Han character
桶 (radical 75, 木+7, 11 strokes, cangjie input 木弓戈月 (DNIB), four-corner 47927, composition ⿰木甬)
Derived characters
- 𮅸
- KangXi: page 527, character 10
- Dai Kanwa Jiten: character 14811
- Dae Jaweon: page 916, character 4
- Hanyu Da Zidian: volume 2, page 1222, character 6
- Unihan data for U+6876
simp. and trad. |
桶 |
Glyph origin
Characters in the same phonetic series (用) (Zhengzhang, 2003) | |
Old Chinese | |
通 | *l̥ʰoːŋ |
俑 | *l̥ʰoːŋ, *loŋʔ |
蓪 | *l̥ʰoːŋ |
桶 | *l̥ʰoːŋʔ, *l'oːŋʔ |
捅 | *l̥ʰoːŋʔ |
痛 | *l̥ʰoːŋs |
筩 | *l'oːŋ |
誦 | *ljoŋs |
傭 | *l̥ʰoŋ, *loŋ |
慵 | *ɦljoŋ |
鱅 | *ɦljoŋ, *loŋ |
滽 | *loŋ |
墉 | *loŋ |
鏞 | *loŋ |
鄘 | *loŋ |
槦 | *loŋ |
銿 | *loŋ |
甬 | *loŋʔ |
勇 | *loŋʔ |
涌 | *loŋʔ |
踊 | *loŋʔ |
蛹 | *loŋʔ |
恿 | *loŋʔ |
慂 | *loŋʔ |
悀 | *loŋʔ |
埇 | *loŋʔ |
踴 | *loŋʔ |
庸 | *loŋ |
用 | *loŋs |
佣 | *loŋs |
Phono-semantic compound (形聲, OC *l̥ʰoːŋʔ, *l'oːŋʔ) : semantic 木 (“wood”) + phonetic 甬 (OC *loŋʔ).
- (Min Nan) 桶仔
Derived terms from 桶
Etymology 1

桶 (oke): A small oke holding a cat.

桶 (oke): A workman building a large oke.
Kanji in this term |
桶 |
おけ Jinmeiyō |
kun’yomi |
From Old Japanese. Originally a compound of 麻 (o, “flax, ramie”) + 笥 (ke, “a container, especially for foodstuffs or tableware”).[1]
Alternative forms
桶 (hiragana おけ, rōmaji oke, historical hiragana をけ)
- a tube-shaped container for holding split flax or hemp, usually made of thin cypress wood bent to shape
- by extension, a pail, bucket, tub, or basin similar to a barrel in construction, made of long thin pieces of cedar or cypress extending up from a base and held in place with hoops; can be small enough to carry in one hand, or large enough to bathe in
- (Noh theater) a stool on stage, on which an actor sits
- 桶な物打ち明ける (おけなものうちあける, oke na mono uchiakeru), 桶の物打ち明ける (おけのものうちあける, oke no mono uchiakeru): "open up what's in your bucket" → to come clean to someone, with no hard feelings and no subterfuge
- 桶が腐れば菜が腐る (おけがくさればながくさる, oke ga kusareba na ga kusaru): "if the bucket rots, the greens rot" → if the surrounding is bad, it affects the inside
Derived terms
Derived terms
- 桶越し (okegoshi): using an oke to cross a river
- 桶屋 (okeya): a person or store that makes, fixes, and/or sells oke and well walls
- 桶火 (okebi): the fire in a hioke
- 火桶 (hioke): a type of wooden hibachi
- 桶狭間 (Okehazama): a place in the south of Midori-ku, Nagoya
- 桶狭間焼き (Okehazama-yaki): a style of pottery originating near Okehazama
- 桶結い (okeyui): tying cord bands around an oke; an oke maker, an okeya
- 桶絞り (okeshibori): a cloth dying process whereby the sections to leave undyed are put into oke and closed in with lids
- 桶酸い (okesui): alternate name for 酢の木, 酢木 (sunoki): Vaccinium smallii, var. glabrum, a bush with edible (though sour) berries
- 桶取り (oketori): a scene in a kyōgen farce presented between Noh plays; a woman working as a water carrier
- 桶尻 (okejiri): the aft edge of the hull of a ship in traditional Japanese shipbuilding
- 桶据え (okesue): the hipbone
- 桶川 (Okegawa): a river in southeast Saitama Prefecture
- 桶側 (okegawa): the sides of an oke, the staves; a bowl-shaped container for holding trawling lines on a fishing boat
- 桶側胴 (okegawa dō): a type of breastplate made of steel strips bound together, somewhat similar to how okegawa are bound together to make an oke
- 桶大工 (okedaiku): a cooper, a woodworker who specializes in making barrels, oke, and well walls
- 桶胴 (oke dō): alternate name for 桶側胴 (okegawa dō); a type of taiko drum
- 桶風呂 (okeburo): an oke fitted with a firebox for heating bathwater: a traditional Japanese wooden ofuro hottub
- 桶伏せ (okebuse): wearing an oke on one's head: a mob punishment in the pleasure districts of early Edo-period Japan, where non-paying customers would be forced to wear an oke on their heads, were sat down on the side of the street, and forced to pay up
Alternative forms
- 榼 (rare)
Han character
桶 (thùng)
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