Chinese star names

Chinese star names (Chinese: , xīng míng) are named according to ancient Chinese astronomy and astrology. The sky is divided into star mansions (宿, xīng xiù, also translated as "lodges") and asterisms (, xīng guān).[1] The system of 283 asterisms under the Three Enclosures and Twenty-Eight Mansions was established by Chen Zhuo of the Three Kingdoms period, who synthesized ancient constellations and the asterisms created by early astronomers Shi Shen, Gan De and Wuxian.[2] Since the Han and Jin dynasties, stars have been given reference numbers within their asterisms in a system similar to the Bayer or Flamsteed designations, so that individual stars can be identified.[3] For example, Deneb (α Cyg) is referred to as (Tiān Jīn Sì, the Fourth Star of Celestial Ford).

In the Qing dynasty, Chinese knowledge of the sky was improved by the arrival of European star charts. Yixiang Kaocheng, compiled in mid-18th century by then deputy Minister of Rites Ignaz Kögler, expanded the star catalogue to more than 3000 stars. The newly added stars (, zēng xīng) were named as (zēng yī, 1st added star), (zēng èr, 2nd added star) etc. For example, γ Cephei is referred to as (Shào Wèi Zēng Bā, 8th Added Star of Second Imperial Guard). Some stars may have been assigned more than one name due to the inaccuracies of traditional star charts.

While there is little disagreement on the correspondence between traditional Chinese and Western star names for brighter stars, many asterisms, in particular those originally from Gan De, were created primarily for astrological purposes and can only be mapped to very dim stars.[4] The first attempt to fully map the Chinese constellations was made by Paul Tsuchihashi in late 19th century. In 1981, based on Yixiang Kaocheng and Yixiang Kaocheng Xubian, the first complete map of Chinese stars and constellations was published by Yi Shitong (伊世同).[5]

The list is based on Atlas Comparing Chinese and Western Star Maps and Catalogues by Yi Shitong (1981) and Star Charts in Ancient China by Chen Meidong (1996). In a few cases, meanings of the names are vague due to their antiquity.[6] In this article, the translation by Hong Kong Space Museum is used.

Three Enclosures

Purple Forbidden Enclosure

The Purple Forbidden Enclosure (紫微垣 Zǐ Wēi Yuán) occupies the region around the north celestial pole and represents the imperial palace. It corresponds to constellations Auriga, Boötes, Camelopardalis, Canes Venatici, Cassiopeia, Cepheus, Draco, Hercules, Leo Minor, Lynx, Ursa Major, and Ursa Minor.

北極 (Běi Jí, North Pole)太子 (Tài Zǐ, Crown Prince)
γ UMi (Pherkad)
帝 (, Emperor)
β UMi (Kochab)
庶子 (Shù Zǐ, Son of Concubine)
5 UMi
後宮 (Hòu Gōng, Imperial Harem)
4 UMi
天樞 (Tiān Shū, Celestial Pivot)
HIP 62561
四輔 (Sì Fǔ, Four Advisors)UnclearHIP 51384HIP 51502
勾陳 (Gōu Chén, Curved Array)α UMi (Polaris)δ UMi (Yildun)ε UMiζ UMi (Akhfa al Farkadain)2 UMiHIP 113116
天皇大帝 (Tiān Huáng Dà Dì, Great Emperor of Heaven)HIP 109693[note 1]
天柱 (Tiān Zhù, Celestial Pillar)76 Dra77 Dra69 Dra59 Dra40 Dra
御女 (Yù Nǚ, Maids-in-waiting)τ Dra50 Dra29 Dra
女史 (Nǚ Shǐ, Female Protocol)ψ1 Dra (Dziban)
柱史 (Zhù Shǐ, Official of Royal Archives)φ Dra
尚書 (Shàng Shū, Royal Secretary)27 Dra15 Dra18 DraHIP 8016119 Dra
天床 (Tiān Chuáng, Celestial Bed)HIP 69373HIP 74605HIP 77277HIP 79414RR UMi6 UMi
大理 (Dà Lǐ, Chief Judge)CO CamUnclear
陰德 (Yīn Dé, Hidden Virtue)HIP 51808HIP 91114
六甲 (Liù Jiǎ, Six Jia)HIP 32439M CamHIP 39538VZ CamHIP 23265K Cam
五帝內座 (Wǔ Dì Nèi Zuò, Interior Seats of Five Emperors)HIP 1441747 CasHIP 13055HIP 15547HIP 19461
華蓋 (Huá Gài, Canopy of the Emperor)Unclear40 CasHIP 592631 Casψ Cas43 Casω Cas
槓 (Gàng, Canopy Support)γ CamHIP 1486249 Cas51 Cas50 Cas54 Cas48 Cas42 Cas38 Cas
紫微右垣 (Zǐ Wēi Yòu Yuán, Right Wall)右樞 (Yòu Shū, Right Pivot)
α Dra (Thuban)
少尉 (Shào Wèi, Second Chief Judge)
κ Dra
上輔 (Shàng Fǔ, First Minister)
λ Dra (Giausar)
少輔 (Shào Fǔ, Second Minister)
24 UMa
上衛 (Shàng Wèi, First Imperial Guard)
43 Cam
少衛 (Shào Wèi, Second Imperial Guard)
α Cam
上丞 (Shàng Chéng, First Prime Minister)
BK Cam
紫微左垣 (Zǐ Wēi Zuǒ Yuán, Left Wall)左樞 (Zuǒ Shū, Left Pivot)
ι Dra (Edasich)
上宰 (Shàng Zǎi, First Premier)
θ Dra
少宰 (Shào Zǎi, Second Premier)
η Dra (Athebyne)
上弼 (Shàng Bì, First Minister)
ζ Dra (Aldhibah)
少弼 (Shào Bì, Second Minister)
υ Dra
上衛 (Shàng Wèi, First Imperial Guard)
73 Dra
少衛 (Shào Wèi, Second Imperial Guard)
π Dra
少丞 (Shào Chéng, Second Prime Minister)
23 Cas
天乙 (Tiān Yǐ, Celestial Great One)7 Dra (Tianyi)[7]
太乙 (Tài Yǐ, First Great One)8 Dra (Taiyi)[7]
內廚 (Nèi Chú, Inner Kitchen)10 DraHIP 66798
北斗 (Běi Dǒu, Northern Dipper)天樞 (Tiān Shū, Celestial Pivot)
α UMa (Dubhe)
天璇 (Tiān Xuán, Celestial Rotating Jade)
β UMa (Merak)
天璣 (Tiān Jī, Celestial Shining Pearl)
γ UMa (Phecda)
天權 (Tiān Quán, Celestial Balance)
δ UMa (Megrez)
玉衡 (Yù Héng, Jade Sighting-tube)
ε UMa (Alioth)
開陽 (Kāi Yáng, Opener of Heat)
ζ UMa (Mizar)
搖光 (Yáo Guāng, Twinkling Brilliance)
η UMa (Alkaid)
輔 (, Assistant)80 UMa (Alcor)
天槍 (Tiān Qiāng, Celestial Spear)κ Boo (Asellus Tertius)ι Boo (Asellus Secundus)θ Boo (Asellus Primus)
玄戈 (Xuán Gē, Sombre Lance)λ Boo (Xuange)
三公 (Sān Gōng, Three Excellencies)Unclear24 CVn21 CVn
相 (Xiàng, Prime Minister)5 CVn
天理 (Tiān Lǐ, Judge for Nobility)HIP 55060HIP 5579766 UMaHIP 58259HIP 56035
太陽守 (Tài Yáng Shǒu, Guard of the Sun)χ UMa (Taiyangshou)
太尊 (Tài Zūn, Royals)ψ UMa
天牢 (Tiān Láo, Celestial Prison)ω UMa57 UMa47 UMa (Chalawan)58 UMa49 UMa56 UMa
勢 (Shì, Eunuch)34 LMi33 LMi42 LMi46 LMi (Praecipua)
文昌 (Wén Chāng, Administrative Centre)Unclearυ UMaφ UMaθ UMaf UMae UMa
內階 (Nèi Jiē, Inner Steps)ο UMa (Muscida)c UMa6 UMa23 UMab UMa17 UMa
三師 (Sān Shī, Three Top Instructors)ρ UMaUnclearσ1 UMa
八穀 (Bā Gǔ, Eight Kinds of Crops)δ Aurξ Aur26 Cam14 Cam7 Cam9 Aur11 Cam31 Cam
傳舍 (Chuán Shè, Guest House)HIP 11737116 Cas32 Cas32 Cas55 CasHIP 13665CS CamCE CamD Cam
天廚 (Tiān Chú, Celestial Kitchen)δ Dra (Altais)σ Dra (Alsafi)ε Dra (Tyl)ρ Drae Draπ Dra
天棓 (Tiān Bàng, Celestial Flail)ξ Dra (Grumium)ν2 Dra (Kuma)β Dra (Rastaban)γ Dra (Eltanin)ι Dra (Edasich)

Added Stars

庶子 (Shù Zǐ, Son of Concubine)Unclear3 UMi10 UMi
四輔 (Sì Fǔ, Four Advisors)HIP 47193
勾陳 (Gōu Chén, Curved Array)HIP 112519HIP 115746UnclearOV Cepλ UMi24 UMiθ UMi19 UMiη UMi (Anwar al Farkadain)20 UMi
天柱 (Tiān Zhù, Celestial Pillar)59 Draκ Cep74 Dra75 Dra41 Dra35 Dra
御女 (Yù Nǚ, Maids-in-waiting)Unclear
女史 (Nǚ Shǐ, Female Protocol)ψ2 Dra
柱史 (Zhù Shǐ, Official of Royal Archives)38 Dra37 Dra
尚書 (Shàng Shū, Royal Secretary)ω Dra20 Dra
天床 (Tiān Chuáng, Celestial Bed)9 UMi11 UMi
大理 (Dà Lǐ, Chief Judge)HIP 60044
陰德 (Yīn Dé, Hidden Virtue)HIP 51808
六甲 (Liù Jiǎ, Six Jia)BN Cam
五帝內座 (Wǔ Dì Nèi Zuò, Interior Seats of Five Emperors)47 Cas
槓 (Gàng, Canopy Support)HIP 12273
少尉 (Shào Wèi, Second Chief Judge)6 Dra4 Dra
上輔 (Shàng Fǔ, First Minister)2 Dra3 Dra
少輔 (Shào Fǔ, Second Minister)27 UMa
上衛 (Shàng Wèi, Right Wall First Imperial Guard)36 CamL Cam42 Cam
少衛 (Shào Wèi, Right Wall Second Imperial Guard)HIP 20266
上丞 (Shàng Chéng, First Prime Minister)BE CamHIP 17587H Cam
上衛 (Shàng Wèi, Left Wall First Imperial Guard)β Cep (Alfirk)11 Cep78 Dra
少衛 (Shào Wèi, Left Wall Second Imperial Guard)79 Dra16 Cep24 CepHIP 10943431 Cep31 Cepρ Cepγ Cep (Errai)
內廚 (Nèi Chú, Inner Kitchen)9 Dra76 UMa
天樞 (Tiān Shū, Celestial Pivot)32 UMa35 UMa38 UMa
天璇 (Tiān Xuán, Celestial Rotating Jade)36 UMa37 UMa42 UMa41 UMa39 UMa40 UMa43 UMa44 UMa
天權 (Tiān Quán, Celestial Balance)74 UMa70 UMa73 UMa
開陽 (Kāi Yáng, Opener of Heat)80 UMa (Alcor)[8]82 UMa
輔 (, Assistant)83 UMa84 UMa86 UMa
天槍 (Tiān Qiāng, Celestial Spear)13 Boo24 Boo39 Boo44 Boo
玄戈 (Xuán Gē, Sombre Lance)33 Boo38 Boo
相 (Xiàng, Prime Minister)1 CVn3 CVn11 CVn
天理 (Tiān Lǐ, Judge for Nobility)HIP 56035
太陽守 (Tài Yáng Shǒu, Guard of the Sun)60 UMa
天牢 (Tiān Láo, Celestial Prison)59 UMa55 UMa
勢 (Shì, Eunuch)35 LMi38 LMi32 LMiβ LMi29 LMi26 LMi27 LMi28 LMi30 LMi36 LMi37 LMi47 LMi46 UMa43 LMi44 LMi44 LMi27 LMi28 LMi30 LMi
文昌 (Wén Chāng, Administrative Centre)28 UMaHIP 4796521 UMa26 UMa37 Lyn39 Lyn31 UMaUnclear
內階 (Nèi Jiē, Inner Steps)19 Lyn18 Lyn24 Lyn30 Lyn29 LynUnclearπ2 UMa2 UMaπ1 UMaτ UMa
三師 (Sān Shī, Three Top Instructors)σ2 UMa
八穀 (Bā Gǔ, Eight Kinds of Crops)4 Cam6 Cam5 Cam9 AurHIP 28385ξ Aur29 Cam28 Cam24 Cam18 Cam16 Cam15 Cam12 Camβ Cam19 Cam21 Cam23 Cam30 Cam37 Cam40 Cam1 Lyn3 Lyn8 Lyn10 Lyn4 Lyn2 Lyn5 Lyn6 Lyn14 Lyn15 Lyn13 Lyn11 Lyn9 Lyn45 Aur
傳舍 (Chuán Shè, Guest House)13 CasHIP 18488HIP 19968HIP 19018
天廚 (Tiān Chú, Celestial Kitchen)55 Dra65 Dra
天棓 (Tiān Bàng, Celestial Flail)ν1 Dra (Kuma)30 Dra88 Her82 Herν2 Dra (Kuma)ν1 Dra (Kuma)74 Her77 Herμ Dra (Alrakis)26 Dra

Supreme Palace Enclosure

The Supreme Palace Enclosure (, Tài Wēi Yuán) represents the imperial court. It corresponds to constellations Canes Venatici, Coma Berenices, Leo, Leo Minor, Lynx, Sextans, Ursa Major and Virgo.

