- (accusative suffix) Used to form the accusative case.
- öt (“five”) → Hány könyvet vettél? - Ötöt. - How many books did you buy? - Five.
Usage notes
Hungarian case suffixes
Case | Back vowel a, á, o, ó, u, ú |
Front vowel | |
unrounded e, é, i, í |
rounded ö, ő, ü, ű | ||
nominative | — | ||
accusative | -t | ||
-ot / -at | -et | -öt | |
dative | -nak | -nek | |
instrumental | -val | -vel | |
causal-final | -ért | ||
translative | -vá | -vé | |
terminative | -ig | ||
essive-formal | -ként | ||
essive-modal | -ul | -ül | |
inessive | -ban | -ben | |
superessive | -n | ||
-on | -en | -ön | |
adessive | -nál | -nél | |
illative | -ba | -be | |
sublative | -ra | -re | |
allative | -hoz | -hez | -höz |
elative | -ból | -ből | |
delative | -ról | -ről | |
ablative | -tól | -től | |
Note for all endings: Stem-final -a/-e changes to -á-/-é-, respectively, except -ként. alma - almában, but almaként zene - zenében, but zeneként |
- (accusative suffix): It can be added to nouns, adjectives, numerals and pronouns. Whether a suffix-initial vowel (linking vowel) will be used is hard to predict and thus needs to be learned with each word. A rule of thumb, however, is that older and shorter words tend to incorporate a vowel, rather than simply use -t. Variants:
- -t is added to words ending in a vowel. Final -a changes to -á-. Final -e changes to -é-. Final -o in foreign words changes to -ó-.
- -ot is added to some back vowel words ending in a consonant
- -at is added to some back vowel words ending in a consonant
- -et is added to unrounded front vowel words ending in a consonant
- -öt is added to rounded front vowel words ending in a consonant
See also
- Category:Hungarian noun forms
- Appendix:Hungarian suffixes
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