From ары /aːrə/ "indeed" + suffix ба /baː/.
- IPA(key): [arbaː]
арба • (ārbā)
- isn't that right
- кӏалэр мэкӏошъут арба? — The boy can go, right?
- кӏалэм укӏонэу къуиӏуагъ арба? — The boy told you to go, right?
- арба кӏалэм иӏуагъэ? — That is what the boy said, right?

Арба (1)

Арба (3)
See araba.
- IPA(key): [ɑrˈβɑ]
- Hyphenation: ар‧ба
арба • (arba)
- cart; a small open wheeled vehicle drawn or pushed by an animal or person
- Ҡул арбаһы.
- Qul arbahï.
- Hand cart.
- Көҙөн Сания бар донъяһын арбаға тейәп, күрше ауылға күсеп китте.
- Köðön Saniya bar donʺyahïn arbağa teyäp, kürše awïlğa küsep kitte.
- In the autumn, Saniya loaded all her belongings on a cart and moved to the nearby village.
- cartload
- shopping cart, trolley
- (slang) car
- Арыу ғына арба эләктергәнһең икән.
- Arïw ğïna arba eläktergänheñ ikän.
- That's a cool car you got yourself there.
Inflection of арба (arba)
singular | plural | |
absolute | арба (arba) | арбалар (arbalar) |
definite genitive | арбаның (arbanïñ) | арбаларҙың (arbalarðïñ) |
dative | арбаға (arbağa) | арбаларға (arbalarğa) |
definite accusative | арбаны (arbanï) | арбаларҙы (arbalarðï) |
locative | арбала (arbala) | арбаларҙа (arbalarða) |
ablative | арбанан (arbanan) | арбаларҙан (arbalarðan) |
FWOTD – 16 January 2014

Австралийская арба.
- IPA(key): [ɐrˈba]
Audio (file)
арба́ • (arbá) f inan (genitive арбы́, nominative plural а́рбы, genitive plural арб)
- araba (a horse- or bullock-drawn cart with two large wheels)
- 1829, Alexander Pushkin, Тазит:
- В доро́гу ше́ствие гото́во, / И тро́нулась арба́. За ней / Адехи сле́дуют суро́во, / Смиря́я молча пыл коне́й...
- V dorógu šéstvije gotóvo, / I trónulasʹ arbá. Za nej / Adexi slédujut suróvo, / Smirjája molča pyl konéj...
- On the road the procession is ready and the cart has set off. The Adyge men follow grimly after it, silently subduing the ardor of the horses...
- 1891, Антон Павлович Чехов (Anton Pavlovich Chekhov), “Дуэль”, in Новое время; republished as “The Duel”, in Larissa Volokhonsky; Richard Pevear, transl., The Complete Short Novels, 2004:
- Пррава! — крича́л во всё го́рло Само́йленко, когда́ попада́лась навстре́чу арба́ и́ли абха́зец верхо́м на осле́.
- Prrava! — kričál vo vsjó górlo Samójlenko, kogdá popadálasʹ navstréču arbá íli abxázec verxóm na oslé.
- "Keep r-r-right!" Samoilenko shouted at the top of his lungs whenever they met a native cart or an Abkhazian riding a donkey.
- 1888, Антон Павлович Чехов (Anton Pavlovich Chekhov), “Красавицы”, in Новое время; republished as “The Beauties”, in Constance Garnett, transl., The Schoolmistress and other storiesIA (Macmillan edition), Chatto & Windus, 1920, page 289:
- […] краси́во изгиба́ясь под тя́жестью хле́ба, она́ побежа́ла че́рез двор к гумну́, шмыгну́ла че́рез плете́нь и, окуну́вшись в о́блако золоти́стой поло́вы, скры́лась за а́рбами.
- […] krasívo izgibájasʹ pod tjážestʹju xléba, oná pobežála čérez dvor k gumnú, šmygnúla čérez pleténʹ i, okunúvšisʹ v óblako zolotístoj polóvy, skrýlasʹ za árbami.
- […] swaying gracefully under the weight of the bread, she ran across the yard to the threshing-floor, darted over the hurdle, and, wrapt in a cloud of golden chaff, vanished behind the carts.
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