From Ancient Greek Εὐρώπη (Eurṓpē), a character name in Greek mythology.
- IPA(key): /jʊˈɹoʊpə/
Audio (file)
See also
Solar System in in English · Solar System (layout · text) | ||||||||||||||||
Star | Sun | |||||||||||||||
Planets and dwarf planets | Mercury | Venus | Earth | Mars | Ceres | Jupiter | Saturn | Uranus | Neptune | Pluto | Haumea | Makemake | Eris | |||
Notable moons | — | Moon | Phobos Deimos |
— | Ganymede Callisto Io Europa |
Titan Rhea Iapetus Dione Tethys Enceladus Mimas |
Titania Oberon Umbriel Ariel Miranda |
Triton | Charon Hydra Nix Kerberos Styx |
Hiʻiaka Namaka |
— | Dysnomia |
See also
- (continents) continent; Àfrica, Amèrica, Antàrtida, Àsia, Oceania, Europa/Nord-amèrica, Amèrica del Nord/Sud-amèrica, Amèrica del Sud (Category: ca:Continents) [edit]
- IPA(key): /øːˈroːpaː/, [øˑˈroːpaˑ], [ʏˑˈroːpaˑ]
Audio (file)
Proper noun
Europa n
Europa f
Audio (file)
Proper noun
Coordinate terms
- (continents) continente; África, América, Antártida, Asia, Oceanía, Europa, Norteamérica/América del Norte, Sudamérica/Suramérica/América del Sur (Category: es:Continents)
- (moon of Jupiter): Calisto, Ganímedes, Ío
- IPA(key): /ɔʏ̯ˈʁoːpa/
Audio (Austria) (file) Audio (file)
Proper noun
Europa n (genitive Europas, no plural) Europa f (genitive Europa, no plural)
- (neuter) The continent Europe
- Deutschland liegt im Herzen Europas.
- Germany lies in the heart of Europe.
- (feminine) (Greek mythology) A Phoenician princess abducted to Crete by Zeus
- (feminine) A moon of Jupiter
(continents) Kontinent; Afrika, Amerika, Antarktika, Asien, Europa, Nordamerika, Ozeanien, Südamerika (Category: de:Continents)
Borrowed from English Europe, French Europe, German Europa, Italian Europa, Russian Евро́па (Jevrópa), Spanish Europa, ultimately from Latin Eurōpa, from Ancient Greek Εὐρώπη (Eurṓpē).
- IPA(key): /ew.ˈ, /ɛw.ˈɾɔ.pa/
Derived terms
- Europana (“European”)
- Europano (“European”)
See also
- (continents) kontinento; Afrika, Amerika, Antarktika, Azia, Australia, Europa, Nord-Amerika, Sud-Amerika (Category: io:Continents)
- IPA(key): /euˈrɔpa/, [eu̯ˈrɔː.pa]
- Hyphenation: Eu‧rò‧pa
Proper noun
Europa f
- (continent) Europe
- Hypernym: Eurasia
- (nautical, sailing, sports) Europe (an olympic sailing class)
- (astronomy, natural satellite) Europa
- (astronomy, asteroid) 62 Europa
- (mythology, Greek mythology) Europa (consort of Zeus, daughter of Agenor)
- (mythology, Greek mythology) Europa (daughter of Oceanus and Tethys)
Related terms
- eurasiatico
- euro-
- euro
- eurocentrismo
- eurocentristico
- eurocity
- eurocomunismo
- eurocomunista
- eurocomunistico
- eurocrate
- eurodeputato
- eurodivisa
- eurodollaro
- euromercato
- euromoneta
- Europa centrale
- Europa meridionale
- Europa occidentale
- Europa orientale
- europarlamento
- Europa settentrionale
- europeismo
- europeista
- europeizzare
- europeo
- europio
- europoide
- euroscudo
- eurosocialismo
- eurosocialista
- eurovisione
See also
- (continents) continente; Africa, America, America meridionale, America settentrionale, Antartide, Asia, Europa, Oceania (Category: it:Continents)
Solar System in in Italian · sistema solare (layout · text) | ||||||||||||||||
Star | Sole | |||||||||||||||
Planets and dwarf planets | Mercurio | Venere | Terra | Marte | Cerere | Giove | Saturno | Urano | Nettuno | Plutone | Haumea | Makemake | Eris | |||
Notable moons | — | Luna | Fobos Deimos |
— | Ganimede Callisto Io Europa |
Titano Rea Giapeto Dione Teti Encelado Mimas |
Titania Oberon Umbriel Ariel Miranda |
Tritone | Caronte Idra Notte Cerbero Stige |
Hiʻiaka Namaka |
— | Disnomia |

Alternative forms
From Ancient Greek Εὐρώπη (Eurṓpē), of uncertain origin, but either from:
- Ancient Greek εὐρύς (eurús) + ὄψ (óps), literally meaning "wide face" (as a description of the beauty of the mythical Europa) or "broad eye" (metaphorically meaning something like "as far as the eye can see")
- Semitic origin, such as:
- Akkadian 𒌓𒋙 (“to set, occident, west”),
- Phoenician 𐤏𐤓𐤁 (ʿereb, “evening”).
