Superregnum: Eukaryota
Regnum: Chromista
Subregnum: Hacrobia
Phylum: Heliozoa
Classis: Centrohelea
Ordo: Centrohelida
Familiae: Acanthocystidae – Heterophryidae – Raphidiophryidae
Centrohelida Honigberg et al., 1964 [?]
- Centrohelidia Kühn, 1926
- Centroheliozoa Dürrschmidt & Patterson, 1987
- Centrohelea Cavalier-Smith, 1993
- Heliozoa sensu Cavalier-Smith, 2015
- Cavalier-Smith, T.; von der Heyden, S. 2007: Molecular phylogeny, scale evolution and taxonomy of centrohelid Heliozoa. Molecular phylogenetics and evolution, 44: 1186–1203.
- Gast, R.J. (2016). Centrohelida and Other Heliozoan-Like Protists. In: Archibald, J.M., Simpson, A.G.B., Slamovits, C. (Eds.). Handbook of the Protists. Springer, pp. 1-17. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-32669-6_28-1
- Scott, F.J.; Marchant, H.J. Ed. 2005. Antarctic marine protists Australian Biological Resources Study: Canberra. ISBN 0-642-56835-9. 563 pp.
Alternative classifications
Honigberg et al. (1964)
Class: Actinopodea
Subclass: Heliozoia
- Order: Actinophryida
- Order: Centrohelida
- Order: Desmothoracida
Lee et al. (1985)
From J.J. Lee, S.H. Hutner and E.C. Bovee, (eds.), An Illustrated Guide to the Protozoa, Society of Protozoologists, 1st ed., 1985, . See Fernández-Galiano, 1990, .
Subkingdom Protozoa (Goldfuss, 1818) von Siebold, 1846
- Phylum Sarcomastigophora Honigberg & Balamuth, 1963
- Subphylum Sarcodina Schmarda, 1871
- Superclass Actinopodea Calkins, 1902
- Class Heliozoea Haeckel, 1866
- Order Actinophryida Kuhn, 1926
- Order Desmothoracida Hertwig & Lesser,1874
- Order Ciliophryida n. ord.
- Order Taxopodida Fol, 1883
- Order Centrohelida Hartmann, 1913
- Order Rotosphaerida Rainer, 1968
Siemensma (1991)
Siemensma, F.J. (1991): Heliozoea. In: Nackte Rhizopoda und Heliozoea (Protozoenfauna Band 2). Gustav Fischer Verlag, Stuttgart, New York, pp. 173–285, , .
Mikrjukov, Siemensma, & Patterson, in Lee et al. (2000)
Mikrjukov, K.A., Siemensma, F.J. & Patterson, D.J., 2000. Phylum Heliozoa. In: Lee, J.J., Leedale, G.F. & Bradbury, P. An Illustrated Guide to the Protozoa. Society of Protozoologists/Allen Press: Lawrence, Kansas, U.S.A, 2nd ed., vol. 2, p. 860-871, . See Brands, S.J. (1989-2015), .
In “protozoa”, “amoeboid protists”
- Phylum Heliozoa Haeckel, 1866
- Order Centrohelida Kühn, 1926
- Family Heterophryidae Poche, 1913
- Genus Oxnerella Dobell, 1917
- Genus Chlamydaster Rainer, 1968
- Genus Sphaerastrum Greeff, 1873
- Genus Heterophrys Archer, 1869
- Family Raphidiophryidae Mikrjukov, 1996
- Genus Parasphaerastrum Mikrjukov, 1996
- Genus Polyplacocystis Mikrjukov, 1996
- Genus Raphidiophrys Archer, 1867
- Genus Raphidocystis Pénard, 1904
- Family Acanthocystidae Claus, 1874
- Genus Pseudoraphidocystis Mikrjukov, 1997
- Genus Pseudoraphidiophrys Mikrjukov, 1997
- Genus Pterocystis Siemensma & Roijackers, 1988
- Genus Echinocystis Mikrjukov, 1997
- Genus Choanocystis Penard, 1904
- Genus Acanthocystis Carter, 1863
- Family Heterophryidae Poche, 1913
- [unplaced families]
- Family Actinophryidae Dujardin, 1841
- Genus Actinophrys Ehrenberg, 1832[1830]
- Genus Actinosphaerium Stein, 1857
- Family Clathrulinidae ("desmothoracids")
- Genus Clathrulina Cienkowski, 1867
- Genus Hedriocystis Hertwig & Lesser, 1874
- Genus Cienkowskya Schaudinn, 1896
- Family Gymnosphaeridae
- Genus Hedraiophrys Febvre-Chevalier, 1973
- Genus Actinocoryne Febvre-Chevalier, 1980
- Genus Gymnosphaera Sassaki, 1894
- Family Actinophryidae Dujardin, 1841
- [unplaced genera]
- Genus Sticholonche Hertwig, 1877
- Genus Wagnerella Mereschkowsky, 1878
- Genus Actinolophus Schulze, 1874
- Genus Servetia Poche, 1913
- Order Centrohelida Kühn, 1926
Mikrjukov (2002)
Mikrjukov, K. A. (2002). The Centrohelid Heliozoans (Centroheliozoa). KMK Scientific, Moscow, .
