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What to Expect During a Site Visit by a DTBE Program Consultant

Purpose: The Division of Tuberculosis Elimination (DTBE) program consultants are the points of contact between DTBE and TB Cooperative Agreement (CoAg) project areas. The purpose of the site visit is:

  • To discuss and review program activities in the project areas, especially those activities stated in the program applications, ensure they are consistent with national goals and objectives, and foster ongoing communication.
  • To discuss any topics needing urgent attention and response

Frequency: Site visits are conducted as frequently as the need exists, but no less than once a year. Frequent visits may be required in some projects with one or more of the following circumstances:

  • New program managers
  • Urgent situations, e.g., outbreaks
  • TB Regional Training and Medical Consultation Center located in the project area
  • Programs with new initiatives
  • Large complex programs
  • Situations that can adversely affect operations or funding.

Pre-Site Visit:

  • In the absence of unusual or emergency situations, the site visits are planned several weeks or months in advance. This enables the local program to schedule time for meetings with individuals who play an important role.
  • Prior to the site visit, the program consultant will contact the TB controller to develop a list of goals and objectives related to the site visit.
  • The program consultant reviews the following documents:
    1. CoAg applications and technical review
    2. Activities, goals, objectives, and performance
    3. Annual Progress Reports, previous site visit letters and recommendations
    4. Evaluation Plans
    5. Human Resource Development Plans
    6. Laboratory Plans
    7. Statistical data, looking at significant morbidity trends based on the following sources:
      1. TB surveillance data
      2. Aggregate Reports for Program Evaluation (ARPE)
      3. National TB Indicator Project (NTIP)

Based on the above documents, the consultant will develop a list of questions and accomplishments to be discussed with the program staff. A draft agenda will be developed and shared with the project area prior to the site visit. A final agenda will be agreed upon before the actual site visit occurs. Also, based on the above documents it may be decided by CDC or the program that others at CDC should be part of the site visit, e.g., staff from the laboratory, evaluation team, medical team, communication and education team.

During the Site Visit:

The program consultant will meet with TB program officials and conduct the visit to accomplish the goals and objectives outlined in the site visit agenda. The consultant would also assess and provide consultation and input on any additional items or issues that may come up during their site visit.

Site Visit Report:

A site visit report will be sent to the designated project official that includes a review of the findings of the visit along with any recommendations for the program to implement. The report will be mailed within 25 working days of the site visit.