五帝座 (Wǔ Dì Zuò, Thrones of the Five Emperors)β Leo (Denebola)HIP 57646HIP 5732095 LeoHIP 57779
太子 (Tài Zǐ, Crown Prince)93 Leo
從官 (Cóng Guān, Retinue)92 Leo
幸臣 (Xìng Chén, Officer of Honour)GK Com
五諸侯 (Wǔ Zhū Hóu, Five Feudal Kings)39 ComGK Com27 ComUnclear6 Com
九卿 (Jiǔ Qīng, Nine Ministers)ρ Vird2 VirHIP 61579
三公 (Sān Gōng, Three Excellencies)Uncleard1 Vir35 Vir
內屏 (Nèi Píng, Inner Screen)ξ Virν Virπ Virο Vir
太微右垣 (Tài Wēi Yòu Yuán, Right Wall)右執法 (Yòu Zhí Fǎ, Right Law Administrator)
β Vir (Zavijava)
西上將 (Xī Shàng Jiàng, First Western General)
σ Leo
西次將 (Xī Cì Jiàng, Second Western General)
ι Leo
西上相 (Xī Shàng Xiàng, First Western Minister)
θ Leo (Chertan)
西次相 (Xī Cì Xiàng, Second Western Minister)
δ Leo (Zosma)
太微左垣 (Tài Wēi Zuǒ Yuán, Left Wall)左執法 (Zuǒ Zhí Fǎ, Left Law Administrator)
η Vir (Zaniah)
東上將 (Dōng Shàng Jiàng, First Eastern General)
γ Vir (Porrima)
東次將 (Dōng Cì Jiàng, Second Eastern General)
δ Vir (Minelauva)
東上相 (Dōng Shàng Xiàng, First Eastern Minister)
ε Vir (Vindemiatrix)
東次相 (Dōng Cì Xiàng, Second Eastern Minister)
α Com (Diadem)
郎將 (Láng Jiàng, Captain of the Bodyguards)31 Com
郎位 (Láng Wèi, Official of the Imperial Guard)γ ComUnclear14 Com16 Com17 Com13 Com12 Com21 Com18 Com7 Com23 Com26 Com20 Com5 Com2 Com
常陳 (Cháng Chén, Imperial Guards)α CVn (Cor Caroli)10 CVn9 CVnβ CVn (Chara)6 CVn2 CVn67 UMa
上台 (Shàng Tái, Upper Step)ι UMa (Talitha)κ UMa (Alkaphrah)Part of 三台 (Sān Tái, Three Steps) Asterism
中台 (Zhōng Tái, Middle Step)λ UMa (Tania Borealis)μ UMa (Tania Australis)Part of 三台
下台 (Xià Tái, Lower Step)ν UMa (Alula Borealis)ξ UMa (Alula Australis)Part of 三台
虎賁 (Hǔ Bēn, Emperor's Bodyguard)72 Leo
少微 (Shào Wēi, Junior Officers)52 LMi54 Leo A41 LMi51 Leo
长垣 (Cháng Yuán, Long Wall)46 Leo52 Leo53 Leo48 Leo
靈台 (Líng Tái, Astronomical Observatory)χ Leo59 Leo58 Leo
明堂 (Míng Táng, Cosmological Temple)τ Leoυ Leo87 Leo
謁者 (Yè Zhě, Usher of the Court)16 Vir

Added Stars

五帝座 (Wǔ Dì Zuò, Thrones of the Five Emperors)90 Leo85 Leo88 LeoHIP 57320
五諸侯 (Wǔ Zhū Hóu, Five Feudal Kings)40 Com35 Com38 Com25 Com24 Com11 Com3 Com
九卿 (Jiǔ Qīng, Nine Ministers)29 Com29 Com28 Com34 Vir27 Vir33 VirHIP 6157920 Vir20 Vir
內屏 (Nèi Píng, Inner Screen)ω Vir4 Vir6 Vir12 Vir11 Vir7 Vir
西次相 (Xī Cì Xiàng, Second Western Minister)Unclear81 Leo73 Leo
西上相 (Xī Shàng Xiàng, First Western Minister)60 Leo86 Leo
左執法 (Zuǒ Zhí Fǎ, Left Law Administrator)13 Vir
東次相 (Dōng Cì Xiàng, Second Eastern Minister)37 Vir
東次將 (Dōng Cì Jiàng, Second Eastern General)41 VirUnclear59 Vir
東上將 (Dōng Shàng Jiàng, First Eastern General)70 Vir71 VirHIP 66610HIP 66640
郎將 (Láng Jiàng, Captain of the Bodyguards)30 ComHIP 62857
郎位 (Láng Wèi, Official of the Imperial Guard)10 Com9 Com4 Com
常陳 (Cháng Chén, Imperial Guards)4 CVn18 CVn20 CVn16 CVn15 CVn17 CVnHIP 64212
上台 (Shàng Tái, Upper Step)27 Lyn26 Lyn25 Lyn31 Lyn (Alsciaukat)35 Lyn36 Lyn41 Lyn
中台 (Zhōng Tái, Middle Step)Unclear19 LMiHIP 50689HIP 50485
下台 (Xià Tái, Lower Step)61 UMa62 UMa
少微 (Shào Wēi, Junior Officers)39 LMi40 LMi58 LMi50 LMi51 LMi67 LMi64 LMiHIP 5343954 LMi B
长垣 (Cháng Yuán, Long Wall)50 Leo49 Leo32 Sex23 Sex31 Sex34 Sex35 Sex37 Leo38 Leo
靈台 (Líng Tái, Astronomical Observatory)56 Leo36 Sex55 Leo57 Leo61 Leo66 Leo62 Leo65 Leo
明堂 (Míng Táng, Cosmological Temple)89 Leo80 Leo79 Leo75 Leo69 Leoφ Leo87 Leo
謁者 (Yè Zhě, Usher of the Court)10 Vir17 Vir

Heavenly Market Enclosure

The Heavenly Market Enclosure (, Tiān Shì Yuán) represents the emperor's realm. It corresponds to constellations Aquila, Boötes, Corona Borealis, Draco, Hercules, Ophiuchus, Sagitta, Serpens and Vulpecula.

帝座 (Dì Zuò, Emperor's Seat)α Her (Rasalgethi)
候 (Hòu, Astrologer)α Oph (Rasalhague)
宦者 (Huàn Zhě, Eunuch Official)32 OphHIP 8347860 Her37 Oph
斗 (Dǒu, Dipper [for Liquids])ω Her (Cujam)49 Her13 Her29 Her33 Her
斛 (, Dipper [for Solids])ι Ophκ Oph47 Her43 Her
列肆 (Liè Sì, Jewel Market)σ Serλ Oph (Marfik)
車肆 (Chē Sì, Commodity Market)υ Oph20 Oph
市樓 (Shì Lóu, Municipal Office)μ Ophο Serτ Ophν SerHIP 85397HIP 86768
宗正 (Zōng Zhèng, Official for Royal Clan)β Oph (Cebalrai)γ Oph
宗人 (Zōng Rén, Official for Religious Ceremonies)66 Oph67 Oph68 Oph70 Oph
宗 (Zōng, Patriarchal Clan)110 Her111 Her
帛度 (Bó Dù, Textile Ruler)95 Her102 Her
屠肆 (Tú Sì, Butcher's Shops)109 Her98 Her
天市右垣 (Tiān Shì Yòu Yuán, Right Wall)河中 (Hé Zhōng, Hezhong)
β Her (Kornephoros)
河間 (Hé Jiān, Hejian)
γ Her
晉 (Jìn, Jin)
κ Her A (Marsic)
鄭 (Zhèng, Zheng)
γ Ser
周 (Zhōu, Zhou)
β Ser (Chow)
秦 (Qín, Qin)
δ Ser
蜀 (Shǔ, Shu)
α Ser (Unukalhai)
巴 (, Ba)
ε Ser
梁 (Liáng, Liang)
δ Oph (Yed Prior)
楚 (Chǔ, Chu)
ε Oph (Yed Posterior)
韓 (Hán, Han)
ζ Oph (Han)
天市左垣 (Tiān Shì Zuó Yuán, Left Wall)魏 (Wèi, Wei)
δ Her (Sarin)
趙 (Zhào, Zhao)
λ Her (Maasym)
九河 (Jiǔ Hé, Jiuhe)
μ Her
中山 (Zhōng Shān, Zhongshan)
ο Her
齊 (, Qi)
112 Her
吳越 (Wú Yuè, Wuyue)
ζ Aql (Okab)
徐 (, Xu)
θ Ser (Alya)
東海 (Dōng Hǎi, Donghai)
η Ser
燕 (Yān, Yan)
μ Oph
南海 (Nán Hǎi, Nanhai)
ξ Ser
宋 (Sòng, Song)
η Oph (Sabik)
天紀 (Tiān Jì, Celestial Discipline)ξ CrBζ Herε Her59 Her61 Her68 HerHIP 86178Unclearθ Her
女床 (Nǚ Chuáng, Woman's Bed)π Her69 Herρ Her
貫索 (Guàn Suǒ, Coiled Throng)π CrBθ CrBβ CrB (Nusakan)α CrB (Alphecca)γ CrBδ CrBε CrBι CrBρ CrB
七公 (Qī Gōng, Seven Excellencies)42 Herτ Herφ Herχ Herν1 Booμ Boo (Alkalurops)δ Boo (Princeps)

Added Stars

候 (Hòu, Astrologer)UnclearUnclear54 Oph56 Oph53 OphUnclear
宦者 (Huàn Zhě, Eunuch Official)54 Oph54 Oph49 HerHIP 83504e Oph
斗 (Dǒu, Dipper [for Liquids])ω Her (Cujam)15 Her46 Her45 Her47 Her12 Her9 HerUnclear21 Her28 Her28 Her
斛 (, Dipper [for Solids])43 Her41 Her45 Her38 Her36 Her37 HerUnclear
列肆 (Liè Sì, Jewel Market)21 Oph16 Oph14 Oph12 Oph
車肆 (Chē Sì, Commodity Market)23 Oph30 Oph
市樓 (Shì Lóu, Municipal Office)ν Ser
宗正 (Zōng Zhèng, Official for Royal Clan)61 Ophσ Oph41 Oph
宗人 (Zōng Rén, Official for Religious Ceremonies)72 Oph71 Oph73 Oph74 Oph
帛度 (Bó Dù, Textile Ruler)96 Her101 Her93 Her
屠肆 (Tú Sì, Butcher's Shops)97 Her95 Her106 Her
河間 (Hé Jiān, Hejian)16 Her
晉 (Jìn, Jin)5 Her8 Herq Her8 Herκ Her B
周 (Zhōu, Zhou)τ1 Serτ4 Serτ5 Serτ6 Serτ3 Serτ7 Serι Serκ Ser (Gudja)τ8 SerUnclear29 Serυ Ser39 Serχ Serυ SerHIP 77412
秦 (Qín, Qin)Unclear16 Ser
蜀 (Shǔ, Shu)λ Ser3 SerHIP 77163
巴 (, Ba)ψ Serω SerHIP 7844243 Ser36 Ser
魏 (Wèi, Wei)51 Her56 Her57 HerHIP 8383062 Her70 Her70 Her73 Her
趙 (Zhào, Zhao)78 Her79 Her84 Her
九河 (Jiǔ Hé, Jiuhe)87 Her
中山 (Zhōng Shān, Zhongshan)ξ Herμ Her99 Her104 Her108 Her107 Her100 Her
齊 (, Qi)113 Her1 Sge1 Vul2 Vulα Vul (Anser)HIP 95744HIP 954923 VulHIP 93975HIP 943828 VulHIP 96081
吳越 (Wú Yuè, Wuyue)ε Aql10 Aql11 Aql18 Aqlω1 Aql28 Aql31 Aql
徐 (, Xu)4 Aql62 Ser19 Aql64 Ser
東海 (Dōng Hǎi, Donghai)ζ Ser59 Ser61 Ser60 Ser
宋 (Sòng, Song)V841 Oph29 Oph
天紀 (Tiān Jì, Celestial Discipline)η Her25 Herν2 CrB23 Her26 Her32 Her39 Her46 Her50 Her58 Her43 HerUnclear72 Her90 HerHIP 85181
貫索 (Guàn Suǒ, Coiled Throng)χ Booο CrBη CrBκ CrBλ CrBτ CrBσ CrBυ CrBρ CrB19 Her17 Her10 Herπ Serρ Ser
七公 (Qī Gōng, Seven Excellencies)17 Dra16 Dra34 Herυ Herβ Boo (Nekkar)40 Booζ CrBμ CrBν2 Booφ Boo4 Her2 Her14 Her30 Herσ Her52 Her

Azure Dragon


The Horn mansion represents the Dragon's horns. It corresponds to constellations Centaurus, Circinus, Coma Berenices, Hydra, Lupus and Virgo.

角宿 (Jiǎo Xiù, Horn Mansion)α Vir (Spica)ζ Vir (Heze)
平道 (Píng Dào, Flat Road)θ Vir82 Vir
天田 (Tiān Tián, Celestial Farmland)78 Virτ Vir
周鼎 (Zhōu Dǐng, Tripod of the Zhou)β Com37 Com41 Com
進賢 (Jìn Xián, Recommending Virtuous Man)44 Vir
天門 (Tiān Mén, Celestial Gate)53 Vir69 Vir
平 (Píng, Judging)γ Hyaπ Hya
庫樓 (Kù Lóu, Arsenal)ζ Cenη Cenθ Cen (Menkent)2 Cend Cenf Cenγ Cenτ CenD Cenθ Cen (Menkent)
柱 (Zhù, Pillars)υ2 Cenυ1 Cenι Lupτ1 Lupa Cenψ Cen4 Cen3 Cen1 Cenπ Cenι Cen
衡 (Héng, Railings)ν Cenμ Cenφ Cenχ Cen
南門 (Nán Mén, Southern Gate)ε Cenα Cen (Rigil)

Added Stars

角宿 (Jiǎo Xiù, Horn Mansion)65 Vir72 Vir74 Vir80 Vir81 Vir88 Vir86 Vir76 Vir68 Vir62 Vir58 Vir56 Vir56 Vir50 Vir49 Vir66 Vir
天田 (Tiān Tián, Celestial Farmland)σ Vir64 Vir84 Vir92 Vir92 Vir90 Virτ Vir
進賢 (Jìn Xián, Recommending Virtuous Man)38 Vir44 Vir46 Vir48 Virψ Vir39 Vir28 Virχ Vir25 Vir
天門 (Tiān Mén, Celestial Gate)57 Vir55 Vir54 Vir61 Vir63 Vir75 Vir83 Vir85 Vir89 Vir87 Vir73 Vir
平 (Píng, Judging)45 Hya47 Hya48 Hya47 Hya
庫樓 (Kù Lóu, Arsenal)ω Cen
南門 (Nán Mén, Southern Gate)R Cenα Cir


The Neck mansion represents the Dragon's neck. It corresponds to constellations Boötes, Centaurus, Hydra, Libra, Lupus and Virgo.

