005  France [175]
John Willard Clawson 1858-1936  United States [176]
Pierre Clerk 1928–  Canada [177][178][179]
Griffith Baily Coale 1890-1950  United States
Émile Compard 1900-1977  France [181]
Charles Conder 1868–1909  United Kingdom
Colin Campbell Cooper 1856-1937  United States
Charles Cottet 1863-1925  France
William Cotton 1880-1958  United States [120]
E. Irving Couse 1866-1936  United States
Jose de Creeft 1884-1982  United States [186]
Jean Crotti 1878-1958  France [187]
Maurice Cullen 1866–1934  Canada [188]
Charles Courtney Curran 1861-1942  United States
Ralph Wormeley Curtis 1854-1922  United States [190]
Otho Cushing 1871-1942  United States
Cyrus Dallin 1861-1944  United States [192]
Raoul Dastrac 1891-1969  France [193]
Lucien Daudet 1878-1946  France
Hermine David 1886–1970  France [195][196]
Mariamna Davydoff 1871 - 1961  Ukraine[note 2] [197]
Fabián de la Rosa 1869–1937  Philippines [198]
Walter Lofthouse Dean 1854-1912  United States
Angèle Delasalle 1867-1941  France
Jenny Eakin Delony 1866-1949  United States
Charles Demuth 1883-1935  United States
Maurice Denis 1870-1943  France
André Derain 1880-1954  France
Gleb W. Derujinsky 1888-1975  Russia [204]
Louis-Marie Désiré-Lucas 1869-1949  France [205]
Émilie Desjeux 1861-1957  France
George Desvallières 1861–1950  France
Charles Devillié 1850–1905  France [208]
Wynford Dewhurst 1864–1941  United Kingdom [209]
Thomas Dewing 1851-1938  United States
André Dignimont 1891-1965  France [210]
Arthur Wesley Dow 1857-1922  United States [211]
William Henry Drake 1856-1926  United States [212]
Jean Dubuffet 1901-1985  France
Marcel Duchamp 1887-1968  France
Georges Dufrénoy 1870-1943  France
Thomas Cantrell Dugdale 1880–1952  United Kingdom [215]
Rodolphe Duguay 1891–1973  Canada
Edmund Dulac 1882-1953  France
Frank DuMond 1865-1951  United States
Anne Dunn 1929–  United Kingdom [219]
Juan de Echevarría 1875–1931  Spain
József Egry 1883-1951  Hungary
John Elliott 1858–1925  United Kingdom
Frederick William Elwell 1870–1958  United Kingdom [223]
Lydia Field Emmet 1866-1952  United States
Magnus Enckell 1870–1925  Finland
Jacob Epstein 1880–1959  United Kingdom
Fritz Erler 1868-1940  Germany
Hans Erni 1909-2015   Switzerland
Jesus Maria Espinosa 1908–1995  Colombia
Louis Evrard 1905-1989  France [230]
Mary Fairchild MacMonnies Low 1858-1946  United States [231]
Abel Faivre 1867-1945  France
Birgitta Moran Farmer 1881–1939  United States
Herbert Cyrus Farnum 1866-1926  United States [235]
Yves Faucheur 1924-1985  France
Serge Férat 1881-1958  Russia [237]
Frédéric Fiebig 1885-1953  Latvia [238]
Madeleine Fié-Fieux 1897-1995  France
Lucien Fontanarosa 1912-1975  France [240]
Eric Forbes-Robertson 1865–1935  United Kingdom [241]
Emanuel Phillips Fox 1865–1915  Australia
Julieta de França 1872–1951  Brazil [243]
Joseph-Charles Franchère 1866–1921  Canada
Dominique Frassati 1896-1947  France [246]
Frederick Carl Frieseke 1874-1939  United States
Clarence Gagnon 1881–1942  Canada
Sears Gallagher 1869-1955  United States
Akseli Gallen-Kallela 1865–1931  Finland
Octave Gallian 1855-1918  France
David Garfinkiel 1902-1970  Poland
Leon Gaspard 1882-1964  Russia [255]
Khalil Gibran 1883–1931  Lebanon[note 4]
 United States
Françoise Gilot 1921-  France
Georges Gimel 1898-1962  France [258]
Henri Bernard Goetz 1909-1989  United States
Eric Goldberg 1890–1969  Canada [260]
C. F. Goldie 1870–1947  New Zealand [261]
Caroline Gotch 1854–1945  United Kingdom
Eileen Gray 1878–1976  Ireland[note 5]
Alexander Grinager 1865-1949  United States
Anthony Gross 1905–1984  United Kingdom
Henri Guinier 1867-1927  France
Herbert James Gunn 1893–1964  United Kingdom [267]
Pekka Halonen 1865–1933  Finland
Marcel Hamel 1933-2009  France [269]
Herbert Hampton 1862–1929  United Kingdom [270]
Pop Hart 1868-1933  United States
Werner Hartmann 1903-1981   Switzerland [272]
Archibald Standish Hartrick 1864–1950  United Kingdom [273]
Edmund Arthur Harvey 1907–1994  United Kingdom
Ida C. Haskell 1861-1932  United States [275][276]
Childe Hassam 1859-1935  United States
Theodore Haupt 1902-1990  United States [277][278]
Louis Welden Hawkins 1849-1910  Germany
Stanley William Hayter 1901–1988  United Kingdom [280]
Kattingeri Krishna Hebbar 1911-1996  India
Louise De Hem 1866–1922  Belgium
Robert Henri 1865-1929  United States [101]
Paul Henry 1877–1958  Ireland[note 5] [82]
Édouard Henry-Baudot 1871-1953  France [283]
René Georges Hermann-Paul 1864-1940  France
Albert Herter 1871-1950  United States
Halfdan Hertzberg 1857–1890  Norway [286][287]
Ludwig von Hofmann 1861-1945  Germany
Hattie Hutchcraft Hill 1847-1921  United States
D. Howard Hitchcock 1861-1943  United States
Jack Hooper 1928-2014  United States [290]
Charles Hopkinson 1869-1962  United States
Lucretia Van Horn 1882-1970  United States [292]
Cecil de Blaquiere Howard 1888–1956  United States


Henry Salem Hubbell 1870–1949  United States [296]
Léonie Humbert-Vignot 1878-1960  France [297]
Will Hutchins 1878–1949  United States
