Taboo, 23, 428
T.A.L.C., 297, 429
Tapeworm, 143, 375
TB (See Tuberculosis)
Teaching, w2, w4–w5, w21–w28, 321
materials, addresses for, 429–432
Tear sac, infection of, 217, 223
Teaspoons, for measuring, 61
Teeth, 133, 229–232
Temperature, 30–31, 272, 409, inside back cover
(Also see Fever)
Tepeguaje, 14
Testicles, 233
swellings of testicles, 312, 317
Tetanus (lockjaw), 182–184
from a wound, 84, 89, 105-106, 388, 407
in the newborn, 182–183, 273
medicine for, 336–337, 388–390
vaccination, 147, 184, 296
Thalassemia, 392, 428
Thermometer, 31, 334
Threadworm (pinworm, Enterobius), 141
lump on the throat, 10, 130, 423
object stuck in, 79
sore throat, 163, 309–310
Throwing up (See Vomiting)
Thrush (moniliasis), 232, 242, 400
Ticks, 190, 201, 428
Tinea, 205–206
Tinea versicolor, 206
Tobacco, 129, 416–417
Tongue, 232
Tonsillitls (Inflamed tonsils), 309
Toothache, 231
Toothbrush, homemade, 230
Toothpaste, 230
Toxemia of pregnancy (See Pre-eclampsia)
Trachoma, 220
Traditions, w3, w11, 1, 2, 21
Trichinosis, 144
Trichocephalus (whipworm, Trichuris), 142
Trichomonas, 241
Trichuris (whipworm, Trichocephalus), 142
Tropical sore (See Leishmaniasis)
Tubal ligation, 293
Tuberculosis, 108, 179–180, 337
and AIDS, 396, 400
and children, 136
and measles, 311
medicines for, 359–361
of the lymph nodes, 212
of the skin, 212
of the spine, 173
signs of, 30, 37
vaccination, 147
Tumors (See Cancer)
Twins, 251, 256, 269, 289
Where There Is No Doctor 2011 445
Twisted joint (sprain), 102
Typhoid fever, 188–190
fever pattern, 26
medicines for, 356
pulse with, 33
resistance to medicines, 58
Typhus, 26, 190
Ulcer, 428
on the cornea (eye), 224–225
skin, 20, 212, 213, 324
stomach, 13, 36, 53, 128–129, 149, 381
Umbilical cord, 428
and tetanus, 182
how to cut, 262–263
infection of, 270, 272
wrapped around the baby’s neck, 268
Umbilical hernia, 317, 318, 428
Umbilicus (See Navel)
Unclnaria (hookworm), 133, 142
Unconscious person, 78, 424
breathing of, 32
difference in pupil size, 33
in shock, 77
Under-Fives Program, w20, w24, 297, 428
Undulant fever (brucellosis), 27, 188
Units, measuring in, 60
Uremia, 239–240
Ureters, 233
Urethra, 233, 235, 428
Urination, difficulties with, 234–236, 239–240,
324, 403, 410
Urinary tract, 36, 233–234, 428
blood in, 146, 234, 376
brown, 172
dark yellow, 151
less than normal, 151, 236
too much or often, 127, 234
pus in, 236
Using this book, inside front cover, w28
Uta (See Leishmaniasis)
Vaccinations, 19, 147, 180, 250, 296, 321, 337,
Vagina, 233, 428
infections of, 241–242, 369
placenta blocking, 249
tearing during birth, 269
Vaginal discharge, 241–242, 369
Vapors, breathing hot water vapors, 47, 168
Varicose veins, 175, 213, 288, 410, 428
and chronic sores, 20, 212, 213, 324
during pregnancy, 248
Vasectomy, 293
Venereal diseases (VD) (See Sexually transmitted