Being a good sport means several things, including playing fair, being a polite winner, accepting defeat with dignity, and being friendly regardless of the outcome of the game or match. When it comes to losing, it’s ok to feel disappointed, but it’s all about controlling your reaction. And the same goes for winning. Everybody likes to win, but that doesn’t mean it’s nice to gloat about it. With any game, the most important thing to remember is that winning and losing aren't as important as playing your best, having fun, getting exercise, practicing your skills, and being friendly with the other players.

Method 1
Method 1 of 3:

Being a Courteous Winner

  1. 1
    Win the right way. There are a number of things involved with winning the right way, and much of it has to do with fairness and honesty. To win the right way, you must:
    • Refuse to cheat
    • Play by the rules
    • Be honest about your actions and the actions of other players
    • Listen to the guidance and rulings of your coach and the referee
  2. 2
    Don’t gloat. One of the most important things about being a good winner is not gloating or bragging when you do win. The other team is aware that you won! You don’t have to rub it in.[1] Avoid saying things like:
    • “Haha we won and you lost!”
    • “You're terrible players, and that’s why we won”
    • “We kicked your butts”
  3. 3
    Be polite to the other team. Remember that the other team just lost, and they need some encouragement right now. They don’t need you being rude, because they already feel bad for losing.
    • Being kind and polite to your opponents applies at all times, including before, during, and after the game. Even if you think you'll beat them, are winning in the middle of the game, or just won, you still have to be nice.
    • This means no trash talking the other team, no making fun, and no telling rude or mean jokes.[2]
  4. 4
    Compliment your opponent. Part of being a good winner means appreciating your opponents’ efforts and skills, and you can show this by complimenting them.[3] Imagine how you'd feel if you just lost. Wouldn’t you like to hear the other team say how well you played?
    • For instance, you can say something like, “You guys played a great game, and I really like how well you work as a team.”
    • At the end of the game, whether you won or lost, you can tell your opponents “good game!”
    • You can also do this in the middle of the game. If one of your opponents makes a great move or play, say something nice about it.[4]
  5. 5
    Don’t laugh at your opponent. Even though the other team lost, it doesn’t mean that they're bad players, and you shouldn’t make them feel like they are. And even if they lost by a lot, you should never make fun, laugh at, or make jokes about the other team or any of the players.
    • Instead of poking fun, you can try offering tips or suggestions that might help them improve their game.[5]
  6. Advertisement
Method 2
Method 2 of 3:

Accepting Defeat

  1. 1
    Give yourself a few moments to cool down. For most people, the initial reaction to losing is disappointment, sadness, or anger. Part of being a good sport is not being a sore loser, and you can do this by giving yourself time to relax and collect yourself after a loss.
    • Instead of yelling, crying, complaining or storming off right after the game, sit down alone for a minute. Take some deep breaths, and try to focus on all the things you love about the game. After that, you can line up with your teammates to shake hands. If you need an extra minute, go to the back of the line.[6]
    • After the game when you're back home, if you still feel like something was unfair, talk to your parents or your coach.
  2. 2
    Don’t quit if you aren't winning. It can be very discouraging when you're losing in the middle of a game, but being a good sport means sticking with it and trying your hardest, even if you don’t think you'll win the game.[7]
    • Playing a game is all about having fun, doing your best, and working to improve your skills, and you can't do this if you quit in the middle of a game.
    • For example, if you or another teammate makes a mistake that could cost you the game, such as missing a vital goal, you should still put in just as much effort as before.
    • You should also thank your teammate for trying, because everyone needs encouragement after a mistake.
  3. 3
    Be friendly and kind to the other team. When you're feeling bad for losing, it can be easy to try to make other people feel bad too. But when you lose, being a good sport means being nice to the other team regardless.[8]
    • Try saying something like, “Wow, you played a great game. Any team will have a hard time beating you!”
  4. 4
    Congratulate your opponent. Both teams tried their best, and you both deserve to be congratulated! Being a good loser means not being angry with the team who won. If you do that, you can enjoy the victory they're celebrating rather than sulking about your own loss.
    • After the game, tell the winning team that they played a great game, and congratulate them.[9]
  5. 5
    Avoid blaming others. Being a good loser also means accepting that you lost, and not trying to blame the loss on yourself, other teammates, the referee, or anybody else.
    • The important thing is that you learn from the game and use that to improve in the future.[10]
    • At your next meeting, think of a few examples from your game that show where your team can use more practice.
  6. 6
    Cheer your team on. Whether you're winning, losing, or have no chance of winning, your teammates still need encouragement. You can help them feel good about their efforts by always cheering them on, telling them how well they're doing, and being positive.[11]
    • During the game, say things like “you're doing great,” and, “come on team, we can do this,” and, “what a fantastic play/effort/try.”
    • Don’t get down on your teammates for making mistakes. Remember that everyone makes mistakes, including you, and nobody needs those errors pointed out.[12] Instead, focus on what your teammates are doing right, and offer helpful suggestions about how they can improve.
  7. 7
    Learn from your defeat. Any time you lose a game, it’s actually an opportunity to make yourself a better player and become stronger as a team. Your loss can show you weaknesses, and you can use this to your advantage by practicing extra hard on the areas where you need improvement.
    • For instance, if you lost a game because your team let in too many goals, then you know you have to work on your team’s defensive skills.
    • On the other hand, if you lost because you weren't able to score enough, then you should work on your offensive skills.
    • Similarly, if your team is disorganized, you should work on drills that will improve how well you play together.
    • Or, if there are team members that needs help with coordination or technical skills, then work on drills and exercises that will improve abilities on the field.
  8. Advertisement
Method 3
Method 3 of 3:

Showing Good Character

  1. 1
    Know the rules of the game. In order to play a game properly and fairly, you need to know the rules. The rules will tell you the object of the game, what's expected of players, and what's fair and what’s not allowed.
    • For example, most field sports have boundary lines, and you need to know where these are in order to play the game properly.
    • If you are starting out with a new sport or hobby and don’t know all the rules, ask coaches, parents, and other players. You can also read books or check websites.
  2. 2
    Play fair. Once you know the rules of the game, it’s important that you play by them and don’t cheat just to tip the odds in your favor.[13]
    • Don’t cheat means don’t bend the rules, don’t lie about how events played out, and be honest about your actions and the actions of other players.[14]
    • For example, if you have an opportunity to score a basket in a game of basketball but can't do it without taking more steps than you're allowed without dribbling, resist the temptation to cheat. Do your best while following the rules, even if it means not scoring.
  3. 3
    Understand that trying your best is more important than winning. While winning is the object of many games, it’s not the only thing that’s important.[15] Instead of caring only about winning, focus on things like:[16]
    • Learning the game
    • Having fun
    • Getting exercise
    • Making new friends
    • Improving your skills
  4. 4
    Give people the benefit of the doubt. There will be disagreements that occur in your games, and part of being a good sport is taking people’s word and not suspecting others of lying and cheating.
    • For instance, if you think that someone went out of bounds but the other team says that player was in bounds, accept what they're saying and let the game resume.
    • Similarly, you can hope if the tables were turned, the other team will also give you the benefit of the doubt.[17]
  5. 5
    Be respectful. This means showing respect for your coaches, yourself, your teammates, your fans, and the game officials.[18] You can do this by listening to what these people say, taking their advice, and not arguing with them.
    • For instance, if your coach suggests that you try a certain play on the field, try your best to execute it, even if you think it won’t work.
    • You can also show respect by showing up to all your games and practices on time, even if you're the best player on the team and think you don’t need to practice.[19]
  6. 6
    Be a team player. Everybody on your team has something to contribute, and everyone deserves a chance to play. Even if your team is on the verge of winning or losing and you think you need an all-star lineup on the field, you must still let other players have a turn, even if they need some extra practice.
    • Players who do need extra practice will never get better if they aren't given a chance to play, so don’t get angry or upset if your coach pulls you to give another player time on the field.[20]
    • Don’t be a show-off, even if you're a more skilled player than your teammates or the other team.[21]
  7. 7
    Shake hands at the end of the game. No matter what the result of the game and regardless of whether you won or lost, you should always shake hands with your own team and your opponents.[22]
    • Shaking hands at the end of a game is a sign of good faith, and indicates that you're more concerned with playing well, having fun, congratulating your fellow players, and encouraging your team.
  8. Advertisement

Community Q&A

  • Question
    What should I do if I often play against players who cheat and the refs don't do anything?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Avoid the temptation to address the cheating in the middle of the game. Instead, talk to the ref and the officials after the game and express your concerns. Try to think of specific examples and give lots of details so that the refs will understand your concerns, and can try better next time. Also remember that being a ref is difficult, because they can't always see the same angles and perspectives as the fans and players.
  • Question
    Why do people cheat in matches anyway? What's the point?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    For different reasons, maybe they feel that is the only way to win and winning boosts their self-esteem, or they don't like losing, or someone told them to.

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45 votes - 76%
Co-authors: 25
Updated: December 5, 2019
Views: 40,363
Categories: Sports Leadership