Henri-Gabriel Ibels 1867-1936  France [298]
Petre Iorgulescu-Yor 1890-1939  Romania
Richard Jack 1866–1952  United Kingdom [299]
Alexander Young Jackson 1882–1974  Canada
Elvire Jan 1904–1996  Bulgaria
René Jaudon 1889-1966  France [302]
Gustave Louis Jaulmes 1873-1959  France [303][304]
Richard Jeranian 1921–2019  France
 Armenia[note 3]
Frances Benjamin Johnston 1864-1952  United States
Alfred Garth Jones 1872–1955  United Kingdom
Loïs Mailou Jones 1905–1998  United States
Károly Józsa 1872-1929  Hungary [309]
Amédée Joullin 1862-1917  United States
Émile Jourdan 1860-1931  France [312]
Joseph Constantin Kaiser 1886-1955   Switzerland
Antoni Kamieński 1860-1933  Poland [314]
Takeshiro Kanokogi 1874–1941  Japan [315]
Stanisława de Karłowska 1876-1952  Poland
Barry Kay 1932–1985  Australia [317]
Augustus Kenderdine 1870–1947  Canada [318]
William Kennedy 1859–1918  United Kingdom [319]
Charles H. M. Kerr 1858–1907  United Kingdom
Fernand Khnopff 1858–1921  Belgium
Valentin Kielland 1866–1944  Norway
Alonzo Myron Kimball 1874–1923  United States
Mati Klarwein 1932-2002  Germany
Georges-André Klein 1901-1992  France [325]
Anna Klumpke 1856-1942  United States
Torleif S. Knaphus 1881–1965  Norway
 United States
Louis Aston Knight 1873-1948  United States [328]
Georg Kolbe 1877-1947  Germany
Käthe Kollwitz 1867-1945  Germany [101]
Ludwik Konarzewski 1885-1954  Poland
Albert Henry Krehbiel 1873-1945  United States
František Kupka 1871–1957  Czechoslovakia[note 6]
Chas Laborde 1886–1941  Argentina [333]
Jean Émile Laboureur 1877-1943  France [334]
Shanu Lahiri 1928-2013  India [335]
François-Xavier Lalanne 1927-2008  France [336]
Eugene Lanceray 1875-1946  Russia
John St Helier Lander 1868–1944  Jersey
Paul Landowski 1875-1961  France
Olaf Lange 1875–1965  Norway [340]
Pierre Langlade 1907-1972  France [341]
Maurice Lapaire 1905-1997   Switzerland [342]
Jean Laronze 1852-1937  France [343]
Jacques Henri Lartigue 1894-1986  France [344][345]
Philip Alexius de Laszlo 1869-1937  Hungary
John Lavery 1856–1941  Ireland[note 5]
Mary Lawrence 1868-1945  United States [348]
Ernest Lawson 1873–1939  Canada
Georges Lebacq 1876–1950  Belgium
Fernand Léger 1881-1955  France [120]
Albert Lemaître 1886–1975  Belgium [351]
Lucy L'Engle 1889-1978  United States [352]
Sabine Lepsius 1864-1942  Germany
Gisèle Lestrange 1927-1991  France [354]
John Levee 1924-2017  United States [355]
Frank Xavier Leyendecker 1876-1924  United States
Joseph Christian Leyendecker 1874-1951  United States
Flora Lion 1878–1958  United Kingdom [358]
Mortimer Lichtenauer 1876–1966  United States
Jacques Lipchitz 1891–1973  Lithuania[note 7]
 United States
Eugène Loup 1867–1948  France
Ștefan Luchian 1868-1916  Romania
Amélie Helga Lundahl 1850–1914  Finland
John Goodwin Lyman 1886–1967  Canada [361][362]
Stanton Macdonald-Wright 1890-1973  United States [363]
William Brown Macdougall 1868–1936  United Kingdom
Jacques Majorelle 1886-1962  France [365]
Lucien de Maleville 1881-1964  France [366]
Jeanne Mammen 1890-1976  Germany [367]
Vincent Manago 1880–1936  Italy [368]
Vahram Manavyan 1880-1952  Turkey [369]
Alexander Mann 1853–1908  United Kingdom
Harrington Mann 1864–1937  United Kingdom [371]
Ödön Márffy 1878-1959  Hungary [372]
Lajos Márk 1867-1942  Hungary
Constance Markievicz 1868–1927  Ireland[note 5]
Martine Martine 1932-  France [375][376][377]
Antoine Martinez 1913-1970  France [378]
Johannes Martini 1866-1935  Germany [379]
Arthur Frank Mathews 1860-1945  United States [101]
Henri Matisse 1869–1954  France
Charles Maurin 1856-1914  France
Robert Bledsoe Mayfield 1869-1934  United States [381]
Jozef Mehoffer 1869-1946  Poland
Ludwig Meidner 1884-1966  Germany [383]
Gari Melchers 1860-1932  United States
Willard Leroy Metcalf 1858-1925  United States
Suzanne Meunier 1888-1979  France [385]
Émile-René Ménard 1862–1930  France [386]
Arturo Michelena 1863-1898  Venezuela [387]
Arthur Midy 1877-1944  France [388]
Richard Miller 1875-1943  United States
Guy de Montlaur 1918-1977  France [390]
George Moore 1852–1933  Ireland[note 5]
Henry Moret 1856-1913  France
Blanche Moria 1859-1926  France [394]
Henri Morisset 1870-1956  France [395]
Harry Morley 1881–1943  United Kingdom [396][397]
James Wilson Morrice 1865–1924  Canada
Alphonse Mucha 1860–1939  Czechoslovakia[note 6]
Albert Henry Munsell 1858-1918  United States
Oscar Rodríguez Naranjo 1907–2006  Colombia [401]
Pascual Navarro 1923-1986  Venezuela [402]
Jean Negulesco 1900–1994  Romania
Ismael Nery 1900–1934  Brazil
Abraham Neumann 1873–1942  Poland [404]
Lorenzo de Nevers 1877–1967  Canada [405]
C. R. W. Nevinson 1889–1946  United Kingdom [406]
Kay Nielsen 1886–1957  Denmark [407]
Roger Nivelt 1899-1962  France [408]
Emil Nolde 1867-1956  Germany
Bror Julius Olsson Nordfeldt 1878-1955  Sweden
Ernest Normand 1859–1923  United Kingdom [411]
Jenny Nyström 1854-1946  Sweden
Hermann Obrist 1862-1927   Switzerland [413]
Jacques Ochs 1883–1971  Belgium [414]
Eugène Ogé 1861-1936  France
Alfred Henry O'Keeffe 1858–1941  New Zealand [416]
