семьдесят два


Russian cardinal numbers
 <  71 72 73  > 
    Cardinal : се́мьдесят два́ (sémʹdesjat dvá)
    Ordinal : се́мьдесят второ́й (sémʹdesjat vtorój)


  • IPA(key): [ˈsʲemʲdʲɪsʲɪd ˈdva]
  • IPA(key): [ˈsʲemdʲɪsʲɪd ˈdva] (phonetic respelling: се́мдесят два́)


се́мьдесят два́ (sémʹdesjat dvá)

  1. seventy-two (72)

Usage notes

  • се́мьдесят два́ in the nominative and accusative case governs the genitive singular of the noun, although modifying adjectives are in the genitive plural (or alternatively and preferably, for feminine nouns, in the nominative plural). Unlike with bare два́ (dvá), there is no animate/inanimate distinction.
  • се́мьдесят два́ in other cases governs the appropriate plural case of the noun, with adjectives agreeing appropriately.


Coordinate terms

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