Whether you’re graduating from middle school, high school, college, vocational school or university, accepting your certificate, diploma, or degree is a monumental and proud moment. It’s natural to be a little anxious about it. You’re in front of a big crowd, you typically get your picture taken, and it’s easy to look clumsy as you take your diploma and shake your presenter’s hand at the same time. While going to your school’s graduation rehearsal and practicing a bit can certainly help, it’s most important to relax and simply take pride in your achievement.

Method 1
Method 1 of 3:

Practicing for the Big Day

  1. 1
    Be on time for every graduation-related ceremony. Give yourself plenty of time to get ready on the big day, and be on time or early for all graduation-related ceremonies. If graduation is being held somewhere other than your school, familiarize yourself with the ceremony’s location and parking situation.
    • Showing up late is a sign of disrespect to your peers, your school, and yourself.
    • Even more important than showing respect, being late will just stress you out and make you even more anxious.
  2. 2
    Prepare everything you need in advance of the big day. Set yourself up for success so you’ll be nice and relaxed when you receive your diploma. Make sure you have your outfit and shoes picked out at least a day or two before graduation day. Keep any tassels, cords, or medallions with your cap and gown.
    • Make sure the clothes and shoes you choose match the graduation ceremony's dress code.
    • Hang up your gown so it doesn’t get wrinkled.
    • If the gown is wrinkled even if you've been hanging it for days, bring it in the bathroom with you when you take a hot shower. The steam will help release the wrinkles.
  3. 3
    Attend your school’s graduation rehearsal. Don’t skip out on the rehearsal. It’s always best to have an idea of how any ceremony will proceed, and you’ll be much more confident knowing where you need to be and when. Your teachers, professors, deans, or other ceremony organizers will let you know where and how to line up, go over the ceremony’s timing, and inform you about other important details.
    • You’ll also most likely receive instructions during the rehearsal about how to properly receive a diploma as you shake the presenter’s hand.
    • If you are really nervous, you can ask someone there, like a teacher or administrator, after the rehearsal for a little extra help.
    • You might also have the opportunity to practice walking across the stage. Knowing where you have to walk and getting a feel for being on stage can be a lot easier when you don’t have hundreds of people in the audience.
    • Finally, you’ll receive more specific information about any professional photographers that your school has hired for the event. You’ll find out exactly when you’re getting your picture taken and when you should smile for the camera.
  4. 4
    Practice with your friends or family. Asking a friend, parent, or other family member for a little help can help you master the technique of receiving a diploma, especially if it’s your first time receiving a diploma. Use a folder or a magazine as a stand-in for the diploma. Pretend that the person helping you is the actual presenter, and practice walking up and shaking hands.
    • If you’ve received your gown in advance, try practicing with your gown and with whatever shoes you’re wearing to become more comfortable walking.
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Method 2
Method 2 of 3:

On Graduation Day

  1. 1
    Walk confidently onto the stage. Stand up straight, keep your chin up, and don’t slouch. Walk with confidence and take pride in your accomplishment. However, mind your footing, and make sure you don't trip on your gown!
    • Note if you’ve received any instructions about standing up with your row at the same time, or about how to line up and proceed to the stage.
    • Sometimes schools or universities will have you hold onto a name card or name pronunciation card. Know if this is the procedure, and hand it over to the proper usher when the time comes.[1]
  2. 2
    Look the presenter in the eye. Whether it’s your dean, school principal, or another distinguished person, show them respect by looking them in the eye. You also want to avoid just looking at the floor or keeping your head down since you’ll probably have family and friends taking pictures of you every step of the way. Do your best to look photogenic:[2]
    • Remember to smile, or look happy or proud to be where you are.
    • Try to look at your family and friends when they take your picture.
  3. 3
    Take the diploma with your left hand and shake the presenter’s hand with your right. Once you approach the presenter, reach out with your left hand to take your diploma. As the presenter hands you the diploma, reach with your right hand to shake hands. Be graceful with your hand motions, and don’t just grab the diploma and hold it at your side.[3]
    • While you’re on stage, keep the diploma raised up after you’ve accepted it and shaken hands.
    • Shake your presenter’s hand firmly.
    • If you wear dangly bracelets on your right hand, consider not wearing them for the ceremony or wearing them on your left hand instead.[4]
    • Don’t run away after you’ve accepted your diploma. There will most likely be a professional photographer on hand who will take your picture either as you receive your diploma or immediately after shaking the presenter’s hand.[5]
  4. 4
    Continue to watch your step as you walk offstage. It’s easy to lose focus and feel like you’re all set after you’ve accepted your diploma. However, remember that there’s still an audience out there, and you don’t want to trip and fall or look sloppy. Continue to mind your footing, keep your head up, and walk with confidence.
    • Again, either professional photographers or family members will be taking your picture, so proudly present the symbol of your accomplishments.
  5. 5
    Know when to change the tassel. The tassel on your cap symbolizes your transition from student to graduate. Some schools or colleges will have you move your own tassel when you receive your diploma, or have the presenter to do it for you. Sometimes, all graduates proceed with tassel change in unison after everyone’s received their diploma.
    • Traditionally, the tassel is worn on the right side of the cap before graduating, then is switched to the left side during tassel change.
    • Your ceremony’s organizers will give you more information on details like tassel change at your graduation rehearsal.
  6. Advertisement
Method 3
Method 3 of 3:

Ceremony Etiquette

  1. 1
    Avoid boasting or making a scene onstage. Some graduates pump their fists while they’re on stage or grab the diploma without shaking the presenter’s hand.[6] Being on stage is certainly a proud moment, and it’s the conclusion to years of hard work. However, this type of celebrating is rude, disrespectful, distracts from other graduates, and takes away from the prestige of the graduation ceremony. There will be plenty of time to jump for joy later.
    • Remember, the title of the song played at most graduations is “Pomp and Circumstance,” which implies that the ceremony involves dignity, formality, and tradition.[7]
  2. 2
    Return to your seat and let your peers have their moment. Before and after receiving your diploma, allow your friends and fellow students to have their own proud moments. Don’t be a distraction, and don’t applaud or shout out to your friends when they cross the stage. The person who announces the names of the graduates will most likely direct the audience to withhold applause until the end, so you should respectfully follow suit.
  3. 3
    Let your excitement out when it comes time to throw hats. Some graduation ceremonies include hat-throwing or drop confetti. That’s when you can scream, shout, and jump for joy. Be proud of yourself and your accomplishments, and breathe a big sigh of relief.
    • If you don't want to have to search for your cap after tossing it, you can always just wave your cap in the air.
    • Keep your diploma on hand after the ceremony to take photos with your friends and family.
    • While you're celebrating, make sure to keep your diploma in good condition, especially if you receive the actual copy at the ceremony. Don't lose it, and keep it safe so you can proudly display it in a prominent place when you get home.
  4. Advertisement

Community Q&A

  • Question
    Which side is the tassel on at the beginning of the ceremony?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Traditionally, the tassel goes on the right side of your cap at the beginning of the ceremony.
  • Question
    My diploma was not received. What should I do?
    Tom De Backer
    Tom De Backer
    Top Answerer
    Contact the issuing authority, i.e. the education institution (school, college, university), and ask to get a duplicate. Also, check if their address on file is your correct address.
  • Question
    I am really scared to go on the stage because I have stage fright. Any advice for anxiety?
    Community Answer
    Attend your school's graduation rehearsal first, as this can help you to prepare for the real day. You can also practice receiving your diploma at home with your parents or siblings.

About This Article

Elle Monus
Co-authored by:
Image Consultant
This article was co-authored by Elle Monus. Elle Monus is an Image Consultant and the Co-Founder of True Image Group. With over 11 years of fashion industry experience, she specializes in holistic approaches to branding, size-inclusive image consulting, and personal styling. Additionally, Elle has had the opportunity to work on several New York Fashion Week shows and has been featured in multiple media outlets, such as Racked. This article has been viewed 57,875 times.
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Co-authors: 20
Updated: December 25, 2022
Views: 57,875
Categories: Academic Degrees
Article SummaryX

Accepting your diploma can be an exciting and emotional time that symbolizes all the hard work you’ve done over the last few years. When your name is called, walk confidently onto the stage with your head high. Just make sure you watch your step, since you’re probably not used to walking in a gown and there may be things on the stage. Take your diploma from the presenter with your left hand at the same as you shake their hand with your right. Some schools and colleges will also have the presenter rotate the tassel on your hat to the left side to symbolize that you’re now a graduate. Then, just walk off the stage and rejoice in your success. You should have a rehearsal before the big day to make sure it goes smoothly. For more tips, including how to prepare your outfit for your graduation ceremony, read on!

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