When you are overweight, it can be difficult to make friends. Some people may make fun of you for your weight. However, being overweight does not mean that you cannot be popular. It is important to not be overly concerned with being overweight, since there is so much more to a person than how much they weigh.

Method 1
Method 1 of 3:

Being Comfortable with Yourself

  1. 1
    Feel good about your appearance. Even if you are unhappy about your weight, you can still be happy about how you look in other ways. Try wearing different clothes, being more confident, or not worrying about what others are thinking and saying.
    • Realize that your weight is not the only thing that matters. It is not the most important part of who you are or how you present yourself to others.[1]
  2. 2
    Give yourself a style makeover. Buy clothes that fit you and make you feel powerful. Being comfortable with yourself is also dressing comfortably.[2]
    • It's also important to dress your body-- as it is now-- in clothes that fit it well now. Even if you plan to lose weight, wearing too-small clothes is not a way to feel confident in your current size.
  3. 3
    Boost your confidence. Act confident in your appearance. Feel good about how you look.
    • If other people do not notice your appeal, act like they should and they will notice you.
    • Fake confidence until you have it. Act like you feel good about yourself and you probably will start to feel so. [3]
    • Be decisive. Take charge of situations and be assertive [4]
    • Choose your spots. Don't exhaust yourself by acting confident all the time.
  4. 4
    Be healthy. Being overweight does not mean you are unhealthy.
    • Staying healthy can make sure you feel better about yourself and your appearance, so maintain healthy eating and drinking habits.
    • Don't worry if you are overweight. You can still be healthy even if you are big for your age.
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  1. 1
    If you love to eat, try eating healthy foods like fruits and vegetables. They will help you feel better mentally. If you like junk food, however, don't eat so much. Try eating a small bowl of potato chips with a diet soda. [5]
  2. 2
    Go to the gym. Working out can help you stay healthy.
    • Try to do a bit of exercise everyday. [6]
    • Do different workouts. Try walking one day and jogging the next. [7]
    • Do some weightlifting. Don't hurt yourself, but see what you can do.
  3. 3
    Don’t be extreme about your weight. Keep a positive but realistic attitude about how much you weigh.
    • Miracle diets or diet pills are unhealthy. If it’s not tested/approved by the Food and Drug Administration, it could be a scam or lead to other costly health complications. [8]
    • Be cautious of developing body issues. If you find yourself engaging in unhealthy eating behavior, make sure you realize it and get help.
    • Disorders like anorexia or bulimia are serious and do not make you healthier or skinnier. If you struggle with them, make sure to talk to someone. [9]
  4. 4
    Relax around others. People often respond to those who are relaxed and at ease. Don’t be worried about your weight and others will not either.
    • Share yourself and your experiences. Others will find you fun and interesting.
    • Have good self-esteem. Feeling confident makes more confident.
    • Think of your favorite role models and imagine yourself being like them. People you admire likely have something that you recognize in yourself. Let your role models bring out the best in you. [10]
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Method 2
Method 2 of 3:

Doing Well on the Outside

  1. 1
    Show your best self. Try to be confident in your other abilities and parts of yourself that aren’t visible.
    • Highlight your best qualities. You may be friendly, gentle, polite, funny, talkative, or honest.
    • Don’t be too shy. Even if you are a shy person, contributing in conversation draws people to you. [11]
    • Have a good attitude. People like others based on how they act, not how they look. Feel good about yourself, your personality, and your abilities.
  2. 2
    Be outgoing. Put yourself out there. Making an effort to talk to people can help you get over being shy.
    • Show interest in others. Make new friends by asking questions and paying attention.
    • Try to be respectful of everyone around you, especially other overweight people (they may want to befriend you due to you both having similar problems). Include everyone and don’t focus on the negatives about any person.
    • Know that not everyone will like you. Even if you’ve been friendly, some people still may not like you. Focus only on what you can control and don’t worry about them.
  3. 3
    Don’t be sad and mopey. Always be cheerful and optimistic around others, since happiness is contagious.
    • Laugh at yourself, especially if you do anything dumb or clumsy. Don’t take yourself too seriously and have fun.
    • Have a smile for everyone. Smile at others to brighten up their day.
    • Be the first person to compliment or congratulate others. Don’t resent other people's accomplishments. Celebrate them for the great person they are.
    • Don’t try too hard. The important thing is to have good times with everyone around you.
  4. Advertisement
Method 3
Method 3 of 3:

Being a Complete Person

  1. 1
    Focus on yourself. Cultivate yourself and your interests. Take some time to work and focus on yourself.
    • Don’t worry about being popular. Spend time with yourself first.
    • Do only things that you want to do. Don’t focus exclusively on what others want to do.
    • Develop a strong sense of self-worth. Focus on yourself instead of popularity. You will be more secure when talk to others.
  2. 2
    Cultivate interests. Have interests outside of those of your friends. Make sure to spend time developing things that you like to do.
    • Learn to play an instrument. Music can help you to learn more about yourself. Playing an instrument can be a rewarding experience. [12]
    • Speak a foreign language. Picking up a new language is difficult, but it can be helpful in many ways. Learn more about a different culture while also picking up an important skill. [13]
    • Read and expand your horizons. Studying is important as well as maintaining good grades. It can also help you learn more about yourself, and the world around you.
    • Be creative. Try out different artistic experiences to see if any fit you.
  3. 3
    Ignore detractors. Don’t let others bring you down. Ignore them so you can focus on positive interactions with others.
    • Be the smarter person and walk away if others make fun of you about your weight. Getting angry at them is not worth it. [14]
    • Don’t engage in negative thinking. If people are mean to you, that’s not a reflection of you. Instead, it says a lot more about them and their insecurities.
    • Don’t let others make you feel insecure. Feel good because of who you are, not what other people think about you.
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81 votes - 64%
Co-authors: 48
Updated: February 16, 2022
Views: 86,635
Categories: Body Acceptance

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The content of this article is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, examination, diagnosis, or treatment. You should always contact your doctor or other qualified healthcare professional before starting, changing, or stopping any kind of health treatment.