Fernand Allard l'Olivier 1883–1933  Belgium
Aina Onabolu 1882–1963  Nigeria [418]
Omar Onsi 1901–1969  Lebanon[note 4] [419]
Aniela Pająkówna 1864–1912  Poland
Sara Page 1855–1943  United Kingdom [421]
Pang Xunqin 1906–1985  China [422]
Betty Waldo Parish 1910–1986  United States [423]
Abel Pann 1883–1963  Latvia
Irene E. Parmelee 1847-1934  United States
William McGregor Paxton 1869-1941  United States x100px|center] [425]
Margaret Bucknell Pecorini 1879-1963  United States
Waldo Peirce 1884-1970  United States [427]
Sophie Pemberton 1869–1959  Canada
Lilla Cabot Perry 1848-1933  United States
Jean Peské 1870-1949  Ukraine[note 2]
Gheorghe Petrașcu 1872-1949  Romania
Bert Geer Phillips 1868-1956  United States [431]

Max Pietschmann 1865–1952  Germany

Robert W. Pilot 1898–1967  Canada [433]
Narcisse Poirier 1883–1984  Canada [434]
Edward Clark Potter 1857-1923  United States


Gaston Pottier 1885-1980  France [438][439]
Jane Poupelet 1874-1932  France [440]
Harold Septimus Power 1877–1951  Australia [441]
Edith Mitchill Prellwitz 1864-1944  United States [442]
Henry Prellwitz 1865-1940  United States [443]
Maurice Prendergast 1858-1924  United States
Norman Mills Price 1877-1951  United States [446]
Sarah Purser 1848–1943  Ireland[note 5] [82]
Hovsep Pushman 1877-1966  United States [447]
Leo Putz 1869-1940  Germany
Jean Puy 1876-1960  France
Mélanie Quentin 1946-  France [450]
Henrietta Rae 1859–1928  United Kingdom [451]
Pierre Rambaud 1852-1893  France [452]
Paul Ranson 1864-1909  France
Joseph Raphael 1869-1950  United States [454][455]
Wilhelm Rasmussen 1879–1965  Norway [456]
John Willard Raught 1857-1931  United States
Robert Rauschenberg 1925-2008  United States
Frank Reaugh 1860-1945  United States
Hilla von Rebay 1890-1967  Germany
John Recknagel 1870-1940  United States [461]
Edward Willis Redfield 1869-1965  United States
Granville Redmond 1871-1935  United States
Robert Lewis Reid 1862-1929  United States
Camil Ressu 1880-1962  Romania [464]
Frances Richards 1852–1934  Canada [465]
Diego Rivera 1886–1957  Mexico
Adolf Robbi 1868-1920   Switzerland [466]
Andrea Robbi 1864-1945   Switzerland
Elizabeth Wentworth Roberts 1871-1927  United States
Frederick Cayley Robinson 1862–1927  United Kingdom
Georges Rochegrosse 1859-1938  France
Georgios Roilos 1867–1928  Greece
Cristóbal Rojas 1857-1890  Venezuela
Guy Rose 1867-1925  United States [101][474]
William Rothenstein 1872–1945  United Kingdom
Ker-Xavier Roussel 1867-1944  France [476]
Pierre Roy 1880-1950  France [477]
Alexander Rummler 1867-1959  United States [478][479]
Chauncey Foster Ryder 1868-1949  United States [480]
Ahmed Sabri 1889–1955  Egypt [481][482]
Alexander Sachal 1924-2020  Russia [483]
Ernest de Saisset 1864-1899  United States
Eugénie Salanson 1836-1912  France
Tito Salas 1887-1974  Venezuela [487]
John Singer Sargent 1856-1925  United States
Rudolf Scharpf 1919-2014  Germany
Ludwig Scheuermann 1859-1911  Germany [489]
Annie Shepley Omori 1856–1943  United States [490]
Hans Schuler 1874-1951  United States [491]
René Schützenberger 1860-1916  France
Guillaume Seignac 1870-1924  France
Paul Sérusier 1864-1927  France
Ernest Thompson Seton 1860-1946  United States
William Somerville Shanks 1864-1951  United Kingdom
Joseph Henry Sharp 1859-1953  United States
Aleksandr Shevchenko 1883-1948  Ukraine[note 2]
Paul Sibra 1889-1951  France
Amanda Sidwall 1844-1892  Sweden
William Posey Silva 1859-1948  United States
Edward Simmons 1852-1931  United States
Lucien Simon 1861-1945  France
Simpson Charles Walter 1855–1971  United Kingdom [504]
Max Slevogt 1868-1932  Germany
Władysław Ślewiński 1856-1918  Poland
Henri-Alexandre Sollier 1896-1966  France [506]
Yngvar Sonnichsen 1873–1938  Norway
 United States
María Obligado de Soto y Calvo 1857–1938  Argentina
Danielle Denise Souanin 1934-  France
Aurélia de Souza 1866-1922  Portugal
Sofia Martins de Sousa 1870-1960  Portugal
Arthur Watson Sparks 1871-1919  United States [511]
Zofia Stankiewicz 1862-1955  Poland [512]
Edward Steichen 1879-1973  United States [120]
Carole Steyn 1938-  United Kingdom [513]
John Storrs 1885-1956  United States [514]
Gabriel Sue 1867-1958  France [515]
August Suter 1887-1965   Switzerland
Marc-Aurèle de Foy Suzor-Coté 1869–1937  Canada
Arthur Szyk 1894-1951  Poland
Allen Butler Talcott 1867-1908  United States
Henry Ossawa Tanner 1859-1937  United States
Edmund C. Tarbell 1862-1938  United States
Maurice Tastemain 1878-1944  France [521]
Francis Tattegrain 1852-1915  France
Madge Tennent 1889–1972  United States
Louis-Édouard Toulet 1892-1967  France [524]
Channel Pickering Townsley 1867–1921  United States [525]
Ernő Tibor 1885–1945  Hungary [526]
William B. T. Trego 1858-1909  United States
Antony Troncet 1879-1939  France
Tseng Kwong Chi 1950-1990  United States [529]
John Henry Twachtman 1853-1902  United States
Hans Unger 1872-1936  Germany
Gunnar Utsond 1864–1950  Norway
Félix Vallotton 1865-1925   Switzerland
Louis Valtat 1869-1952  France [534]
Aagot Vangen 1875–1905  Norway
