
See also: 光阴


light; ray; bright
(of weather) overcast; Yin; feminine; moon; cloudy; negative (electric.); shady
trad. (光陰)
simp. (光阴)
Literally: “bright and dark; light and shade”.




  1. (figuratively) time (the limited time available in a person's life)
  2. (Dungan) time; age; era
    • (Can we date this quote?) Ясыр Шывазы
      Вәмўсы минда шонян / Совет гуонйиншонди, / Зэ кэхуарди гуйтўни
      Vəmwsɨ minda šoni͡an / Sovi͡ət guonjinšondi, / Ze kehuardi gujtwni
      我們是命大少年 Совет 光陰上的 在開花兒的國土裡
      We are fortunate youths / Of the Soviet age / Within blossoming territory


  • (time: the limited time in available in a person's life): 時光时光 (shíguāng)
  • (time; age; era):

Derived terms

  • 一寸光陰一寸金一寸光阴一寸金
  • 光陰似水光阴似水
  • 光陰似箭光阴似箭 (guāngyīn sì jiàn)
  • 光陰如隙駒光阴如隙驹
  • 光陰如電光阴如电
  • 光陰彈指光阴弹指
  • 光陰虛度光阴虚度
  • 寸金難買寸光陰寸金难买寸光阴
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