Minecraft may be cool and exciting, but it can also be pretty dangerous. When the sky starts getting dark, you have to be wary of Endermen. You'll die if you come in contact with them and that's no good. However, you can avoid an Enderman attack (and therefore death) just by following these steps!


  1. 1
    Understand that Endermen WILL attack, but only if they are provoked. There are two ways to provoke an Enderman, which you'll want to keep from doing if at all possible:
    • If you strike an Enderman with an object or empty hand, it will become hostile toward you.
    • If you look directly at an Enderman (by putting your camera crosshairs on it), it will become hostile. The moment you look away it will begin trying to attack you.
      • Try backing into a building or cave with only two blocks of vertical space, since Endermen need at least three blocks of vertical space.
      • If you think you may have provoked an Enderman by looking at it, listen for a creepy sound of static and distortion, along with shaking and an open mouth on the Enderman's part. Any of these mean it has become hostile toward you!
    • Endermen will not be provoked if looked at while wearing a pumpkin on one's head.
  2. 2
    Know how to avoid the Enderman. If you are being attacked by an Enderman, then your savior will be water. If an Enderman touches water, it will be damaged. So if you are being threatened by an Enderman, just jump into a nearby lake or river.
    • Endermen will not burn in the sun like zombies and skeletons do, but they will teleport back to the end if the daylight comes out. So, if you see the sun coming up, don't worry if an Enderman sees you; it will probably just go away.
    • It is good practise to carry a bucket of water in your hotbar at all times. When an Enderman is provoked, place the water at your feet.
  3. 3
    Keep the end in mind. The end is a dark spooky place that is only accessible by finding a stronghold and placing an eye of ender in each slot of the ender portal frame pieces. Endermen spawn crazily in the end and it is also the home of the black and purple boss, the ender dragon. Stay away from the end at all costs!
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Community Q&A

  • Question
    What do I do if I see an Enderman?
    Banana Head
    Top Answerer
    If he looked at you, and started shaking, get in a pond/lake/body of water. If no body of water is close, make a 2 block high shelter, and stand underneath it. Since Enderman are 3 blocks tall, they cannot reach you in a 2 block high shelter.
  • Question
    How can I prevent Endermen from spawning in my house?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Endermen hate water, so consider placing three lengths of water around your house. Make a bridge over the water so that you can get in and out. Also, use a glow stone inside your house instead of torches.
  • Question
    Why do Endermen take blocks in normal world?
    Community Answer
    No one really knows, though there are theories. One of these theories is that Enderman were once normal humans, and the cure to return them back to humans is hidden underground. That is why they pick up blocks - to look under them for the cure. This also explains why they teleport - to cover more distance in their search. The reason they may want to be human again may be the fact that water hurts them, and they were so used to drinking water from when they were human. This theory also explains that Endermen are self-conscious, and think they are ugly as Endermen. That is also a reason why they want to be human. It is also why they attack you when you look at them.


  • Endermen tend to teleport into houses on a rare occasion of a full moon. This is very dangerous for because if you look at them, they will most likely attack. So be cautious of full moons.
  • Endermen may seem strange but harmless at first—remember that they are not!

About This Article

wikiHow is a “wiki,” similar to Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-written by multiple authors. To create this article, 23 people, some anonymous, worked to edit and improve it over time. This article has been viewed 108,708 times.
24 votes - 76%
Co-authors: 23
Updated: May 24, 2021
Views: 108,708
Categories: Minecraft Monsters