From Ancient Greek Δεῖμος (Deîmos), from δειμός (deimós, “terror”).
- IPA(key): /ˈdaɪməs/
Proper noun
a son of Aries
the outermost natural satellite of Mars
See also
Solar System in in English · Solar System (layout · text) | ||||||||||||||||
Star | Sun | |||||||||||||||
Planets and dwarf planets | Mercury | Venus | Earth | Mars | Ceres | Jupiter | Saturn | Uranus | Neptune | Pluto | Haumea | Makemake | Eris | |||
Notable moons | — | Moon | Phobos Deimos |
— | Ganymede Callisto Io Europa |
Titan Rhea Iapetus Dione Tethys Enceladus Mimas |
Titania Oberon Umbriel Ariel Miranda |
Triton | Charon Hydra Nix Kerberos Styx |
Hiʻiaka Namaka |
— | Dysnomia |
From Ancient Greek Δεῖμος (Deîmos, “mythological personification of terror”), from δειμός (deimós, “terror”).
- IPA(key): [ˈdɛjmos]
- Hyphenation: Dei‧mos
Proper noun
Deimos m
- (Greek mythology, animate) Deimos, mythological personification of terror
- 1893, Vladislav Kalousek, “Deimos a Fobos”, in Ottův slovník naučný, volume X, Praha: J. Otto, page 166:
- Deimos a Fobos […] v řecké mythologii personifikace Strachu a Třasu (římské Pallor a Pavor), sluhové a průvodčí válečného boha Area; též pokládáni za syny jeho a Afrodity.
- Deimos and Phobos […] personification of Terror and Fear in Greek mythology (Pallor and Pavor in Roman), servants and companions of war god Ares; also considered to be sons of him and Aphrodite.
- (astronomy, inanimate) Deimos, the smaller of the two natural satellites of Mars [since 19th c.]
- 2008, Jiří T. Pelech, Prvorození, Praha: Baronet, translation of Firstborn by Athur C. Clarke and Stephen Baxter, →ISBN, page 221:
- Mám sekundární soustavy na povrchu a na oběžné dráze. Ta největší je rozmístěna na několika stanicích na měsících Phobu a Deimu, pokud jsou vzájemně viditelné, dá se získat velmi dobrá dlouhá základna…
- I have secondary arrays on the surface and in orbit. The most impressive is based on a couple of stations on the moons, Phobos and Deimos; when they are in line of sight of each other you get a good long baseline…
- animate
(Greek deity):
Declension of Deimos
singulare tantum | |
nominative | Deimos |
genitive | Deima |
dative | Deimovi |
accusative | Deima |
vocative | Deime |
locative | Deimovi |
instrumental | Deimem |
- inanimate
(moon of Mars):
See also
Solar System in in Czech · sluneční soustava (layout · text) | ||||||||||||||||
Star | Slunce | |||||||||||||||
Planets and dwarf planets | Merkur | Venuše | Země | Mars | Ceres | Jupiter | Saturn | Uran | Neptun | Pluto | Haumea | Makemake | Eris | |||
Notable moons | — | Měsíc | Phobos/Fobos Deimos |
— | Ganymed Callisto Io Europa |
Titan Rhea Iapetus Dione Tethys Enceladus Mimas |
Titania Oberon Umbriel Ariel Miranda |
Triton | Charon Hydra Nix Kerberos Styx |
Hiʻiaka Namaka |
— | Dysnomia |
- IPA(key): /ˈdei̯mos/, [ˈde̞i̯mo̞s̠]
- Hyphenation: Dei‧mos
Inflection of Deimos (Kotus type 39/vastaus, no gradation) | |||
nominative | Deimos | — | |
genitive | Deimoksen | — | |
partitive | Deimosta | — | |
illative | Deimokseen | — | |
singular | plural | ||
nominative | Deimos | — | |
accusative | nom. | Deimos | — |
gen. | Deimoksen | ||
genitive | Deimoksen | — | |
partitive | Deimosta | — | |
inessive | Deimoksessa | — | |
elative | Deimoksesta | — | |
illative | Deimokseen | — | |
adessive | Deimoksella | — | |
ablative | Deimokselta | — | |
allative | Deimokselle | — | |
essive | Deimoksena | — | |
translative | Deimokseksi | — | |
instructive | — | — | |
abessive | Deimoksetta | — | |
comitative | — | — |
From Ancient Greek Δεῖμος (Deîmos), from δειμός (deimós, “fear”).
- IPA(key): /ˈdei.mos/, [ˈdei.mos̪]
- Stress: Déimos
- Hyphenation: Dei‧mos
Proper noun
Deimos m
See also
Solar System in in Italian · sistema solare (layout · text) | ||||||||||||||||
Star | Sole | |||||||||||||||
Planets and dwarf planets | Mercurio | Venere | Terra | Marte | Cerere | Giove | Saturno | Urano | Nettuno | Plutone | Haumea | Makemake | Eris | |||
Notable moons | — | Luna | Fobos Deimos |
— | Ganimede Callisto Io Europa |
Titano Rea Giapeto Dione Teti Encelado Mimas |
Titania Oberon Umbriel Ariel Miranda |
Tritone | Caronte Idra Notte Cerbero Stige |
Hiʻiaka Namaka |
— | Disnomia |
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