亢宿 (Kàng Xiù, Neck Mansion)κ Vir (Kang)ι Vir (Syrma)φ Vir (Elgafar)λ Vir (Khambalia)
大角 (Dà Jiǎo, Great Horn)α Boo (Arcturus)
右攝提 (Yòu Shè Tí, Right Conductor)η Boo (Muphrid)τ Booυ Boo
左攝提 (Zuǒ Shè Tí, Left Conductor)ο Booπ1 Booζ Boo
折威 (Zhé Wēi, Executions)50 HyaUnclear3 Lib4 Lib4 Lib12 Libσ Lib (Brachium)
頓頑 (Dùn Wán, Trials)φ1 Lup1 Lup
陽門 (Yáng Mén, Gate of Yang)b Cenc1 Cen

Added Stars

亢宿 (Kàng Xiù, Neck Mansion)94 Vir95 Vir96 Vir97 Vir106 Vir104 Virμ Vir11 Lib108 Vir109 Vir103 Virυ Vir
大角 (Dà Jiǎo, Great Horn)22 BooCN Boo
右攝提 (Yòu Shè Tí, Right Conductor)6 Boo2 Boo1 BooHIP 66992τ Boo7 Boo
左攝提 (Zuǒ Shè Tí, Left Conductor)ξ Boo32 Boo31 BooDE Boo
折威 (Zhé Wēi, Executions)50 Hya51 Hya54 Hya55 Hya56 HyaHIP 7318957 Hya
頓頑 (Dùn Wán, Trials)φ2 Lup


The Root mansion represents the Dragon's chest. It corresponds to constellations Boötes, Centaurus, Hydra, Libra, Lupus, Serpens and Virgo.

氐宿 (Dī Xiù, Root Mansion)α2 Lib (Zubenelgenubi)ι1 Libγ Lib (Zubenelhakrabi)β Lib (Zubeneschamali)
亢池 (Kàng Chí, Boats and Lake)20 BooHIP 6926014 Boo18 Boo
帝席 (Dì Xí, Seat of the Emperor)12 Boo11 Boo9 Boo
梗河 (Gěng Hé, Celestial Lance)[note 2]ε Boo (Izar)σ Booρ Boo
招搖 (Zhāo Yáo, Twinkling Indicator)γ Boo (Seginus)
天乳 (Tiān Rǔ, Celestial Milk)μ Ser
天輻 (Tiān Fú, Celestial Spokes)υ Libτ Lib
陣車 (Zhèn Chē, Battle Chariots)E Hya60 Hyaf Lup
騎官 (Qí Guān, Imperial Guards)γ Lupδ Lupκ Cenβ Lupλ Lupε Lupμ Lupπ Lupο Lupα Lup
車騎 (Chē Qí, Chariots and Cavalry)ζ Lupρ Lupσ Lup
騎陣將軍 (Qí Zhèn Jiāng Jūn, Chariot and Cavalry General)κ Lup

Added Stars

氐宿 (Dī Xiù, Root Mansion)δ Lib (Zuben Elakribi)18 Libξ2 Libξ1 Libμ Lib5 Libα1 Lib10 Lib22 Libν Lib25 Lib26 Lib28 Libζ Lib34 Lib32 Libο Lib30 Lib37 Libε LibA1 Ser14 Ser10 Ser5 Ser6 Ser4 Serξ1 Vir2 Ser16 Lib17 Lib
帝席 (Dì Xí, Seat of the Emperor)3 Boo
梗河 (Gěng Hé, Celestial Lance)ψ Boo46 Boo45 Booω BooW Boo
天乳 (Tiān Rǔ, Celestial Milk)A2 Ser36 Ser30 Ser30 Ser
天輻 (Tiān Fú, Celestial Spokes)36 Lib
陣車 (Zhèn Chē, Battle Chariots)E Hya59 Hya


The Room mansion represents the Dragon's abdomen. It corresponds to constellations Libra, Lupus, Ophiuchus and Scorpius.

房宿 (Fáng Xiù, Room Mansion)π Sco (Fang)ρ Sco (Iklil)δ Sco (Dschubba)β Sco (Acrab)
鈎鈐 (Gōu Yín, Lock)ω1 Scoω2 Sco
鍵閉 (Jiàn Bì, Door Bolt)ν Sco (Jabbah)
罰 (, Punishment)18 Sco11 Sco49 Lib
西咸 (Xī Xián, Western Door)ξ Sco48 Libθ Libη Lib
東咸 (Dōng Xián, Eastern Door)φ Ophχ Ophψ Ophω Oph
日 (, Sun)κ Lib
從官 (Cóng Guān, Retinue)ψ2 Lupκ Lup

Added Stars

房宿 (Fáng Xiù, Room Mansion)λ Libλ Lib42 Lib1 Sco2 Sco4 Sco
罰 (, Punishment)16 Scoψ Scoχ Lib
西咸 (Xī Xián, Western Door)50 LibUnclear
東咸 (Dōng Xián, Eastern Door)24 Scoω Oph
日 (, Sun)41 Lib
從官 (Cóng Guān, Retinue)ψ1 Lup


The Heart mansion represents the Dragon's heart. It corresponds to constellations Lupus, Ophiuchus and Scorpius.

心宿 (Xīn Xiù, Heart Mansion)σ Sco (Alniyat)α Sco (Antares)τ Sco (Paikauhale)
積卒 (Jī Zú, Group of Soldiers)θ Lupη Lup

Added Stars

心宿 (Xīn Xiù, Heart Mansion)12 Sco13 Scoο Scoρ Oph22 Sco15 Oph18 Oph25 Scoρ Oph
積卒 (Jī Zú, Group of Soldiers)η LupHIP 18970


The Tail mansion represents the Dragon's tail. It corresponds to constellations Ara, Ophiuchus and Scorpius.

尾宿 (Wěi Xiù, Tail Mansion)μ1 Sco (Xamidimura)ε Sco (Larawag)ζ Scoη Scoθ Sco (Sargas)ι1 Scoκ Sco (Girtab)λ Sco (Shaula)υ Sco (Lesath)
神宮 (Shén Gōng, Changing Room)NGC 6231
天江 (Tiān Jiāng, Celestial River)HIP 84314A Ophθ Ophb Oph
傅說 (Fù Yuè, Fu Yue)G Sco (Fuyue)
魚 (, Fish)M7
龜 (Guī, Tortoise)ε1 Araγ Araδ Araη Araζ Ara (Tseen Yin)

Added Stars

尾宿 (Wěi Xiù, Tail Mansion)27 Scoμ2 Sco (Pipirima)16 ScoHIP 87472
天江 (Tiān Jiāng, Celestial River)43 Oph38 Oph36 Oph CHIP 84947191 Ophο Ophξ OphHIP 8368426 Oph28 Oph31 Oph C

Winnowing Basket

The Winnowing Basket mansion is the last of the Azure Dragon mansions. It corresponds to constellations Ara, Ophiuchus and Sagittarius.

箕宿 (Jī Xiù, Winnowing Basket Mansion)γ Sgr (Alnasl)δ Sgr (Kaus Media)ε Sgr (Kaus Australis)η Sgr
糠 (Kāng, Chaff)d Oph
杵 (Chǔ, Pestle)σ Araα Ara (Choo)β Ara

Added Stars

糠 (Kāng, Chaff)HIP 85442
杵 (Chǔ, Pestle)θ Ara

Black Turtle


The Dipper mansion is the first of the Black Turtle mansions. It corresponds to constellations Aquila, Corona Australis, Ophiuchus, Sagittarius, Scutum and Telescopium.

斗宿 (Dǒu Xiù, Dipper Mansion)φ Sgrλ Sgr (Kaus Borealis)μ Sgr (Polis)σ Sgr (Nunki)τ Sgrζ Sgr (Ascella)
天龠 (Tiān Yuè, Celestial Keyhole)63 OphHIP 8709958 OphHIP 8635252 Oph51 OphHIP 85783X Sgr
天弁 (Tiān Biàn, Market Officer)α Scuδ Scuε Scuβ Scuη Scui Aqlλ Aqlh Aqlg Aql
建 (Jiàn, Establishment)ξ2 Sgrο Sgrπ Sgr (Albaldah)d Sgrρ1 Sgrυ Sgr
天雞 (Tiān Jī, Celestial Cock)e2 Sgrf Sgr
狗 (Gǒu, Dog)h2 Sgrχ1 Sgr
狗國 (Gǒu Guó, Territory of Dogs)ω Sgr (Terebellum)A Sgrc Sgrb Sgr
天淵 (Tiān Yuān, Celestial Spring)β2 Sgrβ1 Sgrα Sgr
農丈人 (Nóng Zhàng Rén, Old Peasant)HIP 91918
鱉 (Biē, River Turtle)α Telη1 CrAζ CrAδ CrAβ CrAα CrA (Meridiana)γ CrAε CrAV686 CrAκ2 CrAθ CrA

Added Stars

斗宿 (Dǒu Xiù, Dipper Mansion)6 Sgr15 Sgr21 Sgr26 Sgr15 Sgr
天龠 (Tiān Yuè, Celestial Keyhole)50 Oph4 Sgr5 Sgr7 Sgr
天弁 (Tiān Biàn, Market Officer)5 Aql7 Aql8 Aql20 Aql26 AqlHIP 92488
建 (Jiàn, Establishment)29 Sgrξ1 Sgr33 Sgr31 Sgr30 Sgrν1 Sgr (Ainalrami)ν2 Sgrρ SgrHIP 94823HIP 94859
天雞 (Tiān Jī, Celestial Cock)e1 Sgr57 Sgrg Sgr
狗 (Gǒu, Dog)h1 Sgr53 Sgr50 Sgrχ3 Sgrχ2 Sgrψ Sgrχ3 Sgr
狗國 (Gǒu Guó, Territory of Dogs)HIP 98842θ2 SgrHIP 99461
天淵 (Tiān Yuān, Celestial Spring)ι Sgrθ1 SgrHIP 98761


The Ox mansion corresponds to constellations Aquila, Capricornus, Cygnus, Delphinus, Lyra, Microscopium, Sagitta, Sagittarius and Vulpecula. Its name derives from the Cowherd Star.

牛宿 (Niú Xiù, Ox Mansion)β Cap (Dabih)α2 Cap (Algedi)ξ2 Capπ Capο Capρ Cap
天桴 (Tiān Fú, Celestial Drumstick)θ Aql (Tseen Foo)62 Aql58 Aqlη Aql
河鼓 (Hé Gǔ, Drum at the River)β Aql (Alshain)α Aql (Altair)γ Aql (Tarazed)Also translated as "Drum-Bearer".[9]
右旗 (Yòu Qí, Right Flag)μ Aqlσ Aqlδ Aqlν Aqlι AqlHIP 9639242 Aqlκ Aql56 Aql
左旗 (Zuǒ Qí, Left Flag)α Sge (Sham)β Sgeδ Sgeζ Sgeγ SgeVZ Sge11 Sge14 Sgeρ Aql (Tso Ke)
織女 (Zhī Nǚ, Weaving Girl)α Lyr (Vega)ε1 Lyrζ1 Lyr
漸臺 (Jiàn Tái, Clepsydra Terrace)δ2 Lyrβ Lyr (Sheliak)γ Lyr (Sulafat)ι Lyr
輦道 (Niǎn Dào, Imperial Passageway)13 Lyrη Lyr (Aladfar)θ Lyr4 Cyg17 Cyg
羅堰 (Luó Yàn, Networks of Dikes)τ Capυ Cap17 Cap
天田 (Tiān Tián, Celestial Farmland)HIP 104750ω Cap24 Capψ Cap
九坎 (Jiǔ Kǎn, Nine Water Wells)θ1 Micη Micι Micζ MicUnclearUnclearUnclearUnclearUnclear

Added Stars

牛宿 (Niú Xiù, Ox Mansion)63 Sgr65 Sgr64 Sgrξ1 Cap3 Capα1 Capν Cap (Alshat)σ Cap4 CapHIP 99825ν Cap (Alshat)β2 Capπ CapHIP 101040
天桴 (Tiān Fú, Celestial Drumstick)64 Aql66 Aql
河鼓 (Hé Gǔ, Drum at the River)ψ Aql46 Aqlχ Aqlπ Aqlο Aqlφ Aqlτ Aqlξ Aql (Libertas)υ Aql
右旗 (Yòu Qí, Right Flag)22 Aql27 Aql21 Aql35 Aql45 Aqlι Aql36 Aql36 AqlUnclear37 Aql51 Aql57 Aql
左旗 (Zuǒ Qí, Left Flag)ε Sge3 Sge2 Sge4 Vul5 Vul7 Vul9 Vul10 VulCK Vul15 Vul21 Vul23 Vul18 Vul19 Vul20 Vul16 Vul13 Vul12 Vul14 Vul17 Vul24 Vul25 Vul22 Vul18 Sgeθ Sgeη Sge15 Sge10 Sge9 SgeHIP 98609
織女 (Zhī Nǚ, Weaving Girl)ζ2 Lyrε2 Lyrυ Lyrκ Lyr
漸臺 (Jiàn Tái, Clepsydra Terrace)δ1 LyrUnclear17 Lyrλ Lyrν2 Lyrν1 LyrHIP 94484
輦道 (Niǎn Dào, Imperial Passageway)16 Lyrη Lyr (Aladfar)11 Cyg15 Cygη Cygφ Cygβ Cyg (Albireo)2 Cyg8 Cyg
羅堰 (Luó Yàn, Networks of Dikes)13 Cap


The Girl mansion corresponds to constellations Aquarius, Aquila, Capricornus, Cygnus, Draco and Delphinus.