Class Centrohelea Cavalier-Smith, 1993
- Order Centrohelida Kühn, 1926
- Family Heterophryidae Poche, 1913
- Family Raphidiophryidae Mikrjukov, 1996
- Family Acanthocystidae Claus, 1874
Hausmann et al. (2003)
From Hausmann, K., N. Hulsmann, R. Radek. Protistology. Schweizerbart'sche Verlagsbuchshandlung, Stuttgart, 2003.
Empire Eukaryota Chatton, 1925 (= Eukarya)
- Eukaryota incertae sedis
- Actinopoda Calkins, 1902
- Acantharea Haeckel, 1881
- Polycystinea Ehrenberg, 1838
- Phaeodarea Haeckel, 1881
- Heliozoea Haeckel, 1866
- Actinophryida Kuhn, 1926
- Desmothoracida Hertwig & Lesser, 1874
- Ciliophryida Febvre-Chevalier, 1985
- Taxopodida Fol, 1883
- Centrohelida Hartmann, 1913
- Actinopoda Calkins, 1902
Nikolaev et al. (2005)
From The twilight of Heliozoa and rise of Rhizaria, an emerging supergroup of amoeboid eukaryotes, .
- Bikonta
- Rhizaria
- core Cercozoa
- Phaeodarea ["Radiolaria"]
- Desmothoracida ["Heliozoa"]
- other core Cercozoa
- Phytomyxea
- Haplosporidia
- Foraminifera
- Gromiidae
- [unnamed] [= Radiolaria sensu Adl et al., 2005]
- Acantharea ["Radiolaria"]
- Taxopodida ["Heliozoa"]
- Polycystinea ["Radiolaria"]
- core Cercozoa
- Stramenopiles
- Centrohelida ["Heliozoa"]
- Rhizaria
Okamoto et al. (2009)
Okamoto N., Chantangsi C., Horak A., Leander B. S., Keeling P. J. (2009). Molecular phylogeny and description of the novel katablepharid Roombia truncata gen. et sp. nov., and establishment of the Hacrobia taxon nov. PLoS One 4, e7080, .
Adl et al. (2012)
Adl, S. M. et al. (2012). The revised classification of eukaryotes. Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology 59 (5): 429–514, .
Incertae sedis Eukaryota
- Centrohelida Kühn 1926
- Acanthocystidae Claus 1874
- Acanthocystis, Choanocystis, Echinocystis, Pseudoraphidiophrys, Pseudoraphidocystis, Pterocystis
- Heterophryidae Poche 1913
- Chlamydaster, Heterophrys, Oxnerella, Sphaerastrum
- Raphidiophryidae Mikrjukov 1996
- Parasphaerastrum, Polyplacocystis, Raphidiocystis, Raphidiophrys
- Acanthocystidae Claus 1874
Boudouresque (2015)
Boudouresque, C. F. (2015). Taxonomy and Phylogeny of Unicellular Eukaryotes. In: Environmental Microbiology: Fundamentals and Applications (pp. 191-257). Springer: Netherlands, .
- Bikonts
- Archaeplastida (= Plantae)
- Incertae sedis: Centrohelida
- Archaeplastida (= Plantae)
Speijer et al. (2015)
Speijer, D., Lukeš, J., & Eliáš, M. (2015). Sex is a ubiquitous, ancient, and inherent attribute of eukaryotic life. PNAS, 112(29), 8827-8834,
- Diphoda
- Diaphoretickes
- Centrohelida
- ?Microhelida
- Centrohelida
- Diaphoretickes