Things in this book are listed in the order of the alphabet:
Page numbers in bold tell you where to find the main reference in this book.
Medicines included in the Green Pages are in the Index of Medicines, p. 341.
Abdomen (See Belly)
Abortion, 243, 284, 414–415
(Also see Miscarriage)
Abscess, 419
breast, 278
caused by injecting, 67, 69, 74
liver, 144–145
of the teeth, 230–231
under the skin, 202
Acid Indigestion, 128–129
Acne (pimples), 211, 394, 419
Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (See
Acupuncture, 74, 401
Acute abdomen, 15, 93–94, 419
(Also see Gut, Swollen belly)
Addiction, 416–417
Afterbirth (placenta), 262–264, 269, 426
AIDS, 399–401 (Also see HIV and AIDS)
Alcoholic drinks
and heat stroke, 81
problems caused by, 119, 148–149, 325, 326,
400, 416
Alcoholics Anonymous, 149, 417, 429
Alcoholism, 148–149, 416–417, 419
Allergic reaction, 23, 54, 166
in the skin, 203, 285, 290
medicines for, 337, 385–386
to medicines, 54, 56, 68, 70–71, 350
Allergic rhinitis (hay fever), 165, 427
Allergic shock, 70, 105, 350, 385–386, 410
Aloe vera, 13, 129
Amebas, 144–145, 336, 367–368, 419
Amputation, 409, 419
Anabolic steroids, 51
Analgesics (painkillers), 378–380
Anemia, 124, 419
causes of, 113, 124
during pregnancy, 248–249
in children, 307, 321
treatment, 335, 391–393
Anesthetics, 379–380
Angel’s Trumpet, 12
Angina pectoris, 325
Antacids, 52, 64, 129, 248, 324, 380–381
Antibiotics, 52, 55–58, 156, 350–363
Anti-diarrhea medicines, 156
Antihistamine, 70, 165, 204, 385–386, 419
Antiretroviral medicines, 396, 398
Antispasmodic, 235, 329, 380
Antitoxins, 387–388, 419
and allergic shock, 70, 105
for tetanus, 388
(Also see Antivenom)
Antivenom, 70, 387–388
for scorpion sting, 387
for snakebite, 105, 387
Anus, 233, 419
hemorrhoids in it, 175
sores in it, 238, 400, 402, 403
Apoplexy, 37, 78, 288, 327
Appendicitis, 36, 94–95
Appendix, 94
muscles and nerves in, 37
numbness or pain in, 23, 325
Arteriosclerosis, 326
Arthritis (joint pain), 173, 324
medicines for, 51, 378–379
Ascaris (roundworm), 140–141, 420
and asthma, 167
Asthma, 167, 337, 384–385
Athlete’s foot, 205
examining, 34
feeding, 120–121
with diarrhea, 159, 358
with skin problems, 215
(Also see Children, Newborns)
Back pain, 173–174, 248
Bacteria, 19, 55, 420
Bacterial dysentery, 145
Bacterial infection of the blood, 273–275
Bag of waters, 256, 258, 259–260, 420
Bandages, 85, 87, 101–102, 336
and hygiene, 133
newborns and babies, 7, 215, 263
postpartum mothers, 8, 276
sick persons, 7, 39
B.C.G. vaccination, 147, 180, 185