女宿 (Nǚ Xiù, Girl Mansion)ε Aqr (Albali)μ Aqr4 Aqr3 Aqr
離珠 (Lí Zhū, Pearls on Ladies' Wear)70 Aqll Aql1 Aqr69 Aql
敗瓜 (Bài Guā, Rotten Gourd)ε Del (Aldulfin)η Delθ Delι Delκ Del
瓠瓜 (Hù Guā, Gourd)α Del (Sualocin)γ Delδ Delβ Del (Rotanev)ζ Del
天津 (Tiān Jīn, Celestial Ford)γ Cyg (Sadr)δ Cyg (Fawaris)30 Cygα Cygν Cygτ Cygυ Cygζ Cygε Cyg (Aljanah)
奚仲 (Xī Zhòng, Xi Zhong)κ2 Cygι2 Cygθ Cygc Cyg
扶筐 (Fú Kuāng, Basket for Mulberry Leaves)46 Dra45 Dra49 Draο Dra48 Dra49 Dra51 Dra
周 (Zhōu, Zhou)η Cap21 CapPart of 十二國 (Shí Èr Guó, Twelve Countries) Asterism.
秦 (Qín, Qin)θ Cap30 CapPart of 十二國.
代 (Dài, Dai)ι Cap38 CapPart of 十二國.
趙 (Zhào, Zhao)26 Cap27 CapPart of 十二國.
越 (Yuè, Yue)19 CapPart of 十二國.
齊 (, Qi)χ CapPart of 十二國.
楚 (Chǔ, Chu)φ CapPart of 十二國.
鄭 (Zhèng, Zheng)20 CapPart of 十二國.
魏 (Wèi, Wei)33 CapPart of 十二國.
韓 (Hán, Han)35 CapPart of 十二國.
晉 (Jìn, Jin)36 CapPart of 十二國.
燕 (Yān, Yan)ζ CapPart of 十二國.

Added Stars

女宿 (Nǚ Xiù, Girl Mansion)5 Aqr11 Aqr10 Aqr12 Aqr7 Aqr
離珠 (Lí Zhū, Pearls on Ladies' Wear)68 Aql
敗瓜 (Bài Guā, Rotten Gourd)1 Del14 Del13 Del
瓠瓜 (Hù Guā, Gourd)10 Del15 Del16 Del17 Del29 VulHIP 101909γ1 Del17 Del
天津 (Tiān Jīn, Celestial Ford)14 Cyg19 Cyg22 Cyg25 Cyg27 Cyg28 Cyg29 Cyg36 Cygp Cyg40 Cyg44 Cyg42 Cyg47 Cyg35 Cyg39 Cyg41 Cyg48 Cyg49 Cyg52 Cyg27 Cyg26 Cyg28 Cyg30 Cyg31 Cyg32 Cyg69 Cyg70 Cygσ Cyg61 Cygλ Cyg56 Cyg57 Cyg55 Cygω2 Cygω1 Cyg43 Cygο2 Cygο1 CygT CygT Cyg
奚仲 (Xī Zhòng, Xi Zhong)7 Cyg20 Cyg26 Cyg33 CygHIP 9807323 Cyg31 Cyg
扶筐 (Fú Kuāng, Basket for Mulberry Leaves)36 Dra42 Dra (Fafnir)54 Dra53 Dra
代 (Dài, Dai)37 Cap41 Cap


The Ruins[10] mansion (also translated as Emptiness) corresponds to constellations Aquarius, Capricornus, Delphinus, Equuleus, Grus, Microscopium, Pegasus and Piscis Austrinus.

虛宿 (Xū Xiù, Ruins Mansion)β Aqr (Sadalsuud)α Equ (Kitalpha)
司命 (Sī Mìng, Judge of Life)24 Aqr26 Aqr
司祿 (Sī Lù, Judge of Rank)11 Peg25 Aqr
司危 (Sī Wēi, Judge of Disaster and Good Fortune)β Equ9 Equ
司非 (Sī Fēi, Judge of Right and Wrong)γ Equδ Equ
哭 (, Crying)μ Cap38 Aqr
泣 (, Weeping)ρ Aqrθ Aqr (Ancha)
璃瑜 (Lí Yú, Jade Ornament on Ladies' Wear)Unclearε Mic5 PsA
天壘城 (Tiān Lěi Chéng, Celestial Ramparts)ξ Aqr (Bunda)46 Cap47 Capλ Cap50 Cap18 Aqr29 Cap9 Aqr8 Aqrν Aqr14 Aqr17 Aqr19 Aqr
敗臼 (Bài Jiù, Decayed Mortar)γ Gru (Aldhanab)λ Gruγ PsA19 PsA

Added Stars

虛宿 (Xū Xiù, Ruins Mansion)λ Equ4 Equ3 Equε Equ15 Aqr16 Aqr21 Aqr20 Aqr
司非 (Sī Fēi, Judge of Right and Wrong)6 Equδ Del6 Equ
哭 (, Crying)42 Cap44 Cap45 Cap37 Cap
泣 (, Weeping)30 Aqr36 Aqr
璃瑜 (Lí Yú, Jade Ornament on Ladies' Wear)γ MicHIP 1041746 PsA
天壘城 (Tiān Lěi Chéng, Celestial Ramparts)Unclearν Aqr
敗臼 (Bài Jiù, Decayed Mortar)β PsA


The Rooftop mansion corresponds to constellations Andromeda, Aquarius, Cepheus, Cygnus, Draco, Lacerta, Pegasus, Piscis Austrinus and Vulpecula.

危宿 (Wēi Xiù, Rooftop Mansion)α Aqr (Sadalmelik)θ Peg (Biham)ε Peg (Enif)
墳墓 (Fén Mù, Tomb)ζ Aqrγ Aqr (Sadachbia)η Aqrπ Aqr
蓋屋 (Gài Wū, Roofing)ο Aqr32 Aqr
虛梁 (Xū Liáng, Temple)44 Aqr51 Aqrκ Aqr (Situla)HIP 113345
天錢 (Tiān Qián, Celestial Money)13 PsAθ PsAι PsAμ PsAτ PsA
人 (Rén, Humans)2 Peg1 Peg12 Peg9 Peg
杵 (Chǔ, Pestle)1 Lacπ2 Peg23 Peg
臼 (Jiù, Mortar)μ1 Cygκ Pegι Peg32 Peg
車府 (Chē Fǔ, Yard for Chariots)15 Lac11 Lac2 Lacρ Cygf1 Cygξ Cyg74 Cyg
造父 (Zào Fù, Zao Fu)δ Cepζ Cepλ Cepμ Cep (Garnet Star)ν Cep
天鈎 (Tiān Gōu, Celestial Hook)4 CepHIP 99731θ Cepη Cepα Cep (Alderamin)ξ Cep (Kurhah)26 Cepι Cepο Cep

Added Stars

危宿 (Wēi Xiù, Rooftop Mansion)3 Aqr4 Peg7 Peg28 Aqr30 Pegν Peg18 Peg19 Peg21 Peg20 Peg17 PegHIP 10812717 PegHIP 108766
墳墓 (Fén Mù, Tomb)34 Aqr35 Peg37 Peg60 Aqr
天錢 (Tiān Qián, Celestial Money)η PsA11 PsA8 PsA7 PsA
人 (Rén, Humans)2 VulUnclear5 Peg13 Peg
杵 (Chǔ, Pestle)π1 Peg38 Peg
臼 (Jiù, Mortar)14 Peg15 Peg16 Peg25 Peg28 PegHIP 109276UnclearUnclear
車府 (Chē Fǔ, Yard for Chariots)51 Cyg60 Cygf2 Cygg Cyg75 Cyg77 Cyg76 Cyg72 Cyg6 Lac8 Lac10 Lac12 Lac13 Lac14 Lac16 Lacο And2 And6 And5 Lacο And
造父 (Zào Fù, Zao Fu)14 CepHIP 10919015 Cep12 Cepν Cep
天鈎 (Tiān Gōu, Celestial Hook)66 Dra68 Dra71 Dra71 Dra6 Cep6 Cep7 Cep7 Cep9 Cep9 Cep19 Cep19 Cep20 Cep25 Cep30 Cep30 Cep20 Cep19 Cep


The Encampment mansion corresponds to constellations Andromeda, Aquarius, Capricornus, Cassiopeia, Cepheus, Cygnus, Lacerta, Pegasus, Pisces and Piscis Austrinus.

室宿 (Shì Xiù, Encampment Mansion)α Peg (Markab)β Peg (Scheat)
離宮 (Lí Gōng, Resting Palace)λ Pegμ Peg (Sadalbari)ο Pegι Pegτ Peg (Salm)υ Peg (Alkarab)
螣蛇 (Tè Shé, Flying Serpent)α Lac4 Lacπ2 Cygπ1 Cyg (Azelfafage)UnclearUnclearHIP 10688613 Cepε Cepβ Lacσ Casρ Casτ CasAR Cas9 Lac3 And7 And8 Andλ Andψ Andκ Andι And
雷電 (Léi Diàn, Thunder and Lightning)ζ Peg (Homam)ξ Pegσ Peg55 Peg66 Peg70 Peg
土公吏 (Tǔ Gōng Lì, Clerk for Earthworks)31 Peg36 Peg
壘壁陣 (Lěi Bì Zhèn, Line of Ramparts)κ Capε Capγ Cap (Nashira)δ Cap (Deneb Algedi)ι Aqrθ Aqrλ Aqrφ Aqr27 Psc29 Psc33 Psc30 Psc
羽林軍 (Yǔ Lín Jūn, Palace Guard)29 Aqr35 Aqr41 Aqr47 Aqr49 Aqrλ PsAHIP 110641ε PsA21 PsA20 PsAυ Aqr68 Aqr66 Aqr51 Aqr53 Aqr56 Aqr50 Aqr45 Aqr58 Aqr64 Aqr65 Aqr70 Aqr74 Aqrτ2 Aqrτ1 Aqrδ Aqr (Skat)77 Aqr78 Aqr89 Aqr86 Aqr101 Aqr100 Aqr99 Aqr98 Aqr97 Aqr94 Aqrψ3 Aqrψ2 Aqrψ1 Aqr87 Aqr85 Aqr83 Aqrχ Aqrω1 Aqrω2 Aqr
天綱 (Tiān Gāng, Celestial Headrope)δ PsA
北落師門 (Běi Luò Shī Mén, North Gate of the Military Camp)α PsA (Fomalhaut)
鈇鉞 (Fū Yuè, Axe)103 Aqr106 Aqr108 Aqr
八魁 (Bā Kuí, Net [for Catching Birds])6 Cet2 Cet1 Cet8 Cet9 Cet7 Cet

Added Stars

室宿 (Shì Xiù, Encampment Mansion)51 Peg (Helvetios)56 Peg60 Peg61 Peg63 Peg64 Peg67 Peg
離宮 (Lí Gōng, Resting Palace)33 Peg39 Peg40 Peg41 Peg45 Peg65 Peg71 Peg69 Peg
螣蛇 (Tè Shé, Flying Serpent)HIP 1024315 And11 And4 And13 And10 And9 And12 And14 And (Veritate)15 And22 And18 And1 Cas4 Cas2 Cas2 CasHIP 115171V1022 Cas22 And
雷電 (Léi Diàn, Thunder and Lightning)52 Pegρ Peg57 Peg59 Peg58 Peg66 Peg75 Peg76 Peg
壘壁陣 (Lěi Bì Zhèn, Line of Ramparts)54 Aqr67 Aqr78 Aqr20 Psc24 Psc4 Cet5 CetHIP 106768
鈇鉞 (Fū Yuè, Axe)104 Aqr107 Aqr104 Aqr


The Wall mansion corresponds to constellations Andromeda, Cetus, Pegasus and Pisces.

壁宿 (Bì Xiù, Wall Mansion)γ Peg (Algenib)α And (Alpheratz)
天廄 (Tiān Jiù, Celestial Stable)θ Andρ Andσ And
土公 (Tǔ Gōng, Official for Earthworks)32 Psc45 Psc
霹靂 (Pī Lì, Thunderbolt)β Psc (Fumalsamakah)γ Pscθ Pscι Pscω Psc
雲雨 (Yún Yǔ, Cloud and Rain)κ Psc12 Psc21 Pscλ Psc
鈇鑕 (Fū Zhì, Sickle)48 CetUnclearUnclearυ Cet56 Cet

Added Stars

壁宿 (Bì Xiù, Wall Mansion)73 Peg72 Peg78 Peg79 Peg85 Pegψ Peg83 PegHIP 117710φ Peg86 Peg37 Psc42 Psc43 Psc49 Psc48 Psc40 Psc39 Psc87 Pegχ Peg47 Psc46 Psc52 Psc52 Psc
天廄 (Tiān Jiù, Celestial Stable)23 And
土公 (Tǔ Gōng, Official for Earthworks)31 Psc34 Psc35 Psc36 Psc41 Psc51 Psc44 Psc10 Cet11 Cet14 Cet15 Cet
霹靂 (Pī Lì, Thunderbolt)3 Psc2 Psc5 Psc7 Psc77 Peg82 Peg80 Peg26 PscUnclear
雲雨 (Yún Yǔ, Cloud and Rain)11 Psc14 Psc13 Psc9 Psc15 Psc16 Psc19 Psc22 Psc25 Psc21 Psc

White Tiger


The Legs mansion represents the tail of White Tiger. It corresponds to constellations Andromeda, Cassiopeia, Cetus, Pisces and Triangulum.

