See also: за- and Appendix:Variations of "za"
за • (za)
- used to indicate the place someone or something is going to or toward, for, to
- used to indicate an amount of time, for, in, during
- Той пробяга сто метра за единадесет секунди.
- Toj probjaga sto metra za edinadeset sekundi.
- He ran a hundred metres in eleven seconds.
- used to indicate the time when something is arranged or intended to happen, for
- used to show the occasion when something happens, for
- used to indicate the order of occurrence of an action or event, for
- used to indicate the time that a statement refers to, for
- used to indicate the part of something/somebody that is held, grasped, etc. or to show that something is attached to something else, by, to
- on the subject of somebody/something, in connection with somebody/something, about
- used to indicate the person that a statement refers to, for, to
- used to indicate the person who should use or have something, for
- used to indicate the thing that something is meant to be used with, for
- used to indicate the use of something, for
- инструмент за измерване на скорост
- instrument za izmervane na skorost
- an instrument for measuring speed
- used to indicate purpose, for, to + infinitive
- За удоволствие ли учиш английски?
- Za udovolstvie li učiš anglijski?
- Are you learning English for pleasure?
- used to indicate a reason or cause, for
- in order to help somebody/something, for, of
- Работим за доброто на човечеството.
- Rabotim za dobroto na čovečestvoto.
- We are working for the good of humanity.
- in order to get (something), for
- За повече информация се обадете на този номер.
- Za poveče informacija se obadete na tozi nomer.
- For more information, call this number.
- in support of somebody/something, for
- Гласуваха за независимост на референдум.
- Glasuvaha za nezavisimost na referendum.
- They voted for independence in a referendum.
- used to indicate the person or thing toward which feelings, thoughts, etc., are directed, for
- in exchange for something, for
- as an employee, member, player, etc., of something, for
- considering what can be expected from somebody/something, for
- used with certain verbs
- отговарям за
- otgovarjam za
- to be responsible for/to be in charge of
- used in certain wishes
From Proto-Slavic *za.
Inherited from Proto-Slavic *za.
- IPA(key): [zə]
Audio (file)
за • (za)
- (of location) behind; beyond; on the other side of (+ instrumental)
- (of motion, + accusative case) to
- (of time, + accusative case) during (close to в течение)
- за после́дние два́дцать лет ― za poslédnije dvádcatʹ let ― for the past twenty years (lt. during the last twenty years)
- (of time, + accusative case with до) time before an event
- (+ accusative case) for; to; by; after; over
- (+ accusative case) instead of
- (of voting, + accusative case) in favor of
- Он проголосова́л за строи́тельство но́вой шко́лы. ― On progolosovál za stroítelʹstvo nóvoj škóly. ― He voted for the construction of a new school.
- (+ instrumental case) at; while
- (used in expressions)
From Proto-Slavic *za. Cognate with Old Armenian զ- (z-).
- IPA(key): /za/
за (Latin spelling za)
- (+ accusative case) for (expressing a reason)
- гласати за некога ― to vote for somebody
- продати нешто за 100 долара ― to sell something for a hundred dollars
- платити за радозналост ― to pay for one's curiosity
- бојати се за некога ― to fear for somebody
- доћи кући за празнике ― to come home for holiday season
- (+ instrumental case) behind, in back of, at (without change of position, answering the question гдје̏/где̏)
- Иди за мном. ― Follow me. (Go behind me.)
- сједити/седети за столом ― to sit at the table
- (+ genitive case) during
- за дана ― during the day, during daylight
- за живота ― during one's life
- за вр(иј)еме рата ― during the war
- (+ accusative case) to, toward
- цеста за Беч ― the road to Vienna
- путовати за Беч ― to travel to Vienna
- (+ accusative case) in (in expressions with time)
- доћи опет за неколико дана ― to come back in a few days
- претрчати 100 метара за 9 секунди ― to run 100 meters in 9 seconds
- (+ accusative case) by
- узети за руку ― to take by the hand
- ухватити за руку ― to grab by the arm
- вући за уши ― to pull by the ears
- (+ accusative case) for, as (with verbs denoting naming, appointing, declaring, considering etc)
- поставити некога за предс(ј)едника ― to appoint somebody a president
- држати некога за паметног чов(ј)ека ― to consider somebody a smart person
- (+ instrumental case) after
- један за другим ― one after another
- правити грешку за грешком ― to make one error after another; to make errors repeatedly
- поновите за мном ― repeat after me
- (+ instrumental case) for
- туговати за неким ― to grieve for somebody
- чезнути за срећом ― to yearn for happiness
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