Sam Vanni 1908–1922  Finland
Henry Varnum 1887-1970  United States [538]
János Vaszary 1867-1939  Hungary
Nicolina Vaz de Assis 1874–1941  Brazil
Jean Vercoutter 1911-2000  France [542]
Eugène Viala 1859-1913  France
Bernard Villemot 1911-1989  France [544]
Jacques Villon 1875-1963  France [545]
Eliseu Visconti 1866–1944  Brazil
Martha Visser't Hooft 1906-1994  United States [546][547]
André-Léon Vivrel 1886-1976  France [548]
Clark Voorhees 1871-1933  United States [549]
Édouard Vuillard 1868-1940  France
Herbert Ward 1863–1919  United Kingdom
William T. Warrener 1861–1934  United Kingdom [552]
Max Weber 1881-1961  Russia
Robert Wehrlin 1903-1964   Switzerland
Susan Weil 1930-  United States [555]
Pedro Weingärtner 1853–1929  Brazil
Frederic Whiting 1874–1962  United Kingdom [557][558]
David Ossipovitch Widhopff 1867-1933  Ukraine[note 2] [559]
Carl Wilhelmson 1866-1928  Sweden
Terrick Williams 1860–1936  United Kingdom [561]
Shirley Williamson 1875–1944  United States [562]
Walter Withers 1854–1914  Australia
Beatrice Wood 1893-1998  United States
Grant Wood 1891-1942  United States
Martha Dewing Woodward 1856-1950  United States
Xu Beihong 1895–1953  China
Sōtarō Yasui 1888–1955  Japan
Jenny Zillhardt 1857-1939  France
Madeleine Zillhardt 1863-1950  France


  1. Most of Belarus was part of the Russian Empire before 1917 and part of the USSR from 1917 to 1991.
  2. Ukraine was part of the Russian Empire before 1917. Parts of Ukraine became part of the USSR in 1921 and the rest in 1931. Ukraine became independent in 1991.
  3. Armenia was part of the Ottoman Empire before 1918.
  4. Lebanon was part of the Ottoman Empire before 1918.
  5. The Republic of Ireland was part of the United Kingdom before the establishment of the Irish Free State in 1922.
  6. Czechoslovakia was part of Austria-Hungary before 1918.
  7. Lithuania was part of the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth before 1918 and of the USSR from 1922 to 1990.


  1. Benezit Dictionary of Artists
  3. Vallin, Gérard. "Elèves et professeurs de l'Académie Julian" [Students and Faculty of the Académie Julian]. academie julian (in French). Retrieved 30 September 2016.
  4. Benezit
  5. Oxford index
  6. Benezit
  7. Collier, Peter; Lethbridge, Robert (1994). Artistic Relations: Literature and the Visual Arts in Nineteenth-century France. London: Yale University Press. p. 50. ISBN 9780300060096.
  8. Benezit
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  12. Benezit
  13. Oxford Index
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  16. Benezit
  17. Benezit
  18. Benezit
  19. Benezit
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  23. Benezit
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  32. "Pougheon, Eugène Robert". POUGHEON, Eugène Robert (1886 - 1955), Painter, watercolourist : Benezit Dictionary of Artists - oi. 31 October 2011. doi:10.1093/benz/9780199773787.article.B00145178. Retrieved 2016-10-10.
  33. Oxford Index
  34. "Galerie du Cygne - Swann Gallery". Archived from the original on 2016-10-25. Retrieved 2016-10-24.
  35. Benezit
  36. (fr)Bnf:Professeur Académie Julian
  37. Benezit
  38. Benezit
  39. Benezit
  40. Benezit
  41. Benezit
  42. Benezit, Adler
  43. (in French)musees-franchecomte
  44. (in Italian)
  46. Benezit
  47. Benezit, Alaux
  49. "Georgina de Albuquerque". Enciclopédia Itaú Cultural. Retrieved 30 September 2016.
  50. "Lucílio de Albuquerque". Enciclopédia Itaú Cultural. Retrieved 30 September 2016.
  51. Alcott Nieriker, Abigail May (1879). Studying art abroad, and how to do it cheaply. Boston: Roberts Brothers. pp. 48–49. LCCN 03016794. OCLC 8699580. OL 6929381M.
  52. Site:Académie Julian
  53. In 1879, May Alcott Nieriker, published her guide; Studying art abroad and how to do it cheaply,[51] on p. 48 and 49, she describes the atelier on passage des Panoramas, as well as Rodolphe Julian whom she calls, "M. Jullien". School records indicate her attendance in 1870.[52]
  54. "The Mother". 2013. Archived from the original on 9 November 2014. Retrieved 11 March 2013.
  55. Mirra Alfassa, paintings and drawings, P. 157-158
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  60. Askart, Allwothy
  61. Benezit, Alten
  62., Biography of Mathias Alten
  63. Oxford Index, Amaral
  64. Benezit
  65. (fr)boulevarddesresistants.hautetfort
  66. Oxford Index Amiet
  67. Benezit, Ammirato
  68. (pt)
  69. Benezit, André
  70. Grove Art Online
  71. Benezit, Andrescu
  72. "Andreescu, Ion". artLine (in Romanian). Retrieved 11 October 2016.
  73. Oxford index
  74., Boris Anrep in his studio Boulevard Arago, "He met Pierre Roy when both were studying at the Académie Julian in Paris in 1908
  75. American National Biographies
  76. "Finding Aid". Thomas Anshutz papers, circa 1870-1942. Archives of American Art. 2005. Retrieved 11 October 2016.
  77. Benezit
  78. "Athanase APARTIS(1899 - 1972)". Galerie Malaquais. Archived from the original on 2016-10-12. Retrieved 2016-10-11.