奎宿 (Kuí Xiù, Legs Mansion)η Andζ And65 Pscε Andδ Andπ Andν Andμ Andβ And (Mirach)σ Pscτ Psc91 Pscυ Pscτ Pscχ Pscψ1 Psc
王良 (Wáng Liáng, Wang Liang)β Cas (Caph)κ Casη Cas (Achird)α Cas (Schedar)λ Cas
策 (, Whip)γ Cas
附路 (Fù Lù, Auxiliary Road)ζ Cas (Fulu)
軍南門 (Jūn Nán Mén, Southern Military Gate)φ And
閣道 (Gé Dào, Flying Corridor)ι Casε Cas (Segin)δ Cas (Ruchbah)μ Casν Casο Cas
外屏 (Wài Píng, Outer Screen)δ Pscε Pscζ Psc (Revati)μ Pscν Pscξ Pscα Psc (Alrescha)
天溷 (Tiān Hùn, Celestial Pigsty)21 Cetφ3 Cet18 Cetφ1 Cet
土司空 (Tǔ Sī Kōng, Master of Constructions)β Cet (Diphda)

Added Stars

奎宿 (Kuí Xiù, Legs Mansion)28 And55 Psc54 Psc59 Psc64 Psc66 Pscψ3 Pscψ2 Psc36 And67 Psc68 Psc1 Tri82 Psc78 Pscσ Psc45 And47 And44 And41 And39 AndM31 (Andromeda Galaxy)32 Andυ Psc
王良 (Wáng Liáng, Wang Liang)6 Cas10 Cas9 Cas12 Casυ2 Cas (Castula)HIP 116687HIP 116962HIP 117472HIP 43HIP 124HIP 1354HIP 1982HIP 2854HIP 4151
閣道 (Gé Dào, Flying Corridor)π Casξ Casφ Casχ Cas44 Cas
外屏 (Wài Píng, Outer Screen)72 Psc75 Psc88 Psc80 Psc77 Psc73 Psc70 Psc62 Psc60 Psc26 Cet29 Cet33 Cet35 Cet89 Psc112 Psc
天溷 (Tiān Hùn, Celestial Pigsty)12 Cet13 Cet20 Cet25 Cetφ4 Cetφ2 Cet


The Bond mansion represents the body of White Tiger. It corresponds to constellations Andromeda, Aries, Cetus, Fornax, Perseus, Pisces and Triangulum.

婁宿 (Lóu Xiù, Bond Mansion)β Ari (Sheratan)γ Ari (Mesarthim)α Ari (Hamal)
天大將軍 (Tiān Dà Jiāng Jūn, Great General of the Heaven)γ And (Almach)φ Per51 And (Nembus)49 Andχ Andυ And (Titawin)τ And56 Andβ Triγ Triδ Tri
右更 (Yòu Gēng, Official in Charge of Pasturing)ρ Pscη Psc (Alpherg)π Pscο Psc (Torcular)104 Psc
左更 (Zuó Gēng, Official in Charge of Forest)ν Ariμ Ariο Ariσ Ariπ Ari
天倉 (Tiān Cāng, Square Celestial Granary)ι Cetη Cetθ Cetζ Cet (Baten Kaitos)τ Cet57 Cet
天庾 (Tiān Yǔ, Ricks of Grain)ν Forω Forβ For[11]

Added Stars

婁宿 (Lóu Xiù, Bond Mansion)ι AriVY Psc107 PscUnclearλ Ariα Tri (Mothallah)10 Ari11 Ari14 Ari20 Ariκ Ariη Ariθ Ari15 Ari19 Ari
天大將軍 (Tiān Dà Jiāng Jūn, Great General of the Heaven)ξ And (Adhil)ξ And (Adhil)ω Andτ Andε Τriι Τri7 Τri14 Τri58 And59 And55 And60 And62 AndHIP 108303 Per2 Per14 Per
右更 (Yòu Gēng, Official in Charge of Pasturing)94 Psc101 PscHIP 8588100 PscHIP 6451
左更 (Zuó Gēng, Official in Charge of Forest)26 Ari40 Ari44 Ariρ3 Ari45 Ari47 Ariε AriHIP 13448
天倉 (Tiān Cāng, Square Celestial Granary)43 Cet42 Cet38 Cet34 Cet40 Cet39 Cet44 Cet41 Cet37 Cet36 Cet32 Cet30 Cet28 Cet27 Cet46 Cet47 Cet50 Cet49 CetHIP 1499HIP 7999χ Cet A
天庾 (Tiān Yǔ, Ricks of Grain)UnclearUnclearUnclear


The Stomach mansion represents the body of White Tiger. It corresponds to constellations Aries, Camelopardalis, Cetus, Eridanus, Perseus, Taurus and Triangulum.

胃宿 (Wèi Xiù, Stomach Mansion)35 Ari39 Ari (Lilii Borea)41 Ari (Bharani)
大陵 (Dà Líng, Mausoleum)i Perτ Perι Perκ Per (Misam)β Per (Algol)ρ Per (Gorgonea Tertia)16 Per12 Per
積屍 (Jī Shī, Heaps of Corpses)π Per (Gorgonea Secunda)
天船 (Tiān Chuán, Celestial Boat)η Per (Miram)γ Perα Per (Mirfak)ψ Perδ Per48 Per51 PerHIP 20156HIP 19949
積水 (Jī Shuǐ, Stored Water)λ Per
天廩 (Tiān Lǐn, Celestial Foodstuffs)5 Tau4 Tauξ Tauο Tau
天囷 (Tiān Qūn, Circular Celestial Granary)α Cet (Menkar)97 Cetλ Cetμ Cetξ1 Cetξ2 Cetν Cetγ Cet (Kaffaljidhma)δ Cet75 Cet70 Cet63 Cet66 Cet

Added Stars

胃宿 (Wèi Xiù, Stomach Mansion)10 Tri12 Tri21 Per52 Ari33 Ari
大陵 (Dà Líng, Mausoleum)7 Per8 Per5 Per1 Per4 Per6 Per63 And64 And65 And66 Andτ PerUnclearθ Per14 Per20 Per17 PerHIP 14066ω Per (Gorgonea Quarta)32 Per30 Perω Per (Gorgonea Quarta)
天船 (Tiān Chuán, Celestial Boat)29 Per31 Per34 Perσ Per36 Per53 Per3 Cam2 Cam1 Camb Per
積水 (Jī Shuǐ, Stored Water)43 Per
天廩 (Tiān Lǐn, Celestial Foodstuffs)6 Tau29 Tau4 Tau
天囷 (Tiān Qūn, Circular Celestial Granary)62 Cet58 Cet61 Cet60 Cet69 Cet64 Cetξ Ari31 AriHIP 1264793 Cetκ1 Cet12 Tau25 Eri24 Eri10 Tau95 Cet94 Cet7 Eri5 Ari84 CetV711 Tau

Hairy Head

The Hairy Head mansion represents the body of White Tiger. It corresponds to constellations Aries, Cetus, Eridanus, Fornax, Perseus and Taurus.

昴宿 (Mǎo Xiù, Hairy Head Mansion)17 Tau (Electra)19 Tau (Taygeta)21 Tau (Asterope)20 Tau (Maia)23 Tau (Merope)η Tau (Alcyone)27 Tau (Atlas)
天阿 (Tiān Ē, Celestial River[note 3])62 Ari
月 (Yuè, Moon)37 Tau
捲舌 (Juǎn Shé, Rolled Tongue)ν Perε Perξ Per (Menkib)ζ Perο Per (Atik)40 Per
天讒 (Tiān Chán, Celestial Slander)42 Per
礪石 (Lì Shí, Grind Stone)ψ Tau44 Tauχ Tauφ Tau
天陰 (Tiān Yīn, Celestial Yin Force)Unclearζ Ari63 Ariδ Ari (Botein)Unclear
芻蒿 (Chú Hāo, Hay)ρ Cet77 Cet67 Cet71 CetUnclearε Cet
天苑 (Tiān Yuàn, Celestial Meadows)γ Eri (Zaurak)π Eriδ Eriε Eri (Ran)ζ Eri (Zibal)η Eri (Azha)π Cetτ1 Eriτ2 Eri (Angetenar)τ3 Eriτ4 Eriτ5 Eriτ6 Eriτ7 Eriτ8 Eriτ9 Eri

Added Stars

昴宿 (Mǎo Xiù, Hairy Head Mansion)11 Tau7 Tau9 TauUnclear32 TauUnclearUnclear18 Tau16 Tau (Celaeno)24 Tau26 Tau28 Tau (Pleione)HIP 17900
月 (Yuè, Moon)39 Tau
捲舌 (Juǎn Shé, Rolled Tongue)IX Per55 Per54 Per49 Per50 Per52 Pero Per (Atik)
天陰 (Tiān Yīn, Celestial Yin Force)54 Ari64 Ari13 Tau14 TauHIP 14649δ Ari (Botein)
芻蒿 (Chú Hāo, Hay)HIP 10215ο Cet (Mira)79 Cet81 Cet80 Cet
天苑 (Tiān Yuàn, Celestial Meadows)20 Eri15 Eriα For (Dalim)α For (Dalim)6 Eri4 EriHIP 11287τ1 Eriσ Cetρ1 Eriρ2 Eriρ3 Eri14 Eri17 Eri21 Eri22 Eriα For (Dalim)HIP 16677


The Net mansion represents the body of White Tiger. It corresponds to constellations Auriga, Eridanus, Horologium, Lepus, Orion, Perseus and Taurus.

畢宿 (Bì Xiù, Net Mansion)ε Tauδ3 Tauδ1 Tau (Secunda Hyadum)γ Tau (Prima Hyadum)α Tau (Aldebaran)θ1 Tau71 Tauλ Tau
附耳 (Fù Ěr, Whisper)σ2 Tau
天街 (Tiān Jiē, Celestial Street)67 Tauω Tau
天高 (Tiān Gāo, Celestial High Terrace)ι Tau97 Tau107 Tau109 Tau
諸王 (Zhū Wáng, Feudal Kings)136 Tau125 Tau118 Tau103 Tau99 Tauτ Tau
五車 (Wǔ Chē, Five Chariots)ι Aur (Hassaleh)α Aur (Capella)β Aur (Menkalinan)θ Aur (Mahasim)β Tau (Elnath)
柱 (Zhù, Pillars)ε Aur (Almaaz)ζ Aur (Saclateni)η Aur (Haedus)υ Aurν Aurτ Aurχ Aur26 AurUnclear
咸池 (Xián Chí, Pool of Harmony)ρ AurHIP 25810λ Aur (Alhurr)
天潢 (Tiān Huáng, Celestial Pier)19 Aurφ Aur14 Aurσ Aurυ Aur
天關 (Tiān Guān, Celestial Gate)ζ Tau (Tianguan)
天節 (Tiān Jié, Celestial Tally)π Tauρ Tau57 Tau79 Tau90 Tau93 Tau88 Tau66 Tau
九州殊口 (Jiǔ Zhōu Shū Kǒu, Interpreters of Nine Dialects)39 Eriο1 Eri (Beid)ξ Eriν Eri56 Eri55 Eri
參旗 (Shēn Qí, Banner of Three Stars)ο1 Oriο2 Ori6 Oriπ1 Oriπ2 Oriπ3 Ori (Tabit)π4 Oriπ5 Oriπ6 Ori
九斿 (Jiǔ Yóu, Imperial Military Flag)49 Eriμ Eriω Eri63 Eri64 Eri60 Eri58 Eri54 Eri1 Lep
天園 (Tiān Yuán, Celestial Orchard)δ Pheχ Eriφ Eriκ Eris Eriθ Eri (Acamar)h Erif Erig Eriυ4 Eriυ3 Eri (Beemim)υ2 Eri (Theemin)υ1 Eri

Added Stars

畢宿 (Bì Xiù, Net Mansion)30 Tau31 Tauν Tau40 Tau45 Tau46 Tauμ Tau47 Tau48 Tau58 Tau63 Tau64 Tauθ2 Tau (Chakumuy)46 TauHIP 21029HIP 2105385 Tau
附耳 (Fù Ěr, Whisper)σ1 Tau89 Tau89 Tauσ2 Tau
天街 (Tiān Jiē, Celestial Street)43 Tauκ1 Tauυ Tau72 Tau
天高 (Tiān Gāo, Celestial High Terrace)104 Tau106 Tau105 Tau114 Tau
諸王 (Zhū Wáng, Feudal Kings)95 Tau98 Tau121 Tau132 Tau
五車 (Wǔ Chē, Five Chariots)59 Per57 Per58 Per6 Aur5 Aurω Aur1 Aur2 Aur40 Aur38 Aur39 Aur43 Aur42 Aur41 Aur36 Aurπ Aurο Aur12 AurHIP 21238
天潢 (Tiān Huáng, Celestial Pier)16 Aur17 Aur
天關 (Tiān Guān, Celestial Gate)113 Tau126 Tau128 Tau129 Tau130 Tau127 Tau
九州殊口 (Jiǔ Zhōu Shū Kǒu, Interpreters of Nine Dialects)35 Eri32 Eri29 Eri30 Eri30 Eri37 Eriο2 Eri (Keid)47 Eri46 Eri51 Eriο2 Eri (Keid)
參旗 (Shēn Qí, Banner of Three Stars)96 TauHIP 23043101 Tau11 Ori15 Ori18 Ori16 Ori13 Ori13 Ori14 Ori5 Oriπ5 Ori
九斿 (Jiǔ Yóu, Imperial Military Flag)HIP 2088445 Eri62 Eri53 Eri (Sceptrum)59 EriHIP 21685HIP 23554
天園 (Tiān Yuán, Celestial Orchard)ι EriUncleare Eriy Erii Eriα Hor

Turtle Beak

The Turtle Beak mansion represents the head of White Tiger. It corresponds to constellations Auriga, Gemini, Lynx, Orion and Taurus.

觜宿 (Zī Xiù, Turtle Beak Mansion)λ Ori (Meissa)φ1 Oriφ2 Ori
司怪 (Sī Guài, Deity in Charge of Monsters)139 Tau1 Gemχ2 Oriχ1 Ori
座旗 (Zuò Qí, Seat Flags)ψ6 Aurψ10 Aurψ4 Aurψ5 Aurψ2 Aurψ7 Aurψ3 Aur51 Aur59 Aur

Added Stars

司怪 (Sī Guài, Deity in Charge of Monsters)140 TauHIP 2856157 Ori64 Ori68 Ori71 Ori
座旗 (Zuò Qí, Seat Flags)ψ1 Aur47 Aur60 Aurψ8 Aur62 Aur63 Aur64 Aur66 Aur21 Lyn22 Lyn20 Lyn

Three Stars

The Three Stars mansion represents the body of White Tiger. It corresponds to constellations Columba, Eridanus, Lepus, Monoceros and Orion.

