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Great, you were just made Section Leader by your Band director. Now what? Your main goals are to keep your section happy, out of trouble, and to play a good show.
1Understand what being section leader means. Being a section leader is harder than being a non-section leader; not only do you have to worry about your music, but you have to worry about the music of your section. It also doesn't mean you get to be some dictator; you have to help your section. It's a lot like being an administrator on a website; you're a regular editor, but with a mop. You are there to serve the people in your section, not to rule over them.[1]
2Lead by example. Not only will this let your section know what to do, but it is also a very kind method of leadership. You were most likely chosen because of your playing or marching skills; now is your time to pass these on.Advertisement
3Get on friendly terms with your section. When you become friends with your section, they'll be more likely to listen to you, and you'll get a better feel of their playing ability.
4Learn and memorize your music. As section leader, you're expected to know it before everyone else. If you don't know your music, how can you help others with their music?[2]
5Hold sectionals. Sectionals are time when your section is the focus, not the entire ensemble. Find the difficult passages and go over them with your section.Try to start with what they did right and then move on to what you are trying to fix, and then end on a good note to keep them happy.[3]
6Help your section when they need it. Let them practice, but if you see someone struggling with a part or playing it wrong without realizing it, go and help them.[4]
7Hold your section to their promises. If someone said they'll learn a passage by next Tuesday, they better have it down when next Tuesday comes rolling by. If they don't, ask them why they didn't.
8Be understanding. If someone can't make it to the sectional because their grandma died, don't hold that to him. People have lives outside of school and marching band.
9Don't be afraid to goof around with your section, as long as they're behaving themselves. You're still a member of your section, and your extra authority doesn't mean you can't take part in the rest of the section's festivities. In fact, spending more time with your section only makes you a better leader. Make sure the playing around is at the appropriate time and doesn't interfere with productivity
10Keep your section under control. This doesn't mean order them around, but when they get out of hand, let them know. If necessary, seek help from another section leader or the ensemble director. Remember, rehearsal time is limited and essential to the success of the whole ensemble. Keep your section quiet and focused so they don't miss important instruction.
11Listen to both sides of a conflict. If there's a conflict between two sides, you will probably have to be the mediator between both sides. If it starts to get physical, keep them apart and tell someone to get help from an adult as soon as possible.[5]
12Be on the same page as your co-section leader, if you have one. If you're telling your section something completely different than the other section leader, it will only confuse your section.
13Remember the team. No matter what goals you may have for your section, don't lose sight of what is best for the entire ensemble. Each section must work together to achieve what is best for the entire ensemble. Your music directors and drum majors goals should take priority over your own. Also, being a section leader is a privilege, not a right. Remember... with great power comes great responsibility, as said by Uncle Ben.[6]
14Always think about what you could do to improve yourself, you are not perfect. Make yourself approachable and ask what you need to do to improve your skills, or how you handle situations.
15Admit that you are in the wrong sometimes. There is nothing more irritating than having a leader that thinks they are right about everything. You are human you make mistakes be a big enough person to admit your wrongs and move on.
16Do not dwell on mistakes your section makes, address the issue quickly then move on. You know how teachers rant about how we are wasting time by talking, but the teacher rants for 20 minutes wasting everyones time? Don't be that leader, say what you have to say quickly.
17Stay positive if you have a bad attitude the whole section will follow your lead. If your having a bad day tell your section and then push yourself to be positive. This will increase productivity and will keep your director happy.
Community Q&A
QuestionIf my section has a section leader that abuses their power, what should I do about it?I.P.Community AnswerAsk the band director to either have a talk with this person or choose someone else to be leader.
QuestionWhat makes a good leader?VanyaCommunity AnswerA good leader doesn't give instructions and watch others do the work; they lead, They help others, instead of sitting back.
QuestionWhen a non-section leader plays a note wrong or in a rush, can section leaders get frustrated or angry by yelling at players or stress them out? And later, they calm down and say sorry all the time?Community AnswerNo. A section leader should be patient and kind, especially to younger players. They can be firm, but never yell at or stress the player.
- Remember: A good leader is selfless. Take the blame; give the credit away.⧼thumbs_response⧽
- Don't be bossy. There is a fine line between asserting yourself and just being a jerk.⧼thumbs_response⧽
- Make sure you don't get too power-hungry; remember that being section leader doesn't mean you have to control every minute aspect of your section's lives.⧼thumbs_response⧽
- Don't let other people in your section tell you or your section what to do. You're the one that will have more experience, thus you will probably know better than your section. Listen to advice, but make your own decisions.⧼thumbs_response⧽
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