  79. Benezit, Armington, Helena
  80. Benezit, Armington, Frank
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  82., Académie Julian, students
  83. Benezit, Ashton
  84. Benezit
  85. (in French)Musee du pays rabastinois
  86. "Ion Bărbulescu Aluta, Sfântul Pavel - Licitația "Imagini ale Sacrului" #243/2017 - Arhivă rezultate". Archived from the original on 2018-06-16.
  87. Oxford Index, Bakst
  88. Oxford Index, Barlach
  89. (fr)Archives of the Académie Julian from 1895 to 1897
  90. (fr)Encyclopédie Universalis
  91. Benezit, Barlow
  92. Benezit, William Barr
  93. Benezit, Barré
  94. "Raoul Barré" (in French). Archived from the original on 15 May 2011.
  95. Gosling, Lucinda (2008). Brushes & Bayonets: Cartoons, Sketches & Paintings of World War I. Oxford: Osprey Publishing. p. 200. ISBN 978-1-84603-095-6. Archived from the original on 2013-11-04. Retrieved 2016-09-28.
  96. "William H Barribal (1873-1956)". Painter & Hall. Retrieved 11 October 2016.
  97. Benezit
  98. (de)Swiss Institute for Art Research, Barth
  99. Benezit, Bartlett, Charles William
  100. Benezit Baschet
  101. Farmer, J David. "Overcoming All Obstacles: The Women of the Académie Julian – An Exhibition Organized by the Dahesh Museum". California Art Club Newsletter. No. April/May 2000. Archived from the original on 10 October 2008. Retrieved 29 September 2016.
  102. (fr)La Rampe : revue des théâtres, music-halls, concerts, cinématographes, 1922
  103. Benezit
  104. (fr)" Artfindings...suit des cours de dessin chez "Juillian"
  105. Oxford Index, Bazaine
  106. Reid, Dennis R. (1988). A Concise History of Canadian Painting, p. 139.
  107. Benezit, Beau
  108. Benezit, Beaury-Saurel
  109. Benezit
  110. Grove Art Online, Béjot
  111. Benezit
  112. Grove Art Online
  113. Ars Judaica, 2013, Alec Mishory; "A Purim Masquerade: Fowls and Foxes in Shmuel Ben David’s Illuminated Scroll of Esther (ca. 1923)"
  114. Ganz, Cheryl R. (2001). Women Building Chicago 1790-1990. Indiana University Press. p. 75.
  115. Budapestposter
  116. Benezit Berény
  117. Grove Art Online, Berény
  118. Benezit
  119. (es)
  120. Russell, John. "An Art School That Also Taught Life," New York Times. 19 March 1989.
  121. Benezit
  122. Moorby, Nicola (February 2003). Robert Bevan 1865–1925. ISBN 9781849763851. {{cite book}}: |website= ignored (help)
  123. Oxford Index, Bevan
  124. Arnold, Sara (2 July 2013). "Artist Spotlight: George Biddle (1885–1973)". The Gibbes Museum of Art. Retrieved 12 October 2016.
  125. Benezit, Biddle
  126. (de), (fr), (it), historisches Lexikon der Scheiwz, "Ab 1880 in Paris an der Académie Julian"
  127. Benezit, Bille
  128. "Edmond Bille – The Parable of the Rich Man and the Beggar". Village Antiques. 24 February 2014. Retrieved 12 October 2016.
  129. Benezit, Biva
  130. Famous Galleries, Biva
  131. Bleiler, Lyn (2011). Taos. Charleston, S.C.: Arcadia Publishing. ISBN 9780738579221.
  132. Grove Art Online, Boggio
  133. Benezit
  134. Chilvers, Ian, ed. (2004). "Académie," Oxford Dictionary of Art, p. 5–6., p. 5, at Google Books
  135. Global Britannica, Borglum
  136. Benezit
  137. Benezit, Jean Bouchaud
  138. (fr)Foundation Jean Boucher, Formation
  139. Benezit, Bouchor
  140. Tate Gallery, "Académie Julian."
  141. Camille Bourget Archived 2013-07-23 at the Wayback Machine
  142. Benezit
  145. Archived 2016-11-21 at the Wayback Machine
  146. Valentin galerie
  147. Benezit
  149. Cadell
  150. Scottish
  151. (es)biografiasyvidas, Hermenegildo Anglada Camarasa "...en 1897 se trasladó a París y asistió a la(s) academia(s) de Julián.."
  152. (es), p.4
  153. (es)Latino, Centro español expone en Bogotá la obra del maestro Francisco Antonio Cano Archived 2016-10-13 at the Wayback Machine
  155. (es)pasaportecolombiano, Francisco Antonio Cano revive en Medellín
  156., Carline
  157. "Mary Helen Carlisle". CLARA Database of Women Artists Retrieved 2018-08-05.
  158. Susan ButlinThe Practice of Her Profession: Florence Carlyle, Canadian Painter
  159. Oxford Index, Cassandre
  160. Benezit
  161. (fr) Connaisance des arts, Chabas
  162. Grove Art Online Chaubaud
  163. Titherington, Lois (2017-02-20). "They Ate, They Drank, They Partied, They Painted: P'town's Beachcombers". Retrieved 2021-07-05.
  164. Rush, Solvleiga (1991). Oliver Newberry Chaffee, 1881-1944. Taft Museum of Art. ISBN 978-0915577224.
  165. Barbara Groseclose, “Internationalizing the History of American Art: Views”
  166. (fr)Académie Julian, Chalfant
  167. Victoria Charles, 1000 Chef-d'œuvre des Arts décoratifs
  168. Goodreads, Chambers
  169. Benezit
  172. Benezit
  173., Benjamin Chinn
  174. The Oxford Dictionary of Art, p.156
  175. Benezit
  176., Clawson
  177. askart, Clerk
  178. Rogallery, Clerk
  179. Modernisticon, Clerk
  180. Vallin, Gérard. "Griffith Bailey Coale 1890–1950 Peintre américain" [Griffith Bailey Coale 1890–1950 American Painter]. academie julian (in French). Retrieved 30 September 2016.
  181. Benezit
  182. Ian Chilvers, The Oxford Dictionary of Art, P.164
  183. David Bernard Dearinger, Paintings and Sculpture in the Collection of the National Academy of Design ..., P.114
  184. Grove Art Online, Cottet
  185. Benezit, Couse
  186. PapillonGallery
  187. Grove Art Online, Crotti
  188. Montiège, Samuel (May 2011). L'Académie Julian et ses élèves canadiens : Paris, 1880-1900 [The Académie Julian and its Canadian students] (Doctoral thesis) (in French). Université de Montréal. Retrieved 29 September 2016.
