Is there a beautiful girl in your class who you would like to go out with you? Is there somebody at work who has caught your eye? If so, here are few steps to help you get sexy.

Method 1
Method 1 of 4:


  1. 1
    Have confidence in yourself and your manliness. Confidence comes from having a well developed sense of self and a grounded sense of stability.[1] In specific terms this means not bragging about your successes and being unwavering in your commitment to overcome personal fears and obstacles:
    • Accept yourself. You do not owe explanations for who you are and how you behave in the world. People will not acknowledge you if you have not already learned to accept yourself. This means that you have faced your dark emotions and thoughts, have processed them, reached your own conclusions and have a purpose and ambitious path in life. Ambitious can mean different things for different people, but women admire guys who know where they are going and actively work each day to move closer to what they want.
    • Confidence and arrogance are two different things. Confidence is inner strength, while arrogance is an outer display of overconfidence and an unhealthy obsession with an individual's persona. The arrogant man spends all his energy persuading others that he is always right and can do no wrong. The confident man does not involve himself in such behavior. He knows he is not perfect.[2]
    • You should be able to talk about your achievements confidently without coming off as being cocky. Rather than just talking about how great you are, focus on the impact that the experience had on you. This way you will give a woman a little more insight into your personality and values.
  2. 2
    Be the sexiest version of yourself. You have to want to keep yourself clean and your body lean. Outside influences cannot do this for you. Change and sexual power comes from within. The sexiest thing a guy can do is to understand what he wants, who he is, and where he currently stands in relation to where he wants to be. Next, work hard to get there.[3]
Method 2
Method 2 of 4:

Grooming and Hygiene

  1. 1
    Make sure you have good hygiene. This is important to project a positive self-image.[4]
    • Taking a shower every day or two is a must. Even if you do not sweat a whole lot, it is important to good hygiene.
    • Brush your teeth twice a day, and floss once a day. People do not take this seriously enough and soon come to regret it. If your teeth are a bit crooked, you should consider orthodontics, if you can afford it and feel it will make you feel more confident. A straight smile can make a big difference.
    • Wear deodorant every day. Body odor is not an attractive smell, and nobody around you enjoys it. It is a simple routine that can benefit your friendships and relationships. Most deodorant is not so fragrant that it would be considered "too much". Apply liberally. Make sure you get antiperspirant deodorant every time, as it will save you shirts in the long run.[5]
    • Cultivating a scruffy look can be very successful, up until the time you reach middle age. This does not count those dirty looking mustaches you see from time to time. If you have one, shave it off.
    • Pluck your uni-brow or shave it. Either way, create two brows. No exceptions.
    • Wash your face every day. This helps to clear up both red acne and blackheads. Remember, if you are a teenager a little acne is totally normal. If you are having trouble with blackheads, any skincare product with "Salicylic Acid" in it is a good choice.[6] If you are having trouble with red acne, grab a tube of Benzoyl Peroxide 8-10%.[7] Both of these products are quite cheap and last for weeks. They are the similar ingredients to some of the name brand products, which are typically much more expensive.
    • Using cologne to your advantage is a smart move, but do not overdo it. Wear nice clothes. The style of clothes that you wear does not matter, as it expresses your personality. Your clothes should be clean and ironed (if appropriate). Also, do not wear pants in such a manner that reveal your underwear. This is not sexy. If you are going to wear jeans, make sure they are not too baggy. This, too, does not look good.
  2. 2
    Be seen as the guy who has it together. This means that you have your finances in place, are able to provide for more than yourself and do not get yourself involved in petty arguments.
Method 3
Method 3 of 4:


  1. 1
    Conversation is a cruel mistress who will never fail to frustrate and surprise you. Conversation holds the keys to all the beautiful women beyond her doors. The most important things to do are to open a conversation fearlessly, watch her reaction and realize that it takes lots of practice to converse comfortably.
  2. 2
    Do not swear a lot, but do not cringe when others do either. Everyone does it, most people do it frequently, including the girls you think are completely crazy attractive. Just keep it somewhere between classy and normal and you will look good.

About This Article

Hardy Jean
Co-authored by:
Dating Coach
This article was co-authored by Hardy Jean. Hardy "Coach DT" Jean is a Dating Coach and the Head Coach & Co-Founder of Way Tooo Spicy LLP, a relationship and dating coaching service based in Boston, Massachusetts. Hardy's specialties include trauma healing, self-love practices, and modern dating tactics in an increasingly virtual world. He works with his clients to upgrade their dating experiences through healing trauma, implementing uniquely personalized dating gameplans, and empowering clients to attract partners that they deserve. He has a BA in Legal Studies from the University of Massachusetts Amherst and is currently pursuing his Juris Doctor at Northeastern School of Law. This article has been viewed 2,495,010 times.
14 votes - 79%
Co-authors: 163
Updated: December 3, 2022
Views: 2,495,010
Categories: Grooming for Boys
Article SummaryX

To become sexy, work on being sure of yourself and your abilities, which will show off your confidence and manliness. In addition to your attitude, make sure to have good hygiene, which shows that you value yourself enough to take good care of your body. For example, shower often, wash your face to keep your skin clear, and try a scruffy look, including messy hair or some unshaved facial stubble, to show that you care but not too much. When talking to others, speak with purpose and ease, but watch the reactions of those you're talking to in order to make sure they're interested in the topic too. To learn how to use humor to be sexier, keep reading!

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