參宿 (Shēn Xiù, Three Stars Mansion)ζ Ori (Alnitak)ε Ori (Alnilam)δ Ori (Mintaka)α Ori (Betelgeuse)γ Ori (Bellatrix)κ Ori (Saiph)β Ori (Rigel)
伐 (, Punishment)42 Oriθ2 Oriι Ori (Hatysa)
玉井 (Yù Jǐng, Jade Well)λ Eriψ Eriβ Eri (Cursa)τ Ori
軍井 (Jūn Jǐng, Military Well)ι Lepκ Lepλ Lepν Lep
屏 (Píng, Screen)μ Lepε Lep
廁 (, Toilet)α Lep (Arneb)β Lep (Nihal)γ Lepδ Lep
屎 (Shǐ, Excrement)μ Col

Added Stars

參宿 (Shēn Xiù, Three Stars Mansion)σ Ori31 Oriη Ori (Algjebba)27 Oriο Ori25 Ori25 Ori21 Oriρ Ori23 Oriψ Ori33 Ori32 Ori38 Oriω Ori51 Ori52 Oriμ Ori63 Ori66 Ori59 Ori56 OriHIP 284139 Mon10 Monβ Mon7 Monγ Mon6 MonHIP 291183 Mon2 Mon1 Mon55 Ori49 Oriυ Ori (Thabit)26 Oriτ OriHIP 25028
伐 (, Punishment)45 Oriθ1 Ori (Trapezium)
玉井 (Yù Jǐng, Jade Well)66 Eri68 EriHIP 23802
軍井 (Jūn Jǐng, Military Well)8 LepRX Lep
屏 (Píng, Screen)μ Lepε Lep
廁 (, Toilet)10 Lep12 Lep19 Lep17 Lepθ Lepη Lepζ Lep12 Lep

Vermilion Bird

The final seven mansions represents the Vermilion Bird, creature of the direction south and the element fire.


The Well Mansion corresponds to constellations Auriga, Cancer, Canis Major, Canis Minor, Carina, Columba, Gemini, Monoceros, Orion, Pictor, Puppis and Taurus.

井宿 (Jǐng Xiù, Well Mansion)μ Gem (Tejat)ν Gemγ Gem (Alhena)ξ Gem (Alzirr)ε Gem (Mebsuta)36 Gemζ Gem (Mekbuda)λ Gem
鉞 (Yuè, Battle Axe)η Gem (Propus)
水府 (Shǔi Fǔ, Official for Irrigation)μ Oriξ Ori72 Ori69 Ori
天樽 (Tiān Zūn, Celestial Wine Cup)57 Gemδ Gem (Wasat)ω Gem
五諸侯 (Wǔ Zhū Hóu, Five Feudal Kings)θ Gemτ Gemι Gemυ Gemφ Gem
北河 (Běi Hé, North River)ρ Gemα Gem (Castor)β Gem (Pollux)
積水 (Jī Shǔi, Accumulated Water)ο Gem (Jishui)[12]
積薪 (Jī Xīn, Pile of Firewood)κ Gem
水位 (Shǔi Wèi, Waterlevel)6 CMi11 CMi8 Cncζ Cnc (Tegmine)
南河 (Nán Hé, South River)ε CMiβ CMi (Gomeisa)α CMi (Procyon)
四瀆 (Sì Dú, Four Channels)HIP 3403317 Mon13 Mon8 Mon
闕丘 (Què Qiū, Palace Gate)18 Mon21 Mon
軍市 (Jūn Shì, Market for the Soldiers)β CMa (Mirzam)ν3 CMa15 CMa17 CMaο1 CMaξ1 CMa
野雞 (Yě Jī, Wild Cockerel)ν2 CMa
天狼 (Tiān Láng, Celestial Wolf)α CMa (Sirius)
丈人 (Zhàng Rén, Grandfather)α Col (Phact)ε Col
子 (, Son)λ Col (Tsze)β Col (Wazn)
孫 (Sūn, Grandson)κ Colθ Col (Elkurud)
老人 (Lǎo Rén, Old Man)α Car (Canopus)
弧矢 (Hú Shǐ, Bow and Arrow)δ CMa (Wezen)η CMa (Aludra)c PupHIP 38901ο Pupk Pupε CMa (Adhara)κ CMaπ Pup

Added Stars

井宿 (Jǐng Xiù, Well Mansion)κ Aur48 Aur53 Aur28 Gem54 Aur49 Aur26 Gem23 GemW Gem30 Gem32 Gem35 Gem38 Gem41 Gem45 GemHIP 3485851 Gem30 Gemξ Gem (Alzirr)
鉞 (Yuè, Battle Axe)9 Gem
水府 (Shǔi Fǔ, Official for Irrigation)133 Tau131 Tau135 Tau137 Tau137 Tau73 Ori74 Ori75 Ori
天樽 (Tiān Zūn, Celestial Wine Cup)37 Gem40 Gem47 Gem52 Gem58 Gem44 Gem56 Gem61 Gem63 Gem
五諸侯 (Wǔ Zhū Hóu, Five Feudal Kings)59 Gem64 Gem65 Gem64 Gem65 Gemτ Gem
北河 (Běi Hé, North River)70 Gemο Gem (Jishui)π Gemσ Gem
積薪 (Jī Xīn, Pile of Firewood)76 Gem82 Gem84 Gem
水位 (Shǔi Wèi, Waterlevel)1 CMi68 CMi74 CMi81 CMi85 CMi8 Cncμ Cnc3 Cnc5 Cnc1 CncUnclear12 CncHIP 36631
南河 (Nán Hé, South River)γ CMiη CMiδ3 CMiδ2 CMiδ1 CMiζ CMi14 CMiHIP 3931128 Mon27 MonHD 61563
四瀆 (Sì Dú, Four Channels)HIP 3403315 Mon16 Mon12 MonUnclearHIP 30717HIP 30720HIP 3114914 Mon
闕丘 (Què Qiū, Palace Gate)24 Mon23 Monδ Mon19 Mon20 Mon25 Monα Mon
軍市 (Jūn Shì, Market for the Soldiers)ν1 CMaξ2 CMa12 CMaπ CMaο2 CMaπ CMaπ CMa
天狼 (Tiān Láng, Celestial Wolf)11 CMaθ CMaμ CMaγ CMa (Muliphein)ι CMaθ CMa
子 (, Son)γ Col
孫 (Sūn, Grandson)ζ CMa (Furud)λ CMaδ Colδ Col
老人 (Lǎo Rén, Old Man)τ Pupν Pupη Colβ Pic
弧矢 (Hú Shǐ, Bow and Arrow)10 CMaσ CMa (Unurgunite)ω CMa27 CMa26 CMaτ CMa29 CMa2 Pupπ Pup5 Pup10 Pup6 Pup16 Pup14 Pup11 Pup12 Pupξ Pup (Azmidi)HIP 375903 Pupd1 Pupb Pupζ Pup (Naos)a Pupσ PupHIP 34360LZ CMaHIP 36848HIP 36787HIP 37951HIP 3791512 Pupρ Pup (Tureis)


The Ghosts Mansion corresponds to constellations Cancer, Gemini, Hydra, Monoceros, Puppis, Pyxis and Vela.

鬼宿 (Guǐ Xiù, Ghosts Mansion)θ Cncη Cncγ Cnc (Asellus Borealis)δ Cnc (Asellus Australis)
積屍 (Jī Shī, Cumulative Corpses)M44 (Beehive Cluster)
爟 (Guàn, Beacon Fire)ψ Cncλ Cnc (Piautos)φ1 Cnc15 Cnc
外廚 (Wài Chú, Outer Kitchen)2 HyaF Hya14 HyaUnclearUnclearUnclear
天記 (Tiān Jì, Judge to Estimate the Age of Animals)λ Vel (Suhail)
天狗 (Tiān Gǒu, Celestial Dog)e Veld VelUnclearβ Pyxα Pyxγ Pyxδ Pyx
天社 (Tiān Shè, Celestial Earth God's Temple)γ Vel (Regor)b Velδ Vel (Alsephina)φ Vel (Tseen Ke)κ Vel (Markeb)N Vel

Added Stars

鬼宿 (Guǐ Xiù, Ghosts Mansion)35 Cnc20 Cnc25 Cnc29 Cnc27 Cnc45 Cnc50 Cnc54 Cnc52 Cncο1 Cncο2 Cnc68 Cnc71 Cnc78 Cnc83 Cncπ CncUnclearUnclear25 Cnc
積屍 (Jī Shī, Cumulative Corpses)39 Cnc42 Cncε Cnc (Meleph)
爟 (Guàn, Beacon Fire)4 Cncω Cncχ Gem11 Cnc13 Cncχ Cncφ1 Cncφ2 Cnc24 Cnc28 Cncυ1 Cnc
外廚 (Wài Chú, Outer Kitchen)ζ Mon1 Hyac Hya3 HyaF Hya15 Hya17 Hya6 Hya12 Hya9 Hya21 PupUnclear20 Pup18 PupUnclear19 Pup22 Pup
天記 (Tiān Jì, Judge to Estimate the Age of Animals)ψ Velq Vel
天社 (Tiān Shè, Celestial Earth God's Temple)χ Cara Velc Velο VelUnclear


The Willow Mansion corresponds to constellations Cancer, Hydra and Leo.

柳宿 (Liǔ Xiù, Willow Mansion)δ Hyaσ Hya (Minchir)η Hyaρ Hyaε Hya (Ashlesha)ζ Hyaω Hyaθ Hya
酒旗 (Jiǔ Qí, Banner of Wine Shop)ψ Leoξ Leoω Leo

Added Stars

柳宿 (Liǔ Xiù, Willow Mansion)10 Hyaκ Cncα Cnc (Acubens)60 Cnc49 Cnc37 Cnc36 Cnc34 Cnc21 Cncβ Cnc (Tarf)HIP 4061760 Cncα Cnc (Acubens)
酒旗 (Jiǔ Qí, Banner of Wine Shop)8 Leo7 Leo11 Leo6 Leo3 Leo


The Star Mansion corresponds to constellations Cancer, Hydra, Leo, Leo Minor, Lynx, Sextans.

星宿 (Xīng Xiù, Star Mansion)α Hya (Alphard)τ1 Hyaτ2 Hyaι Hya (Ukdah)27 Hya26 HyaHIP 46744
天相 (Tiān Xiàng, Celestial Premier)17 Sexα Sexε Sex
天稷 (Tiān Jì, Celestial Cereals)Not documented in Yixiang Kaocheng
軒轅 (Xuānyuán, Xuanyuan)10 UMaHIP 4470038 Lynα LynHIP 47617f Leoκ Leo (Al Minliar al Asad)λ Leo (Alterf)ε Leo (Algenubi)μ Leo (Rasalas)ζ Leo (Adhafera)γ Leo (Algieba)η Leoα Leo (Regulus)ο Leo (Subra)ρ Leo御女 (Yù Nǚ, Maids-in-waiting)
31 Leo
內平 (Nèi Píng, High Judge)22 LMi21 LMi13 LMiHIP 48742

Added Stars

星宿 (Xīng Xiù, Star Mansion)29 Hya24 Hya20 Hya19 Hya21 Hya23 Hya18 Hya33 Hya6 Sex3 Sex5 Sexγ Sex37 HyaUnclear34 Hya
天相 (Tiān Xiàng, Celestial Premier)18 Sex21 Sex20 Sex25 Sex27 Sexδ SexUnclear24 Sex26 Sexβ Sex33 Sex40 Sex
軒轅 (Xuānyuán, Xuanyuan)8 LMi7 LMiHIP 4541266 Cncσ3 Cncσ2 Cncσ1 Cnc33 LynHIP 42503HIP 4247246 Cnc57 Cnc61 Cncτ Cnc75 Cnc70 Cnc67 Cncρ2 Cncρ1 Cnc (Copernicus)ρ1 Cnc53 Cncι Cnc Bν Cncξ Cnc (Nahn)HIP 460589 Leo13 Leo22 Leo20 Leo35 Leo39 Leo40 Leo40 Leo33 Leo42 Leo37 Leo34 Leoπ LeoHIP 48876HIP 48734Unclearν Leo23 Leo18 Leo10 Leo2 Sex7 Sex4 Sex9 Sex12 Sex13 Sex14 Sex19 Sex19 Sex43 Leo44 Leo45 Leo79 Cncο Leo
內平 (Nèi Píng, High Judge)17 LMi16 LMi43 Lyn42 Lyn9 LMi10 LMi11 LMiHIP 4743620 LMi23 LMi24 LMi

Extended Net

The Extended Net Mansion corresponds to constellation Hydra.

張宿 (Zhāng Xiù, Extended Net Mansion)υ1 Hya (Zhang)λ Hyaμ HyaHIP 49321κ Hyaφ1 Hya
天廟 (Tiān Miào, Celestial Temple)Not documented in Yixiang Kaocheng

Added Stars

張宿 (Zhāng Xiù, Extended Net Mansion)υ2 Hya43 Hyaφ2 Hya44 HyaHIP 49809


The Wings Mansion corresponds to constellations Crater and Hydra.

翼宿 (Yì Xiù, Wings Mansion)α Crt (Alkes)γ Crtζ Crtλ Crtν Hyaη Crtδ Crtι Crtκ Crtε CrtUnclearHIP 53975θ CrtHIP 57587Unclearβ CrtUnclearUnclearUnclearχ1 HyaUnclearUnclear
東甌 (Dōng Ōu, Dong'ou)Not documented in Yixiang Kaocheng

Added Stars

翼宿 (Yì Xiù, Wings Mansion)41 Sex39 Sexb1 Hyab2 Hyab3 HyaHIP 53963HIP 54477


The Chariot Mansion corresponds to constellations Corvus, Crater, Hydra and Virgo.