  189. Benezit, Curran
  190., Curtis Archived 2016-05-07 at the Wayback Machine
  191. Smithsonian Library, Otho Cushing
  192. Francis, Rell (1976). Cyrus Dallin Let Justice Be Done. Cyrus Dallin Art Museum: Utah American Revolution Bicentennial Commission. p. 249.
  193. Benezit
  194. (fr)appl Lachaise, Lucien Daudet
  195. Annexgalleries
  196. Benezit, Hermine David
  197. ["Академія Жуліана" = Académie Julian mentioned on the Ukrainian page]
  198. (fr)Revue des arts : le vrai et le beau : organe officiel de l'Union internationale des arts décoratifs : arts, lettres, commerce, industrie / directeur : C. Balleroy, Paris 1931
  199. Benezit, Dean
  200. Delasalle, Angèle. 2011. doi:10.1093/benz/9780199773787.article.B00048542. ISBN 978-0-19-977378-7.
  201. Encyclopedia of Arkansas
  202. Maria Tsaneva, Charles Demuth: 116 Masterpieces
  203. National Gallery of Australia
  204. (ru)
  206. (ru)
  207. (fr), Larousse mensuel illustré : revue encyclopédique universelle, 1929
  208. Benezit, Devillié
  209., Wynford
  210. Benezit
  211. Junker, Will Gillham, An American Collection: Works from the Amon Carter Museum
  212. Benezit Dictionary of Artists, Drake
  213. (fr)Journal de l'année, 1986
  214. Benezit, Dufrenoy
  215. Benezit, Dugdale
  216. Benezit
  217. "Edmund Dulac: An Inventory of His Collection at the Harry Ransom Humanities Research Center".
  218. "Homepage".
  219. Redfern Gallery Archived 2016-09-27 at the Wayback Machine
  220. (es)euskonews, obituary
  221. Benezit Dictionary of Artists
  222. Benezit, Elliot
  223. Tate, Elwell
  224. Swinth, Kirsten. Painting Professionals: Women Artists & the Development of Modern American Art, 1870-1930, p. 49 Chapel Hill, NC: Univ. of North Carolina Press, 2001
  225. Robert Aldrich, Garry Wotherspoon, Who's who in Gay and Lesbian History: From Antiquity to World War II, Том 1 Enckell (Knut) Magnus
  226. Benezit, Epstein
  227. Grove Art Online, Fritz Erler
  228., Swiss Institute for Art Research, Hans Erni
  229. Grove Art Online
  230. Benezit
  232. (fr)
  233. Birgitta Moran Farmer 1906 Diary and Letters, Owned by Family.
  234. MacMillan Company, 1927, American Art Annual, Volume 24; Volume 26
  235. Askart, Herbert Cyrus Farnum
  236. Benezit
  237. Benezit
  238. Benezit, Fiebig
  239. Benezit
  240. Benezit
  241. askart Robertson
  242. Zubans, Ruth, "Fox, Emanuel Phillips (1865–1915)", Australian Dictionary of Biography, National Centre of Biography, Australian National University, retrieved 2020-02-11
  243. (pt) França
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  245. The Canadian encyclopedia Joseph Charles Franchère
  246. Benezit
  247. [: Oxford Index, Frederick Carl Frieseke]
  248., National Gallery of Canada
  252. Benezit
  253. Académie Julian records 1879
  254. Benezit
  255. Askart, Gaspard
  256. Robin Waterfield, Prophet: The Life and Times of Kahlil Gibran
  258. (fr)Académie Julian records - 1910 attendance
  259. Benezit, Goetz
  260. National gallery of Canada Archived 2016-03-04 at the Wayback Machine
  261. Ian Chilvers, The Oxford Dictionary of Art, p.299
  262. Historyireland
  263. askart Grinager
  265. (fr)Galerie Stephan, Guinier
  266. (fr)mer.glenatlivres. Guinier
  267. Benezit, Gunn
  268. Grove Art Online Halonen
  269. Benezit
  270. Glasgow, University of. "'Herbert Hampton', Mapping the Practice and Profession of Sculpture in Britain and Ireland 1851–1951, University of Glasgow History of Art and HATII, online database 2011". Retrieved 30 March 2017.
  271. Askart, Hart
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  273. Tate, Hartrick
  274. Harvey
  275. Benezit Dictionary of Artists
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  277. "Theodorehaupt". Archived from the original on 2017-05-10. Retrieved 2016-10-15.
  278. susantellergallery, Haupt
  279. Benezit Hawkins
  280. Hayter Biography
  281., Hebbar
  283. Benezit
  284. (fr)Biographie, Hermann-Paul
  285. "National, Herter". Archived from the original on 2016-08-24. Retrieved 2016-10-19.
  286. Benezit, Hertzbzrg, Halfdan
  287. (fr)Académie Julian records 1886, Hertzberg
  288. The New Encyclopedia of Southern Culture: Volume 21: Art and Architecture edited by Judith H. Bonner, Estill Curtis Pennington (ISBN 9780807837184)
  289. Hawaiianart, Hitchcock
  290. von Hartmann, Gene (1975). Jack Hooper: Works from the Jane and Peter G. Arnovick Collection with Additional Works Lent by the Artist. Felton, CA: Big Trees Press. pp. 14–15. OCLC 21545828.
  291. CsH Gallery, “Atelier Julien”
  292. Nancy Boas, David Park: A Painter S Life
  293. askart, Cecil Howard
  294. Benezit, Howard
  295. Cecil Howard, The American Sculptors series, University of Georgia Press
  296. Dearinger, David Bernard; Design (U.S.), National Academy of (2004). Paintings and Sculpture in the Collection of the National Academy of Design: 1826-1925. Hudson Hills. ISBN 978-1-55595-029-3.
  297. Richardtaylorfineart
  298. Grove Art Online, Ibels
  299. Tate, Richardd Jack
  300. Reid, Dennis R. (1988). A Concise History of Canadian Painting, p. 243.
  301. Benezit
  302. Benezit
  303. 1901 per school record
  304. RKD, Jaulmes
  305. Benezit Dictionary of Artists
  306. Grove Art Online, Frances Benjamin Johnston
  307. Jane Johnson, A. Greutzner, Antique Collectors' Club, The Dictionary of British Artists 1880-1940
  308. "Lois Mailou Jones | American painter and educator".