- Aramaic ערובה (ʿrōbā, “sunset, Sabbath eve”),
- Hebrew בֶּן‑עֲרֻבָּה (ben‑aruboh, “hostages”) and מַעֲרָב (ma‑ārov, "occident, west"),
- Classical Syriac ܥܪܘܒܐ (aruba, “hostages”) and ܡܥܪܒܐ (ma‑arba, "occident, west"),
- Arabic غَرْب (gharb, “occident, west”),
- (Classical) IPA(key): /eu̯ˈroː.pa/
Audio (Classical) (file)
Proper noun
Eurōpa f (genitive Eurōpae); first declension
- (mythology) Europa (daughter of Phoenician king Agenor who was abducted by Jupiter and carried to Crete)
- Europe
- 43, Pomponius Mela, De situ orbis, book 1, chapter 3:
- Brevis Europae descriptio.—Europa terminos habet, ab oriente Tanain et Maeotida et Pontum; a meridie reliqua nostri maris; ab occidente Atlanticum; a septentrione Britannicum oceanum. (genetive and nomitive cases)
- (please add an English translation of this quote)
- ca. 415, Martianus Capella, De nuptiis Philologiae et Mercurii, book 6, section 661:
- Quartus vero et magnus Europae sinus ab Hellesponto incipiens Maeotis ostio terminatur. Nam arctum mare inter Europam et Asiam in angustias septem stadiorum interfluens coarctatur; quas angustias Hellespontum dicunt, ubi Xerxes Persidis rex aggregatis navibus ponteque constructo exercitum duxit. (genetive and accusative cases)
- (please add an English translation of this quote)
- 43, Pomponius Mela, De situ orbis, book 1, chapter 3:
First declension, with locative.
Case | Singular |
Nominative | Eurōpa |
Genitive | Eurōpae |
Dative | Eurōpae |
Accusative | Eurōpam |
Ablative | Eurōpā |
Vocative | Eurōpa |
Locative | Eurōpae |
Derived terms
- Eurōpaeus (“of Europa, of Europe”, adjective)
- Eurōpēnsis (“of Europe”, adjective)
- Europa in Charlton T. Lewis and Charles Short (1879) A Latin Dictionary, Oxford: Clarendon Press
- Europa in The Perseus Project (1999) Perseus Encyclopedia
- Europa in Harry Thurston Peck, editor (1898) Harper's Dictionary of Classical Antiquities, New York: Harper & Brothers
- Europa in William Smith, editor (1848) A Dictionary of Greek Biography and Mythology, London: John Murray
- Europa in William Smith, editor (1854, 1857) A Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography, volume 1 & 2, London: Walton and Maberly

Related terms
- europietis m, europietė f
This Lithuanian entry was created from the translations listed at Europe. It may be less reliable than other entries, and may be missing parts of speech or additional senses. Please also see Europa in the Lithuanian Wiktionary. This notice will be removed when the entry is checked. (more information) July 2010
Norwegian Bokmål
From Latin Europa, from Ancient Greek Εὐρώπη (Eurṓpē).
Proper noun
- Europe (continent)
- Hun kan alle hovedstedene i Europa.
- She can name all the capitals in Europe.
- Hun kan alle hovedstedene i Europa.
Derived terms
- europakart
- europamester
- Europakommisjonen
- Europaparlamentet
- Europarådet
- europavei
- Nord-Europa
- Sentral-Europa
- Vest-Europa
- Øst-Europa
See also
- (continents) kontinent; Afrika, Amerika, Antarktis, Asia, Europa, Nord-Amerika, Oseania, Sør-Amerika (Category: no:Continents)
Norwegian Nynorsk
From Latin Europa, from Ancient Greek Εὐρώπη (Eurṓpē).
Proper noun
- Europe (continent)
- Ho kan alle hovudstadene i Europa.
- She can name all the capitals in Europe.
- Ho kan alle hovudstadene i Europa.
Derived terms
- Aust-Europa
- europakart
- europameister
- Europakommisjonen
- Europaparlamentet
- Europarådet
- Nord-Europa
- Sentral-Europa
- Vest-Europa
- IPA(key): /ɛˈwrɔ.pa/
audio (file)
singular | |
nominative | Europa |
genitive | Europy |
dative | Europie |
accusative | Europę |
instrumental | Europą |
locative | Europie |
vocative | Europo |
Derived terms
- (Brazil) IPA(key): /ew.ˈɾɔ.pɐ/
Proper noun
Europa f
For quotations of use of this term, see Citations:Europa.
- → Japanese: ヨーロッパ (Yōroppa)
- IPA(key): /e.uˈ
singular | ||
f gender | indefinite articulation | definite articulation |
nominative/accusative | (o) Europă | Europa |
genitive/dative | (unei) Europe | Europei |
vocative | Europă, Europo |
From Latin Eurōpa, from Ancient Greek Εὐρώπη (Eurṓpē).
Alternative forms
- Evrópa (Bosnian, Serbian)
- IPA(key): /eurǒːpa/
- Hyphenation: E‧u‧ro‧pa
singular | |
nominative | Europa |
genitive | Europe |
dative | Europi |
accusative | Europu |
vocative | Europo |
locative | Europi |
instrumental | Europom |
Proper noun
Europa f
Related terms
See also
- (continents) continente; África, América, Antártida, Asia, Oceanía, Europa, Norteamérica/América del Norte, Sudamérica/Suramérica/América del Sur (Category: es:Continents)