軫宿 (Zhěn Xiù, Chariot Mansion)γ Crv (Gienah)ε Crv (Minkar)δ Crv (Algorab)β Crv (Kraz)
右辖 (Yòu Xiá, Right Linchpin)α Crv (Alchiba)
左辖 (Zuǒ Xiá, Left Linchpin)η Crv
長沙 (Chángshá, Changsha)ζ Crv
青丘 (Qīng Qiū, Green Hill)β HyaHIP 5851817 CrtHIP 56332ξ HyaHIP 56452ο Hya
軍門 (Jūn Mén, Military Gate)Not documented in Yixiang Kaocheng
土司空 (Tǔ Sī Kōng, Master of Construction)Not documented in Yixiang Kaocheng
器府 (Qì Fǔ, House for Musical Instruments)Not documented in Yixiang Kaocheng

Added Stars

軫宿 (Zhěn Xiù, Chariot Mansion)21 Vir14 Vir31 Crt3 Crv6 Crv
青丘 (Qīng Qiū, Green Hill)HIP 57047HIP 56657HIP 56623

Individual Stars with Traditional Names

Names listed above are all enumerations within the respective Chinese constellations. The following stars have traditional proper names.

Single Star Asterisms

Name Romanization Translation Western name Proper name Western constellation Comments
軍南門 Jūn Nán Mén Southern Military Gate Phi Andromedae[13] Andromeda A single-star asterism within the Legs mansion.
玄戈 Xuán Gē Sombre Lance Lambda Boötis[14] Xuange Boötes A single-star asterism within the Purple Forbidden enclosure. Xuán Gē became the official name. Xuange for this star by approval of IAU on 30 June 2017[7]
大角 Dà Jiǎo Great Horn Alpha Boötis[15] Arcturus A single-star asterism within the Neck mansion.
招搖 Zhāo Yáo Twinkling Indicator Gamma Boötis[16] Seginus A single-star asterism within the Root mansion.
積尸 Jī Shī Cumulative Corpses Messier 44[17] Beehive Cluster Cancer A single-star asterism within the Ghost mansion.
Xiāng Prime Minister 5 Canum Venaticorum[18] Canes Venatici A single-star asterism within the Purple Forbidden enclosure.
野雞 Yě Jī Wild Cockerel Nu2 Canis Majoris[19] Canis Major A single-star asterism within the Well mansion.
天狼 Tiān Láng Celestial Wolf Alpha Canis Majoris[19] Sirius
老人 Lǎo Rén Old Man Alpha Carinae[19] Canopus Carina
附路 Fù Lù Auxiliary Road Zeta Cassiopeiae[13] Fulu Cassiopeia A single-star asterism in the Legs mansion. Fù Lù became the official name Fulu for this star by approval of IAU on 30 June 2017[7]
Whip Gamma Cassiopeiae[13] A single-star asterism in the Legs mansion.
土司空 Tǔ Sī Kōng Master of Constructions Beta Ceti[13] Diphda Cetus
Shǐ Excrement Mu Columbae[20] Columba A single-star asterism in the Three Stars mansion.
郎將 Láng Jiāng Captain of the Bodyguards 31 Comae Berenices[21] Coma Berenices A single-star asterism in the Supreme Palace enclosure.
長沙 Cháng Shā Changsha Zeta Corvi[22] Corvus A single-star asterism in the Chariot mansion.
左轄 Zuǒ Xiá Left Linchpin Eta Corvi[22]
右轄 Yòu Xiá Right Linchpin Alpha Corvi[22] Alchiba
女史 Nǚ Shǐ Female Protocol Psi Draconis[23] Dziban Draco A single-star asterism in the Purple Forbidden enclosure.
柱史 Zhù Shǐ Official of Royal Archives Phi Draconis[23]
Yuè Battle Axe Eta Geminorum[24] Propus Gemini A single-star asterism in the Well mansion.
積薪 Jī Xīn Pile of Firewood Kappa Geminorum[19]
帝座 Dì Zuò Emperor's Seat Alpha Herculis[25] Rasalgethi Hercules A single-star asterism in the Heavenly Market enclosure.
太子 Tài Zǐ Crown Prince 93 Leonis[26] Leo A single-star asterism in the Supreme Palace enclosure.
從官 Cóng Guān Retinue 92 Leonis[26]
虎賁 Hǔ Bēn Emperor's Bodyguard 72 Leonis[26]
Sun Kappa Librae[27] Libra A single-star asterism in the Room mansion
騎陣將軍 Qí Zhèn Jiāng Jūn Chariots and Cavalry General Kappa1 Lupi[16] Lupus A single-star asterism in the Root mansion.
Hòu Astrologer Alpha Ophiuchi[25] Rasalhague Ophiuchus A single-star asterism in the Heavenly Market enclosure.
積屍 Jī Shī Heap of Corpses Pi Persei[28][29] Perseus A single-star asterism in the Stomach mansion.
積水 Jī Shuǐ Stored Water Lambda Persei[28]
天讒 Tiān Chán Celestial Slander 42 Persei[30]
北落師門 Běi Là Shī Mén North Gate of the Military Camp Alpha Piscis Austrini[31] Fomalhaut Piscis Austrinus A single-star asterism in the Encampment mansion
天綱 Tiān Gāng Materials for Making Tents Delta Piscis Austrini[31]
農丈人 Nóng Zhàng Rén Peasant HD 172910[32] Sagittarius A single-star asterism in the Dipper mansion
鍵閉 Jiàn Bì Door Bolt Nu Scorpii[33] Jabbah Scorpius A single-star asterism in the Room mansion
神宮 Shén Gōng Changing Room Mu2 Scorpii[34] Pipirima A single-star asterism in the Tail mansion
Fish Messier 7[34] Ptolemy Cluster
傅說 Fù Yuè Fuyue G Scorpii[35] Fuyue A single-star asterism in the Tail mansion. Fù Yuè became the official name Fuyue for this star by approval of IAU on 30 June 2017[7]
天乳 Tiān Rǔ Celestial Milk Mu Serpentis[16] Serpens A single-star asterism in the Root mansion
Yuè Moon 37 Tauri[36] Taurus A single-star asterism in the Hairy Head mansion
附耳 Fù Ěr Whisper Sigma2 Tauri[37] A single-star asterism in the Net mansion
天關 Tiān Guān Celestial Gate Zeta Tauri[38] Tianguan A single-star asterism in the Net mansion. Tiān Guān became the official name Tianguan for this star by approval of IAU on 30 June 2017[7]
太尊 Tài Zūn Royal Psi Ursae Majoris[39] Ursa Major A single-star asterism in the Purple Forbidden enclosure
太陽守 Tài Yáng Shǒu Guard of the Sun Chi Ursae Majoris[39] Taiyangshou A single-star asterism in the Purple Forbidden enclosure. Tài Yáng Shǒu became the official name Taiyangshou for this star by approval of IAU on 30 June 2017[7]
Assistant 80 Ursae Majoris[40] Alcor A single-star asterism in the Purple Forbidden enclosure.
天記 Tiān Jì Judge for Estimating the Age of Animals Lambda Velorum[41] Suhail Vela A single-star asterism in the Ghost mansion
謁者 Yè Zhě Usher to the Court 16 Virginis[42] Virgo A single-star asterism in the Supreme Palace enclosure.