  309. Benezit, Józsa
  310., Joullin
  311. tfaoi
  312. Benezit, Jourdan
  313. (fr)Dictionnaire du Jura, Kaiser
  314. (pl), Antoni Kamieński
  315. Benezit Dictionary of Artists
  316. Benezit, KARLOWSKA, Stanislawa de (1876 - 1952), Painter
  317. Bary Kay archives
  318. The Canadian Encyclopedia, Augustus Frederick Kenderdine
  319. McConkey, Kenneth (1 January 1995). Impressionism in Britain. Yale University Press. p. 142. ISBN 0300063342. Retrieved 6 November 2014.
  320. "Charles Henry Malcolm Kerr - Tate". Tate.
  321. Benezit
  322. "Alonzo Kimball Dead", The New York Times, August 28, 1923, p. 17. ProQuest Historical Newspapers, Ann Arbor Michigan; subscription access through The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Library.
  323. American Federation of Arts. "KIMBALL, Alonzo", American Art Dictionary, 1980. R.R. Bowker, 1913, p. 291.
  324. "Visionary Revue".
  325. Benezit
  326. Benezit, Klumpke
  327. Vern G. Swanson, Robert S. Olpin, Donna L., Utah Art, Utah Artists: 150 Year Survey, P. 44
  328. Benezit, Knight
  329. Oxford Index, Kolbe
  330. "Krehbiel, Albert H". Oxford University Press. 31 October 2011. doi:10.1093/benz/9780199773787.article.B00101219.
  331. "The Early Years - Biography of Albert H. Krehbiel, noted American Impressionist artist and muralist".
  332. (cz), Kupka
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  336. Artnet, Lalanne
  337. (ru)"Коларосси и Р. Жюлиана, 1896-99")
  338. Benezit, Lander
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  340. Benezit, Lange, Olaf
  341. Benezit
  342. (fr)Dictionnaire du Jura, Lapaire
  343. Benezit
  344. National Portrait Gallery, UK, J. H Lartigue
  345. Benezit, Lartigue
  346. under Jacques-Jules Lefebvre and Benjamin Constant.
  348., Mary Lawrence Tonetti
  349. The Canadian Encyclopedia, Ernest Lawson
  350. (fr) Dictionnaire des peintres belges, Lebacq
  351. Benezit
  352. "L'Engle, Provincetown, MA".
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  358. Benezit, Lion
  359. Grove Art Online, Luchian
  360. Benezit, LUNDAHL, Amelia Helga (1850 - 1914), Painter
  361., p.26 and 29
  362. Grove Art Online, Lyman
  363. (fr) Dictionnaire de la peinture (Nouv. éd.)
  364. Benezit, Macdougall
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  366. (fr)Lucien de Maleville, Biography
  367. Mammen foundation
  369. Ekmekçioğlu, Lerna (2006). Bilal, Melissa (ed.). Bir adalet feryadı : Osmanlı'dan Türkiye'ye beş Ermeni feminist yazar, 1862 - 1933; [inceleme] (in Turkish). İstanbul: Aras Yayıncılık. p. 387. ISBN 9757265845.
  370. Grove Art Online, Mann
  371., Harrongton Mann
  372. Benezit ÁRFFY, Ödön
  373. Benezit
  374. Lauren Arrington, “Revolutionary Lives: Constance and Casimir Markievicz”, p.16, Bohemia
  375. Corianne, Martine
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  377. (fr)Arts at culture, pdf
  378. (fr)Foundation Antoine Martinez
  379. (de)
  380. Grova Art Online, Maurin
  381. Benezit, Mayfield
  382., Mehoffer
  383. Oxford Index, Ludwig Meidner
  384. wgu, Matcalf
  385. (fr)Daniel Auliac, “Suzanne Meunier: Une artiste à (re)découvrir
  386. Artnet biography
  387. (es)Michelena
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  392. "artfrançais, Moret". Archived from the original on 2018-06-10. Retrieved 2016-10-23.
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  399. (fr) Patrick Bade, Mucha
  400. Nickerson, Dorothy. (1940). History of the Munsell Color System and its Scientific Application, p. 575.
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  402. Benezit, Navarro
  403. Grove Art Online
  404. Polski Dom Aukcyjny
  405., Thomas Shannahan, Lorenzo deNevers
  406. Ian Chilvers (2004). The Oxford Dictionary of Art. Oxford University Press. ISBN 0-19-860476-9.
  407. (dk), Kay Nielsen
  408. Benezit
  409., Nolde
  410. Benezit, Nordfelt
  411. (fr)orientaliste, Normand
  412. Oxford Index, Nystrõm
  413. (fr)Dictionnaire historique de la Suisse, Herman
  414. Oxford Index, Ochs
  415. Benezit, Ogé
  416. Collins, R. D. J. (1996). "O'Keeffe, Alfred Henry". Dictionary of New Zealand Biography. available in "Story: O'Keeffe, Alfred Henry". Teara - The encyclopedia of New Zealand. Retrieved 11 October 2016.
  417. Benezit
  418. Bonhams, Aina Onabolu
  419. Art in Lebanon, Studied at the "Institute Julien"
  420. (pl), “Académie Julien” Bougereau, page 49 Archived 2016-12-20 at the Wayback Machine
  421., Sara Page
  422. Benezit, PANG XUNQIN (1906 - 1985), Painter, watercolourist
  423. "Susan Teller Gallery".
  424., Abel Pann
  425. maryhillmuseum, Paxton
  426. Benezit Dictionary of Artists/ article.B00137595
  427. New-York Times, Peirce
  428. Canadian Women Artists
  429. Grove Art Online, Perry
  430. Jean Peské, Marie-Élisabeth Loiseau, Écomusée du marais breton vendéen Le Daviaud (La Barre-de-Monts, France), Musée de Tessé, Musée d'art moderne de Collioure Jean Peské, 1870-1949
  431. Taos painter, Phillips
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  433. Archived 2015-09-02 at the Wayback Machine
  434. antiques Dynastie, archived
  435. Oxford Index, Potter
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  438. (fr)Kerkamak
  439. (fr)Le Télegramme, Marie-Line Quéau, 20 juillet 2010, "Gaston Pottier. Son oeuvre enfin rassemblée"
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  444. Mathews, Nancy Mowll (1993). Charles Prendergast. Williamstown, MA.: Williams College Museum of Art. p. 10. ISBN 0-913697-16-8.