Proper Names of Individual Stars

Name Romanization Translation Western name Proper name Western constellation Represent Romanization Translation Description
天市左垣六 Tiān Shì Zuǒ Yuán liù the Sixth Star of Left Wall Zeta Aquilae[43] Okab Aquila 吳越 Wú Yuè The state of Wu and Yue Left Wall (天市左垣, Tiānshìzuǒyuán) is the asterism in the Heavenly Market enclosure.
河鼓二 Hé Gŭ èr the Second Star of Drum at the River Alpha Aquilae[44] Altair 牛郎 or 牵牛 Niúláng or Qiānniú Niulang, Cowherd Niulang, the cowherd who fell in love with the daughter of the Jade Emperor in the Qixi Festival Weaver Girl and the Cowherd folk story. Drum at the River (河鼓, Hégŭ) is the asterism in the Ox mansion.
紫微右垣六 Zǐ Wēi Yòu Yuán liù the Sixth Star of Right Wall Alpha Camelopardalis[45] Camelopardalis 少衛 Shǎo Wèi The Second Imperial Guard Right Wall (紫微右垣六, Zǐwēiyòuyuán) is the asterism in the Purple Forbidden enclosure.
Phi Capricorni[46] Capricornus Chǔ The state of Chu These stars is once of members of Twelve States (十二國, Shíèrguó), which is the asterism in the Girl mansion. The Twelve States refer to these ancient states in the Spring and Autumn period and the Warring States period: Chu (楚), Dai (代), Han (韓), Jin (晉), Qi (齊), Qin (秦), Wei (魏), Yan (燕), Yue (越), Zhao (趙), Zheng (鄭), Zhou (周).
Iota Capricorni[46] 代一 Dài yī (First star of) The state of Dai
35 Capricorni[47] Hán The state of Han
36 Capricorni[47] Jìn The state of Jin
Chi Capricorni[46] The state of Qi
Theta Capricorni[46] 秦一 Qín yī (First star of) The state of Qin
30 Capricorni[47] 秦二 Qín èr (Second star of) The state of Qin
33 Capricorni[47] Wèi The state of Wei
Zeta Capricorni[46] Yān The state of Yan
19 Capricorni[47] Yuè The state of Yue
20 Capricorni[47] Zhèng The state of Zheng
Eta Capricorni[46] 周一 Zhōu yī (First star of) The state of Zhou
老人 Lǎo Rén Old Man Alpha Carinae[19] Canopus Carina Shòu Longevity One of the "Three Stars", the Shou star is personified as the Old Man of the South Pole, believed to control the life spans of mortals. He is sometimes conflated with Laozi and corresponding gods of Taoist theology. Old Man is the asterism in the Well mansion.
紫微左垣七 Zǐ Wēi Zuǒ Yuán qī the Seventh Star of Right Wall Gamma Cephei[23] Errai Cepheus 少衛 Shǎo Wèi The Second Imperial Guard Right Wall (紫微右垣六, Zǐwēiyòuyuán) is the asterism in the Purple Forbidden enclosure.
太微左垣五 Tài Wēi Zuǒ Yuán wǔ the Fifth Star of Left Wall Alpha Comae Berenices[48] Diadem Coma Berenices 東上將 Dōng Shǎng Jiāng The First Eastern General Left Wall (太微左垣, Tàiwēizuǒyuán) is the asterism in the Supreme Palace enclosure.
紫微左垣一 Zǐ Wēi Zuǒ Yuán yī the First Star of Left Wall Iota Draconis[23] Edasich Draco 左樞 Zuǒ Shū The Left Pivot Left Wall (紫微左垣, Zǐwēizuǒyuán) is the asterism in the Purple Forbidden enclosure.
紫微左垣二 Zǐ Wēi Zuǒ Yuán èr the Second Star of Left Wall Theta Draconis[23] 上宰 Shǎng Zǎi The First Premier
紫微左垣三 Zǐ Wēi Zuǒ Yuán sān the Third Star of Left Wall Eta Draconis[23] Athebyne 少宰 Shǎo Zǎi The Second Premier
紫微左垣四 Zǐ Wēi Zuǒ Yuán sì the Fourth Star of Left Wall Zeta Draconis[23] Aldhibah 上弼 Shǎng Bì The First Minister
紫微左垣五 Zǐ Wēi Zuǒ Yuán wǔ the Fifth Star of Left Wall Upsilon Draconis[23] 少弼 Shǎo Bì The Second Minister
紫微右垣一 Zǐ Wēi Yòu Yuán yī the First Star of Right Wall Alpha Draconis[45] Thuban 右樞 Yòu Shū The Right Pivot Right Wall (紫微右垣, Zǐwēiyòuyuán) is the asterism in the Purple Forbidden enclosure.
紫微右垣二 Zǐ Wēi Yòu Yuán èr the Second Star of Right Wall Kappa Draconis[45] 少尉 Shǎo Wèi The Second Chief Judge
紫微右垣三 Zǐ Wēi Yòu Yuán sān the Third Star of Right Wall Lambda Draconis[45] Giausar 上輔 Shǎng Fǔ The First Minister
天市左垣一 Tiān Shì Zuǒ Yuán yī the First Star of Left Wall Delta Herculis[43] Sarin Hercules Wèi The state of Wei Left Wall (天市左垣, Tiānshìzuǒyuán) is the asterism in the Heavenly Market enclosure.
天市左垣二 Tiān Shì Zuǒ Yuán èr the Second Star of Left Wall Lambda Herculis[43] Maasym Zhào The state of Zhao
天市左垣三 Tiān Shì Zuǒ Yuán sān the Third Star of Left Wall Mu Herculis[43] 九河 Jiǔ Hé Jiuhe
天市左垣四 Tiān Shì Zuǒ Yuán sì the Fourth Star of Left Wall Omicron Herculis[43] 中山 Zhōng Shān Zhongshan
天市右垣一 Tiān Shì Yòu Yuán yī the First Star of Right Wall Beta Herculis[49] Kornephoros 河中 Hé Zhōng Hezhong Right Wall (天市左垣, Tiānshìyòuyuán) is the asterism in the Heavenly Market enclosure.
天市右垣二 Tiān Shì Yòu Yuán èr the Second Star of Right Wall Gamma Herculis[49] 河間 Hé Jiān Hejian
天市右垣三 Tiān Shì Yòu Yuán sān the Third Star of Right Wall Kappa Herculis[49] Marsic Jìn The state of Jin
太微右垣二 Tài Wēi Yòu Yuán èr the Second Star of Right Wall Sigma Leonis[50] Leo 西上將 Xī Shǎng Jiāng The First Western General Right Wall (太微右垣, Tàiwēiyòuyuán) is the asterism in the Supreme Palace enclosure.
太微右垣三 Tài Wēi Yòu Yuán sān the Third Star of Right Wall Iota Leonis[50] 西次將 Xī Cì Jiāng The Second Western General
太微右垣四 Tài Wēi Yòu Yuán sì the Fourth Star of Right Wall Theta Leonis[50] Chertan 西次相 Xī Cì Xiāng The Second Western Minister
太微右垣五 Tài Wēi Yòu Yuán wǔ the Fifth Star of Right Wall Delta Leonis[50] Zosma 西上相 Xī Shǎng Xiāng The First Western Minister
織女一 Zhī Nǚ yī the First Star of Weaving Girl Alpha Lyrae[44] Vega Lyra 織女 Zhī Nǚ Weaving Girl After the Qixi Festival Weaver Girl and the Cowherd folk story. Weaving Girl (織女, Zhīnǚ) is the asterism in the Ox mansion.
天市左垣九 Tiān Shì Zuǒ Yuán jiǔ the Ninth Star of Left Wall Nu Ophiuchi[43] Ophiuchus Yān The state of Yan Left Wall (天市左垣, Tiānshìzuǒyuán) is the asterism in the Heavenly Market enclosure.
天市左垣十一 Tiān Shì Zuǒ Yuán shíyī the Eleventh Star of Left Wall Eta Ophiuchi[43] Sabik Sòng The state of Song
天市右垣九 Tiān Shì Yòu Yuán jiǔ the Ninth Star of Right Wall Delta Ophiuchi[49] Yed Prior Liáng The state of Liang Right Wall (天市左垣, Tiānshìyòuyuán) is the asterism in the Heavenly Market enclosure.
天市右垣十 Tiān Shì Yòu Yuán shí the Tenth Star of Right Wall Epsilon Ophiuchi[49] Yed Posterior Chǔ The state of Chu
天市右垣十一 Tiān Shì Yòu Yuán shíyī the Eleventh Star of Right Wall Zeta Ophiuchi[49] Hán The state of Han
天市左垣七 Tiān Shì Zuǒ Yuán qī the Seventh Star of Left Wall Theta Serpentis[43] Alya Serpens The state of Xu Left Wall (天市左垣, Tiānshìzuǒyuán) is the asterism in the Heavenly Market enclosure.
天市左垣八 Tiān Shì Zuǒ Yuán bā the Eighth Star of Left Wall Eta Serpentis[43] 東海 Dōng Hǎi Dong Hai
天市左垣十 Tiān Shì Zuǒ Yuán shí the Tenth Star of Left Wall Xi Serpentis[43] 南海 Nán Hǎi Nan Hai
天市右垣四 Tiān Shì Yòu Yuán sì the Fourth Star of Right Wall Gamma Serpentis[49] Zhèng The state of Zheng Right Wall (天市右垣, Tiānshìyòuyuán) is the asterism in the Heavenly Market enclosure.
天市右垣五 Tiān Shì Yòu Yuán wǔ the Fifth Star of Right Wall Beta Serpentis[49] Zhōu The state of Zhou
天市右垣六 Tiān Shì Yòu Yuán liù the Sixth Star of Right Wall Delta Serpentis[49] Qín The state of Qin
天市右垣七 Tiān Shì Yòu Yuán qī the Seventh Star of Right Wall Alpha Serpentis[49] Unukalhai Shǔ The state of Shu
天市右垣八 Tiān Shì Yòu Yuán bā the Eighth Star of Right Wall Epsilon Serpentis[49] The state of Ba
紫微右垣四 Zǐ Wēi Yòu Yuán sì the Fourth Star of Right Wall 24 Ursae Majoris[40] Ursa Major 少辅 Shǎo Fǔ The Second Minister Right Wall (紫微右垣, Zǐwēiyòuyuán) is the asterism in the Purple Forbidden enclosure.
北斗一 Běi Dǒu yī the First Star of Northern Dipper Alpha Ursae Majoris[51] Dubhe 天樞 Tiān Shū The Celestial Pivot Northern Dipper (北斗, Běidǒu) is the asterism in the Purple Forbidden enclosure.
北斗二 Běi Dǒu èr the Second Star of Northern Dipper Beta Ursae Majoris[51] Merak 天璇 Tiān Xuán The Celestial Rotating Jade
北斗三 Běi Dǒu sān the Third Star of Northern Dipper Gamma Ursae Majoris[51] Phecda 天璣 Tiān Jī The Celestial Shining Pearl
北斗四 Běi Dǒu sì the Fourth Star of Northern Dipper Delta Ursae Majoris[51] Megrez 天權 Tiān Quán The Celestial Balance
北斗五 Běi Dǒu wǔ the Fifth Star of Northern Dipper Epsilon Ursae Majoris[51] Alioth 玉衡 Yù Héng The Jade Sighting-Tube
北斗六 Běi Dǒu liù the Sixth Star of Northern Dipper Zeta Ursae Majoris[51] Mizar
Status One of the "Three Stars", the Lu star is believed to be Zhang Xian, who lived during the Later Shu dynasty. The word lu specifically refers to the salary of a government official. As such, the Lu star is the star of prosperity, rank, and influence.
開陽 Kāi Yáng The Opener of Heat Northern Dipper (北斗, Běidǒu) is the asterism in the Purple Forbidden enclosure.
北斗七 Běi Dǒu qī the Seventh Star of Northern Dipper Eta Ursae Majoris[51] Alkaid 搖光 Yáo Guāng The Twinkling Brilliance
Iota Ursae Majoris[39] Talitha 上台一 Shàng Tái yī The First Upper Step These stars is once of members of Three Steps (三台, Sāntái), which is the asterism in the Supreme Palace enclosure mansion. The Three Steps represent three rank official, or triple deck room in the heaven. They are The Upper Step (上台, Shàngtái), The Middle Step (中台, Zhōngtái) and The Lower Step (下台, Xiàtái).
Kappa Ursae Majoris[39] Alkaphrah 上台二 Shàng Tái èr The Second Upper Step
Lambda Ursae Majoris[39] Tania Borealis 中台一 Zhōng Tái yī The First Middle Step
Mu Ursae Majoris[39] Tania Australis 中台一 Zhōng Tái èr The Second Middle Step
Nu Ursae Majoris[39] Alula Borealis 下台一 Xià Tái yī The First Lower Step
Xi Ursae Majoris[39] Alula Australis 下台二 Xià Tái èr The Second Lower Step
太微左垣一 Tài Wēi Zuǒ Yuán yī the First Star of Left Wall Eta Virginis[48] Zaniah Virgo 左執法 Zuǒ Zhí Fǎ The Left Law Administrator Left Wall (太微左垣, Tàiwēizuǒyuán) is the asterism in the Supreme Palace enclosure.
太微左垣二 Tài Wēi Zuǒ Yuán èr the Second Star of Left Wall Gamma Virginis[48] Porrima 東上相 Dōng Shàng Xiàng The First Eastern Minister
太微左垣三 Tài Wēi Zuǒ Yuán sān the Third Star of Left Wall Delta Virginis[48] Minelauva 東次相 Dōng Cì Xiàng The Second Eastern Minister
太微左垣四 Tài Wēi Zuǒ Yuán sì the Fourth Star of Left Wall Epsilon Virginis[48] Vindemiatrix 東次將 Dōng Cì Jiàng The Second Eastern General
太微右垣一 Tài Wēi Yòu Yuán yī the First Star of Right Wall Beta Virginis[50] Zavijava 右執法 Yòu Zhí Fǎ The Right Law Administrator Right Wall (太微右垣, Tàiwēiyòuyuán) is the asterism in the Supreme Palace enclosure.


  1. Polaris is another possible identity of this star. For example, in Song dynasty Taoist text Shangqing Dingbao Dafa: "A bright star located right in the middle [of Gōu Chén] is Tiān Huáng Dà Dì." (其下一大星,正居其中,是為天皇大帝也。 Shangqing Lingbao Dafa Volume 4)
  2. Book of Jin, Volume 11. 北三星曰梗河,天矛也。一曰天锋,主胡兵。又为丧,故其变动应以兵丧也。
  3. The same as "天河".


  1. Pankenier, David W. Astrology and Cosmology in Early China. Cambridge University Press. p. 457.
  2. Hu Axiang; Li Tianshi; Lu Haiming (2009). Nanjing Tongshi Liuchao Juan (in Chinese). Nanjing: Nanjing Press. ISBN 9787807185642. Archived from the original on 2017-10-05. Retrieved 2017-07-22.
  3. Stephenson, F. Richard (1994). "Chapter 13. Chinese and Korean Star Maps and Catalogs". The history of cartography: Cartography in the traditional east and southeast asian societies (PDF). University of Chicago Press. p. 530. Retrieved 24 December 2018.
  4. Sun, Xiaochun. "Identification of Constellations in the Tian Wen Jie Hou Chan Ci Quan Tu". In Chen, Meidong (ed.). Star Charts in Ancient China (in Chinese). Shenyang: Liaoning Education Press. p. 63.
  5. Kistemaker, Jacob; Yang, Zhengzong (1987). "A New Approach to Traditional Chinese Astronomy". Mapping the Sky: Past Heritage and Future Directions: Proceedings of the 133rd Symposium of the International Astronomical Union: 24. Retrieved 24 December 2018.
  6. Sun, Xiaochun; Kistemaker, Jacob (1997). The Chinese Sky During the Han: Constellating Stars and Society. Leiden: Brill. p. 98. ISBN 9789004107373.
  7. "Naming Stars". Retrieved 16 December 2017.
  8. "Alcor". LAMOST. Retrieved 19 December 2018.
  9. Pankenier, David W. Astrology and Cosmology in Early China. Cambridge University Press. p. 472.
  10. Pankenier, David W. Astrology and Cosmology in Early China. Cambridge University Press. p. 32.
  11. "Activities of Exhibition and Education in Astronomy (天文教育資訊網)" (in Chinese). National Museum of Natural Science. 10 July 2006. Retrieved 6 January 2019.
  12. "WG Triennial Report (2015–2018) - Star Names" (PDF). p. 7. Retrieved 2018-07-14.
  13. (in Chinese) AEEA (Activities of Exhibition and Education in Astronomy) 天文教育資訊網 2006 年 7 月 9 日
  14. (in Chinese) AEEA (Activities of Exhibition and Education in Astronomy) 天文教育資訊網 2006 年 6 月 14 日
  15. (in Chinese) AEEA (Activities of Exhibition and Education in Astronomy) 天文教育資訊網 2006 年 6 月 28 日
  16. (in Chinese) AEEA (Activities of Exhibition and Education in Astronomy) 天文教育資訊網 2006 年 6 月 29 日
  17. Ian Ridpath's Star Tales - Cancer the Crab
  18. Ian Ridpath's Star Tales - Canis Venatici the Hunting Dogs
  19. (in Chinese) AEEA (Activities of Exhibition and Education in Astronomy) 天文教育資訊網 2006 年 7 月 16 日
  20. (in Chinese) AEEA (Activities of Exhibition and Education in Astronomy) 天文教育資訊網 2006 年 7 月 15 日
  21. Ian Ridpath's Star Tales - Coma Berenices the Berenice's Hair
  22. (in Chinese)AEEA (Activities of Exhibition and Education in Astronomy) 天文教育資訊網 2006 年 7 月 22 日
  23. (in Chinese) AEEA (Activities of Exhibition and Education in Astronomy) 天文教育資訊網 2006 年 6 月 10 日
  24. (in Chinese) AEEA (Activities of Exhibition and Education in Astronomy) 天文教育資訊網 2006 年 5 月 26 日
  25. (in Chinese) AEEA (Activities of Exhibition and Education in Astronomy) 天文教育資訊網 2006 年 6 月 25 日
  26. Ian Ridpath's Star Tales - Leo the Lion
  27. Ian Ridpath's Star Tales - Libra the Scales
  28. (in Chinese) AEEA (Activities of Exhibition and Education in Astronomy) 天文教育資訊網 2006 年 7 月 11 日
  29. Allen (1899) associated the name with Algol. See : Perseus, the Champion
  30. Ian Ridpath's Star Tales - Perseus
  31. (in Chinese) AEEA (Activities of Exhibition and Education in Astronomy) 天文教育資訊網 2006 年 7 月 7 日
  32. Ian Ridpath's Star Tales - Sagittarius the Archer
  33. (in Chinese) AEEA (Activities of Exhibition and Education in Astronomy) 天文教育資訊網 2006 年 6 月 30 日
  34. (in Chinese) AEEA (Activities of Exhibition and Education in Astronomy) 天文教育資訊網 2006 年 5 月 10 日
  35. Ian Ridpath's Star Tales - Scorpius the Scorpion
  36. Ian Ridpath's Star Tales - Taurus the Bull
  37. (in Chinese) AEEA (Activities of Exhibition and Education in Astronomy) 天文教育資訊網 2006 年 5 月 23 日
  38. (in Chinese) AEEA (Activities of Exhibition and Education in Astronomy) 天文教育資訊網 2006 年 5 月 24 日
  39. (in Chinese) AEEA (Activities of Exhibition and Education in Astronomy) 天文教育資訊網 2006 年 6 月 21 日
  40. Ian Ridpath's Star Tales - Ursa Major the Great Bear
  41. (in Chinese) AEEA (Activities of Exhibition and Education in Astronomy) 天文教育資訊網 2006 年 7 月 17 日
  42. Ian Ridpath's Star Tales - Virgo the Virgin
  43. (in Chinese) AEEA (Activities of Exhibition and Education in Astronomy) 天文教育資訊網 2006 年 6 月 23 日
  44. (in Chinese) AEEA (Activities of Exhibition and Education in Astronomy) 天文教育資訊網 2006 年 7 月 3 日
  45. (in Chinese) AEEA (Activities of Exhibition and Education in Astronomy) 天文教育資訊網 2006 年 6 月 11 日
  46. (in Chinese)AEEA (Activities of Exhibition and Education in Astronomy) 天文教育資訊網 2006 年 7 月 4 日
  47. Ian Ridpath's Star Tales - Capricornus the Sea Goat
  48. (in Chinese) AEEA (Activities of Exhibition and Education in Astronomy) 天文教育資訊網 2006 年 6 月 18 日
  49. (in Chinese)AEEA (Activities of Exhibition and Education in Astronomy) 天文教育資訊網 2006 年 6 月 24 日
  50. (in Chinese) AEEA (Activities of Exhibition and Education in Astronomy) 天文教育資訊網 2006 年 6 月 19 日
  51. (in Chinese) AEEA (Activities of Exhibition and Education in Astronomy) 天文教育資訊網 2006 年 6 月 15 日
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