  445., Russel, An Art School That Also Taught Life, March 19, 1989
  446. Benezit, Price
  447., Pushman
  448. Grove Art Online, Leo Putz
  449. Oxford Index, Puy
  450. Quentin
  451. Benezit, Rae
  452. Benezit
  453. Benezit
  454. Askart, Raphael
  455. redferngallert, Raphael
  456. Grove Art Online
  457. Benezit, Raught
  458., Rauschenberg
  459. Michael Grauer, Rounded Up in Glory: Frank Reaugh, Texas Renaissance Man
  460. (de)
  461. (fr)Concorneau, Peintres étrangers, Recknagel
  462. Benezit, Redfield
  463. Oxford Index, Robert Lewis Reid
  464. (ro)
  465. Bishop, Carl (2007). "The Picture of Oscar Wilde: The Celebrated Aesthete Gazed At the Portrait Frances Richards Had Painted of Him. Suddenly, He Had a Brilliant Idea". Gale Student Resources in Context. Retrieved 29 November 2016.
  466. Benezit, Adolf Robbi
  467. (de)Swiss Lexikon, Andrea Robbi
  468. Benezit, Roberts
  469. Askart, Elizabeth Wentworth Roberts
  470. Benezit
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  472., "Julien Academy"
  473. (es)Latin art museum CRISTÓBAL ROJAS Archived 2018-05-28 at the Wayback Machine
  474. Grove Art Online, Rose
  475. Oxford Index, Rothenstein
  476. Oxford Index, Ker-Xavier Roussel
  477. oxfordindex
  478. Ctstate, Rummler
  479. Askart Askart, Rummler
  480. Benezit, Ryder
  481. Omar-Artcollection, "Sabry"
  482. (مصرى)Fine
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  487. (es)Venezuelatuya, Biografias, Tito Salas
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  489. Benezit
  490., Shepley Omori
  492., Schutzenberger
  493. artdiggers, Schutzenberger. pdf
  494. Askart, Guillaume Seignac
  495. Grove Art Online, Sérusier, Paul (1864 - 1927), painter, theorist
  496., Ernest Thompson Seton
  497. William Somerville Shanks, R.S.A., R.S.W. - Sotheby's
  498. Grove Art Online, Shevchenko, Aleksandr (1883 - 1948), painter
  499. (fr), Sibra
  500. "Amanda C V Sidwall" (in Swedish). Svenskt Biografiskt Lexikon. Retrieved 1 March 2016.
  501. Benezit, Silva
  502. Benezit, Simmons
  503. (fr)Gallica.bnf, Musée des beaux-arts : catalogue / Ville de Liège
  504., Simpson; “Juliens’ atelier in Paris"
  505. (pl), " uczył się w Akadémie Julian" Archived 2017-05-10 at the Wayback Machine
  506. Oxford Index
  508. (es} "...instalandose en Paris..trabajando con Bejamin Constant en la Academie Julain dirigida por Jean Paul Laurens"La Estancia Colonial Rioplatense. Pago de Magdalena. Rincón de Obligado
  509. University of Porto Famous Alumni - Aurélia de Souza
  510. University of Porto Famous Alumni - Sofia Martins de Sousa
  511. Benezit, Sparks
  512. Benezit, STANKIEVICZ, Zofia or Sophie (born 1862), Painter, engraver
  513. David Buckman (1998). The Dictionary of Artists in Britain Since 1945. Art Dictionaries Ltd. ISBN 0953260909.
  514., Storrs
  515. Benezit
  516. (fr)Dictionnaire historique de la Suisse, Suter
  517. Grove Art Online, Suzor-Coté, Marc-Aurèle de Foy (1869 - 1932)
  518. Ny.Times, Michael Kimmelman:"A Caricaturist, but No Funny Stuff Here", Sept. 7, 2008
  519. Talcaott
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  533. Grove Art Online, Vallotton
  534. Oxford Index, Valtat
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  536. (no)Norsk kunstnerleksikon, Aagot Vangen: "Medalje Académie Julian"
  537. (fi)Helsinkin Sanomat, Obituary, "Hän kävi suomalaisille tuttua Académie Juliania
  538. Benezit, Varnum
  539. (hu), "1899-től Párizsban a Julian Ak.
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  542., Vercoutter
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  544. (fr)Musée des arts décoratifs français, Villemot
  545., Villon
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  547. "Martha Visser't Hooft". Burchfield Penney Art Center. Retrieved 24 June 2018.
  548. Benezit, Vivrel
  549. Benezit, VOORHEES, Clark Greenwood
  550. Askart, Ward
  551. Benezit, Ward
  552. Thomson, R.. Representing Montmartre, pp. 225-79, in, Thomson, R., Friches-Thory, C., &, Roquebert, A., (ed.), Toulouse-Lautrec, (Yale University Press, New Haven and London, 1991), p. 264-65
  554. Benezit
  555. Blouin, Weil
  556. Benezit, WEINGÄRTNER, Peter or Pedro - Painter
  557. Mr. Frederic Whiting Artist And Teacher Of Art (Obituaries) The Times Saturday, Aug 04, 1962; pg. 8; Issue 55461; col E
  558. ‘WHITING, Frederic’, Who Was Who, A & C Black, an imprint of Bloomsbury Publishing plc, 1920–2007; online edn, Oxford University Press, Dec 2007 accessed 12 Jan 2014
  560. Askart, Wilhelmson
  561. Benezit, Terrick
  562. Cannon, Jennie Vennerström; Edwards, Robert W. (2012). Jennie V. Cannon: The Untold History of the Carmel and Berkeley Art Colonies (PDF). Vol. 1. Oakland, CA: East Bay Heritage Project. pp. 665–666.
  563. Grove Art Online, Whithers
  564. Smith, Roberta. "Beatrice Wood, 105, Potter And Mama of Dada, Is Dead," New York Times. 14 March 1998.
  565. Global Britannica, Grant Wood
  566. Sungazette, Woodward
  567. Oxford Index
  568. Benezit Dictionary of Artists
  569. Benezit, ZILLHARDT
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